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<br /> . c�demnation orad�er taicing o[�ny pa*t of tbe @tcipe�ty.a for conve}a�xe in lieu of rasdemnatian.�tn c�rebY a5signed and
<br /> ' ���W�h'�� - ds sttatl 6e� lied to the`sums Secored by this Security
<br /> In the event of�total taking.o�tltc Ptoperty. tlie praca OP�
<br /> U�suumen4 whcthec a nEx then due.v��ith any eacess paid to Borrower. In the evenFOf a p:taial taking o!t!�P►i�perty in
<br /> � . whish the faic maricet value of the Ptoperty immed�ately before the tal:ing is equai tu or�rate�shan the amount of ti�e uamc=
<br /> ` secured by this Security instrumeot�mmetiately 6efore the taking,untess Botrow•er and i.a�ndtr otherwi�se aSree in writing.
<br /> �:s�$� �y tt�is Seciuicy lastrumrnt•shaft be reduced by the amou[�of the p�ocecds muttiplied by she fottowing �-__T-__-
<br /> fractiort: (a1 ti�ta�•anauat of tfte sunss sccuc+�immediately 6d'ure�e ta[►ing,divided 6y lbl the fair market vnWe of thc _._ _
<br /> ,p�m,{������r b�fore the t�king. pny Is�lance sf�ali be paid to Bortuw•er. tn the event of a partia[taking of the
<br /> � , ptopecty ict whic�the fair marlcet vatu�of the PrvpeRy immediately before the taking is less tlwn tTie amount of thc sums
<br /> � secuned immediacely beforc the t;�king. unless Borrow•er and Lender othenvise ag� in writing or anless appluable law _
<br /> ,. «he�,ise prmriQes,the p�noeeds sdaU be applied to tl�e siuns secured by this Security tnstrument whetAer or not thc sums are_ --
<br /> t1�m due. -
<br /> _ � ?f tiie Fropetty is a�rtdaned by B°n°ue�.or if after notice•by Lxnder ta Barrower that the condemnor offe�s ta m�ice --
<br /> en arvard or settle a cl�im foc damages.Borruwer faits tn�esgond to L.ender within 30 days after the datr ttie notice is given. �_,___-.
<br />- - ' E�kr is autfwrized to mllect and'appty the proceeds.at.it�oPtian-either to restoration a repair of the Property or to the
<br /> --- sums.secured by Wis Security ln.�trumen�wheti�er or.nnt:.tJtetidiie:. : ------
<br /> ..;.,
<br /> iJrtfess t.eix3es and Bormwer at�etwise agiee:iti;.tvtitiss�„aa�apgJicAiiaa of pra;eeds to principal shall not eatend or . �.____-
<br /> � _ po.stpobe t6c due date af the monthtY P�Y���s�ferrsd Co(n pm-sgtuph.41:andZcu chanpe the amauni.oF such pay�nents. �,��i
<br /> '�:'. tl. $on+o�es l�at Relea.M: For6tatance: Hg Gemder:Vot a Waiver �Exierision'of the time for paymcnt or �.o-._-��
<br /> -? mpdificatlon of amattizatiort af tE�e sums secw�ii;&Y dn4 aecuriry Instniment granted fly l:.ender ta any.successar in�nte�est. — __--_ ---
<br /> - ` . af Bamuwer stiatt nat operace in c�eleasc 1he.liatsiCty af th��ciginai Barrower or Barrouters:suc�ssacs in interetit.L.eader . . ______
<br /> ` sfiall nat be cequired ta commeni�e pmceedlrigs:again+t a�r.y s�icce�.�os in irtterest or refi�.�bu eict�time for p�yment or �� -
<br /> 'S._' _
<br /> - - atherwisc irwdiEy amortizationoftfie suzu.r•hc�cured:Uy�i�;�uirity Instrument by reasan uf any.dt:maniimade by the originaP -
<br /> :-� _ � Bqrrower or 8orrowec's.successors in inte�rst: A�ry Carheac�ce by i.ender in eaercising any rigl�tocieiitedy shall not be a ��,�,,�,_ :
<br /> __ . . waiver of or preciude the exer�cise of any ri&licnr.�medy:.:`.;: ,• `":� ��-_
<br /> - = 12. Successorsaad Assigns Bound:dtiiaf atidS'�sr�Liability;Co-s�8ners. Thecovenantti�t:agreertreius of this ��r���-,_
<br /> ' � Security Instrument shali bind and 6enefit ihe suec��sms:arui assigns af L,ender su�d Borruwer.subject to ihe pruv��ions of _
<br /> •�• , � paragrsph 17.Borrowers covenants and a�ine�i�shss�I;i�joim and severai.Any Borrower who co-sign.s thi}:�rity , _
<br /> Instrmnent but dc�es not execute the Nnte:�1aFis��'�gi��cim Secur►ry Instramertr°Tit9 to moAgage.grant an�can�ry�hat . = �--- _.
