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<br /> =- - ..� .� ,- � : , ` _ - _ �- � _ _, � 9?= ��o��;��: � � �� :
<br /> � ��rocEfHER wri1�C�tt ti�e i�ve�non►Qr tKraf�aa�toa oa�ue aopercy.ana att easaneats,app�n�.
<br /> al�d f xtu�e.s mw ar t�eceafter a pwR of the proprcty. Al1,Rplaornxnts aed additions shal�aiso 6e covecaed by thig SauntY . .
<br /> Ii�strwnmt All af the fon�aing Ls�femed to in tl�ls Soc�rity LLCtr�munt as the"Ptopecty-", , , � �
<br /> BORR�R'ER C�OVENAKfS ttnt Barawec is tawfuliy seised of tiie estate Hereby cua�eyed aed h�s tBe right to g,rant
<br /> ond`c.nnvey the Ptopeity aad that tbe PtiaPe�tY is tmerwwmbeRei,eacept fa e�cwnbraaces of record. 8artower walrrarsts and ,
<br /> .� - vvi11 defeMf g�IIy tbe.fstk to the Ptop�cty against aU c?aims and demands,sublat to any ercumbrances oi neord.
<br /> ' 'iHiS SECi7R1'FY INS1RiJ1�►lFd+1T c�mbines unifam.covenants for natian�i use aad.n�-uaiform covenauts with
<br /> - limitod variations•6S'jurisdiction to canstidue a un�sm socuery insmtment rnvering�al ptoperry,. , .
<br /> UNIFORM COYENANiS. Ba[ower and L.ender rovenant and ag�et as folIows: :
<br /> - _ L Pl��wnt d Ysi�ci�sl a�d i�teres�Prepspsmt ad Late Cbsr�es. Barower shall prompttY PaY when due the :
<br /> P�F�of and inuast an ihe debt evidencod bY thc Note and anY PreP�Y��and latz charges due under ti�e Nate.
<br /> ���Z bi�M,s far Ta=a ard I�a�ea Subject ta applicaMe taw ar�to a wntten wvver by L.ender.Bacrower st�U pay m
<br /> � i.trt�ler art tbe day monihtY PaSrments are due.W�der tbr Note.anW dse NQte is paid in fu{i.a sam("Funds f fa:(a)yeu1Y
<br /> _ taxes and assessments wliich may attain priaity orer this Se�aritY Insuumeot as a iien on the Pmgercy;tb)Ye�tly teaselald
<br />- . p�ymerRs or gtnund renis on the Ptape�ty.if an�. (c)YacIY l�azard or propen!' tnw�a�e Pre�uums:(d)YeariY flood
<br />-` — ins�ua�xe premiums.if any: (e}9�Y �S���P���if any;and(�a�►Y sums PaYahle b}"Borrower to
<br /> _ l.ender,in accotd�ace with tlx'puvisions of puagraph 8.in!iw of dte payment of mottgtage itlsu�,u�e P�A��• '��. .. .
<br /> items are callod"Escrow tums." l.eode,r may.at�Y time.coltRxt and fiotd Funds in an amount rrot m c�ceed the ma�cimW1U:
<br /> - amount a tender for a federally related mortgage loaa may require for Boirower's escmw aaacamt�nde�c the federal Reai
<br />:�•:•� Fstatt Settlement PnvCedutes AcE of 1974 as ametaded 6aat ame to time,l2 U.S.C.§2601 et s�9-("RESF1b''):untess atwtlKr
<br /> law tbat applies w the.Fitnds sets a lesser amoun� If sa.Leattermay.at any time,coilect arnd hoW Fue�ja.a�amamt not tp
<br /> '�excad the fesser an►a�uA. Lendtr may estimate the acaaunc.of Tvnds due on t6e 6as�of current daE�.and reasonabk
<br /> =_- = GsarnaRes of expendianes of fuivre Escrow itea�ot atherwise m accordar�ce wi�h apPlicable law.�
<br /> - The�'unds shall be held 'm an.irLStitutiort whose depasits�e insured by a federal agency.instrumentality.or endry i —
<br />_ (including Lrnder,if Ler�der is such an institution�or in any Federrl Home Loan Banic: Leader shaU appiy�the Fimds to pry __-----
<br /> , the F.scrow Items. Lender may not charge BairoweE far holding and applying the Fimds.annuaUy aa3lyzip$the escrow �__-^y_
<br />,: accoun t,or v e r i f y i n g t n e E s c r o w I t e m s.u n i e s s L e a d e r pa ys Boirower interest on tltie Funds ar►d applicable law permits �.::�_-_—
<br /> r�:,nT
<br /> ' t.er�det m make sucII.a charge., H�ever.L.ender may require Bo�rower to Qay a one-tune charge for aa independent rral. �:�;=-�.:._-
<br /> �'�<:. estate ta�c repoiting seivice used by Lender in connectioa with this toan,unless applicaWe taw provides other+vise. Untess an� °;:�_•=-
<br /> ..., .�,w,�
<br /> ' agreemeat is made vr appiicabte txN cequires int�to be paid.Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any inteiest or ;. „_._ _..
