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The covenants end agresments <br /> o}this Security Instrument shall bin�end benefit the eucceasare nnd assf�ne of Lender and Borrowers,subJect to <br /> tr::�:.^.::Lf..^.�C{�.r�npr�r�� 1 7 � <br /> 11. Leglatatlon Affecting Lender's Rights. Ii enactmdnt or explratlon of appi►cabte laws has the offect ot <br /> rendering eny provislon of tho Note or thls Securiry In�t�ument unenforaeable accordlnA to ita terms, Lender,et <br /> Lender'�s aptton,mey require ImmedEate peyment In full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument and mey <br /> Invoke eny remedies q�rm(tted by pa►agreph 17. — <br /> 12. Notices. Any rwtice to�Borrowers provided for in thia Security Instrument shall bo given by delivaring - <br /> it or by meiUng ft by first class meil unieas applicaUle law requfres use of another method. 'I'he notice shall bo - <br /> directed to the Proparty oddress or any other address Borrowers designate by notice to 4vndor. <br /> Any notice to Lender shall be given by firot class n�ail to Lender'�s edUresa steted herein or eny other address Lender <br /> designetes by notice to Borrawers. Any notice provfded for in thls Sacurity Instrument aheil be deQmed to have <br /> treen given ta Bo►rowera or Lender whon given es provided In thle peragreph. . <br /> 13. Cioverning;�everebillty. Thta 5ecurity In�trument ahsll bo pAVerneO by tl�e law of the Stete af <br /> Nebreaka. In the aveM that eny pravia{on or cl�ute of thle Security Instrument or the Plote confllote with appllceble <br /> lew,euch coniHct ahell�ot eliect other provi�af thlr Security In�trument or the Note whlch c�n he plven effect <br /> without the Gonflictlnp provialon. To thle er+d She pravitlan�of thls Security In�trument end the Note�ra declered <br /> to be eever�ble. <br /> 14. Harrawere'Copy. Borrowe���hell be piven one cunfarmed capy of the Note end of thle Security <br /> Inatrument <br /> 16. Trenefer of the PropeRy or e 8ene(lald lnterett in Borrowera. If ell or eny pert of the Property or eny <br /> inieresi in u ia aoio,irai5ia►ou,iii io6sou('vi�i a uv���=:��!n�JtlO:'."•!S�S:!t!��!t+!r!efwr.n�1 anr+�nrrowera <br /> le not e nsturel penon)without I.ender'B prfor written consent, Lend�r may, et IYe option, requfre ImmedietA <br /> �►oyment In full ot ell suma secured by thla Security Instrument. <br /> Ii Lendar exerciaes this optton,lender shall pive Borrowere notfco oi eccetdration. The notice shall provide <br /> e period of not kas then 30 deys from the date the not{ca ia delivered or matled wtthin which Bonowers must pay <br /> � eil suma secured by this Securlty Instrument. If Borrowera fail to pay these sums prior to the expiretlon of this <br /> � period,Leoder may Invoke eny remedies perm(tted by this Securtty Instrument without further notice or demand on <br /> Borrowera. <br /> 18. Borrowe�s'Right to Refnstete. If Borrowers meet cartefn conditfons,Borrowers shall have the rlght <br /> : to hava entcrcemee�t af this Security Instrument discontinued et eny time prior to the eariisr of:(a)6 deys(or such <br /> other p�iod rs appNCebte law mey specify for reinstetement)before sele of the Property pursuant to any power of <br /> aate conteined in thia Se�:urity Instrument; or(b)entry of e judgment enforcing this Security Instrument. Thass <br /> conditbns era ttwt Borrowere: (a)pay lender eU sums which then would I�e due urvsler thla Security Instrument end <br /> , the Note hed no acceterAtion occurred; lb)cure any detault of artiy other cove�ants or apreements;(c1 pey ell <br /> expensee tncurred in enfurcinp thls Security InstNment,lnctuding�but not Iimited to,reesoneblb ettorneys'Tees; <br /> � end (d) teke such ectlon es Lender may reasonably requlre to essure that the iien of this Security Instrument, <br /> Lerider's r►phts In the Praperty end Borrowers'oi�ligation to pey the suma secured by this Secu►ity Instrumertt,sheli <br /> contkMie unchenged. Upon relnstatement by 8orrowers,this 5ecurity Instrument end tha oblipetlons soaured he�eby <br />' tiiWii t�snwin tuliy di firi;iiv6 8S(111"u eiCGefb�nilDil hod aesurs�. Yawcv�r,tltf„:'.�ht to:sln„��ta sttr!!nai e;�!;�r�the <br /> cese of eccaleretfon undet paragrephs 16 or 17. <br /> 17. Acceieretlnn; Remedies, Lender aha�l give notice to Borrowers prior to acceleretion Oallowing <br /> �orrower3'breach of eny covenant or apreement in this Security�nstrument(but not prlor to ecceleretion under <br /> • paragreph 16 untess epplicabl8 law provides other). Tho nottce shall specify:(e)the defeult;(b)the ection requfred <br /> to cur6 the defeult;(c)e dete,not less than 30 deys frnm the date the�otice Is pivdn to�orrowere,by►vhich the <br /> deteuR must be cured;and id1 thet feiiure to cure tho de}ault on or before the date specified In the notice may result <br /> In ecceleration of the sum9 secured by thfs Security Instrument and aelo ot the Propefty. The notice.shall further <br /> � infarm Barow�ta of tho right to reinstete efter�cceleretfon end the ripht to bring a court ection to ussart the non- <br /> existence of a dafauit or eny other d�fense of Borrowers to ecceleretlon end aate. If the default Is not cured on or <br /> ; before the dute specitied in the notice,Lender et thefr optlon may require immediate payment in tu!I of eli sums <br /> secured by this Se�rity instrumont vrithout further demarxf end mey invoke the power af sele end any other <br /> remedles permltted by eppliceble law, Lendur ahali be entitled to collesct all expenses Incurred in pursuing the <br /> remediea provlded In thfs paregraph Includtng, but not Ilmitad to, teesonable ettorneys' fees end costs of titie <br /> , evidence. <br /> It the power of sele is invoknd,Trustae shall rocord a notice of defeutt in each county in which eny part <br /> of tlie Prnnanv is Inceted end shell mall conies of such notice in the rr.anner prescribed by epplicabte lew to <br /> Borrowera and to tt�e other persons prescribesf by epplicable lew. After the time required by epplicable�aw,Trustee <br /> shall give public notice ot salo ta thu persons end in the manner preacribed by eppltceble law. 7rustae, without <br /> demand an BOrrowers,shell seli the Property et pubilc auctfon to the highest biddar et the time and piace end under <br /> the terms desfgnatod in the notice of sele In ono or mo�e parcets and in eny ordor Trustee determines. T�ustee may <br /> postpone sele of ell or eny percel of the P►operty by public e�nnouncemont et the iim»end place of any proviously <br /> scheduled sale. Lender or Lender's designees mey purchese the Proper�ty at eny sele. - <br />= 3 <br /> ----�-------..___�__� ;_... . •.�•t--•--------•--^--�r�r �•.°,�.,--�— _.,.-..��r- - <br /> .-�.._ - ..__.. <br /> r-- ^-,-'�!T!^.t!+c:.' . .--- - -- - - -, -..� � <br />