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<br /> • ` co�demna[;Qa or abeer t�i�ing ot aay put of u�e PtopeKY.or tar conveyanae u,`ueu orca�aemn�ioa.are i�e�eb�►essigned an�. -
<br /> � . � sht1E�e p�to La�den. ` ��� ��,�shall be applied ta:xhe s�ms�secuted by this Security
<br /> 10 the�event of a mral uking �-
<br /> � �fim�ent,wtjettKr ar nd il�en due.with any�acess P�id to:Bocsower. In the tveat of a paitiai talring of the PtoptrtY�n
<br /> � whicb tve f�ir market vatue of the.RaRccty immbdiuely 6efoce the tai�ing is equai m ex greater than.the am�uat of the sumc
<br /> ; secqrcd,by this S�riry Inswmeat immediacely 6efore the raking,untess Bortowcr and txrder arthervirise agree in writing.
<br /> ����b ���y Inctn,�Qt shai!he[e�c�by the amount af dte proceeds multiptied 6y tt�foltowing.
<br /> Y
<br /> fractia�: Ia}the tdal amount of the sums secuied imme8iatety before the tak�g,dividod by(b)the tair market vaIue of�Ae
<br /> Ptvperty immedia[ety 6efore d�e tatang. Atry hatancc shall6�paid tcs Sormwes. [o the evau of a partiai taking of the
<br /> Ptopetty iti which the fair ma�lcet vatae of the Propetty,immediately 6efore the taicing is[ess than the amaunt of tlie sums
<br /> � sa�ced immediateiy beEaar the taim►g.nnkss Aomnwer and Lmder°the:wise a�� w'nting or untess applirabte taw .
<br /> otlxrwise piavides.the p[occeds shaU be appGed to the stun4 secured by this Securiry lnshumen[whether or not the su�vs are
<br /> . then due.
<br /> If the Propecty u abandoned by Barmwer.or i�a€ter aotice by Lendes ta Bamwer that the�co�xfemnor offecs tv maFe—
<br /> � ' an award Qr settle a claim for damages..Borrav►er faits to respa�d ta I.ender within 30 days after the date ihe naice�ov� ` .
<br /> -_ — l.ende�i�-aud�oriud to colkct and appty tUe proaeds.at its csption.eitfier to restaation or repai�of the Propei'tY
<br />= � svms secured by this Security Incwmen�whetl�er or not ttKn due. lication of ee,d�c w i 1 shall aot extend ar
<br />_'�: Unless l.enikr and Bornower otl�erwise ag�in writia8-�Y aPP P� P�P� ,
<br /> _-- p�tpone the due dato of die awpthlY PaYments rcferred to in p:uagraph4l and 2�change the amonnt of sucb paymen nt ar
<br />- 11, garco�er Na Rele�sed: Fo�bearance ST u�r Nat a VYti�er. Ex[ension of the time t'a paY
<br /> nwdificafiop of amoRi�auon of the sums secured by this Secarity Inswment gr.+nt�by Lender to any successor in interest
<br /> - - of Borrclwetshall u�operate to ielease the liabiliry of the o:iginal Botm�ver ar Bc�rmwer's successors in interes�L.ender
<br /> 1
<br />:�-,. shall�4 be�eqoitat co cortutKnce ptaceedin8s against at►Y succc�sar in +�.:enest or refrce to e tend time for payment or
<br /> oti�erwice modify amortization of the snms secured by this Security tnswment by reason af any deni;u�d made by the original
<br /> F gorrower ar Bomnwer s sQCCessots in interest. Any fotbearance by l.ender in exercising any right a remedy shaU not,be a .
<br /> ` waiver of ar prectude tt�e exercise of any risht or mmedy. � �covenans and a�ceements of this —
<br /> - � 12. Saoces�ors�Assi�s�d+.Ioint and Sev�al Liability;Co�s��rs. �
<br /> Security lrutrument shal{ 6ind and beaefit the saccessacs and assiPis of Lender and Borrower,subject to the provisums af �_�__
<br /> :}�; pazagraph 17. Borrower's wvenancs and agreements shall be jaegt,�rd several.My Bortower who co-signs this�
<br /> °"°�-_--
<br /> -1,�. ` lnsaument 6ut does cwtesecute the tVVt� (a)�S co-signing.this Secvrity Insuument only ta martgage.gant and convey that ���
<br /> � �t` ; �;. Borrower s intecest in the Proper[y under t![e ter�ns e€ihis Security Instrumedf: �Fi)is noi per5onalty obligatPd to pay the sums �;��,.__
<br /> :���fF;. ` secwed by tbis Security Ins�trumenw and tc)a�sr:.�l.ender and any uther�orrower may agree to extertd,modify.forbear •.' f��,
<br /> of this Securi Instrument or the Nate without ihat Borrower�s .-'�,:,�_-
<br /> 'F::; `or make any accommodations wittt_re��d ta���Terms tY . •._:r�;_
<br /> ;, �' �i:`--
<br /> :; :--
<br /> • '_ ;�;-;`,. consen� . .-�•'�;
<br /> � � 13 l.aan Charges. If the taa�s�:ured�sy.this Securiry Instrument is su6ject to a law which sets maximum toan = .�;�^
<br /> • '�t,-.. charges.and that 1aw is finally interprEted so th�tf�e interest or other laan char�s coltected or to be eoU�ted in conneGion '-�-•_-;�::_
<br /> with the loan exceed the pertnitted limiu•t hen. (aa a:zy suc h laan char ge shatl b�reduced by the amourt ne:�ssary to re.�luce ����;�
<br /> < the chazge to the permitted limit;and(b1 any str.ns�ready coRected from$errawer which exceeded permC�i timixs wil!be , ;,:��-�`
<br /> - - refuoded to Borrower. l.endec may cE:oose ta make ihis refund by;educing tTte principal owed under the No�e ur by making a .3.;;:_.,;_
<br /> - c� `.� P P�+Y , .�_`•�
<br /> � _ , - ���'�. direct payment to Borrower. lf a rz�nd reduce�:principal,the iz�:c�ion aill be t�eated as a artial r ment w�thaai.any .__:
<br /> •,�±��:-i�"�;�`:�; prepayment charge under the Note. •_,-�:•`�.:�,�
<br /> , .-,. - ��;" � .
