f �:�� _ ._ . . �`ti'��"t4=�-�L3T���Y'` C L " `C' ' . " �' _ , . " - '-_
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<br /> � 1_�—_'_._.�t ' t.. t. i . i; ' ' . .' . ..:.: � , ' ' -
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<br /> «� . . . .
<br /> .tw�a�wana�r�a�c`a.c�arae�o�+cn.�ofara�+o•�+at m.ume:na a�.ceiast a�votM.aro►t�
<br /> . `� `°„p�po�td��d.If 1S�sw ts ptiseponia ro�fonp�r tM�on.t11�r e.�rond en.asy aeslan.c.e te�tn.notic.ot�a�..notk. —
<br /> th«rof slw14 b�Qiwn inlM sanN mann�r is the a�tn�l notkk�o[�[�Trusta�shstt�x�cute and de1iwrtotM purchiMr .
<br /> -- , lis ONd conv�ytnD tM P�oP�Y�sotd.but without any cownant or wuranh►.ipcDreas a implie�f:?M rocitalatn ths de�d
<br /> —_ . ot any rt�att�o►�cti shait b�COnCt�tstvf proot of ths ttut�tulr�qe tMrlot.MY P���•incfiudin�Beneftciatfl.msY P�r
<br /> - � V-- CINM Ilt tlu_ut� �
<br /> _�_ - �B} yyMt►Trutt�'sNis pursusM to th�powNS Ner�in.ths Tnuts��tf appiy the proceeds of the sets to P�Y���� '
<br /> —� costs�nd uc�nsp of,�zKClainp tM pow�r of sats and of tBs s�is.(nclirdirr�the paymmt of the Tnistas a fess sctualry
<br /> �� � lncumd,wAICA TrdstM's tNS shali not U ths aq�resst�e�cceed 1h�tottowin0 amaunt b+sed uDon the amount�ecured,
<br /> h��py and nmsiatng unpNd:5 pKC�tum on the first i�,�ttmwf.t pereeetum on the balance theroof and than to the
<br /> s`.. tt�ms trt subp�nipraph�C}In tM�tMc�t stat�d. , .
<br />:� •� � lC1 After D�Yj�Q t1w ttems sp�cifNd in subDar+paph l8}-if the sats ts by Trustse.or ths Proper court and othsr coats of
<br />` �` ta�ctp�uw�nd�al�it th�ssiNs purswnt to Judicia{forectosure,the pcacesds of sats ahall0e appUed i�theorder st�tsd _
<br /> "� to the puyment oh � ' '
<br /> . ,t� Cost of any evidence of title procured in connection w(th aucA.aate and of any revenue atamps:
<br /> �. �;._; lfi) A!1 aums the aecured hersby:_ , _
<br /> �.. �itq Ths rertiatnde►,if any.to;ths peraon lepalty entitted thereto. _
<br /> � �4 x�`' 13,p���p�qpns oi Trust�.(a)Ths QulNs and abitpstiona of Trustes shall be detennined sotery by tAe expresa _
<br /> � provislons of this Ds�d af Trust.�nd Trwtee sAst!not 6e tiabie except for the pertormance o!such dutiss snd obUQaitons aa �_____
<br /> ��_; are spsciticaity ast foRh hersin.and no impliad covanants a obliQations aA�►II be)mpo�d upon Trustes;(4)No proviatons of ��
<br /> <<-" this Oesd of Trust ahait requiro Truatss to�xpend vr risic tts avm f+inds,�a ott�arwiss incur any tinancid o6(t9stion in#ha per• _ , .; . �,-
<br />� , :� :_,.-- '` -_" tormsnce of any of its duH�s Mrw�,a to ths sxerets4 of any,ef its rlpMs or powsr,if it ahsll hsvs�ds t0�•bdia!dn� . . _
<br /> ry�' that tAe[epafi!�t of auch tunds or adr4u�ta indsmnity W=1�.'st sucn dsk o�iiabilit�t is not reasonsbiy�asured.ta-�to) ` -°�
<br /> . �`:';:..`�.-��;:' .r:�i�: ' Trustes�may conautt with counsel of Its own chooslnQ and ths advice of snch cainsal atu�il befuH and comptetsa tut[�orE�atie • T __
<br /> �:•;•�•� � snd protection in the reapsct of any actian taken or suttered by It Aersunder in pc�od �ith ana�eii�ncs therson; :;,
<br /> , ;,,;
<br /> � � •� �ha�}not ps Il�bie for any action tsk�n by it in qood faitf►and reaaoc�abiy bAlbyad by tt to be puthorized o�w it h in t h e d iscro ti on ��
<br /> ;;�:,.•�.r�-� or rtpAta and powera contene0 upon it by thta Oeed ot Trust. �:� - ���°°!!^^���� "� , � �
<br /> ..t•.
