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<br /> . �'rr„e�ewa�n e os�+�
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<br /> — Ths�nOKSbnrQ"Trustor".as{aN�tlfNd tn tAa tolbwlnp ONd ot Trusl.wMthK one or mor0.und�tstsnd tAst ths docum�nt
<br /> _ -- the�r w ayout to�z�cut�'ts�ONd ot Trwt and not a mortprORrana thst tA�Pa�of saN[xarid�d ta In tIM DNd o�Tt�
<br /> ;� — poriQ��suf�tantially dtft�rrrit itpMs and obNpations to tNs Bomowas Man a ir�o�tpap�in ihs ersnt of a dsfwit oi bre�i��ot _
<br /> -- � cbl(patiq�ur�ttN ONd of Trt�st�includhq,Dut not iimit�d to,ths 6�ftciary's rbht to hsMS the PropertY idsntifi�d in tha
<br /> - tollowirq Deed of Tru:t eoTd by ths T�u'stas without a!y I��lal procNdinQ.Trustor npr�aa�►ts and warnnts that this
<br /> /ict�mowl�d�ment was ex�cutsd by tMm bstae tM uecution of ths[)ad of Tast Astsa �r h � : ;:';:. � �
<br /> - �,;�
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<br /> . ��.� .., - . ` �` .. �. . 1 ' '' �`,�Y.
<br /> };., � � � HOME EQUITY LINE OEED OF TRUST , ��-, T £
<br /> ,. ,
<br /> . ST DEEO m�d�t h i s�5_t b�Y at March �19 92 --betwsen �barrlf T Lon9 4,�;;�
<br /> - THISTfiU . •;:4� ��
<br /> �� � �rsinaftsr cali'Truator",whose maltln�adGresa�ts 615 west Koenis�=�� •=- -
<br /> P O Box 790.GI NE����80� �' `�`���
<br /> '" ' -� '-' Arend 1t Haacic - Attom�y at Law.whcss m+tiltnp addsss le� _
<br /> ��-k: �.�;::�:' as�Truates";and Homs Fsderal Savinsa and Loan Associstlon of t3rand tatanQ whose maillnp addre�sis221 South Locust, : , :-��i,
<br /> . `` •::.�' .�> ' _ _ . .; "`�'�°_
<br /> P.O.Box 10Q9.O�and tslanQ Nebraaka 68802,as"Beneticlary•,. ��:_
<br /> � ' ' For valusMs consid�ratlon,?rustor IRavacabty p«nts,trans[eaa,canwys and ssafpns to Tniste0.ln tnrst,witA power of ',: `'° :�
<br /> ' •_��'' s�ls,t�r ths bsnetit and�acurity ot f c a u snA a �h�s��s a�0 conditians of tAis Dsed ot Trust,tha Qitw� ; .
<br /> . � � � �.��,��r����,►�t�� . �ii���y �r Nebro�ska, �..r• .
<br /> 2' . .., .'� - '��- �C .: . .L�.>�, ' �-� �r
<br /> �� ���".:L'X I ,_
<br />" :��.:t�.--���, �ke Easterly Si�cty I60) Feet o# �v�,.�hree �3f ia Block +One Hundrecl Twenty- �•.� st � : �
<br /> � Eight(128) in Kaenig & Wiebe's Addition ta the City of Grand,YsZand, Nebraska � � �:,j�:
<br /> - _�: . _ _. � �:L�::
<br /> . .'-� . . � �.' .
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<br /> , �.`,S �� ..: ' .'•'t�+,r i �1^s
<br />� • --ti::.��:�: :- . � tcpetlNr with all buildinpa,fixturea.improvements and appurtenances thareunto betonging,It belrtg egreeQ that ail ot ths i� . . '� w.• -� -�.:
<br /> *��`= "���:' � torepoinp ahall bs herelnafter rofened to as the"t?i�perty"•.. � ��` �'""� '
<br /> . , �. hK`�-r -t . ' t . ' . .
