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<br /> 90rrower�escrow eccount undar th�/�dK�l R�al E�t�tc J�ttMm�►t ProcWune Aot ct 197b u�m�n�Md kom tim�to tln�, 12 U.B.C. _
<br /> ' !6{11 7 6q4�.("MCaI'/1`j�unfess anoinor k►w tiiKi iwpiw3 iu ti�ii i(/ii�'o uui�e NJO4� cmaunt. 1��0��.,.°SlL�O!tY?!r.°��9y t41Ma 0��°�31 p�fl �.
<br /> � hold Fund� In un amount not to oxceed the la�ear araaunt Londor rnay es:hr,ato tho e.mount o1 fundo due on th�beel�of curtent d�ta
<br /> QOLI fuA00f�ebkl C91�i�3t0�o}cxpcndiluroa of fulurq ECCroe�Itcrn3 or othcm�i;o in cccord:nCO��+Uh nnpl'cabl� I�e�. �� �'
<br /> Tho Fund� 6hell be hQld In an hst!tutton whose dopoeke aro k�3urad by e fedural epenoy, InatrumonSa(ky, or e�ntky (hcludk�p � �_-
<br /> I.�ndu, M L�nrf�r b such an hatkutbn) or In ony F�ai HortN Lan Bank. L.w►d�e ehAN �ppy tha Funde to pay the E�crow Itwn�. --
<br /> Lond�r r►wy not ohup�Borrow�r tor hokllnp �nd opp�yin0 ths Funda, Knnuxiry rnuiy�.ip th9 c�scr3w c�ccaunt, er�:rtylr�tho Eecrow �r` _
<br /> l!�!n9,t�n!!�s l!nhr peye Bnnaww ht+xa�t on th�Fundf and�ppNc�bN Mw p,rmRS l.md�r ro rnak�cuoh a charp�. How�vM,Land�r (� _-
<br /> rrs�y rpuk�f3orrqw�r to pay a one�tlm�oh�rpn tnr�n M:d�pend�nt nd�tRb hx npoRinp e«vb�u�ed by L�r►d�r In oonMOtbn wkh _ _
<br /> Iilt� q�tl�Y��iMI��yyitiiuii iiii'yiG'riVV�Gt��v�H�. 4}ft:'�: �ii�f�?+��i�l:i i:Lta�f CDA1LLhJ L�L'!fC!lUlf�:,Intcrest to b�p�fd���CfIfN,'f � �'.
<br /> tMN not W nquk�d to pay BorrowK any ht�t or wminp�on fPN Funds.8orrow«'and Unde may aprM in wrkhy,howw�r,thtt �
<br /> hMnst th�q W p�id on th� Fund�. Lendw �hail plvr to Bonow�r, wkhout oh�r�o, an annual �caounthp o} th� Fund�, �howinp
<br /> cndk��nd d00kt to th�Fundi and th�purpou for whbh woh d�bk to th�Funda wae mtd�. Th�Fund�uy pf�dp�d R�eddkion�l
<br /> aaurky tor�M cum�acund by lhla S�curky Inttrummt.
<br /> If th�Fund� hNd by l�n�f�r�xcwd lh��mount�pwmkt�d to ba h�id by appWc�bM Ntw,Und�r�h�ii bcoounl fo Borrow�r fpr th�
<br /> mccne Funds in �caorcknc�wk� th� r�quk�r��ita ot appltzab� faw. I}tho amoun! 04 ths Funde hN0 by Llndlr U eny 14me M not .
<br /> euMbhn!to p�y th�Ercrow It�m�wh�n dw,LYnWr rr�y�o notiry dcrrow�r cn wrNinp,�nd, h�uoh o�t�Borrow�r�hMN pay to L�ndx
<br /> tM unount nacMary to rrNks up th�deflol�noy. �orrowx�h�N rn�ic�up Ih�difloNnoy b no mon th�n twNw monthy p1►ynwr�t�,�1
<br /> L�ndw��ow dkonibn.
<br /> Upon p�ym6n1 In IuN ol�N sum� �aourud Dy thM B�ourNy In�1�umK►P,l.�nda�h�8 promply rNund to gorrow�r�ny Fundr hNd by
<br /> 1.md1�r. If, unda pu�pn�ph 21, lAndlr�h�M�aquin w N11 tIN PropMty,LYnd�r,prbr to th�aoquMRbn a wN ol lM PropMty,�h�M —
<br /> �ppy�ny Fund�h�ld by LrndK�l tI�Ih►�ol�oqukkton ot t�M�1�crrlN�lnat th��um��ecund by thk 8toutNy In�Wm�►f. _
<br /> 3. A�pQcatbn oi P�ym�nt�. un�� �avro�bw �w prov�o�n«wMa,�M pnymml�ncNwd by l�n�r unti�r�.��pho �
<br /> 1 snd 2 tMN b��pp1Md: Nnt, to�ny pnpeynNnt ah�rpK dw undrr tt►�Not�; aeond,to�nwunte pay�bM undM pW�praph 2;thtd
<br /> to k►t�n�!dw;(ourth,to prfnoip�l du�;�nd Mtt,to my ats ohugK du�und�r th�Not�.
