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<br /> - ;��� : - � �.. ., . ° .�2'� �02'72J �� _ �
<br /> - � ,pqi�ble V�v m�►x.spoc�jr r«�a�t�ber«e`�e�t6e rcc�peCCy�uswiu' ��►powe�o� ' .
<br /> a � a�le co��ta�ned�hn tA�s
<br /> Socurigr.Ta+amne�a(b)amY+P�a judQnaK enfacies tbis SeFUrity In�caun�tat. 1'ha6�e condipons m tJuit Bonuwer: (�). .
<br /> . �Prri�all sunn whidr tl�en wauld be due wder t�s Sdvrity M.�trument si�d tbe Notc as if eo aooet'aation 6�d
<br /> accu�red:tb)caoa�y def�elt oE r►y atber cvven�ets a s�anent�{c)gsy�s ail aapensrs inc�r+eQin enfaring ehic Secu�itY
<br /> iasnamm�.includin�Mnt nat limited ta zraso�D[e attom�Ys�fee�;aqd tdl takes such actiati as E.etider atay r�asa�abtY
<br /> , tnquite W usue that tLe lien of Ibis Security Inmuttient.L�deth rig�its ip tbe�copeny and Bolmwer�s o61i&ttion to pay IhC
<br /> swns savred`l�y this Securitg Insbweent `shall caa6nue nnchui�ed. Upas reis�ttatem�ent by BamweG this.Savnry --
<br /> In.sfn�mmt iod the o6iigacioas sav�ed tr�neby�iwit rzmsiti fislty cffe�i�r ss if ren�cekrati�had accuried_ Na+��ver.tt�is -_-��._
<br /> right w cee�t�te shail aot apply in tt�e case ot acaieratio+t under p�grapis i7. - �
<br /> 1! Sde d Na�e;I.'riqe d.Laa Sertit�w 11it Nae a a paitiat interest in the Note(together with thia Sa�uiEy ,
<br /> Inswmen�)maY 6e soid ar ac more times witAout prior nutiee to Bo�mwer. A sale may c�esult irt a clmage in tb�rntity -
<br /> (irnown as tAe"f.osn Senrix�")dut colteas mornhlY�Ymrnts due�u�der the Note and this Socnrity Instrumen� 'it�ere atso ____
<br /> msy be aae a mar ch�nges of tt�e toan Servicer u�etued to a sak of tht Nota If there is g change ot the l.c�an Seivia�. -
<br /> Baaawer will be given writtea�otice of Ihe chaage in an�idmce with puagraph t4 above and aPPticabk l�w "tlie notke
<br />- wiU state the nu►x aad address ai the�aew Lwn Savioer aix!the address to wtdcd paymeats shaatd be ma0r. 'ibenatice wiil _
<br /> �. atso contain any othet Woc�re�Nu�ed bY�P'Plicabk law --
<br /> - 2�. Hwrdo�a Sa� Barower sf�U not rause or pemut tLe presenc�use.disPosal•sto�ge.o�nekase oi aay
<br /> Haza�d�ws Substancxs an ar in tfie P�opercy. Barower shafl not dcr,;:na allow aayoAe eise to do.anything uffecting the _ �
<br />-= ptoperty t6u is in vidatian of sa�r EnvironaKntal i.aw..Zbe pteo��1?�:t�senteaces shal!not apply to t6e p�esenc�use.or ____ -
<br />-- stn�age on the pcopecty of small quanaiies of Harerdous SubsLui�lt�t�Be�Y�08��ta be apponpriate ta nom�ai -�--=
<br /> nesidcrrtial nses and to maintenance ot the Prnperty • ;;:�f!;,.:�:`_':• - ,.. - --
<br /> iii rtaim,demand.tawsuit o�other action by any �.��=-
<br /> Haauv�er shail ptamptlY Sivt I,.ender written natice 4�s�qY-jii'v�i'L�; � .,, ���;�:
<br /> ,ende
<br /> g�v�e�t ar�egul�uxy agenc.y a private pany imroiv@ig tke k�up�.au�k_. ` Hazanlous Substance or E�tvironmental �a.-
<br /> Law af which Bormwer tms actual hwwledge.� if Bacrower le�n;�;.�art is m�eA Dy any govemmentat or regutatory ����,--
<br /> _ aut6ority,diat uiy ce�mvat or aher rcmedation of any Hazandous Sab"s�a�ting the Propecty is nocessary.Barowes ��.��,
<br /> si�ail p�omq�[[y wice all�arY mmMial actions in accordance with Envimnn�entai�Law. �:�•._-
<br /> As use�t in this pvag�aph Z0,"Hararcbus 5ubstar�ces°are those substances defined as toxic or hazatdou.c substanoes by �:.�__
<br /> � Environ�ntal Law and the fopnwing substances: gasoline,ketosene.other tlammal�le or toxic petraieum pmducts.toxic '
<br /> �.-'�.-�:
<br /> •- �, pesuc�des a�ad herbicides.volatile solvents.materials containing as6estos or fom►aidehydc.and radloactive materials. As ��+,
<br /> -= used in th"ss paragra{�h 20"Fnviranmental Law"mea�federal laws artd laws af the.jurisdiction where the Propem►is located �;`;',T.r:-
<br /> � � that r+elate to health,safery or environmental protection.