<br /> . .;,��:•:,.; .� �� 4�d1'��9b . .. ,
<br /> �,.T�,: _ _. _ FOR THE PUfiPOSE OF SECURI(��i peM rmanc�Rousa��°�'o�t�ass Y°a" t r herein containad an t e p�ri
<br /> _-. mentofthsp�ncipsiaum�of our�een poltars�(S �4,�00 _ �- �
<br /> - - • as svidenced by�Nome Federel Nome Equlfy Lo�n ASreemeM bstween Tru�tor and Beneflclary(the"Loan Apreemant"),pun �
<br /> ' • au�nt to whlch Beneficlary will advanee tunda toTru�tor from time totime at the Intere�t rates and upon the terms provlaed
<br /> `' thereln,topdher with any aum or aoma of mo�ey�witn interest thereon whlch msy hereatter be pald or advancad und�r the � , ,
<br /> � ••�• " . .terma of this Oead of Trust,botA princlpal aum and interest thareon beit�payabte�ccordi�p to theterms ae!forth in the'Loan •
<br /> � ''�''�-• �' A9raament�referance to vrhich la hereby mads.�t th�!office of the 8eneticiary fn Grand IsianO,NebraaNa,or at auch other ,
<br /> �'.;:�, ,: , ;
<br /> „ .:,;}�.. pl�ee�s Beneticlary m�y deslpnate la writinp. � ,
<br /> , ' ' t,WaRaety of TN1�.7rusto�ts tawtulty aeized ot ihe Property;has good rigM and lawtu!authorlty ta seft and convay tRe Pra . �
<br /> ' : peny:the PrapeAy is free and clear of all tien�and eneumberancea exceDt 11ens now ot fecord;and Trustar wili warrant and d�
<br /> ' � `�`� � tend the titte to the P�opeAy unto the Trustee and its successors and aseigns torever againat the claim�af all peraona.
<br /> . : :r.::", �
<br /> .•�';;;;". p,pa�rnMnt ot pAncipd and IM�nsL Trustor ahatl punotuatty pay the princlpal of.and I�tereat on,al1 advances under the �
<br /> , • ' ' _ Lo�n Apreement�nd wtll punctuaHy pertorm atl agreemenf�,condittons and provlsians of any other aecu►fty in�trument�Iven
<br /> _ - . - .°--�. --.�`�-:.==:-�=• tn eannectlon wHb this traneaotion.- - -
<br /> : ,-•-'"--� ' � - -- - 3 P�M�vatto�ae�dMalMMartN a!RropMy.Trustor wUl not commit any_waste upon the Property at wHt,at atf 11me�.malM �- - --- -
<br /> ' taln ths same In pood orderand condition and wt�l make,trom tlme to time,atl repalrs,renewals.repiacements,addition�and
<br /> � ' ' tmprovements whtch are reasona b ty requ ire Q to preven t wa�t e,i m p a�r m e n t,o r d e t e r i o r a t i o n o t a a i d p ro p ert y.No buitdin Q or •
<br /> . � improvement now or hareafter e�ected upon the f'roperty shall be altereQ,removed or demoll�hed wlthaut the prior written • .
<br /> . ccnsent of Benetfciary. . '
<br /> 4.Inwrane�T�uator,at ita expenae,witl malntatn wlth Insure�s approved by Benetictary,inaurance with�espact to the im•
<br /> • � • ' provemente and paraonal praedy constituttng the PropeHy a��in�t ta��by flre,IlphtntnQ,torn�do and other perils cuvered by ,
<br /> _-.._; .____�— ._� - _
<br /> -- . 1tdnQ�fO entertded�zuveraps ertdarsemt,rrt irr Str arn�t�nf eQu�tts at least o�s&l�uadtt=d pzteeai ot!!se ttt!!replacement valuQ __ ._---- . --
<br /> � � , tM�eof,and Insurancs apslna!auch ether h�arE�and 1n auch amount as is customarity carried by owners and operatars of ,
<br /> � � simlttr propeHtes and as 8enetfciaryr may require tar its protectian,Tru�tor will compty with such other requlrements as �
<br /> • � �� Benelicteryl may irom fime to tims raque�t tor the pratectian by insuranee ot the Intere�t of the re�pecttve partie�.All irt•
<br /> � � surancepoi►cissma1n1a1nedpur�uanttothts�eedotTruatahitinsmeTcu�tarandBenaficfaryaafnsureds.asthe�rrespective - ,
<br /> ' � ' intere�ts may appa�v and provids that lhero ehrtl bs rto Cancellatton or modiftoation without fifteen�t5)dsys Oriar wrltten
<br /> _ . - � , ' �
<br />