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_ _ i�. <br /> _ _ . . ,__ . . _ _ <br /> ..�.. � . '___, • _ <br /> .. _ _�. _� '1.'- . . _ ' " �.�-• -__ — . <br /> � _ . . _ <br /> .�-.., . . .... •.._.a. . ... �. � .-- <br /> �..• . . .' . 'i ..� • ' .. . . .. . . . <br /> '�:, - __ ' . .. ._ . . �_"._�..._...,......_..� _ <br /> __�-_--_-- ,L''i-�.::' . _ . . . . - � . . . /� i . . . . . . - <br /> � ._ � _�_ _ 9� �o2��s - -- <br /> _ .�;. : . , , . . . � . � <br /> � paiuds u�t t.enaor req�ires. 7fi.e;asunnce catria�povidu�g iBe ias�aace sha116e chusea ey Bor��w�s���l.erdes� <br /> .. � �pp�ovai wli�ch ahal!n4t 6e+utteasanably withhetd. if Bori�ower fails to mamt�in cavenge descri6ed a6ave.l.eoderm�y.�t . , <br /> � t.ender's option.obaid covec�w pto�ect l.endet's ri�ict tt�Ptopeity in accordanoe with para�►�Ph T• <br /> • All ias�uaoce policies and reaewals shsll b�accep�able to Lender and slyall include a standud mortgage clwse. Lender� : <br /> ' . ' s`Iw11 tnve the tigix to hotd ihe policks and�waLs. If lxttder s�eGnites,Bo�towec shaU�nmptly give.N Leader ait naipts . <br /> of p�aid prcmiuu�s and m�ew�l nohces. In the eve�t of toss.BorroWrec shatl g�vc.�ompt naicc to the insurance canier and <br /> � L,ende� L�der may maice pmof of tpss iinot made p�vmptiY by gormvwer• ��i be�lied to�atoration or rcpair of � <br /> Untess Lender aad Barower oQ�etwise agi+ee in wtiting,insurance prac �s nnt i�sse�xd. !f�° . <br /> thc R[�peny darttagea.if Ihc r�es[oratiorr oe r�pair ic ua�aniealtY feas�k aad l.endzr�s sowsity' <br /> � . cestatatioer a npair is not eeoaomicalty feacibk or Lendrr�seenri�}r woutd be Icssened,tM insoranee proueeds shalt 6e <br /> app�ied to tbe sums secueed by this Securicy Inswment�wlietber or not then dne.with any exass paid to Bwmvrer. If . <br /> �Boaower abandot�s the Prnperty,or docs thot answer within 30 days a notice fmm i.ender that the insurance carriei has , <br /> offend ta settk a chim.�hen Lender may wltect the inwr,u�ce pooceeds. Leadec may use the praceeds to repair or mtore <br /> the pnope�ty or to p,yy svms secutrd by thi�Security Insmm�ent.wliethet a not then due. The 30�y period w;li begin when _. <br /> . [Iie�otide is given. . _ � : � ' � <br /> ' Unless Leuder and Ba�ow�otiienwise agnx in wcirin�aaY aPPiication.of:provce�to princ�pal shaJt not extend a� <br /> _ postpone.ttu; of thG mtinthly paymentt nferted to�►parag�pt�s t a�2oc eMange the air�ount of tGe paymenec. Ii <br /> u�iec P�ragnP�r`•21 the Prnpetty is.xyuitod by Ltader,Bor�oaes's.righe ta any.uss�uance polici�s aad pmceeds iesuitmg <br />- .. fcout�d¢mage tashcPtaperty prior t�the xqoi�tioiishali pass w I.eadec�t�itieexteat of t6e sums secare��lsy t6is Securit�i:•. .. . <br /> - Insttumant,immediatety.priortattgacc�ui.5ition:�. • ' : . <br /> -� EU Bocitv�wa'�,La�=APPlkat&nnt;.; <br /> -' i��.'l�ccupascy. Preservatia�;;l��nitenaqae 9nd,Protsc�k�;ojittie:�ropecty; ,- <br />=Y l�e6olQ�:'Bomnwer shaU aceupy.establish.aa�us�t4e P►vpert�.�s�Hotrow�r i prctietpal r'�",'�ioa v�ithin sucty days aftrs:.;;� :• � <br /> - - the executiao af ihis Security Instrument and shalt. .