<br /> -:v NON-UMFORM,CUVENANTS. Borrnwer and Lender further covenant and agree as foitows: '.`;,�':t;.�.��:
<br /> �;t. °'. . �i. AQCeier�tion,RenKdies. Lender s6aQ ghe aotice to Borrower rfar to acakration tdM�Barr�wer� -
<br /> p e:_�:;�±
<br /> - breacL 6!�covenaat or agrament in this Security I�trnmeot(bat not prior to accekratbn under pangrapb 17 z�.�.3�,;.Y�.��
<br /> ' DpIlS,q 7�I!IaN pf OYI�I@S OlUl�WjSC). T1K notice stu�tl specity: ts)the defaull:tb)the adion requiced to cnre t6e Mr
<br /> ��:;, defwlh tr.�mdate,�ot kss tbsn 30 days trom the d�te the aotice is given to Borruwer.bq wAich the de�aWt must be ,''���i:.+'
<br /> ¢urM.snd(d!�t fa�u+e to cure the de�swlt aa or be[ore tLe date sper1tkd in�tie notice may rcwlt ia aood�allon ot �;.����,
<br /> � �:�. t•he sums sec�re�t�t�is Security lnst�vmen!and sak ot tbe Propecty. Tlee aotice siwU Wrther inlona Borruwer ot . .�`__
<br /> s� -
<br /> � `=L {ik e1�t ta�a�e aRer ncceleration and the r�ht to bdn�a court Actio�to a�ert t6e non�exi4ttace of a ddaidt or - ;. : ..
<br /> .y"- � ,r.' aay pthe�e�ir�r.se of Botrower to accekmtion und sAk. If the del�alt is not cured oe ae bef4re the date sptcifled in-. . ,�•`=.
<br /> ; _ the notice.�der at Its optioa ms�y require immedl�te psyment IA fuU o�all sums sea�re�E 4F�tfiia Security IastrumeM . ,.Y•
<br /> �:.�: >,
<br /> withaut furtBec demand and may invake the power ot sak and any other remedles p�ed by applicAble Isw ��' .',' `•:_•.
<br /> ,� _, .:;�: I.ender shaD be eat�tted to colkct all expenses incurred in pursuing tfie remedies pra�i�ed in this parxgrapb 21. '�,,..,., ;::�;�:•,.
<br /> • • ��' ����'"' intludiag,but not timited to.ceasonable attorneys'fee4 and msts ot titte eridence. =� ".
<br /> ="``" '' �` It thepqwer of sate is invoked,Truster shall record a notice ot detaWt in each coanty.ut whicb any part ot the �� .
<br /> � '��� .�"'� ' properly i�'l+�Ked and shal!mail cop�es ot xuch notice in the m�nner prescribed by apQlictfsl�Law ta Bo�ower and to •
<br /> �.;���-`•�. tlk other p��itq��ibed by applkable law ARer the Nme requlred 6y upplicable I�:�,'�Yushe sha0 gtve public .,
<br /> _ ,.r_ � notke ols�l�i��;l��ir�s and in the manner prescribed by applkable law 7Y�uste��at dema�d oa Borrower,
<br /> sh�lt sell the�i�iy;su:t#�blk auctbn to the highest bidder at the ttme and pl�ce and ahder the terms designated In
<br /> j'r'- '- rr �' � the naNce ot sale in ox��jc more parcels and tn any order 7lrustee determine�.'ti�i�stee m�y postpone s�+�e of aU or any
<br /> •' .'��t-'�:Y-.::: paral ot the,Property by publk aeaanncement at the tlme and ptace ot anf par��eausty sc�edukd sale. Ltnder or its
<br /> �.f�.., . . . .
<br /> . � _•��: designee nr�.��urchase thr Propertg��:t.;�ny sale. _
<br /> • � �a�`•• ppo�s.i�:eipt ot payment oi tb�1}�bid,7lrustee s6�11 cieLt�ttc to the purchaser�a�t�'s deed canveying Ae
<br /> k� • � �'�"_' . propert}. '�il�te recitals in the 7lruster'�:di.�ed st�U he�r1ma tacie��`vdence ot ihe 1rWh of#�rr�#atements made therein. - ,.
<br /> 3 _ 'lru�tce sfiafl apply the praceed9 v/the�+,���:�'aqi��m�order: (al to all casts and expenses of exercising the power ,
<br /> , _ . r .
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