<br /> � ' BorrowEr's intems��n tAe Property under ttae teiassa��i?sS�►.iinry[nstnut!en� Ib)is not persanalty obligated to pay the sums . �` � �=-
<br /> �;� '�.�.�� � secured by this 5�vrity(nstrumenti and(cj�_tiiat�.i�sd�and.ap�!:.iiln�Bo�rower may a�ree to extend.modify.forbeat „::.���:._t: ,
<br /> •c or make any accammodations witfi regard ta iTre tert�ss;�k:.iliis'Se�:W�i-�,Lsstrument or the Note wiihout lhat Barroweis ;- �'
<br /> -. :� consen�� :=-..-.::,'.,. t ; ., :r�--��:� � -'�_
<br /> , •`'' ' 13. l.oan Charges. If ihe loa�t+ecured by this Secerty�Instramra�.is tu6ject to a law which sets maximum loan .� -,. �� �.�
<br /> . -Fr� . �r7, -
<br /> _.t��� � charges.and that law is finally interpteted sa tir�the interest or other Iasn.ciiarges coltecte�ar to be w!lected in connection :�r.�``>�,�-,;-"—
<br /> ° - ---- -���: ' a+ith the loan exceed the pe�miitcd limit�.then� t3)any such toan char�<hal!be reduced by the amour�nece�sary ta reduce -'-��'��'•��'���
<br /> > _r• the charge to the permitted lirni�and(b)any utm4 already cuilected frarrs Rurrower which exceeded�mitted limits will be �-���• ��-� '`
<br /> � �,_.,�..,.:..
<br /> g. � :' • � - rr�uccded ta Boaower. Lender may chaase to i��:this ref�i#�:r�duc?n�ihe principal owed ander the l�fote or by making a r;--'�?''`' = :
<br /> ��`�'" ' d3r.:~t payment ta Borrower. If a r�fund redeczs principal.�:�.�!���tion will be treated as a paniaf prepayment without any
<br /> �- � ,. • •-
<br /> ' , prepaymem charge under the Note. ! ` � °. 1
<br /> _ .� �,:,.�,.
<br /> �' i4. Notice� Any notic:e ta Borrower pravided for in thiti Secas'sic°tnstrument shall 6e given by delivering it os by �;,�,-:
<br /> .t;',i T[ ��. .._- • .
<br /> ���- . mailing it by Grst�cfacs mail unlesc applirabte t�w rec{uires u�:e of anather cr�.hod.The notice shaU be direeted to the Property r;�
<br /> ''' � ;;�:�:'F�; � Ad�resc or any other address Borrowcr detiignates by notice to l.ender. :�.n}notice to l.endcr sh�ll be given by fir��t class ��°��
<br /> '� '' ma'.7 to 1.ettderR address stated hercin or an other address L.ender designate.by aatice ta lianower. Any notice pravided for • � '�"���
<br /> .,,;�>:{. >;� .' - Y . '.";<<. s�_-=
<br />: ;� �, �r �, in tfiic Security Intitrument shall be deemed to havc f�een given to Barrowcr ar Lender when given ac provided in this ,` �,f;;,:;;•!f� °u'__
<br /> . .� ;;�� ��. paragraph. .},-:,;,��,. _.
