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<br /> 7HE UND�RSi(iNF�TRUSTO�tB herAby ecknawledge and understend thet(a)the aecurity document l�elow c
<br /> to ba ottccuted Is a Truat Daed end n�4 e mort�eae,(bi the power of sete provided far In tho 1'ruat Deed provides
<br /> substenYleiry different rlphte end obllgetlone to the Truatore then e mortgege In the event of e defeult ar breech ot _
<br /> nn�iaatlon. 'i7�e 7ruatnro(ur���a+i�'e�z2��Gar�3 41��m��ccrtiHr.nt�on has been read and executed In connactlon ,
<br /> with,but prlor to,the T�ustore executiqn oi the tollowing i�usi ueed. -
<br /> DATED'MAY 1 , 199�. �
<br /> �:^� .��"�-�'� _--�? ,�.r A
<br /> Richard T.Kannedy ��� Eva Marie Kennedy
<br /> 1SS
<br /> TF►e faregoing was ecknowledged before me on the 1 Bth dey of IW�Y 1998,by Richerd T. Ken�►edy end
<br /> Eva Marie Kennedy,huabend and wite.
<br /> �ML IpTMI►•Syb N NikrsWi ' !• ��►�+�'e-"'" �
<br /> pAV1D F.OOHMEN Notary Public
<br /> M1►Canm.Ex0.Au�.4,1998
<br /> TRUST�EEQ
<br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST is mede on thla 18Yh dey of Msy,1999.The Truators are Nlcherd T. Kennedy end
<br /> Eva Merie Kerxiedy,huabend end wBe(Borrowael• 7he Trustee is John R. Brownell,Attorney at Lew,1'Truatee"1.
<br /> The beneftalery la the Hell County Housln�Auttcority,911 Bsumann Orivo,Grend laland,NE 6gB031"Lende�"1.
<br /> 8or►Qwer�uwo i.o�ao�i M��!:s�n B!Tl�.s'•'=n TnM�und Three Hu��dred Fortv Seven Qolien 1/13,3471. Thie
<br /> d�bt Is e�rW�xx>ed by Borrowen'note dateC the asme dete ea thls Security Inatrument 1"Note'1, which pro�idei for
<br /> a fixed p�yment five ye�re from the dete hereof. The 6saurity InetNment eeeures ta Lender: (e) the rep�yment
<br /> af the debt evidenced by the Note,with Iniereat,end�II ra��ewali,extenalono end modifla�tiona;lb)/he payment
<br /> ot aM othur iume,with k�erest,sdvenced under purspraph 7 to protect the eecurity nf thla Security Inatrumsnt;end
<br /> (c)the perform�nce of Borrowen'covenente end�preemente. For thia purpose,eor�owen In•evoo�biy prant end
<br /> convey to Tnistee,In truat,with power of sele,the toliowinp deacrtbed property:
<br /> Frectbnel Lot Two(21.oxcept the Eest Twelve(121 Feet,Freatioru+l Block Sixteen 1181,Lembert's
<br /> Additlon to the City of Grend Island,Hell County,Neete�ke,and the West TwentySevan end Six '
<br /> Tea�ihe(27.6)Feet of Frectionel Lot Two l2)and the Eaat Twenty-Six and Four Tenths 128.4)Feet
<br /> ot Frectioaal Lot Three(31,eil In FracNonal Block Seven(7!,Evena Additlon to the City ot Cirend
<br /> lalend,Hell County,Nebreske.
<br /> Tha meilinp eddress of the borrowers is 1116 E.8th, (ironcl Islend,Nebresko,88801.
<br /> TOGE'THER WITH eIl the ImprovemeMs now w FKreafter erected on the proporty,and all eesemants,righis,
<br /> appurtenancea,rento,aRd 4lxturea hereefter e pert of the property. All�e0�acementa end edditlons shall elso be
<br /> covece6 by this Security Instrument. All of the foreqoing Is referred to in thia Security Instrument es the"Property".
<br /> Bono�vers covenant that Borrowera are lewfult�setsed of thn est6te hereby conveyed end havo the right
<br /> to grent end convey the Property and that the Property Is unencum�ered, except for encumbrances of record.
<br /> �onowers werr�nt end wilt defend ger�elly the titie to the Property egeinat ell cleims end demanda,subject to eny
<br /> encumbrances of record.
<br /> COVENANT5. Borrowers and Les�der covenant end agree es foltows:
<br /> 1. f'aymeM of Principel and Interest;Prepayment end Lete Cherges. Borrowers shali promptly pay whan
<br /> dve the prinaippl of the debt evidenced by the Noto end any prepeyment and late charges due under the Nota.
<br /> 2. Fund�for Texes end Insurance. All real estete texes end fnsurence shail be pafd by Borrowers when
<br /> dve.
<br /> 3. Cherges;Llens. Borrowera shell pay etl taxes,assessmente,charpes,ffnes,end Impositlons ettributebte
<br /> to the Property whlch mey�ttefn prforfty ovor thls Secur(ty Instrurnent,end leesehold peym�nts or praund rents,
<br /> if eny. 8orcowers ahall pay these obUpetfons In the rroanner provided in peragreph 2,or if not pald in that menner,
<br /> - Bonowers shall pay tham on timo directiy tu the person owed payment. Borrowrers shell promptiy fumlah to Lender
<br /> aU mtices of emnunte to be paid ur►der 4his pore�reph. if Harroworo meke these payments dlrectiy,Borrowers shall
<br /> promptly furnish to Lendor recetpte evldencing the paymente.
<br /> � Borrowera sheli promptly discherga eny Ifon which has priority over this Sacurity Instrument(exciuding eny
<br />= first deed of trust)unless florrowora:(s)egrees In writing to the payment of tha obligatlon secured by the lien In
<br /> = a marxier eccepteble to Lender,lb1 contests in good feith tha Ilen by,or detend agefnst enforcement of the lien In, _
<br /> ' legal proceedings whfch in the Londer's opinfon operete to prevent the enforcement of the Ilen or forfeiture ot any
<br /> � part of the Property;or(c)secures fram tho holder of the Ilen en egroemant setlsfectory to Lender cubordinating
<br />`� the Uen to this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that eny paR of thn Property is subJect to e lien which may
<br />:� �
<br /> N
<br /> �
<br /> .
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