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<br /> . —. - —1— - ,.n� _ ____—. __-_'_ —._ _'_ = S .�i `-��' __—
<br /> . r - . _ - � `r. , - . .. - .. - `t' �t`����.�_.
<br /> � j�� , � --'s' ' � - ,.. .. . .._. - -
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<br /> . cdndenamtian ar od�er`takin�of aoY Put af�he PrUpe�ty.ar for caifvey�tce ia liau of condemnation.sre her�eby assigned anc! .
<br /> �al!be qid w Lttida�. = -. '
<br /> In tLe evem of s total t�icing of the Propecty.the proceeds shali bc appfied ta thc sums sawned tiy this Secu�ity ,
<br /> - � L�strim�ent.whettur or not then du�.wit6 any sxcess paid•m B�ower. In the eveiu of a parda!tatcing�,f the Property in , .
<br /> w6ich the faic market value of tAe Psnpe�ty immed'�atelg t�efon the mfcing is eyual m or g�tter t6�1 ihe amaunt of the�wns
<br /> , �secu�d i�y this Securiry Insw�nent immediaceiy befor�tht ta�ing.unicss Borruwer and Exrtder atherwise agret in writing.
<br /> ihe suc�s secumd by ttis`Serurity tnswmerrt shall be�hy the•3cnount of tM proteeds mulliptied Dy tiie following
<br /> � fr�ct�on: (aa the mra!arnount of the sums secunod i�aunodiatety 6efose the t�ku�g.divfded by lb)the fmr martcet value of the
<br /> �mmediatety 6efae the tafdag. Any batanoe shal!6e paid tu Borrower. �n the event of a partial taking di tlie
<br /> Pl eny in which the fair martcet`vatue of tM Ptiopeny imrt�ediately 6efore the taicing is tess than th�amount of tt�e swns
<br /> savrcd immediatety before tfu tat�►g,�t�s Bo�towec and Lender dhecwise agree en writing�uNcss appiicabk law
<br /> othetwise p�vides.the P�occeds shal�6c applied w thc sunis sec�ued hy this Sacurity Instrument whether or aot the sums are .
<br /> — thm due. .
<br /> If the Ampetty is abandoned 6y Baaower or i�at�er mtice by L�ender ro Bamrier that the cond�9nnar affens to matce .
<br /> -= - au award or settle a claim for daraages.Bomnwer fails to�espad,to I.ender witiun 30 days after the date the notice is give�.
<br /> ` l,ender is auti�orizal to wikct and apply the pmceeds.at its c�tion.eitf�r to i�estoration ar repair o€the Ptaperty or to the
<br /> -_ . sums socured 6y this Secwiry tnstrumen�whe�her or not tis�►dne. �
<br /> _- — Unfess=Leader and Barawer ot�s«se agree in writing,anY appiieatiori of proceeds w principal sha11 nat extend or
<br /> _-- . postpone the dne date of the monthly p�;'/�ents iefe�rd to In puagraphs 1 and 2 or change the acrwunt of svch p3yment�.
<br /> - IL Baro�ver l�iot Rdawed; For�ranct By Le��dtr Not s Watva: E�ctension of t�e ame for payment or �
<br /> -= madificatian of amortirr6on of the sums se�ured by this Security Instrument granted 6y l.end�r ta Any successor�n intecest —
<br /> _' , << of Borrower sha11 not opaate to retease the lia6ilisg of the origiaal Barower or Borrower's successors in interest.�[.endes =_
<br /> _ ' shall not 6e a�,uiied to commetw:e pcoreedings ag2�tsc,?�',!:�'ssor ia interest or tefiise to extend Eime far pay�nent or —
<br />--"` ott�e�wisg g.�t�3i anartizatiaa of dse s�us secured!;K�,�r�,g_�eaut7_i,y',�suttment by reason of any demand made by the original __ ---
<br /> =� `',� �anow�Y��irnPwer's successors in ime�esL Au�����i.ertder in exercising aay rigf�t or remeQy shall not be a =_-
<br /> .'.�:- ':-.:waiver uf or prectude t f r e exerc�se o f any.d g M orsm�:< �� ° —
<br /> ° l� Suecessars and Assl�s Baand.Jobrt�!€5'evee�l Lia6ility.Ca-si�ners. The cm�enants and agreements af this _—-
<br /> t=� , •`,'Sec�uity i.nstiument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of l.ender and Bomnwer.subject ta the provisions of ��-
<br /> ' •;� :�uagc�ap�'t�, �orrower's covenanu and agceements shall be}oi�and sewera3. My Borrawec who co-signs this Sec�rity' �__
<br /> .`� Ins�ume»t i�t does nat execete!he Nate: (al is co-signiag ihis Security lnstrument only to martgage.Erant and conKey that �`�--�.
<br /> '���`• ; Boaower's interest in the Pcoperty under the terms of this Seeurity InsUVmen� (b)is not onall obli ect to a the sums °�`�""'� -
<br />`.: ., . P� Y S� P Y �'��-
<br /> 'r"` . -secured Dy this Security lnstrnment:and(c)agrees that[.ender and any other B�cii�wer may agree to eatend,modify.fo�b�u �-Y:x�-
<br /> -^ �•.:qt make,any accornma�at�ons tvith regasd to the'terms of this Secpsiry I��nt ar the Note withoul that Barrower's ���"--
<br /> ry�;�. ...�� . . ' ,• . , �. ,.. :
<br /> ,t f �,.