<br /> ,,¢;,...:; � 1 4. No t ice� Any n a tice t o B o r s o w e r p r o v i d e d f a r i n s h:s S e c u r i t y �s t n sment shall be given b y delivering�i�--6Y -
<br /> e.
<br /> � t�' � ��s ; mailing it by first ctacs mail unless ap�licable law ceqaires use ef another�thed.The aotice shaU be directed co ihe Property _�..
<br /> , �'" '' � Address or any ather adcMe.�-ti Borrau'ec designares by notice to Lender. Any notice to L,ender shall 6e�e:►by first class —
<br /> � ' mail to Lender's address stated herein or any ather address Lender designatcw by natice to Borrower. Any�cuce provided for .
<br /> „� ' .� in ehis S.curity Instrumen� shali be d:emed to have be�n given to Borrower or Lender c��hen given as pravi3ed in chis ,
<br /> �_:: :=:`.:°:_ „
<br /> . ,..r��.�;.-�-=.`': ' Pa�Stzpb- '
<br /> � � �'��`"„�� 15. Governing Law; Severpbilily. This Secusity Instrumeat shall be governed by federal law aRd c�e taw of the `
<br /> r , '�., jurisdiction in which�sa PmpeRy is lacatQd- in ihe event that aoy provision or r�ause of this 5ecurity Ins�e�snt ar ihe Note .. .
<br /> ,' �''. � canfliet.c witb applica'nt�faw.�uch conflict shall noi affect olher provisions of E"s;;s Security Instrument or c��Note which can ��
<br /> - - , be given effect withvut the conflieting prnvision. To this end the provisions of this Security In��trument and the Note are ,
<br /> �' :' ' declare�ta be severa6le. •
<br /> • '".�=- � � 16, Borru�•er's Copy. Borrower ahall be given one cartfo:rsr:c!copv of the Notr and�f this 5ecurity Instrument. . ,
<br /> '•_��'�'=:� -' =K � /7. Transfer of the Property or a Heneficial Interest iu�Burraa'er. If atl or uny pan of the Property or any intcrest in
<br /> `'��^�'•`r"'�'`"�` • it is sold or transfert�d(ar if A henc�cial interect in Barrower iti sotd or traa�ferred and Borrawer i�.not a natural person) :_
<br /> '�ti. ��+- �k
<br /> �.�,� without l.endcr's priar writt�n ranscot.l.ender may.at itc nptio�.requirc immediate payment in ful!of a?t tiums secured by
<br /> -� �,.�_.,.,..�` this Security Intitrument. However.this opti�n�hali nat be exercitied by L.ender if exercise i�pmhibited lsy federal law as of
<br /> '' :��g�c, the date of this Security lnctrumem.
<br /> • _ ;�-�.::�_��',,. tf ixnder exercise�this�ptian.Lender shaEF ri��e 13orrower nntice of accelcratian. Ti:e notice sha11 pravide a period of . .
<br /> � ,���`�Yr 3i. ,
<br /> ,�-,<��„-, r nat less ihan 30 d�ys frnm thc date the noticc iti d;-:ivered or mailed within uhi;,h 8orrnwct mu�t pay ati su�s secured by Ihis �,
<br /> � .��•.•�• _":: :' Security lnstrument. If Borrnwer fails to pa;�� c�.�e �um�prior to Ihc expiratian of thi.r periad.l.en��may invoke any ��
<br /> • � ' ' remedies permitted by this 5ecurity In�trumen�a ithout`unhrr notice or demand on Hurrower. f� ;
<br /> , . . . „�
<br /> .• =� �:•��I.`�� 18. Borrowe�'s Righi to Reinstate. If &mower mee:s certain canditions. 8orrower�hall hs+ve the right to have
<br /> - ,.. _�`'•:';
<br /> , • :,...�'.�h r,_:;,y • enforcement of this Securiry Instrument discnminucd at any a�r.::prior to the earlier of: ia►g duy�(or such ather perind as
<br /> ...t�,. , ,5�'•. • singte Funity..Vannk Haa'FredBie SI•rc l\➢FOR;11XSTft@�17E�'1"..1;ndonn CovenaM. 4190 �pu_tv�a,fh pu.crs► � ,
<br /> •r� ,
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