<br /> f;.�k. ' s'±,:.-
<br /> '.? '' 15. Governing l.uw; Sererability. This Security Instrumem �hal(be govcmcd by fcdera! law arxi the law of the . • --
<br /> . ; ` ,�,_,�
<br /> '`;:�. � _.�„�:..•.. ' ; . jurisdietiun in which the Property is loeated. fc��.".e event thut any provision ar elau�e of this 5ecurity Instrument or thc:Note �• w-W=-
<br /> �,...L.-�t. ...W�,, ; . . . .-�. .
<br /> �r.: ._,_, �., .,,� . conflicts witb app lica b te law,tiuc h con f lict s ha t:rn t a f fec t o t h e r p r o v i�i o n s a f t h i r 5 e c u ri t y I m�r u m e n t o r t h e Note which can • :�,.��_-
<br /> • --='-� • be given effect withaul the conQicting ptovision. To thiti end the pr�visi��ati ot this 5erurity l�strum�nt and the Note are . ��=_=_
<br /> s���r, �r� dec3ared tn be sevcrable. . �.'
<br /> ' } g ''�'='-'� 16. Borrower's Copy. 8onawtr shadl Ne give�or_::��r.scr�ed capy of'ihc Note and af thi�Security Inrtrumer.r:., r
<br /> ;_.�_ 1`r C-_� :;�,.:
<br />: � �.i�• - 17. Transfer of the Praperty ur a 8eneficial lnte�.a:�a�arrna•er.�f uU ar any pan of the Pn�r�v or any ir.:�cey1 ia ' , '��
<br /> ' �* " • i:"s�"�;a1d or uansferred lor if a beneiicial intere.t in Bor�oc�er i+s�!�os:.�sr:,ferred And Barrawer i�^i.��s�natural person) . -------
<br /> . �`,;,.�i• at�` . . � c+;;Irout l.ender�prior wriuen ran.�ent,l.ender muy.�d itti a�lion,reyui:����-r..ediute paymeni in fult o'!"all sumy secured by ' L. '•', • ��"';
<br /> t�, •f . � ' CL�4�5ecurity In.�trumcnt. HOWGE'er,ihi�nplion shaii nat he�.�::rciscd by t.cnder if e!carcise is prohibitcd by frderal law aw of ��
<br /> � • � "t�� " �-�.date af Ihis 5ecuriry Imtru�::�� . ��..
<br /> "" �' y : .
<br /> '. � �'� •� if Lender exercises this o�i�x,l.ender sha!!give Bcn:;:;cr nc+tire nf s�rcetcratian."�'he natire+hal1 provide a periad nf ,
<br /> -.�,-.-�.
<br /> •�;•'. -.: • not Iesx than 30 day.r from the date ihe naiire is delivered o::�ailed within which Hum�wcr mu�t pay ait sumy secured by ihi. • �. •
<br /> , - ��� � '�. • � 5ecurity Instrurticni. Ii Borrawcr failti to�a�� thetie�um� {�rior ta thc cxpiraiian vf�hir period. Lcnder inay invakc any
<br /> ',,a` remediex pemiitted by ihis 5ecurity Intitrum��:r•.�.:'lc�u�tG�t�er nntice ur drmand an B��rrrn�rr. !
<br /> � � `�;�.�•� � ' • 18. Hnrruwer's Right tn Kelnstute. :: Borr�c�rr m�.n� rcn:�in c�mditi�,n.. B��rrowrr �hall havc thr right to have � •
<br /> � ���"'��• cnfurccmcnt of thic Sccuri�y ln�trumcm diuontinucd at zn:. !��tee pr}or to ihe c:ulicr��f: i�u 5 Jay.r I�+r.uch uthcr prrial�� �
<br /> �. . 5'... , • � � i`I:��%': '
<br /> ' '�• Siugl�t:imit�-•tancie�f:x�F�eddlr�fac l'�IFORyt t1c'{'NI'SIY.�'f--I���ii„rmt'uvcna�tl� 9/90 Ipuc�'�nl b��uc�r� � ,:c,;.
<br /> •`,•:" .�' . : '�.,..,' . ,
<br /> , � 'Z.iry�ka�� . . . 1 � ` ,. , ' ,
<br /> .. . . :�1,: -�r .
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