;. �.._
<br /> - - - _ �:�.
<br /> -- ..- -- .---_ . .-: ._ — _�.. _
<br /> __"� '.Y ' �. � ..r_ Y.• . " .. . ".. —. ..
<br /> . . _ �_ _ _-" • -iLj.i_1�..-,_
<br /> � �.
<br /> � . : ,. .- � _�
<br /> _ - .- .�! . ..
<br /> .'. .. .,. . R -. . � �
<br /> �{ _ =['.. . . .�i _ _ `.f_ _"_. ..-_. - �" . . —. ..
<br /> i. �. . " i . � _ � l .. C_ . . . ( . ,, . , . . . , .
<br /> - - � . � . �: ,_, _ - - �_ .. � . -`�2- i��'729 ��� . . - . : - � - � ,��
<br /> � � Toc3E7�a�Jl wm�.n me im�+m►e�s uow ar ne�after e�ected on�he papeKy.ano su e�semaetsc��•
<br /> ad fu�qr�es oorr a l�aatier a p�t of thc pope�cy. AI!rept�oemarcs�nd ad0itiaas shail dsa 6e c+avarQ!7 ttus Savr�ty ` .
<br /> Imt�woent. A1i of tbe fae�oio6 is refemed tn ia Uds Soruriry irouument as tlie°PrupettY•" . ; .
<br /> BOR[tOWQt tb1►ENANt'S tTut Barowar is lawfuitq sei�sed of ti�e estate ikcel�Y caaeyed and has the rigUt tn 6rant ,
<br /> and convey the Pmpaty tad ttit the Pmpeny is wiencumbare�oaaept far encumar�ncss at mcad. BpRO�Ker.warriots�ed
<br /> w�ill defa�d�e�r�1Y tht titk ta�tlre Ptupaty s6ainst di cl�im�snd demands,subject tn any encumbranoes of rccocr�. � .
<br /> .THIS SF.CpRii'X II�TS�'RUM�M'combines mrifam mvrnams for_mti�nai use and:nai-unifotm rnven�nts wit6
<br /> , . himited vatiatiais by jutisd'ictiau to c�tituot s unifa�m seauity�ment cnvering tea!gmpertS. . � . ; -
<br /> UPi1FORM COVENANTS. Baruwa atd Lender covea�lt aed ag�oe as fotlows:
<br /> _ L ��Mat at Pri�cilpl sb IMa+�PreW�e�t a�d Lat�C�fr�e�.�8om►wcc shati piaimpdY WY wha�due tAe
<br /> priocipal uf.snd interest on the d����by thc Note aed any p�ayrf�crtt and tate.ct�rgl's d�ee andes tht Note.
<br /> Z Ftitls fae Taxa sM IiwrMCe. Subject w applicaMe laar or W a wnturt�woivcr by��.cqder:Bamwa sb�tl�ynw ..
