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<br /> � �''"' I . ' 1a. Borrower'� Ri�ht fo iiFts�etate. If Bortower meelo certah csonditbns, 8orrower ehtfl havs ths rlph4 to h�ve r_-.,—.
<br /> � enfarc�m.ent of thls Securriy Inetrurnant dtsoontinuetl at any tlme prlor to the eacibr of: (a) 6 dnyo (or such other period as ¢pp�cable � ,;
<br /> Ww mny opectly fur ralnat�tenionl) b�fora onl� ot tno PropcAy purouunt t� nny po�vor of �ab aontalnad In thi� Socurky Instrumenh or
<br /> (b) c�ztry oP o JucQmcnt cnfaralnp thi� &�cur�ty Inntrurncnt. Yhono oond:tlona nro thut l3ono���cr. (n) pay� Lcndar n!! aum� vfhloh thcn
<br /> woutd be dua und�r thle SecurNy Inatn�ment nnd the Not�aa H no acr,cleratbn hed occuned; (b) curea any clef�uN of any other iD
<br /> " � Covenent or aprNrnente; (ay p�ye �II �xpeni�� Incurred In �ntArolnp thh 60curfty Inetrument, Inoludhp, but not IknR�d to, roa�ontab �n
<br /> attam�ya'lro;ond(d)tahc�cuoh aotbn aa Lcnd�r may r:,�conably r:�utri to aqcura thnt thc I�of thl..^,�ourky Inotrur:nt,Lcnd:�G ��
<br /> � rlpMe In th� Propwty and Borrow�r'o obllpatbn to pay thA wma ��aur�d by thie Sro�rky Imtrum�nt �n�l!oonthw unohl�n�d. Upon �
<br /> , • � r�Intt�tMn�t by tlonowM, thN t�CUrRy fn�trum�nl Nnd lh� oblfp�tbn��rcund honby �htN nrt�in tuqy�fl�atlw ao M no �ca�Mr�tion
<br /> " hud oCCUrrod. Howevsr,thls rlpht to nlnet�to ehltll not�py h th�aue o1�co�Nratlon und�r ptrepnph 17.
<br /> — `,i 1�; �l�(,►f Nnt�� P'A�n��nf 1 nwe� �!ut��� jw� t;�l. 8. ¢Wtt�! :5;�2 `.'f t'0 �:L: (tLr.t�� �`h tR: �:..iif:j �/�y� -
<br /> . .. .�._ � � ' yy _
<br /> �� Inttrument)►nry b��old on�ar more tkn�� wkhout prbr noll��tn Borrowa. A s�W may nsuk In�ohanp�in !h��nNty(krtawn It�th� �
<br /> �;:.::+��� 'Loan S�rvicer") tA�t oolNot� monthty p�ym�nt� du• und�r th� Not� �nd thlf 8�ourRy In�trummt. TA�n d�o maY be ons �r mor� y
<br /> ",y�� chanp�d o}th�l.o�n S�rv�M unr�I�Ud to��tM of!h�Not�. If thK�K�oh�np�01 the Loin 6�rvb�r,Bonow�r wIN ba plwn wrkt�n �� ?�_
<br /> .•x �, , `, { notta o1 th� ohtnp� In �coordonc� wRh ptrapnph 14�tbow and �ppNCObN kw. Tht not�� wlll st4ta th�ntrrw and addnta o}th� ;�;-
<br /> ! n�w Lan S�rvb�r tnd th�addraus to whloh p�ym�nt�ehould b�mad�. Th�not��wIA allo oontah any other fntasmntbn roquk�d by
<br /> �DPibt�hb law. �`"�"-�,
<br /> �3C 20. Hss��doua Substance�� Bortow�r �h�q not cRUt� or p�rtnR th�preaona�, uaa, dkpoetl, stong�, or r�it�a of�ny —
<br />- � „ ��Y Huardou�FwbetanCOS on or In the Prop�rty. Bortow�r shaN not do, nor albw anyon��fa�tu do,�nythlnp afNctinp th�Propaty th�t --
<br /> , ` b fn vb!atbn of eny Environmental Lnw. Th� procodhp two 6a►tencoa tha0 no! appy to the prosance, uso, or etor�po on tha —_
<br /> „ � ,. PropNty of small quantkMa o( Hu�cdoue Substances th�t an p�nv�ly noopninad to 6s ipproprkt�to norm�l neld�nt�l uas and to °-
<br />� ;. ,; mclntenanc� o}th�Propety.
