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<br /> — . • . � '� ��d�.70� • ==-_
<br /> ' nattticatla�n to Truate�and 8�n�ilCiary.!n ths bvent any polf�y hsreunder Is no1`�ene�►ed on or b��ae fitteen�t5}daya prbr to � ;_
<br /> -= a= ' its expiratioa dats,T�ustee or Ben�tichry msY Procure�ucA tnsuranc�in accadu�cs with the qrovistona o!Pan�aph 7. ���` _,
<br /> �y Y..�,�. Ttusfor shati detfvsr to 8anaficlary ttft orrptna!potictes ot#nsunac�snd anawais tAsaot or capies ot such poqcles and 3�.�
<br /> — - renawals thereat.Fattur�to fur�laA such inaurance by Truator,or nn�wai�as requlred 1�ereunder,ahall.at.ths optfoR of v -
<br /> — "���" :' Beneflciary.conatitutsadstuatLAiluneamsdpremlumsuehsrs�yaasl�nedtoTrouteeaaaddttionalaacurity,andaaafeand r ��
<br /> r"�'- � ihaT[uste�ah#1! tstaconvey to the P+uchsser thsTrustor's tnterest In and to atl potfcies � `.
<br /> ,��-�,s`:� �ncsotltteP�op�CtYbY � �� , , - - -
<br /> ���.� � ot tnsuancs upon tli�Truai Froperty:- _ . . -- �` _
<br /> �` 5.Tax�andA�a�ta.Tru�tor ahal�paY a1�tsxes ac►d apsciat aaass�ments te�+e4 or aaaessed apatn�L or due upon,tM '
<br /> � Propsrty betore�etlnquency and wUt dettver ta Beneficiary coples of receipts ahowinp payment of such taxes and speciat � � ,. _-_
<br /> .."!�F+ •�. ���� . . � _�F_a._-
<br /> ;�,�'�"_: .:� 6.A�QONtonN Lf�Truata ahall maks ail p�yments ot intema�and p:(ncipsl.and payments ot any other chaupes,fsss.at�d � ... .-�`--y_.
<br /> - ' �,. �- '�-'�-.= °` � exp�nses contract�0 tv bs paid to any oxisttn�lis�i hoidsrsor P�lo►bsn�ticfaflss un�er arry pricr Deed of Trust,MoR�ape or
<br /> - �.;`:,�=,:. � ,, : ..,,.`.''_:-�----_
<br /> - 1 ,_����' r ,ptfNr escur(tSt apnNnsnt.bafon the dste thsy aro dsHnqusnt snc!to pay any other tlsim which looPa�(�t��rity n _�
<br /> �.s:�, W�;t. ' prant�d herein. _ `` . . .. ��$� �
<br /> '-�``�- z�. ��• ` ,�'°
<br /> ,.�� i „ T_proMelbn o1�IlciKy's S�ariry.Shoutd Trustar hil to maks any payment,taH to do any acE as herein provl4ed or if � 1 �.`_�
<br /> ��.r._
<br /> _ _:��:_��. . anx action or_praceadinp ia commenced wAich mateyaity aNects Benettciary's tnterest in the PraAerh►, IpcWdinQ,but not � � -
<br /> • �• ��� � � ,. - ItrRlted to.afninant domsin�insolwncy.arranpert�snt�or proceedin�s involvinp a ba�krupt or deceQent,then 8eneflciary w .
<br /> - � ; �; • '►tuste�,bu�withbutobQ��tiontoGoso.andwithoutnoticetoordemenduponTrustor,andwithoutreleasinyTruatoriromany` �. � �.,, .. .� ��}��
<br />� �_:,� �;:;,,,y`,:� `�. otblpatton Aereunder,may make ac do the aame.end may pay,purcAsis�contest or cempromlae aay encumbrance,charpe o► c�.- . . _ ... ,
<br /> iten,wb1cA in the Judpmeni of etther appsara ta at(ect aaid Pro�Ay;�n exe►cisin�anY such powera.the 9eneitciary or Truate� �F� - •�� ,; ____
<br /> - ��"`f � �• . .J . f . .�f .'__
<br /> - � • may tncur a ilabilttY and expend whstevsr amour�M..including d ia b uraertan ts o f re s s o.n s b l e a t t o m e y's t e e s,w h t c h t n t h e i r a R � ` _�Y:;----
<br /> ' � solut�dfacrotion msy be necsssary•�n•the event that Truatar.ehall h(i to procure lnsurartc�faii to pAy t�xes a�d apsci�t � �- ,=r,.;�•�
<br /> �� ass�ssments or fail to make an�paymanta to sxtaltnQ or pr�or pen h o t d e r s or bsnbftciAries.the Benaficiary cns�y procure aucA ! �� , -��`_.