<br /> I,mdetun�lx3 day mowhlY P!Y�a�•due rmdcr the Nate.�vnti��e,Note is�paid:in� �sutfi'3°Ka�ds")tor.t:)YeariY
<br /> tues aod�ss�ms whicn may�tain prcvntY over this securiry taatrumnc as s lien��ri(b)Y�r t�w
<br /> . WY�ta,pr�otu�d mnts aa d�e Rnperty.;if.anytr(e}yeariY"l�a�'°r'propsn}4:u►f°eance premiums:(d).Y�Y ��
<br /> '_ ' mwrance:prcmiwas,'if any.(e)Y�*tY�8R���c premutms.•�f'!ury:riu��l�}'�Y���WY��bY Barower to
<br /> _ — Lender�in aoc+ordurce witb the provisions.of�.�:iaSi�c�of tdtFaqr�ent�f,tt#�PBe insur�nce poamums. '!)�ese
<br /> 11N11S�tC q11Cd"LSCIOW ItEtlLS� l.�fidCl'111ayi At a[ly't7IliQa SQIfdM.11lQtll0ld TVO�S��11tAtlaltlOYQE ii0t W C7tCQOd ihC 111aEifilolti
<br /> - amo�nt a kMer for a fcdetaity-ceiated im�sgaga•Iom�m�n taq�iirm for Baaiowec's-'escrt�w�accauat under tbe federal Real
<br /> - Fst�te Senk-ment procedures Act of�I9TA ds�unanded fruru time to tirne,l2 U.S.C.�2601 s�seq.("R�SPA'?.unless another �--
<br /> -- liw tt�at applies to the Funds sets a las�amount.•If so.Leader may,at any time.cotloct and hold Funds in an aFnant not w
<br /> :, exoced tbe ksser an�owtt Lec�der taay estimate the amount.of H�nds due on the basis of cument dapt and nasonabk —
<br /> �:, atimates vi sapmdituzes of future Fsciow[tems or athe�wise in accardu�ce with applicable law. _---_-
<br /> --- • �'�`�'` T6���'1�sliaU be heW in an institution whose depasic�-ur insurod iry a foderal agency.instrummtality.a enptq __-
<br /> -= � (inctotL'og�k•ender,if i.ender is sucb an institution)or in any Fe�roirat Home Lo�n Bank. I�e�3er shall apply[he Fands to pay —
<br /> .-:;,,,- tLe tistmW Items. I.ender rpay not charge Bamwer fa h��and applying the Fwrds;am�oally u�alyzing the esccow -.-_
<br /> e
<br /> acco�aiG'at veritying the Esc�ow Itemti,wdess L.eitder pays Borrower�nterest on the Funds and aPPlicabte law pe�nts �,� _--
<br /> �ai
<br /> • I,eoder to malc�e such a chargc. However,l.ender�y raluire Bonower ta pay a one-6me charge for an iadependent real -^�_�_'•_:.
<br /> _ �tax tspo�ting sen,ke used by I.ender in ca�ec!"son with this toan,ua1�apPlicabte Iaw provicks otherwise. Uniess an ����_,�W
<br />- ^ � ` ag�emem is made or applicabte taw uins iar�st to be paid,l.ender sl�all aot be required to PaY Y ''-'?'��.
<br /> � Brnrowes an interest or �:=-
<br /> that intetest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender ,�`_,°_"
<br /> �:t eamings on ihe Funds. Barower and Lender rnay agree in writing,however. _-��=�:s-
<br /> . - shall give to Bormwer.witlwut charge.an aannat;accoanting of the F�nds,showing credits and debits to the Funds snd the . ��-�g:;
<br /> �k�".i i+�+j
<br /> � - pucpase for which each debjt to the Funds was�. 7'he 1�unds are pledSed as additi°na1 secdrity far all sums secured by �
<br /> � this Savriry Insuttrnettt. :' �l�'>r
<br /> , z ���ds h�b by I.ender exceed tb�asr,ounu pemiitted to be Neld by appiicabte law. lxnder sLal! account ta __-__---
<br /> :, Borrowtr far•the excess Funds in accor:�lance witfir the tequirat�nts of applicablc law. li the amount of the Funds held liy �=�-
<br /> Lendek at�ny�titn��is not safticieat;d paY°die.Estrow Items w6vas due.Lenda may so notify Horrower in writing,and.in �="�:
<br /> . such case Barmwer shall pay[o I.ender tti�•a�r'r.ev!t:necessary'to malce up the�ciency. Boirower shall make up ttie �=
<br /> ' �= ' deticiency in no mare than twetve monthi iti3:at I.ender's sole discretiur►. �"=
<br /> • Y PaY�1i� a��:�._;
<br /> ' �' Upon payment in fuli of all sums secur�ctbj Yhiy�Security Tnswmenk L�des shall pramptly refund to Bortower any :-;:,,���;:.-
<br /> ' '" � I�nde held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21:Leade�shap acquire or sef(ti�Property,l.ender,prior to the acquisition or _
<br /> , �-�� s�le of the Pr+uperty.shall apply any�Fands�held by I.ender at the time of acquisizion or sale as a credit against the sums . . _
<br /> ' seeured by this Seeurity Insuument: ' � �
<br /> •; , ;f; 3. pppliption a�Phymeats. Unless applicable law provides otherwisc,all payments teceived by Lender under � , � _
<br /> -: paragraphs l and 2 shall be applieQ:fus�to anY prepayment charges due under the No1e;seco�d,to amounts pay�bte under -
<br /> �` paragaph 2;third,to interest due:founh,to principal due;and last,to any late chazges dae uoder the Note. _.. ';,.