��e to�PY��}.as Barrower's principal residence for at .. . <br /> -° lrasi 'oue►-ear afm the date of axup�nc.y. wiiesb.:��der;od�r�vise agrees'�� writing, wluch consrnt sh3U aot 6e _ _ <br /> - ��-.wrthlKtd.or unless ezta►uating c�o�mC�s e�:s��ich are beyaid Sormwer's shall not; . -- <br /> - demay�d�n�ige or impair the Prupercy.a1MvP the Property ta de�'�si�cats.or com�»it waste on the Pruperty. Borrawer sha1l :� _ <br /> - 6e in defa�ia iF any fM'feiture action ar proceedinS.wl�e►her civ�:�;� begu�that in Lender's•goad faith judgme� . . _ <br /> =�s couM resul�bi forfeiwe�e af the Plropert�i or otherwise materially•impair [he�lien created by this Security Instrument ar ..= . �_� <br /> Lender's security interes� Borrower may cure sucti adefault and prG.�:�3ed in paragraph causing the action �--�-- <br /> __ q�p�e��g to be dis�aissed with a ruling that,.ui 1.ender's good faith detemu��'*an,precludes fotfeiture oi the Borrower's ��•- <br /> '� interest in the Propecty or other matciia4�mpaim►ent of the lien created'6y t�iis Securiry tt�trument or tender's s�urity_ ��' ° �`:�„', :,.-: <br /> - '�'" int� Borrower shall atso 6e in default if Borrower. during ttie laan app!ication process. gave materialty false ar ' � <br /> - inaccurate information or statements ta i.ender(or faited to provide Leader with��y matecial informationl in cortnection with '='"t"�- <br /> �',.�>', `��:�, <br /> , 4 the loan evideneed by the Note. inctuding, but nec Gtnited to, representations coirceming Boaower:s occupaney of the _ <br /> Pruperty ati a principal residence. If this Security 4n�urrsmer►t is on a leaselwtd.Borrower shall com 1 with alt the visions ��'%�'••- — <br /> P Y P� ��r�-._�--- <br /> af the lease. If Bortawer acquires fee title to the PcvQesty.the feasehuld and the fee title s6aU not merge unless l.ender agrees �t.�., <br /> to the merger in writing. " —__-� <br /> •.�,- 7. Protectbn of Leeder's Rigbis in tlK Property. tE L�u�nwer fails to perfonn the covenantc and agree�5 . e <br /> ' '�" contained in this Seeurity Iactrume;`�.or there is a legal prac�:���sg lhat maY significantly affect Lender s righ�s in��:. 1 <br /> '� ';.: Praperty(such as a proceeding in bankiuptcy.prabate.far condemrianon or farfeiture ar ta enfone laws or cegn ta tions►,t k�-. �;: <br /> . �,.,,, <br /> • �-'-Y-. l.ender may da and pay for whatever is necessary ta protect the vatue of the p:vperty and l.e�xle r?s rights in the Properry. � ;?. <br /> Lendei's acuons may include paying any sums secured by a lien wfuch has priority over this Security Instmment.appeannS' • '::,,� ;:�k <br /> '•f,J;.�. <br /> � in court,paying reasonabte attomeys fees and entering on thg Pra�rty to make repairc.Ahlu��s�h�det may take nction ;_,.��.: �� <br /> � - under this paragraph 7.I.ender dces nat have ta do so. �� ;: � <br /> . Any amounts disbuncd by Lender under this paragraph?�:-FE berome additional debt dS Borrower secured b}�t,�*::s : ; <br /> Securicy lartcument. Unless Borrower and Lender arc�to other i�r_ns of payment,these amountw shall bea�i^':r�st fmm ihe •;•.� �^�___ <br /> - date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be�x,able,with interes�upo�nolice from Lender to Bosr�roa�_ae'q[KS2"srg :, :• � _ <br /> ' payment. ' , ���#t,: <br /> ' <��. ...