<br /> � eamittgs on the Funds. Borrower ami l.ender inay a�e in wnnng.however.that interest shaU be d o�the Funds. L.ender :'`;`_-
<br /> � ;�=':'-£����:
<br /> � � shall give to Borrower.without charge,an annuat accounting of the Funds.showing credirs and debits tv tlri Funds and the , :;- '<: --;_
<br /> - = purpose for which each de6it to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledgeA as additional secuaty for all,s.,ct�ts secund by "'"`��=.''�``=
<br /> _ this Securiry lnsttumen� ' . ---'�v --
<br /> � If the Funds heid by Lender eaceecl the amotu�ts permitted to be lield by applicable law, Ler�der shali accaqn�,iQ --"
<br /> �-;:' Bcxrower for the excess Eands in aocardance with the requit�emenis of applicable law. If the amount of the Punds hetcE,b�,� �_��_�_
<br /> . Lender at ar►Y timt i��ot sufficient to pay the F.scrdw Items when due.L.ender may so notifY Borrower ic�writing,and�ia "_---
<br /> :.T,�;,,
<br /> ?�� „ such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to tnake up she defcitnay. Borrowee sha1)malce up the , ,�;.
<br /> � •;' de�ciencyr m�mpte t:Tan twelve monlhIy payment�,at Lender s sote dis¢retiaa. '�y��._
<br /> . -; ;�:;�:• . Upon payment in full of aU sums secured hy this Security Instrumen�Lender shall promptly refund to Boaower any '��=_
<br /> ^"*�r - Funds held by[.ender. If.under paragraph 21.l.ender shafl acquire or sell t he P ropertyr,L e n der.pnor to the ac quisitian or ", �
<br /> � sate of the Yropesty.shall apply any Fun ds he l d by L e n der at�he time af acquisition or saIe as a credit against the sums 4 ( _
<br />. . .,T ..�' securecf by this Securiry Inswment. ' . .
<br /> ;s,, , 3. Application of Paymeata Unless applicable law provides othenvise.all payments r�eceiyed.by l.ender under , __
<br /> � paragraphs I and 2 shall be.applied:firs�.to any prepayment charge�due under the Note;second,to amourtts payabt�under . ��• __
<br /> paragaph 2;third.to intecest due:fourth,to princiQal due;and las�to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> � . - -4: Charges; Liena Brnmwer shali pay all taxe�.assessmentti,chargcs,fines and impositions attri6utable to the _
<br /> ' , Property which may attaia priority over�his Security lnstrument.and leasehald payments or ground rents.if any. Barrower ° •- .
<br /> ;� �. shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in lhat manner.Borrawer shall pay them on
<br /> ��� • ' ' t�me directly to the person owed payment. Boaower shalf promptiy fumisb to Lender all natices of amounts to be paid under -
<br /> �.._ .
<br /> ,� this paragruph. li Borrower makes these payments directly.Borrower shall pcomptly furnish to Lender teceipts evidencing _
<br /> . the payments. ::=;
<br /> ` Hartawer shall promptly discharge uny lien which h�priority aver this Security Instn�ment unless Borrower:(a)�'�t;s , ;�'
<br /> � in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)contests in good faith the
<br /> . „ ��.:;�•. licn by.or defends asainst enforcement of the lien in,legal praceedings whirh in thc LcnJcr�opinion operate to prevent ihe —
<br /> � enforcement of the lien:or(c>secutes from the holder oi the lien an:+geement satisfactory to Lender subasefinating the llcn
<br /> to this Securlty lnsttument. lf L.ender determines that any pan of the Property is subject to a liea whicb may attain priarlty .. � .
<br /> 4. - over cI:'sa Securiry Instrument,Lendcr may give Borrowcr a noticc identifying thc licn. Borrowe�sha11 satisfy the lien or take �
<br />' `" "` �; • one vr more oP the actions set forth above within !0 days of ihe giving of notice. •.
<br /> � ''��`Tj y� �� S Huard ar Property lnsurance Barrowcr shall kcep thc improvements now cxisting on c�rcafter erected oA ihe
<br /> ~i%�i�, �'�5';.`,1� ..
<br /> . ;��s.�'.,�� �,: Property insuted against loss by fire,hazards included within Ihe temi"extended coverage"and any other hazards.including
<br /> , * � ��;�� f]aods or flooding. far which Lender requires insurance. '['his insurAnre shall be maintained in the amounts and for the . _
<br /> ;3.�',K�r :, . .
<br /> •,� °� r:'�;�: • Poem302S 9/90 (Ooge2oj�pae�s► . ..
<br /> . :�-�;p��Y�.;�. , . .
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