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< . , .. � <br /> _ - _ r_ _ <br /> -- �G� <br /> -- �---� - --- _-- - -- , — - - _ . <br /> =� = . = «<_ . _ , � . ; - ° =.ti`=�-;_- <br /> - , �� - � . _ ;�_��.�--�' <br /> =r -, :r ,�. - - - -.._. - -_ <br /> -. _ .,_ . -.:# • _ 6: . . .. ` � . , . . . , . , ._ ` - <br /> r. � '.e . ` � ' . . <br /> -- , . ��-�==�. � . . . . - � . � . � . � � �9�-•� ���7�.`� . . <br /> . . . _ . . . � . . . . C . <br /> `' �![jp�(�1�[�.COdE�tCQW[rS. ��C IIISY[�C'!Cirl1C[�b1►1d1/1$IbC 05�dOC SZH�)�1C CfWSCA�►BOfI01Mt[SIIbJC�t01.Cd�l� � ` <br /> .. ; rppturat rfiich siWt aot be w�a�a��y widi6eld. If Hamm�er f�ils to m�intsie ooveraje descdbed a6ove,teader�y.�at <br /> Lendec's optan.a6tain eove�w pro[ect l.eadet's rig6ts in the Ao�erty in acootdx�e wit�p�ragiaph�: ` <br /> IUI inwrarce`polieies�and ienev►�als s.'b!!6t acre�aNe to Lendet aad st�all iactude a staridani matg�e ctause. Leflder <br /> stiU t�ve th�riallt to hoi�the poticies�d imewafs.`[f I�eeder tequiRS.Bamwer shatl P�P�Y S�ve ta Let�der a1i re�eipis <br /> of p�iti piemiwns and�a�ewai riodces. In t6e evenr of toss.Barmwer shalt give promgt ootice ta the i�sur�ncs curier a�nd <br /> - - — � t.asder Leider may m�ie ptvof of lass if aot made P�PaY 6Y��NrGr. ` <br /> !Jnle�Leader ud Boma+ver uti�ise agioe in sYritiag,inwrar�ce pro.eaedc sh�ll 6e resta�atian oc xp�of <br /> tt�e Ptoperty d�maged,if the,testoration or reQair is ecanomicapy feuibk and l.ender's security is nat lessened. IF thc , <br /> testuradat or tepaic is ttot ecatamically feacibk or f.endet3 sawiry woutd Bt�e insurance poceeds shall be ' <br /> appiieci'to the siuns seeuad 6y this Securitx L�.strument�wlkther o�r twt then due.with aciy e�tcess paid to B�mwes If. <br /> Ba�wa ab�odonc tbe Ptope� daes not ansarer wiihin 30 days a�paice from l�ender thu the insura�ce carr+er hac <br /> a�ieted to sedle s ctaim.thrn Lender may edkct the ias�uance procads. l.ender may nse ti�e procoeds to�►ir a cestocm <br /> • the Frope�ty ar to pay s�unc socured by t6is Sectuity Tm�ument.wMhet or aot tbm due. Ti�e 34day periad wili begin.wben - <br /> the naticaps given. • . ' � <br /> - Unksa Irenda�d Baaower otl�wise agox a writing,any apptication of procads to principai shal!not eztend or <br /> -_ . postpone the due d�te of the moothly paymentc Kfemed to in p�ra�grapt�s!and 2 or change the amount of the payments..ff - <br /> _ � .under paragr�ph 21 the Piioperty is acqui�ed lry Lender.Barrowess riglu to any in-wr�nce policies and pcorecds cesulting <br />-- - fmm dart�ge m tde Property priar to the�cquis�uon shall pass w Lender to thc eaunt of tbe sums stcumd by this Socurity <br />- U�samrKrtt irtunediaoety prior to the aequisition. - <br />-- f. Il�n�a�cR Pteserr'atja0. Mai�hi�s�ee aod Pratectioe ot tre PM+opert�; Borro9ver's I.a�s Applkat�ow: <br />- - l:s�iotd�. Bo�mwer sts�lt occupy,establis4 aad use the Ptoperty as Bortawer's prircip�l tesiderke within sucy days afrer <br />- tl�e executiari of this Socuriry/nstnuneac aad shall continue to acca�py the Ptopetty as Borruwer's priacipal irsideace far at <br />-- kut ane year after the d�e of occupat�cy. unkss