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i. ;�' - - . _ i,; , •r.,;:��.i;::�1'tti:'��:�;: ��.5�'.aj'�r _ <br /> j ' _ . , , . '• .. .. <br /> . . - , '4!; .�r.� .. . . . . .��:,.:_•_•� ': .�J <br /> � . ^ ' ��_.�1�A�i <br /> . 1�.r. '� �. . . r�./���,. . ...,,y� - � . - .�. . '_ <br /> ,. . . .V1����.•���cS:.N�.�i�..wll�� . .... �t'__- <br /> _��.!uhf:i��('�,JI Y �'iA^14 - �����i��,imm�sr <br /> � utxtlOQM!•.:.ttsnr_.._.a..�✓,r. . .......�...._..--...._., ._� . 6iP-. <br /> �� . <br />. . . q,� a.* <br /> �.:+���+� ' • 7. Prnteotlon of L�nder'a Rl�hts ln the Property. �r aorrower ta�le ro n�orm tna oownanta �nd .pr�.rrNnta -- <br /> --- -- • ccr::�Y�W fn thls E°curky inatn�mer+t, or there ta a fegal proCeedY�g thet mey slpnitbanty eHect Lencfere rights In the Prope�ty(suoh ar -r= <br /> "• e proceedinp bn bankruptoy, prohate,lor condamna.tbn or forfeRure r�r to entorce laws or reputatbns),then Lender may do�nd pwy for <br /> �vh�tc,vor Is noaflscnry to protnct tho value of the PropeAy and Lendera rlphts fn the Property. Londora aotlona may Inoludo payksp E� <br /> ' � nny suma aecured by a Ilen whbh has prbrity over thls &acurlry Instn�meN, apposr{np In oourt, pnylnp rea6onob6�aitornayb t��s untJ p� <br /> i ontsrinp on tha PropeAy to maks ropYlrs. ANhouph UnW�r may toke�ctbn under thla perapraph 7,Lenda doo9 not hevs to da eo. 0 <br /> ` "� My amounts disburs�d by LantNr und�r thfs puapnph 7 sh�u beCOme addRlonal debt o} Borrow�r ��cund by thb S�curiry <br /> � � ': Indtrument. UnNse Bortowsr ond I.endar apr� to other t�rms af peym�nt, thess amounte shaa b�rr Intw�rot fior�i l�o dot.� at � �G <br /> "' '• `'� d��u��wt et the Nete rGM�ncl Rh�ll b�pay�bb, wkh htsr0at,upon notiC�hom LondM to EloROw�r nqu�ttlnp p�ym�r►L � <br /> -' ' �$5 �... <br /> 8. Mortti�qe Inwral�Cl. II L�nd�r r�quk�d moRp�y� induranC� at � Condkbn o} maklnp th� ban E�CUrad by thb 0 �r. <br /> '» a� Fi�curKy In�truu�:nt, Dorcawor ci�alt p�y lh� prc,a�n9 rcqulrcd to m:htatn tho moR:^_:� Inn��renr,e M eMr.ot. H, for eny reeeon, th� � �� <br /> ��p1� moAptpe Insur�nc�COWf�Q� I'�qUk�d by LMdM ypiN Of C�tfN ttl b� kl�iflOi� COROWB all�ii pty i�o ptwiiiuni9 iiyVi�i'v L�+S ,�4 _ <br />"��,�`� cov�np� wb�t�ntkNyr �quNaMnl to th� moRp�ps Inturmc� prwbuty Yt �M�ct, at � oost �ubttyntMly �quN�Nnl tA th� aest to � �.,- <br /> - -��1 BorroYwr af th� mortp�p� fnwnnos prwbusy fn Nf�t, hcm �n iltKmt� mortpap� h�unr �pprowd by I.