<br /> : �-.�;`` � - tI„Additlond g�euclty Imtn�M�.T�uator,at its expense,w(li'`e and detiver toth�Tn�e0.promptty upan damand, � . , , ..�
<br /> ' auch aecurlty Inatrumenta aa may be required by Trustae,irt lorin aqbst�ln�,aatisfoctory t�Truatee,covesln�any of tAe .
<br /> � � PiropeRy carneyed by this Deed ot Truat.which security inatrumenta ahall bsAdditional aecurity tar Tn�stor'a taithtui perfor- ; �:'
<br /> • ' mancs of a�[ot the tenna,coven�nts a�d conditlons of thfs Deed of TNSt,the Loen Apraement,any promlaaory notss aacured : _,:��
<br /> ` , `�` � hersby snd�ny other security instromente executsd tn wnnection wilh thts transaation.Such tnatrumenta shall be recorded • �'��:-
<br /> •;�•
<br /> �_-Q' . or filed,and ra-recorded and rofited.at Trustor's expense. . � ' � i'.. 3`°
<br />. . �_.. �'4,- ' ' . �.. ��1 � -
<br /> . ,'.:`.'. " � - ` tb�AlseMl�n�aua. ' . '.
<br /> `�r t ti '� '�_ Lt''.�.,�. .
<br /> ^ �. �. �. �`,;;�;`:, (A� In the event any one or more of ths provisions Contatned in the Oeed of T�st,or the Eaa,7/►yreement or any promiaaory ,.,r,., .
<br /> • note,ar any otMr secEntry inatrument piven�re cannectiva with thls tra�sa[�tian,shait for any rea�son to be heta to be i�r =.
<br /> • 1'-`� � vaUd i11eDa1 or urtersforceabte In any respect, auct� Invalidity,OteQatity ar unenforceabiilry shall, at the option of ,.� •
<br /> `� '��� '' � � 8eneftciary,not sffect a�y cther provision o�this Deed of Trust,tbat this Deed of Truat ahail be constroed as if auch in• ± . y
<br /> . • vaNd,iiteyal or unanforceable provislon had never been contained herefn or therein. � . • . �°.�
<br /> � ' (B) Tbis Oe�of Trust ahail p0 construed accordinp to the laws of the State of Nebraaka �
<br /> ' ` � ' (C) The Oeed of Truat ahall inaure to and bind!he heiro,leflated�,devlaees,admtnlatratora, executora.aucceasors and . -
<br /> • � ' assip�s of the partiea hereto. � ' . � -
<br /> � ��'� `�. (0) Troste�shalt pay ait taxes tevled upon this t3eed ot Trust or tbe debt seeured hereby,to�ether�rFttt any other taxea or 4
<br /> . assessc�tents whlch may be levle�a�ainst tf�etrustee or Beneflciary or the legat holder of th8l.oa.R a0reement on ac- .. . -
<br /> • couni at 11se inaebledneas evidertced thereby. �
<br /> ' � (E) Whenever used heretn,the slnpular number st�all inatude the piural,the ptural,the singE:!ar,the useot acsy�endershatl be � � .
<br /> . . applicable to atl ger�ers,and the term"Ber.e,`ioiary"�hall Inctude any pay�e�at the inQebtedness t�ereby aecurea or any f
<br /> • � transter thereo,l,whother by operalton of Iaw ot otherwlse. � •
<br /> ' '� 16.SuccKSOr Tru�t«.Beneticlary may from tlme to tlms substitue a auccessor or succea�ors to an�Truatee named heretn i •. .
<br /> � • or aatlnp hereunder to exacute thla Truat Deed.Upon auch appointment and without convenysnce to ttte successor Truatae� ; � .
<br /> �. �. � the tatter shail be veeted wltb ail tNle.powe�a and duties conterred upon any Trustee hereln named of actinp hereunder.Each � ..
<br /> ' � suct�appointmsnt and subatitutiort ah�11 be made by written Inst�ument by Beneticlary.cantaininp�etefence to this Oaed af
<br /> • � Truat and ita ptace at reeord,vrhich when reeorded In the otflee ot the Reglste�ot Oeeda ot the count�csx countiea ln whlch ; .