Lender attreiwise ag�oes as rvtitin8, which cunsent shatl�not be <br /> u�bn�61y witN�eid.or unlass astrnuuing c�taanstances exist wlrich a�e beyaod&xmwer's contral. Borrnwer shall not ` <br /> des�oy.damage or impair.the Ptnperty.allow the Property to deteriorate.or conuait waste un the Property. Bocrower shall v <br /> be in defaulE if airy forfeitu�e action ar pcoeeeding.whettKr civil or begun th�t in l:e�rder'.s good faith judgment — <br /> =- . could ttsult in forfeitur�e of rI� Ptoperty or aherwise materially impair the lien created by this Secunty Instrumen[or � - <br /> � �.. <br /> � 1.enAer's secarity intensf. Bonower may cure such a default and provided iri paragraph causing thc action �---�- <br /> : ` ot Proceedin8 w 6e dismissed with a mling I.ender's gaod faith determinadun.Pnectades forfeitur�e of the Borrawer's �-�:�_-, <br /> ;,sf= intet�est in tbe Ptoperty or otber material impaimient of the lien created by this Securiry instrument or Lenderk security -:''•;�;_� <br /> i n t e c e s t. B a m w e r s h a]! a i s o be i n d e f a u l t i f B o r r o w e r.d u r i n g t h e l o a n a p p l i c at i o n p r o c e s.s. gave atateriall y faLse ot `�'���_"— <br /> - inaccutate infom�ation or statements to i:ender(oc failed to proride[.enda with any material iafarmaaon)in conneet�ot�with ���- <br /> � ttse loan evidenced by,tGe Nate. including,but nat fimited to. rep'msentaaons ccxueming Barrower's occupancy of the ,. ;;_��__� <br /> ,€-_ <br /> ' Property as a priaeipal residence. If t6ls Security lnsbument is on a kasehold.8orrower shall compty with aft the provisions :'`�.:a, :- <br /> of the tease. If&xmwer acquues fce tiQe to the Property.the teasehoW and thc fee title shall not merge untess I.ender agrees :�Y�•�� <br /> to tbe me[ger ut writing. ' --- . <br /> 7. Protection ot I.ender's Ri�bts in the Property. 1f Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agroements ' ,�:' <br /> "`" contained in this Security Itutrument,or there is a tegal proceeding that may significantly affect l,endtr's rights in the - , ;,,:� <br /> � � � `� Ptuperty(such as a proceeding in bankruptFy.probate.far ce�demnation or forfeiture or to enforce taws or regulations).tben ';=� <br /> � '� '- I.ender ma do and fos afiatever ia neces. to ect the value of the Pro and Lenderk ri ts in the <br /> .. � . Y PaY �Y P� P�Y 8h ProPert3'• . ;_ �';r;:,- <br /> I,enderk action�s may inctude paying any sums secureA by a lien whicb has prioriry over this Secnrhy InsUUment,appesuing : •; <br /> in court,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repaiis.Although Lender may take action �i <br /> ° uader this paragraph 7.LenQer does not have to da so. ' " _�� <br /> . �'�' <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 Fhall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this ,,��;_ <br /> � Security Instrument. LJnless Sarrower and l.ender agree ta athher tenns af payment.these amounxc stial!bear inter�est fram the .. . ;r .-_ <br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate�nd sha116e payable.witfi interest.upoq notice from Lender to Borrower reqaesting � - <br /> ' " payment. . ?...