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<br /> � .�ppiicabi�e tnv mry�pecify far ee+ast�meM1 befae sak d dre�topeity pu�to�aY Pm�e*of salt ccotainod ia t6is '
<br /> Serrrit�t�we�ar(b�woryr dsl�enfasia!�is�X� T!lase ca�tiqns�ne th�t Ha�to�: (a� `
<br /> prYs I,ender al!�ms w�6idt t6en�rould 4e due aeder t6is Savrity Ins�urt�eo[aad th� Nute as if n�acceterada�t Md .
<br /> � occmn�ib)��7t def�utt ot any cthiercovenmRs ac ag+eements;tc}psys ail expa�sesincunrd in mfarina this Sec�icy
<br /> �t�enL i6c�Dut not Wnitod tR rrason�te attumeys'fces:and t�rakes su.�ac6on as I.ender m�Y�Y
<br /> roqWin w�sw�e d�t the rien af dris Saeurity Ia�u�tKnt.l:ender's rights in tbe pmpetty aad BormwerY obligation w Qay t6e
<br /> soms sectoed bY�dus Sauriry L�rtent st�ll captiaue tmc6�n8ed. UPaI reinuunnent by Bamwa�Mis Senmfy �_ �
<br /> L�nnanK�ed the obti�ahoas soaued Mr6Y s�il�em�in fuliy,e�Tecut�e as if no acxeter�tion had accurre�. Hawever,ttis
<br /> eafit to tahqt�e slWl not�pply in thecast of�cceie�tian uoder pu�aph 17. -
<br /> � H. Sre d N�C��e af I.or ServiEqr. 77�e Note a a p�reoi interest m the Nate(to8e�er tivit4 this Security
<br /> ` Instnunang may be sold onc a morc a:nes withoat prior i�otice to BarovYer. A sak mag resoh in o cA�nge in tl�e eptity
<br /> ` . (►au�m ss d�e"Loan Sen►icer")ttut colkcts mo�qhlY Wymtots du��atidet tbe Nofe and this Securiry Tnsuument. 't'here�Lso
<br /> ma�i 6c ua c+r mo�e c6ansa of the Wan Secvica uoneiated to a sak of the Note. If tiiete u a ci�ange of tLe Lon Setvicer.
<br /> Bona+�es mU be givm wriuen notice of the change in aocard�nce.with ptragraph 14 a6ove and applicabk taw. The notice .
<br /> w�l spte tba mme aod addc�ss of thc new Laan Se�vicer aod t6e add�ess to w6id�paymeots slioWd be made. '!Ue notice vin'll
<br /> �lsu ca�tain any oHrer infamatian raWinod DY applic�b�e law.
<br /> • ZI�. Hsssrtoas S�b�ts�oes Barrowcr sWU not cause or pemdt the presence.use.disPosal•sto�age.or miease af any�
<br /> Ii�s Substaaoes on oe ia the PtnQerty. Bortower sball na do.nor allow aayone etse ta�o,anything affecting the .
<br /> . • propenY thu is iu viol�tiat of any FnvinnnmenuT I.aw. The p�ecc+d'u�g two�s sbalt nat apply w tM presenca,use.oc
<br /> storage on tbe Ptopaty at smaU qu�uicies of Ha�dars Snbst�oes t�at ue genenity reoognized tobe approptiue to aomnl ;. �
<br /> residen6al uxs�nd to maintemnce of the Propetty. ` . �
<br /> - Bormwer shall p�omptEy giYe Lender writtm ndice of any investiguion,claim,demand.lawsuit oc other accion by any
<br /> - .SQva�une�l a reButatory a8�7'a�'�P�Y involving the Fmpeiry aad�r Huardous Substanoe or FnrnmomenW
<br /> -- Law of which Barower das sctwl Imowkdga If Bamnwer leams,a ts aotified by aay govemmental or tegulatorY
<br /> �utho�itY,tb�t aay temav�l or olber remediadon of any HaTaQdons Subspnce affecting the Ptope�ty is necessary.Borrower
<br /> � �P�PaY���te�ial actiotu in xcadanoe with Fnvi�ntal L.aw.