<br /> � • sald prcpetty is aituatea,shatl be conctualve pro��ot proper eppointment ot tho auccessor Trustee.�P.e iorepoinp power ot �'
<br /> ' su�atitution and the p�acedure theretor ahall not be excluaive ot ihe power and procedure previded tcr byr law for the substitu- .
<br /> � tton ot a Truatee or Trusteea In the pta�ce of the Trustee or Trusteea named hereln. ;
<br /> � �7,F���anq py Q�Mtklary orTnutM NW a Watwr.A fo�beaisnce by Beneficiary csfn:stee in exerclatng any�tght or f.. ..
<br /> ' �emedy hereunder�or otherwlae aiforded by appllcabts IAw ahall not be a waiver ot o�pracluQe trteexe�ciae o1 any ripht a� !
<br /> • remedy hereunde►.Likewise,tbs watver by Beneiiciary or Trustee of any detauKaf Truatqr under thts Deed ot T�uat aha�t not be
<br /> " , desmed to bs a waiver af any other or almltar aetaults aubaequentty occuRir.g. ; �
<br /> ' � � 18.TNStor Not RN���d.�xtenaion ot the tlme for payment or modHloetlon ar amoRization of the eums aecuted by the ±
<br /> � Oeed of Trust granted by 8eneticlaryr to any auccessor In Interest o1 T�u�tor sha11 not operate to retease,in any manner,the
<br /> Ilabltlty of 1he origi�al T�u�tor and Trustor's auccessor In tntereat.8eneflciary shali not be required to comme�ce proceedings
<br /> . . :. � against euCh successor or�etuse to extend time tor payment ar otharwise modify amort►zation of the sums secured by the
<br /> � Oeed of Trus!by reason ot any damand made by fhe orlginal Trustor and Truator's successors in Interesi. . •
<br /> ' ' 19.Optlan to Fancto�a.Upon the accurronce of any detautt hereundar.Beneflciary ahail have the optlon to forectoae tnis ••
<br /> • Oeed ot T�u�t fn ths manner provldaci by taw tcr the tarecbsura of martpa�ea on re�al.praperty. - --
<br /> , -- Zp,T�uslo�s Riphls,Aban!QNautl.Untii any detauit tn the payment of indabtedne�s hereby secwed,or until the breach at
<br /> � . • any covenant herein cont81ne4.the.Truetor,fta successoro and assigns,shall possASS and enjoy ihe property and recelve tti�
<br /> renta and profita therefrom.Upcn paymenl of aI�sums aecured by te+ia Oeed of T�uat.8eneficlary shall request Trustee to , ,
<br /> recanvey ths property and shali autrender lhls Deed�1 Trust and all rtotes and Losn Agreementa evidencing indebtedneaa
<br /> � aecured by the Ceed of Trust to T�uatee,T�uatee shail►econvey 1he property without warranty artd�rltt�out charpe to the per• �
<br /> . • � aons tepatty entitled thereto.Ths Grantee in any reconveyance may be described as"the persan or persona ent(tted thereto". •
<br /> and the recltats lhereln of any mattera or tacta a�hatl be conclusive prao}oi the truthtulne�s thereof.Such peraon or person�
<br /> ".---------°._ shaif{�y sit castsaf recarding;l#any. -
<br /> ' . � � 21.T��nstKOf th�Propaly:Afsumpt�o��f a�!ot any part o}the Property or an interest thereln t�sotd or transterred without .
<br /> Beneficiary's prior wrhten consent,exeeDt a�atherwi�e provtded by law,deneticiary may.al6enef iclary's optlon,dectare ail
<br /> ' ihe aums secured by thls Qeed e1 Ttust tb de tmmediatety due and payable.Beneficiuy ahall havo waived such option to ac•
<br /> � • ceterate it,prior tv the aate or t�ansfer,B�nefitiary and tho persvn towhom the Prdperlyjs ta6A aotd or transterred�eabh ,
<br /> , • .: . _
<br /> � . � , �. � M�Ot}�1�Q1 . . •
<br /> . . . . . _ - --- - � -- - - - --- �-- - -- �
<br /> --�--�- - --- --'-' ----���- - -�— - -- --- . . . .
<br /> �, ,
<br />_.,_ �. �. . r ....� .-- - - - - -- •• - .._._..� .� _ ,.�:_.... . �-_.._ _- _ __.
<br /> . . „ .� ) � - , ._ . ... . _ : . .
<br />