-�_ <br /> ' �'E� 8. Mort�tse Insoranta If Lender required martgage insurance as a rnndition of making the Joan�;ecured by this .�_-__ <br /> f ,-- Security Instrument,Baaower shall pay the premiums Teqaired to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect, If,for any -�- <br /> . - rpson, the mortgage insurartce wverage requi�d by Lnnder lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the � �:�== <br /> e <br /> , a ��� � pretniums tequired ta obtain coven►ge substant�ally equivalent to the mnRgage insurance previously in a cost '. � �'�'""" <br /> ':� substuntially equ'svalent to the cost to Borc�owe:of the mortgage insurance previausly in effect.fram an altemate mortgage • , - <br /> � '•.�, insurer npprovedby Lender. If substantialiy equivalene mongage insurance coveroge is not availa6le,8orrawer shaU pay to _ __�._ <br /> �::t° Le�der each n�as:.'��sum equal to one-twelfth af the yearly mortgagc insurance premium bcing paid by Barrower when the ' �M <br /> n r`' insurance caverage la p s e d or ceas e d to b e in eifecG Lender will accep4 use and retaia these paymenu at a loss reserve in lieu _ <br /> • " oP mort e insuranre. Los.r reservr ments ma no lan er be r uired,s�t the o tion of l.ender. if rhort a c insutance ��-- <br /> r. fia8 PaY Y 8 �I P 8 8 � , �:��; <br /> • `� coverase(in the amount and for the pedod t6at Lender requires)provlded by an in�urer appraved by Lender again becomes ��,M� <br /> ,,�` ' available and�sobtained.Haaower shall pay thc premiums rcyuircd to maintaln morlgage msur�nce in effec�.or to provide a �'' .' •-•" <br /> , .. ,.� . <br /> ' •�' ' loss reserve.�nti1 tfle reyuirement for mortgage insur�nce ends in accor�zace with any written agree�:nt between Borrower '• � <br /> - ��'s` �• and Lender or applicable Inw. � � . ;'��. <br /> . ' '�'k` �.,�%.,:� ,.�-� 9 lnspection. Lcnder or its agent may make reasonable entrics upon and inspections of thc(�toperty. Lender shaA s. � . • . <br /> � . �•''°� gi��e Borrower notice at the time of or pdor to an inspection 4pecifying reasvnabte cause far the inspection. • .� • <br /> t 10. Condemnafion. 'fhe procecds af any awar�4 ar ciaim fnr<lamage.r.dircct ur conseyucntial,in wnnectian with any � • . <br /> _ ,.,,:;� .�,• <br /> Singtc F.+mi�y•-}'annie Nx/FreQdk�tx U�IFUR�i(�ti7'ItUNEtiT--Unifurm Cov��nant� 9i90 IpnRe 3 rJb puge.+l � ,' , '.', <br /> -;�.,,: ';: ' �seatt+YeA&u0ntee Par.lae.� � . , <br /> , '�f,,,,,�,�"� to IRdrr Ca11 tA00,',3043�Xi p YA1191679!•1131 , ', <br /> m�'..`!t�'', � . . <br /> . •',,u• . ;� <br /> '. � <br />, �-���-_ <br /> . ,f, — , � <br /> . . 'i . <br /> . , ., .. . .. . <br /> � s •. . ._ ... . � . <br /> ,+.i <br /> . ., t.� ,. _:...= - . .. .. <br /> ,. , .. _ .. <br /> � . " �'•_ti'• `r . �r+'�:.. ^�=,__ ;— •--, --- ,. , � . ..1' . . <br /> ' �32piif±.�4.?r.s':'.�. " . .. ., . � . . . . • . , • . . , <br /> . ,^�t�!;;tr;,.'4�' ," . . . .. , . . . . - ' . '' , --.------- , ' - , -. <br /> ' .i`, . <br /> 1�,iw..s.-.. , . ... . , .. ' . , . . . : , <br /> �• i .: � .. . ' � '� � . �,., . . . , ' . • � . ' � . <br /> ' . . . � ' . _ . '. 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