<br /> 4. ChKQ�s�Llens. 8ortowM' ihtM plly aN taxN, �tiNtm�nt�, ah�lrpN, tin�s and htpD[Jlbn� atttbut�bl� t0 ttN PropMty
<br /> whbh rt�y �tt�in prb�ity Over thp S�curky Uttrum�nt, �nd Mat�hold paym�nt� or nround �te, k my. BoROwK �h�N p�y th�N
<br /> obifp�tfons In the mennK provid�d h parWraph 2. or N not p�id In that menne,Bortoww�h�M pay thwn on tlms dincty to th�pKtoei
<br /> ow�d paymN►t. Botrowe thtN prompty fumkh to lmder RM notica of rrrwunt�to b�paki und�r thb panpnph. If Borrovr�m�kN
<br /> thsss p�ymmb dk�cty,Bortowar ehaN prompty(umMh 40 lend�r nc�ipb wfd�ncin�th�p�yn�nte.
<br /> BorrowK�haM prompty dlaaharp��ny Nan whbh ha�prbrit�r ouw thb S�curity IneWmmt unNss Borcow�r: (�)�pras In w�ItMW to
<br /> th�payrt�nt of th�otrNpatbn sscured by ths Nen h a rrw�nn�r�cc�ptabM to L�ndK; (b)aontats h po0d hRh th�Il�n by,a d�Nnd�
<br /> p�inst antorc�t of th�IMn k�,lyal procNdlnp�whfch h th�l.�nd�r'�opfnton opKate t0 prwmt tM�nforc�rrnnt Of tM MIn;or(0)
<br /> t�CUhi kOm tN� hokllr of ths Wn �n �prMrtNnt ptlil�otory to i.�ndR subotd'natno ini iiwi iv ii�w wi;sHR� i���u`���w�4. it L.�"iL�
<br /> cMtKmNa thet �ny part of th�Pro�ty I� tubJ�et to a N�n wh�h may �ttaN prbriayr owr thM S�aurky M�trum�nt, UndK m�y pk�
<br /> Bormwp�notbe IdrntMyrhp th�Nm. Borrow�r shtA ptlaty th� Wen or Wca on�or mor�o}th�actlonf�at foRh ebow wRhh 10 d�y�
<br /> of tha phrhp ot not�s.
<br /> 6. Hera�'d or Prqperty Inwrance. eorrowK sh�Y kYOp th� knprowmentt now akt�►p or h«wM. �r�cad on th�
<br /> Propwty intund�yalntt b�R by fin, h�Tafdi hOkld�d Wkhh th�1QI11 "17RMId�d COVKaQ�"�nd�ny oth�►hwv��ki0lUdf�Q IbOda M
<br /> flopdY�y, tor whlcA UndK nquira� Inauruic�. ThM hsunna �haM M mahqMNd In Ifi��rtwuna �na lor tM pKlod� th�t I.�d�►
<br /> r�qainf. 7M hsunnc�Ctrri�r providlnp th�h�uruic�ehaM bs Choaen by Borrower subj�Ct t0 Undlrs �pprowi wh�h shaN�o:t�
<br /> unniuorwby wkhhNd. !f Bxro�wsr htib to mtint�ln aowrap� ducrb�d �bovs,Lendsr may, at LAntM►'�optbn,obttin covrr�to
<br /> prpb�Ct UtldKe riphtt in th�P�opwty fn uC4ordtnC�wKh pa�'�ptaph 7.
<br /> Ad insurenc�Ooliciw��nd nn�wah�AaN b�accptabN to L�dK Rnd shaM haludo a�t�ndvd mortp�p�clws�. i.�nd�r�MI haw
<br /> Mf� rlpht 10 hoid th� polbf�o �t►d t�M»w�N. If L�ndor r�quirM� BOROwK thaM p►Omptly piv�to UndK�N f�Calpb Of pdd p1'MnkMns
<br /> �nd nn�wal notta�. In th�avent ot b�a, 8orraw�r sh�N plvr prompt not��to the Msunncs c�rtier�nd Unda. L�ndK may mNc�
<br /> proof o4 bss k not made prompty by BoROwa.