�de. if �ubat�+►tl�ly - <br /> - " �-� �quN�tlnt moRp�� Intur�nc� oowr�p� p not �valkbM, BanowK ahtN p�y to L�ndar Noh month R tum �qu�l to on�tvr�Mlh of th� <br /> i yMry mort�p�Inwr�nc�pnmlum h�lnp ptld by Borrowk wh�n th�Inwr�nG�oownp�i�pi�d or a�u�d to ba h�fhat. undK wIN �.. <br /> �s:;:'�'� �cc�pt, ut�and nt�tb th��� prym�nn n a bt� r�tNw In N�u ot moAp�pe hwnnc�. Loss ros�r�w p�yrtwnt� rt►�y no bnp�► W °-__ <br /> '��-.:�. nqut�d, �t thp optbn o1 L�nde, M mortprp� In/unna ouwnp�(h th� unount and for th�p�rlod that Lond�►nquins)providod by �'-- <br /> -'° ^''�� �n heursr �pproved by L�nd�r �p�ln b�oom�� �wlwbM �nd h aht�inad. Bortow�r ah�N pay th� pramtums nqulr� to mahtah �`� <br /> - �,� — <br />.,�"t�*"����` mortptp� In�unnc� In �ttwt, or to provld�a bn m�rw, untN th� nquirMn�nt for mortptg� Infunna�nds In �ccordanc�wkh any _ <br /> -�� .,._� wrkt�n r�r�wf�nt b�twwn Borrow�r tnd Und�r or�pplicibl�I�w. <br />�`"''!�°'^`�� 9, Inapecqon. Under or k� �pent rrMy nuko ntsombb �nUie� upnn and h�paotbn� ot th� Proparty. LencNr sh�N pFn =-- <br /> r�'..�:. <br /> � flwrow�r notica tt th�tN+�ot or prbr to�n htp�otlon sp�oi.yinp�tonabM o�ut�(or th�htp�otbn. — <br />';�S��a:• <br /> = '-'A° 10. Gondsmnatlon. Th� prxe�do ol any �wud or okkn tor dam�p�s, dlnot or oon��qwntial, In aonn�ntbn wRh any <br /> .`:i����� � conct�mnatbn or othw t�kinq ol toy po�i ol ti�e PropeRy,or far aanvay4nce Ri 1'� ot cond:mnatlan,ero h�4y eaglQned nnd eheN be ` <br />_ _.,�s�� pta to I.�nd�r. — <br />_�"`�� In th�w�nt o} a total takhp ot th� Proputy, th� procoeds shtN b�appW�d to tho sums t�oured by lhh S�curky Instrum�nt, <br />-.,,;;;4 y� wh�thot or no!thon du�, wkh any exc�S6 pYld l0 BOROWYf. In tha want of a paRkl takhy of th• Prop�rty In whbh ths hr market <br /> wlu� o} th� Propwty hxrMdktoy bHaro ths t�klnp Is �qual to or prNlK ►h�n the I�mount o} the eums qcursd by thh S�curky _ <br /> '•i '� InsUum�nt Immediatey 6etore the takhp, un{ess Bortower and Lender ctherwise syree In wrRhp, the aums eecursd by thia Sscurky <br /> s'-"`"'x"� InttrumK►t �haA W raduc�d by th� emount of th� proae�ds muRpN�d by th� folbwinp tractbn: (a) th� total unount of th� iumt <br /> '-'��-- sYCUnd inxrwdwbly bNon th�takinp, dlvidsd by (b)the fak nurket value o!the Property knmedwtsly bston th�t�khQ. My bal�na _ <br /> ehaM 6� p�ld to Bortower. In ths event o!a pertinl takinp of ths Propsrty In whbh the fak rru�rket vabs of th�PropKty kr►m�dfatNy <br /> ���{.�'�•' : bo(on th�takinp fs k+ss than tha amount of th� suma aocured knm�dta�tery betore the takhy, unMse BoROwM'�nd Lvnd�r oth�rwise <br /> _ ':?:�� �proe In writhp or unNta �ppNCabb faw othMwisa provldos, ths procaods shaN bo a�pllod to tha oums acund by thk S�curlry <br /> �.. s:.t -- <br /> -�'��` f Instrum�nt wh�th�r or not th�cums us th�n dw. <br />--�'�e`si�� �i iir�riv'ywi�i �iriii��8Rir3$��ii0:.:�L`T��:�'AAZ���l...°'!�!�0 �QR4w�r��r�npriwqnnn►nNrx fn mak�an aw�td o� <br /> �`��~�,-'��'� attM�oyht tw d�rrwpq, DoROw�r fnAs to roepond to L�r►der wkhin 30 daye aftsr ths date th�notic�ta pNwb Und�►le authorix�d <br />„'�Y�T..