<br /> , �%.�: ' • �: l3..t,oao Charges. If the Ioan secured by this Securiis:�.�nenf'is.s_b3ecc ur a C�.°:;which se�s mtucimum loan .,°�ae:��
<br /> _ .,chacges and that taw is finaUy interpreted r,o that the intcrest nra�:.�:r toan ch.z'�es c�«:��ca��cullected in connec►ic.� �.��_`
<br /> ' ��• ivrfi the taan exceed the pertnitted lim��s.then: (a)a�-�y such toaf's charge sha[bbe�.�ar3�`�:�oun4�sarY to redace =-- -
<br /> • ;. ,Che charge to the permitted limi�and(b)any sums�[.rrady copected from Becr��;»� -��e.-a:w:���.�liiniu will be 6��' �:�+,,'
<br /> . z:.: , ��.�u,�
<br /> - �_ �-� 'refunded to Burrower. l.ender may choose to make this refund by r�ducing�`s:pcix'�,a��::a�er t1�e��e ar bY making a
<br /> ;:� direct payment to Borrower. If u refund mduces pdncipal.the ied::ction wilr��:.e,tted as a;��rtial prepaymeiit without any r�;;`��::
<br /> E_�.:_ .: ;� prepayment charge under the Note. � �:••;. -_ -
<br /> ��r_� >��z -.�� ' '� 14. Nntices. Any notice to Barrawer provided for in this S�:uriry Instrument shall be�given by detivering it or by • __
<br /> �, ;''*`�A=�� mailing it by first cla.�s mail unless applicuble!aw requires use of another method.The notice shaU 6e directed to the PropeRy •'�'_
<br /> ' � "•�� � Address or any other address Horrower designutes by notice to Lender. Any natice to l.ender shall be given by first class , :.�=�
<br /> '°•� mai]to Lender's address stated herein ar any other address l.ender designates by notice to Barrower. Any notice pravided for . ;�:-
<br /> in lhis Seeurity Inurument shall he deemed to have been givea r,cr Boaower or l.ender when given ac provided in this - �4='=-
<br /> .- f`';�,�.' � ' . - • -
<br /> :,'.,:�, .. �i.:•:f: pazagrap�.
<br /> :-:,. 15.Govecning Law;Severabitity. 71�is Security Instru._,•:-t shaU be gavemed hv F�'�rral law and the law of tize
<br /> . � jurisdictlan in which the Property is lacated. tn the ef%ent that any provisi�n arct�.se of tf:-�.+Secarity Instrument or the Note _ _
<br /> • �onflictv with applicabLe 1uw.�;uch eonflici shall aax::.i."*_'ect other prnvisions oFtt*,:�Se;.:rity(;isisument or the�l�ote which can _ -
<br /> j�_- be given effect witho��^.�cunflictin�pravision. To this end the pravisions��fi��Seccrsy ImtrumenrRstd the Note are . �.
<br /> , t�cl�° ;'+.r:. � declared ta be severubte. � � , "-
<br /> • ,._
<br /> • :'�':` � 16. 8ovrawer's Capy. Borrcr:�•�c w'salt be given one caniarmed capy af the�o�e xr_d c+f�`.s Security In.titrument. ' . ' `,`_
<br /> .,.rq•.
<br /> � ,��,'':�' 17. T:anster ot the Property-cm a Beneticial lnterest in Borrawer. If aIt ar a;y�:Vc cE:he Praperty or any interest in - _
<br /> `��`,,:;.• it is sald or transfcrred(vr if a ber��ial intcrc+t i�Borrower is wld ar traES,f�rs��i�:u norrowcr is nat a natura!per,on� �''==�; :����_
<br /> �� �;; w i t h a u t L e n d e r s p ri o r w ri u e n c o n�e n�.l.e n d e r m a y,at itti o ptian.re quire imrn�.,Xi�:e�a},-�nt in fuU oi'all�ums secured by � �
<br /> . - ;5`=����_ �his Security lavtrumenl. However_;i::�oplian shnU not be exercised by Lender"rf exerci�.i:�s prohibited by federal luw ac af �`'� '•- ��' _
<br /> y� } �'�; , . .
<br /> _ :��:�`'y ':,;;: the date af this 5ecurity Instrumenc.. f,�. .,• , ,.i`.;',`
<br /> ' ,,,,::., If Le=�er cxercises�hix optioc�.G��'�der tihaU givc Borrowcs R�ticc of acreleration. 'iT::�:4�ice�hall provide s�periud af �• � ,;.:�, ��::=�
<br /> 5'' . .i 5�! � .
<br /> ••• •� •� �; ` not less than 3b day4 fmm the datc the���iirc is dcliv�KCd or maiteA within which Boauwerr-��:pay tdl yum�secured by thi.�
<br /> ' •,:Z' ' . �` , � �,'' ,�;
<br /> , ,��,,.; ,., �' , Security Instrument. Ii Borr�wer fai1�to pay these �umv prior to thc expimtian of thi�reriocf. Lender may invoke any f f,.
<br /> . , � remedies permittcd by thiv Security Instrumcnl wi:'�aut further na1ire nr dcmand cn 8orroa er. ,.
<br /> �� ,"''' , 18. 8orrower'A Ripht to Reinstate. !f Borrower mects crrtain cunditir.,x. 13orroaer chall have thc righl to have �
<br /> '�' "i�`r� enforccmenl af this Security In�trumenc di+c�ntinued at nny tinte{�rior ta thr eartier of: ra.�S day�lor such oiher period as -�
<br /> '�r t�'';7;; . _ r..
<br /> '�'� -,.'i,i��'�;� Sin,IcFama�--fannie�tyr/E'reQAkH�ct\I�i4i�Nl�ti'FRCNF.�1-tr..'�+--fovcn:u�t� 9l9A �pue�•�n/h�tq�v� �
<br /> • ' �,�ft.�.. ••� ' �r �,"'..
<br /> '.1.,�� °�' . ' . .
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