<br /> UnIMS Gnd�r anb Boarowu oth�wk�spn� In w►kinp, tnwmnc�procNds shell bo�ppli�d to ratontion a repak of th�Prop�ty
<br /> d�m�pod, M th� netontion or npiY M econom�aNy�tbN�nd Undw� acurky k not la�d. If tM ratontlon or ngak M not
<br /> �conomicaNy fwisbw or L�ndor'� cocuriry woutd b�bss�n�d, th� Inauranc� prcc�ls th�N b� yr�INd to th� aums acund by thk
<br /> S�curRy In�trum�nt, wMthM or not th�n tluo, wNn �ny�occKS p�ld to 6ortowR. If BorrowK a�ndons it►� Prn�sriy, w iiow nvi °
<br /> �nsw�r wkhh 30 days � notic� from Und�r that the hsuru�c� c� htf oMernd to attM � uN9n, tMn L�ndK rtwy coN�ot tM
<br /> In�unna prxMdt. lend�r m�y ute t�N prxNds to �xir or n�ton th� P�op�ty or to pay cums acurod by tnie S�curity
<br /> In=t�urtwnt,whKhK or not th�n duo. Th�30�d�y p�rbd wM bpin wh�n th�notics b plwn.
<br /> Unlas Und�r�nd Bortowx othKwla �y�w h wrkNp, u�y�ppNc�tbn ot procNda to pnc�lpal ehaM not mcNnd or postpa»th�
<br /> dw d�t�of th� monthy paymmte rNwred to b parwnphs 1 �nd 2 or chanya th�unount of th�p�ymr►b. If unda puapraph 21
<br /> th�PropKty N�equlnd by L�ndK,BortowM'4 ripht to my htuanco poNClei and procMds nsukhp kom dm�ep�to lM Propxty prlor
<br /> to th� ocqufakbn shtN p�ea to Land�r to lhe wct�nt of ths suma aecund by this 6ecurity Inatrum�nt knnNdi�tfy prtor to the
<br /> �Vuiskton.
<br /> 6. Oacupancy� Pre�ervatlon� Msintenancs �nd P�otaction of the Proptrty; Borrow�r's Lw�
<br /> Applieatlon; Leas�holds. Borrow�r sh�Y occupy,�at�bltsh,and use th�Propaty te Borrow�e's prNolpd reefdmc� wkhh �bdy
<br />- day��tivr th��xxutbn of thta Securlty InsWmw�2 ond ahaq aonthuo to xcupy tho Propxty as Borcow��prino�al nsldma tor�t -
<br />� f�ast on� ywr aR�r th� d�t� o} xcupenoy, unlne LK►d�r oth�rwb� �pre�s h writtnp, whbh oonaw►t uhaN not b� unnatoneby
<br /> wkhMid,or unwas�xt�nu�tlnp cfr�cumstmc�a�xist whbh an beyond 8ortaw�r'e conVOl. Bortower shtN not desVOy. d�m�p�or Mnp�M
<br />! th�Prop�Ry,�Now th�PrapKty to detwbnt�,or oommk wut�on tNs Prop�ty. Bortow�r ahaM 1»In dMauk Y my tori�kun�otfon ar
<br /> i procMdir�,wMthK aHN or crknin�l, f�bpun th�t In L�a�d«'�poad fakh Judpm�nt oould nsuk In forhkun o}th�Propwty or othxwi��
<br /> ,p.�.�►.r, ry,.r �n. u.� cr..t.d ey fAh S�curkv In:Wmont ar tand�a s�urkg ht�roat Bortower nug curo euch a dMaut u�d
<br /> '- nlnttat�, n provkf�d h puapnph eB,by caushp lhs actton or procaadhp to be dlsmksad wRh e ruNnp thtt, In L�nd�s qaod hkh
<br />.i det�rtrik�atlon, pncluWe fad�Run of th� 8orcowor'e Intarost h th� Prop�rty or othK mate�f�l Mptlrmmt o} th� H�n crwttd by thte �
<br /> Sacurity tnaWmait or Lsnde�e security hterost. Borrowar shntl o{so be In defauk N Bortowor, durhp ths loan applfcatbn procKf, :
<br /> paw matx�Ny faiss or Ineccureto htortnntbn or etataments to L�nder (or faffad ta provlda L�nd�r wkh any m�tarid htormatlon) M �.
<br /> - aonnxtbn wNh tho bcn evldenced by the Note, Includinp, but not flmked to, rspresentatbna concKnhp Borroww� xcupmoy of the ��
<br /> _ PropKty �a o prinolpal resldancs. It thNS Securky Inshument Hs on a leasehold, Borrow�r shaM compy wRh 4tl th� provlsione of the '
<br />= bas�. If Bonowe raqulros fN tkM to the Property, the isasshotd and ths ta� rkb shaN nflt mxpa unNst th�L�nd�r��ss to 1h� =
<br />' mMg�f h Wrkhp. Porm o0�1 v/io :
<br /> �
<br /> F�o�e.��a l�lae� V�p�Q ol 6 ..
<br /> � o>>o,��o�� f
<br /> � k.
<br />