<br /> � As used in this p�ragrnpl►20."Hs7ac�lws Subst�hces"are dase sabstances def'med as toaic a f�za�dous substances by ,
<br /> =- — Favironmental Law and the following�: gasoline,keruse�.ather ilamma�le or toaic petroteum products.rozic
<br /> - • "� pesticides and herbicides.volatite sotve�.materiats contaiaing asbestos ar fom�aldehyde,and radioactive matenals. As _
<br />-- . -. t�m this paragraph 2p,?EaciQOnmenta!I,aw^means federal laws and Saws oF t6e jurisdiction wbere the Praperty.is loCdtecf
<br /> �.��` ifrat relate to fieatlh.safety or�vironmental protectian. . • __-
<br /> �:4;� � NON-1TAiIFURM COVEIVANTS. Batrower andlxitder further cavenant and agtee as follows: _ -
<br />::,,,, 2 4 A a�e k r s�fion; R e m c d i e& l.endn'slall g ive ndice to Borrmver prlor to aooeksstian tdbwing Borrower's _-
<br />:.��.� bres�ch ot�ny wveasat or agreemtnt in this Security Imtrument(Dut eot prlor to accekration uAder Psua�rapb 17
<br />: �'�., �ak�s applicAbk I�W provides otlterwise?.The nMke s6a11 specify: la)the defaalt;(b)tbe action requ,ired to cnre tbe
<br /> defsult;(c?a dat�upt ks�t�30 dsys fraa tbe date tLe aMice is�ivea to Bormwer.by w�'�cb the def�W�mast be
<br /> cared.and(d)thsit tailare ta�aare the defoalt on ar bd'ure the dpte specitied is tie aotice may e+esatt in aced�ion o� -- -
<br /> ti�e su�m secured by tbis 5ecpricX lastrumeat a�d sale of the Property. The sutice slwll turlher intonn Bar�o�ver o� _
<br /> - fbe riaht to reiostate atter src�rkration and tlie ti�ht to 6ring n court�ctbn to a4sert the nan-�teaoe da delaotE or __.
<br /> . '� '.: ,any other defease o�Borrower to xcHc�2�an smd sa1G it the detau(t�not cored on or Defa+e tbe date�c�ficd in ----
<br />� � rie notice,Leeder at its option may s+e��re immed➢ate paymeat ie tiuY otAp sums secarM by this Secaritg La�rament _
<br /> +�-ithant turthtc demand a�rtt ms�y ia4�dce tbe power ot sale aed any other remedies permitted by applir.t6le tnw �.�
<br /> I.eeder slwll be entitied to cmSlect all expenses incurred in pursuing !he remedies provided in this paragrAph Zl, ��tT�.'
<br /> ��'', including,but not limtted to,reasonabte attorneys'fees and costs af titte evideac� �-•
<br /> If tlie pawer at sale is invoked,Trc�stee shall record a notice ot defaalt in wch county in which any part o�the � �'� ��
<br /> properly iv located aed sha11 mail copies ot sucb notice in the maea�presc�ibed by applkabk la�v to Borcower And to --
<br /> ' the olher persons prescribed by applicabte law. ARer the time ra�'ed by applicabk law.7lrustee shaU give public �
<br /> aotke of sak to tfie perso��ad 1n tl�e manaer prescribed by applicabte faw Trustce,wlthaut demand on Borrower. �?���;�_
<br /> - ' sba0 eeil the Property at pr�blic auctbn to the 6ighesn 6�dder at the tlme and place and unde�the terms des�atM in =
<br />- ..•"�;� the notice of sale in one or more parcels aed in any orr�71ra5tee detetmines. Trustee may pastpone sak�a�o�any -_-.�_-,
<br /> � �;' parcel olthe Property 6y public announcement at tiie time and pface olany prevbusly schedukd sak. L�dEr or itv !r�:'_�
<br /> • :'� designee nwy purchase the Property at any sale. � ' :.
<br /> Upon receipt af payment of the price bld,7Yustee sha11 deUver to the purchase�Tru.�tee s dted coa�e3.leg tbe. �,=-•.:�'
<br /> � Property.The recitals in the 7Yu4tee's deed shall be prima facie evidence ot tde trath af the�tatements ma�e therein. . �::_
<br /> - , Tfusfee shall apply Ihe proceeds oithe saM in the foltowing order. (a)to all costs and expenses of exsrcisia�t16e power ';��=.,-
<br /> , _ -
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