<br /> , . '" ;�,.:..__-_--
<br /> � � � • � . trtsurance and make aucfi psymenta.All sums fncuned arexpended by Beneficiary or Trostee!n accordsnce wtth the p�wri- � , . � ,;��,
<br /> , � i ' _ �_,� - siasss af ihe Deed of Trust aro aecured hereby and.wittwut demand,ahall be immediatety due and payabfe byTrustor and ahali �� _ � �:
<br /> bsac irtarsst at the rate pruvtdad fot.advance�under the Loan A�reement; prov i d e 0,however,t h a t a! t he o p tion of the
<br /> � ' � ` Beneticlary or Troatee,auch sums may be added to the p[lncipal bafarice at any indebtedness secuied hereDy and srafl bear�°� � � :�=
<br /> .# �the eame interqat an aucb tndebtedneaa and shall be paYabte ntabty aveE the remalninp term theraof. ; _ �.
<br /> 8.Aisl�nnMnt W R�M�.Benefictary ahail hsve the�ipht,powe[and authority durinp the continuance ot this t�eed af Trust to ; - °4 _�
<br /> � • � � co l l e c t t he ren ts,l a eu a s a n d p r a t i t s o f t h e P r o p e r t y a n d o f a n y p e r a o n a l p r o p e r t y l o c a t e d t h e r e o n w i t h or wfthout takin p ! • • . .�
<br /> - � ' � { poaasaaiot�of the Property attectea hereby,and Truator hereby ahsotutety and uncortditionaily sasi4na sli such renta.issues f .
<br /> - , � q and protita to BeneHeiary.Beneiiclary,how�ver,he�eby conaenis to tt�e�Trusto�'a cattectiort aad rete�tion ot aucb ronta, r • �
<br /> � Issuea and praftts aa they accrus and beccme pay�ble so tonp aa Trustoc is not,a!such tfine,in QBftuft with respsct to paY- ! . ;,
<br /> � r msnt.of any indebtedneaa aecured hereby or tn ths pe�tormance of�ny a�reement hersuoder• Upon any sucb datautt, ; ; ;
<br /> � " . j Benefictary may at any time,either in person,by apent or by a tece(�er tc be appoiated by a court,wlthout naticet an0 without i.� _ .. -
<br /> . � _ re�ard ta the adequacy of any securtty fov the indebtedneaa hereby secured:(a)ente�upon a�d take possesstvn of the Proper- ; :. •
<br /> , ' ty or a�y part thereoi and in Its own name sua for or otherwise coilect such renta,issues and protits,Inctudfn�thoae past due ',,`� •
<br /> � and unpaid,ancf appty ths same.tesa costs and expenses of operatton and coitection,lncludlrtg reasonatile attomey tees.
<br /> , upon any indebtednesa aecur00 hereby and in such ofder as Beneftciary may determine;(4)perform such acts of repai�ar pro- � . � '.
<br /> .,,,-� ,- teCtion as may be neces�ary or prcper to consenre the value ot the PropeRy;(c)lease the same or any pan hereof farsuch ra�c- � ,
<br /> '1 •:; • tai term and upon auch aonditions as Its judqment may dlctate.Untess Trustor and Beneflciary apree otherwise in writing,any � , �
<br /> � � aDP��catton ot rents,fsaues or proflts to any lndeDtednesa secured hereby snall not extand o►postpone the due date ot the fn-
<br /> � ,:. � stattment paymenta as provtded In the Loan Agreement,and tha application thereof as aforesaid shall not walve or cure any � ..
<br /> dsfault or nottce of detauit hereunder or iaval[date any act done pursuant to such notice.Trustor alaa assipns to Baneficiary,
<br /> � - � as further security for the perfcrmance of the obligationa sacured hereby,aI1 prepaid rents a�d ali monlea whlch may have '- `
<br />. , �, � �,� bxn or may hereaiter be deposited with eaid Trustor by any tessee of the Property,to secure tha payment ot any rent�ana � . � • .
