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Borrovrers shell keep the impravements now exlsting or hareaiter erected on the <br /> Property inwred ageinst loas by fire,hazerds Included within the term"aMended c�verego'end erry other hezards <br /> foP which Lender requiros lnsuranco. This In�urcnco ch�.l bo maintain�d In th�omount:�nnd for the pAriods thet - <br /> lender requlr9s. '�he insurunce cerrier providinp the insurenca ahatl be chosen by tlorrowors sudJect to�enaers <br /> eppravel which ahall not be unreesonebly withheld. <br /> All Insurance policiea end renewals sheli be aaceptebte to Lender and shell Inctude e staRdard mortgege <br /> clause. Lender ahall hevo the right to hmid the policies and renewals. If Lender requires, dorrowers shetl promptiy <br /> give to Lender ell receipts of pald promluma and renewel notices. In the ovent nf loss,Bor�owers shall gfve prompt <br /> natice to the insurance carrier end Lender. Lender r�sy rneke pruof of�ass if not made pramptly by Borrawers. <br /> Unless Lender enc)Borrowera othenvise agree in writing,insurance proceeda shall be epplied to reatoretion <br /> or reputr af tho Froperty demaged,if the restorettan oi ropafr la economlcally feasible end 4ander's security is not <br /> lessened. If the restoration or �epalr is not economicslly feesible or Lender's security wauld be lessened, the <br /> Insuranca proceeds shall be apptied to the sums sacured by this Security lnstn�rnont,whether or not then due�with <br /> eny excesa peid to Bctr4vrers. If Borrawers abandan the Froperty,or do not answer within 30 deys a notiae from <br /> Lender thet the Insurarrce cerrier ha�offered to settla a clalm,then Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. <br /> I.enddr may use ti�e praceeds to repalr or restore the Property or to pay sums secured by this Secu�ity Instrument, <br /> whether or not then due. The 30 day period will begin when the notice fa given. <br /> Ur►Iess Lender end Boaowere otherwise agree in writing.eny epplication of proceeds to principal shell not <br /> extend or postpone the due dete of the payment referred to in paregraphs 1 end 2 or chenge the amount of the <br /> payment. If under paregreph 17 the Prapnrty is ecquired by Lender,Borrowers'right to eny Insurenee policfda and <br /> proceeds reaufting from demege to the Property prlor to the eequfaitlon ahalt paae to Lender to the extent of the <br /> suma aecured by thls 5ecurity Inatrument immedietely prior to the acqulsltlon. <br /> 6. Prene►vation end Malntonance of Property; Le�aahaldi. Barrowers shall not de�troy, dem�Qe or <br /> eubatsntieily chenpe the Property,ellow the PropeKy to deterlorate or cnmmit waate. If thla SeCUriry Inatrurnent <br /> la on a buN�oid,Barrawera ehall cemply wlth the provialort�of the leese,and if 8orrowere ecqui�e fee title to the <br /> ��Ti�o���Z�iv waiv='�vi�oi'�}vv�it=i+i�s��=SS�v:�v 11S:�v�.�.�ir..�.�.(�������Q t��SIZZ���l!A Y:iI!I!!�. <br /> 8. Protectlon of Lender'a Riphte In tha Prope►ty;Mortpape Insurence. If Borrowera fafl to perform the <br /> covenenta e�d npreements contetned in thla Sec�xity Instrument,or thero tg e legel proceed(np that may alpnif(cantly <br /> effect LendePe ripMa M the PYaperty(auch es a praceedinp in benkruptcy,probate,for candemnetion or to enforce <br /> Iswe or reputational�then Lender may do end pay fa whetever la�eceaaery to protect the velue of tha Property and <br /> LerxlePs ripMs In the Prop�rty. Lender's ectlona mey Include paylrp eny sums secured by e ilen which has prfority <br /> over thta Security InstNment,eppeerin�in ca,xt,payinp reasonahle ettorneys'fees end entering on the Property <br /> to make repaira. Altf�nugh Lender mey teke action under this peregreph 8, Lender do not have to do sa. <br /> Any emourKS disbursed hy Lender ursder this pareyraph 8 shaA become additionul debt of Borrowers secured <br /> by th(a Security Instrument.Unless Botrowets and Lender epreea to other terms of peyment,these emounts shell <br /> bear irxereat irom the date oi disbursement at the Note rete end shall be payabte, with interest,upon notico from <br /> Lender to Borrowers requesttng payment. <br /> It�der roquired mortgage inaurence as e conditton of makirg the loon sdcured by this�acurity Inetrument, <br /> Bonowers shell pay the premfums reQuired to meintafn the InsurenCe In e4te�t until sucA ttmes es the requirement . <br /> for the tnsurance terminetea In eccardance witl�Borrowers'end Lender'a written egreement or nppliceble law. <br /> 7. Inapection. Lander or Lender's agente may make reesonable antries upon and fnspections of the <br /> Proprriy. LCiNiBf 6ii&'tf yfv8 60fiGWnPb ilJi1G6 dt U'16 tii�i8 G}Gf pti'vP�G aR I:.s�so,la�s�;.a�ttying:��sorabls ceuss <br /> for the inspection. <br /> 8. Condemnetion. The pr�ncceds of er►y eward or clatm tor demages,direct or consequontial,in connection <br /> wkh eny corxkmnatlon ar other taking of eny pert of the Property.or fo�conveyance in lieu of coc�demnatfon,ere <br /> heraby easigned end shall be paid to Lender. <br /> In the event of e totel tektng of the�raperty,the proceeds aheli be eppifad to the sums secured by this <br /> Security Uutrumeot,whether or not then due,with any excess psid to Bo►rowers. In the event of a partial takfng <br /> ot tha property, untess Borrowera end Lender otherwiae agree in wr(ting, the sums secured by thls Security <br /> InstrumeM shell bo reduced by ths emount o}the proceeds n�ultiplied by the following frection: ia)the total emount <br /> of the sums secured fmmediately before tho teking,divldad by(b)the fafr morket vaiuo of the Proporty tmmediateiy <br /> bafare the teking. Any balance shall be peld to Borrowers. <br /> If the Property la ebandoned by Borrowers.or if,efter notice by Lender to Borrowere thet the condemnor <br /> offers to meko an awerd or settle e cleim for demeges,Borrowers feit to resporxi to Lender withtn 30 days efter <br /> the date the notice is given,Lender Is euthorized to cailect end epply the proceoda,et Lender's optlon,e(ther to <br /> restore or repelr th�Property or to pay the sums secured by thls Sacurity Instrument,whather or noY then due. <br /> Uniess Lender and Bonowers otherwise agree in writfng,eny epplication of proceeds to prfncipal shail not <br /> exterxl or postpone the due date ot eny payments referrad to in peregrepha 1 end 2 or r,hange the emount of such _ <br /> payments. <br /> 9. Borrowers Not Released;Forbearance by Lender Noc e Wetver. Extensfon of the time for peyment or <br /> modificatlon of amartizatlon of tho sums socurod by this Security Instrumont granted by Londer to eny succossor <br />� in interest of Bonowers shali not aperate to retsaso the liabltity of thA origir�al Borrowers or Burrowers'succe�sors _ <br /> in intorest. Lender shatl not be requfred to commence proceodings egeinat eny successor fn Interest or refuse to <br /> a - <br />