� <br /> ` ''1` S. Mortgage lasurance. lf Lender reyuired mort�age ir�r�^ce as u candition nf making the loan secirred b y this �•..,., __. <br /> ' " ' '� Security Instrument. Borrawer shaU pay the prcmium�required z:�7ssaintain the martguge L tit�rance in eftect. li,for arm '.;�,_•�.: <br /> - 'Z,�. rea_`on,the mortgagc insurance cac:ragv reyuired by Lender lap.rew ar ccascs to bc in e.`fect. �orrawes shall pay t'r�: 7:`�•.••`=u.'"�" <br /> `J premiums mquired to obtain��'=ra;� substantially equivulent to the mangagc imur.�nce previously in effeCt, at u c6s�t _ ' �, .���=F,__ <br /> � � ` � substantially ec�uivaTent zc��::���:to Borrawer�f the mongage in.urunee previau�ly in eifect,fmm an Altemute martgage �„. ;;;'. := _ <br /> � '.; •�����'` insuret approved by Lend:r. If y�:b�anlially equivplent martgagc intiurancc cnverugc is not availablr.9orrower tihall pay ta ` ;'� =`''_- <br /> Lender each month u sum equal ta a:�-iwelfth af the rarl mnrt a e in�uranrc remium bcin aid b Horrawer when the '''���— <br /> , ' Y Y S S P 9P Y ''*;�:;:_�----- <br /> �" ' �= iasurance coverage lapsed or cea.�ed r�[+e in effect. Lender will acccpt,uu und retain�hese puyment�as a lncti reserve in lieu --- <br /> _ � ,��,`_%-- <br /> �`' �� " , af mortsage insurancc. l.o�c rescrvc�aymcnt�may n�tnngcr t+c ru�uired,at thc opti�m of l.cndcr,if mongagc insurance ; ,m;..;_.�_�_. <br /> • ' cavcrage�in the amounl and far the period that Lendcr rcNuirc�)pr���icted hy s�n ia�urcr apprnvcd by Lcnder again becames ;�.; • �-• =.�-- <br /> �:. . �. <br /> - ' ava�table and i4 obtuined.Houowcr shalf pay the{�remiums requircd ta muintain mongagc rosurance in to provide a •, ''�'�°..•� <br /> Im.9 reyeive.until the rcquiremcnl f�r mongage in�urance cnd�in uccard:mce with any writtcn agrerment t�ctwcen Barrower t�r ��:�'.�'r:-�;�:`'� <br />� .,-,�'' , „ and Lendcr or Applicablc law. ' �, <br />',' � , `�'• �j•1 �° 9. InspeeNon. l.ender or itti�ent may m.�kr reason�ble emries in.pectionti,oP thr Prc�perty. Lender�hul! ' "'�'• <br /> i7�.,,�,,, _,.; ��4 � • ''�'ii7,:�� : <br /> . �_ • .K-'i-,. ?;°.' '. give Bonuwer natice at the timr of or priar ta an in�pecti+m tipecifqing rca�onable cau.c for the intipection. , <br /> ' "�l�.-�."�'.'`'t ti . 10. Cnndemnatian. T hc prucce dti o f any awar d nr�Iaim to r da m i►ge�.d i r c c t o r c c m�:c��u c n t ia conncctinn with aa y <br /> . -.4�• <br /> � � ''4.'�" S i n g�c F:unil y..Fannic 31x/FreQdle�1ar C�IF'UH1f I\�TRI�1F.Y1'••l.�ulomi Cu�� 4.'90 �pri:���,lhpuie.�r • <br /> '�" ' Great Wn Ru.mrtc•Yntnr�.lnr■ . <br /> ','�I�. �a,ti."' ' . i , 7o CKS�!Cilf tdffM).^•;tOR7�Y,t"1 VA�616141-11'{t � � . . . <br /> i�t+ . ,1�� - ' � � <br /> �� �` <br /> . .. _ . — .-- '•t}�. - - .., . . ' ' . ' . ..;�n.��:-•_.__`-�_-�:--��--' '.- ';it!�:.�. .. . _ . . ... . ; • <br /> : -:� ;7�i;iti�,�. . , ' . . r. . . . . . �'.� � � ... . . , . . <br /> a•KW-::,•.i.��ix.� . - , ' !, . � ' ' . � �. . <br /> �:' � a:. - . �. <br /> ' S� <br /> � <br /> _ _ -: ' „ '_ _" _.. ._ . ..-. __.�_. . . .._ _ _ _ _ . _ . 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