<br /> • � uport detaul!in the perforamrtce ot any of the praviaions hereof,Trustor agrees to deliver such rents and.deposits to the ;
<br /> 8eneficiary.Oeiivery o}written rtotice of Benelficary's exercise of the rights granted herein to any tenant ocrupYinp sald ;
<br /> • • premise�shaU be sufficient to requlre said tenant to pay said rent to the Beneficiary until fuAhet notice. �
<br /> 9.ConMmnitfon.ti title to any Dart of the F�operty shall be taken In cordemnatton proceedings,by right ot eminent domatn
<br /> ' ` or almilar actton,or shall be sofd ande�threat of condemnatlon,all awards,damages and proceeds are hereby assiyned and . � .
<br /> ` ahatt De paid to Beneitciary wha ahall apply auch award,damagea an0 proceeds to the sums�ecured by the tleed o!Trust,
<br /> • • • wlth the exceas.it any,pai�to the Truator. � � .
<br /> •�- � t0.Futun Adwa�.The�oan Agreement provtdea for advances trom time to tfma to Trustor by Beneticiary a�providea .
<br /> '� �� thereln.ln additiorr.upon request of Trustor.Beneficla►y,at Benefictary's optlon,prior to reconveyance of the Property ta the �
<br /> � � � � Trustor,may maks addHionai tuture advances to the Trustor.Such future sOvances,wit�interest therevn,shail de aecurea by
<br /> � this Reed ot Trua!when evidenced by promissory notes stating that said notes are secured hereby;provided that at no time
<br /> . � � �halt the aecured principal anQ t�ture advances.not including sums adva�ced to proiect the security,exceed one hundred per- , �
<br /> • �• . cent(100%)o!the orlglnal principal amounta secured hereby. ,
<br /> " i 11, p�nNdi�s Cu�utaliv�.All remedles provided In thls Deed ot Truat are dlstinct and cumuiative to any Cther rigt►t or �
<br /> . ` remedy under this Deed of Trust or afforded by law or oqulty,and may�e exerciseA concurrontty,,n�ependently ot successtve� .
<br /> . � . ti �y. �
<br /> , � • 12.AccN�ratlar,R�nNdba:3���•A detautt shall exiat I�the event o1: •
<br /> � �A) Any t�aud or mlarepresentation by the Truator In connection with the tine ot cre�it whtch tbis Oeed ot 7rus1 seeures; •
<br /> (8� Any falture on the Dart ot the Trustor ta meet the repaymeM terms in raspec!to the Loan Agreement and any other ad• �
<br /> ' vances under thia Deed of Tru�t hereby secured;ana, �
<br /> � � ' (C) Any aation by the Trustor prohibited by the terms o1 the Loan Agreement or thls Deed of TrF,st cir any failure of the Trustor � .
<br /> --_— t6 a�sr�qutred t�y tha Lvan agreement or this Oeed of Trust,each o1 whlch Trustor hereG�agrees havs an adverse et- -- ,-
<br /> . ' teot on!he 8eneflclary`s security for the line of credit estabtishad and the righta of the B�:�eticlary in such security, „
<br /> � and upan the hap0ening ot any suCh event ot defauit,Beneliciary may declate all sums sscured rt�reby immedlately due and
<br /> ' ' payabta by dettvery ta 7rnstee of writtertdeclaration of default.The trustee shall hava ihs powe►of sale of the Praperty,and it
<br /> Berteliciary desires the Properiy to be sold, it shatl ddposlt with Trustee this t�eed of trust and all promissory notes and
<br /> • • • dacumenfs eviaencing expendituras secwed hereby artd 9t►a11 deliver ta Trustee a written nolic8 of detautt and etection to . .
<br /> � cauae the P�nFerty to be sold,and ihe Trustee tn turn shalt pre0are a notiCe in the torm required by law,whlch shall be dWy fii-
<br />_-..-.---.--,-__,-._.----_---.-,_.-. . ecttoriecoMbyTr�stee. . - - _ . --- ---_..__.__---
<br /> ' (A) After iha tapse of such time as may he requl�ed by law tollowing the racordation ot sald natice of detault,and notice ot �
<br /> � � defauit gnd notice of sate having been given a9 required by taw.Trustee,witt�out demand on Trustor.shat{se�l thd Propen
<br /> ty on the date and af the time and ptatcs designated in safd notice of sale,at pubUc a�ction to fhe highest bldder,fha pur-
<br /> � • - • � � - chas�pr�ce pa�Ya�te in tawiul money af the United State9 af the tlme ot sate.'th�person cqnducting the sate may,tor any
<br />. - - CBUSe he deem9 expe�lent.postpone the eate irom time to tim9 until it shatl be compteted and.fn sve�y such casA,notice # �
<br /> � HC�6t571+4Ct . 1
<br /> ; -- -
<br />. • • -'--� - - - - :. --_„ -- -
<br />