��+ <br />-'����-_-� to Cow�ct�nd�ppy th�prxwd�,�t Ra option,�kher to natontion or npak ot th�PropKty or to th�sums NC�nd by thk&�curqy <br /> .,,� In=trum�nt,wlwtha or not lh�n du�. <br /> ---- Unlat L�ndK and BoROwor othwwla aptN (n writinp, any appNcatbn ot procaWt to princpRl shtM not�at�nd or pottpon� th� <br /> - �ue dob of th�monthy payments reNnrsd to In paraynpha t �nd 2 or oh�npe tA�amount of�uch p�ym�ntt. <br /> --� 11. Borrornee� Not Released: Forbeeu��nce By Lender Not a Waiver. �c.nean o� tn. um. ior paymmt a <br /> - modlficatbn ot unoRiratbn ot tM tums ucund by tha S�aurky Inctrum�nt pnntod by L�►d�r to any auco�sror!n InNntt nf Borrow�r <br /> ___ thaN not ap�rab to rNni�tha IkbNky of th�oripin�i BorrowK or k3oaoww� tuccaswrs In Int�r�tt. Und�r shaN not ba nquk�d to <br /> ____.. .,r.�_ comrrMne�proasdlnps�palnst any tucc�tsor In htonat or nN�� to extmd tYn� (or paym�nt or oth�rwis�modYy�mottiution of th� <br /> v� sums eacund by 4hk S�curky tnsWmmt by rw�son of any demtnd mad� by th� odpinti Borrow�r or BoROx�r's succaton N <br /> hbntt My fat�nnc�by Lond�r in conrafslnp any riyht or r�dy sh�N not ba a wakM of or pnCbcN th��oarolss ot�ny dpht or <br /> �Y• <br /> 12. St1CCC8fOr�o01d Ailtlglli BOUIid��i011it Olid SEVelA) LId111Iiy; CO-sIQ11Q��. Tfia Corinant� and <br /> �prwnwnU o} lhls S�eurky Inttrum�nt eha8 bad and 6�nafk th� 6uccessan and ttslpns o} Landv u►d Borrovwr, sub}�ct to th� <br /> provNlon�of pwpnph t7. Borrowws covMUits snd �pn�rt�nts ehall be Joint and esvKal.Any 8orrow�r who co-sipns thk S�curky <br /> InsWm�nt but do�s not ex�cute the Nots: (a) is caaipnhy thb S�curfty InatrumN�t ony to mortya�, gr�nf, and Conwy tt►t�t <br /> Borrow�f�ht�ntt N tho Propaty un�or the tams ot thk Sacurky Instruma�t;(b)b not par�onaMy obNWtod to pay the sum�acund <br /> ---__ bv thte S�curky Inatrumenh and (o) a„.,s ihat Lender and eny othsr Bonow�r m�y ayrw to�ctond, modify, tori�r or rtWc� ony <br /> _ �acommod�tiona wNN npard to t�rtns of thb S�curNy I�strument or ths No2e wkhout th�t Borrowor'�conant. <br /> 13. Loan Char�ea. Ii the ban secured by th18 Security InaWment b subJoct to a law whbh sote m�xinwm bm oherpa, <br /> - �nd that kw a hn�Ky hNrprotad so that the htKast or othe ban oharpo� colMat�d or to b�coN�ct�d h conn�ctloo wkh th� lan <br /> � ___ �xcNd th� pamktW IimRs, thm; (o)any auah ban ohtrpes 6��11 be r�ducsd by th�nmount n�c�ssary to rsduCS tns ohuQe to ttw - <br /> psrmkt�d Iimk;md(b)�ny aums Qlready col!aatsd Irom Bor►owK whbh axcs�d�d permktod NmN�wIM b�nfundsd to Borrow�r. Lsnder <br /> - rtKy ohoos� to rtwke thls ratund by nduclnp th�prholptl ow�d undar th� Noto or by makhp a dkoot ptym�nt to