<br /> � �� 4. Chas�es;Lieais. Borrower shail pay ali taaes. assessments;c[�arges,tincs and impositions attributable to the ���= ,
<br /> �.,. .,.:. -
<br /> . . .i-��• � pr�y.whtch may attain pr�orlty over thts Securiry Msirumert�,and teasehotd payments at ground rents.if any. Borrower . .�.: �..Y,.._`
<br /> � ' � shall paytiwse obligations in the rtsattner provided in paragrag�r�or if not paiQ in that manner.Barrower shall pay tliem an •• .
<br /> r
<br /> "" time direclly to the pe�san owed Qay�usnw� Horrower shall�ro�'_�fumish to Lender ail notices of amounts to 6e paid under , �•
<br /> • ';,., Ihis paragaptt. Ii Borrower malces ttWse paymen�directly:i�c�:c�wer shali�romptly fumish to l.ender receipts evidencing � __
<br /> the paymenu. " ' _
<br /> +> -Y �. . Horrower shali prc+.*;p21y�is:':arge any lien which has priority over tF�s Szcurity Instrument untess Botrower:(a)agees . _
<br /> � �* .� ln writing ta the payrtrent of the ab�r�tion securcd by the liea�n a masiner a�-eptable to Lender.(b)ctx�tes�c in gaad falth the � ; ,•f�n:.
<br /> lien by.or d e f e n ds aga�nst en fotze�►t o f i h e lien i n.t e g a l p r o c e e d i ng s w fi i c h i n t h e l.e n d a s o p l nio n o p e t ate to prevert the +„�:.
<br /> . ' enforcement of thc t4ea:or(c)secares Pram the halder af�he lien an agreem.ent satisfactur}�cs Lender subordinating the Ces► ��,� :• �'�:R;:...�.
<br /> �' to this Secudty 1�ssr�i;enG If i.ender determines that any part of the Pro�ec��+s subject tu a iien which may attain prionty i= `•��%:
<br /> ' � over thls Securlty&ss�men�Lender may give$arrower a notice identifyics��rS.:._licn. Barrawer shall satisfy the llen ar take: {i; •., '.•.
<br /> ;�� � one or more of the�'�rons set tvrth above wUhin 10 days of the givin„of nct�c�. , � - �;+�;::.
<br /> r i-=;:�-';,�,�. ` 5, 1l�zard ar Property lnsurance. Barrower shall keep cL�ir.�provements now existing or hereafter erected e��ie . +-;: �
<br /> " � ,�::::� ' rt ; p r o y e rt y i n s u r e d a g a i n s t l o s s b y f r e.h a z a r d s i n c l u d e d w i t h i n t t�:a:;m"e x t e n d e d c o v e r a g e"a n d an y other hazards,inc[aiii^.g . . .
<br /> � .� � �` �=� '�`' floods or flovding.for which Lender requires in'surance. 'il�is insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and far the ..
<br /> , ,� . . ,
<br />. � . . . .
<br /> �,_��` _.
<br /> s,,•.. ;: <, : � Fons 3S2S �!� I(xrRe2 nJA pogi.+) .
<br /> ..�c;�}t A:• . • .
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