Borrowa�. It a <br /> ---- rotund reducas prk►olpal,th�nduatbn wul l»tnatW as a puti�l propayment N�thout any propaym�nt ohupr und�r tho Not�. <br /> __='-=� 14. Naticea. My notfce to Bortowsr provided tor h thb �CUrky InaWment ehaN be ptwn by dYllverhp k or by rtuNYip k by <br /> ---� _ -= Ilret ckse maA unaaa applfc�bw I�w rsqulros use o1 anoth�rtathod. Tho not�CO chall t» dkoot�d ro tha Prop�ty llddnts or �ny - <br /> __�;;�l;;;��4� othor addross Borrow�r dosipnatos by notice to Lender. My notic�to Lend�r shaq be phhn by Nrst okse rrkN to L�nd�s add»�3 <br /> etat�d hK�ln or any oth�r addnss Lender desipnntea by notic�to 8orrower. My notics provkAd for In thb S�curily InaUummt sMN <br /> r.,=,.r.:�.. _. <br /> __�___��� be deen»d to hs�e heen yken to Borrower or lender when gNer►aa pro�ided In thVs paregnph. � <br /> .,_;:=w�.�.� 16. Qovernlna Law; Severeblt(ty. Thls S�curity Inatmmsnt shaN b� powmld by fadMtil kw lnd th� I�w of lM __ <br /> _ ^.�,j�, Jurhd�tbn In wh�h th�Proparty Is loctt�d. In th�wrent that ony provisbn or otause of thh S�curity Instrument or th�Nob coniNcts � <br /> r �-? *==`i. wkh eppNC�bN kw, suoh contllat shap not afleot other provlsbne ot thls S�ourity Instrun�r►t or th� Not�whbh c�n bo pMn MNot -_ <br /> . 41,e� ` <br /> ,,_��-� wRhout tho oonfliatinq provitbn. To thls end the provhsbns ot thb Securily instrum�nt and th�Nota sn doolwd to W swenb�. •° <br /> --- � 16. Borrower'�Copy. Borrower sh4R bo phron one conturmed copy of th�Not��nd o}thb&acurMy IRStrum�nt. ��� <br /> _- �;,_�! - <br /> �-:,;.�,.tr.r-°°° ii.i r�nster oi ine rroperiy or a oenonciai inia�e�i in ooROwer. ii ee o► any pui vr in. Prop.riy or anr C. <br /> �= , .". .. htareat in k b dotd or Vaneterred (or B a benefiokl Interost h Oortower fs aold or tr4nahm�d and Bortower la not a natunl pKeon) <br />,- , ' , . ., wRhout Londars pr{or wrkten aonsont, LenJOr may,ot ka optlon, require Immodinta peymont h tull o!all sums 6�CUrsd by thb S�curky � <br /> Instniment. However,thls optbn shell not be exerolsed by Lender B exerolse Is prohlbRed by tedarel kw as of ths dsts of thl�8acurRy � <br /> InatrumsnG � <br /> If Lender ex�alsea this optbn,Lender s�all pNe Borrowor not�e ot acCeleratbn.The not�e shaH provlde n ptrrrbd of not bsa than � <br /> �� 30 days hom the date the not�e Is delNered or malled wkhh which the Bonower must pay all sums Becurod 4y thl� Sacurky i <br /> ' InaWmsnt. If Borcoww IaIFS to p�y those sume prbr to th��xpintbn of thls perbd,Lender may hvoks nny remodbs �rmkhd by lhls , <br /> � � Securily inatrument wkhout turther notfce or demand on Borrower. Form J020 C!q i <br /> �. y �� <br /> '{ f'� ' ,' F104Y.LM0(?1GE) Pay�3 al 6 <br /> �,+i..r �� _ <br />- 01701T40�1 �. <br /> i <br />