<br />",.`,�;:.�`'�::4: BoROw�ahall prompty pNo I.vndv wrNton notfc�of any hwstipatbn, akYn,d�rtumd, I�wsuR or oth�r octbn by any powmm�ntal
<br /> ' °�'� '� .� ,�; or repukiiory apertoy or prYAte poity fnvotviny!he Property end ony Flazardaua Subsfance or Envkonmental I.aw ot whbh BonowK has =_.
<br />_ • iatud knowladp�. If Borrowor bams, or Is notHNd by�ny qovqmmaiul or repuwtory wthorky,that any rNncval or oth�►nrtNdMttbn �-�=-
<br /> �:�. o} an H�ardous Substsnce �ff�oth ths Pro b n�c�ss 8orrow�r sh�ll rom t taka aA nrc�asary nrtNdlal �otbns In ° ''-
<br /> .%i��.�� . Y 9 P�Y �►Y� P P N --
<br /> • accordanco�+kh Environmental Law. '°'
<br />- As use� In thls pnrayraph 20, "Huardcus Subst�ncos' aro thosv substances deMed as toxb or hazordous aubtuncea by
<br />- ���'�� Envkonmantal Law and tha folbwhp eubstances: pasolin�, korosons, othor fhmrrwbb or toxb paUoiaum produat�, toxb p�stiCida end i,y
<br /> �� :t.:-
<br />�.,; , . �, herblcides,vo�atlle soNantB, materials contatnhp asbeatoa or(ormaldahyd�, ond redbaotHs materkb. As used In thla puopreph 20, _ --
<br /> - . � 'Envkonmental Law' me�ns (ederal lawa and lawa of the Jurfadbtbn where ths Prop�rty la bcated that nfnt� to hMkh, eatsty or �y
<br /> -- , �' �� envkonm�ntal proteatbn. �::—
<br /> -- .�r�:.� NdN•UNIFORM CUVENANTS. Bortowor nnd Lender turthar cowinant and�prao as folbws: � '
<br /> T����-� �� . 21. Accelerwtton; Remedles. Lender :ha10 plvm notice to Borrower prior to �cceleraUon folbwln� -
<br /> �F � ` '�° Borrowar'� breach oi any covenant or e�r�ement In thta 5acuriql InsVumerot (but noA prlor to - -
<br />-;"i�� ' ':� �ceeleratloo under paragraph 17 unle� appllc�ble lew provide� otherwise). The notice �hall speclry: --_
<br />-=--���-�`����-a i (s) tne aerauit; (b) the acuon requtreo ta cure tne deroWt; (c)� d�te, not iese tnsn 3u daya irom iuHe
<br />�-,�. ,. c��. d�te the notice Is piven to Borrower� by which the defeiult mun be cured; �nd (d) thet hltur� to cure
<br /> �;:3.:-.�.�:�;•.. _
<br />��,,. .. ..:��' ths deiault on or bebre the dste rpeclflad tn ths natice mey result In s�cslerMlon o4 ths wm� __
<br /> '=-.��w '..it� secured by thi� Security Instrurnent end �ale of the Property. The notice sh�ll turther In4orm
<br />=�'�•�'`��`� Borrower of the Npht to relnstete etter accelereUon and the right to brinp � court ection W �ss�rt the -
<br /> _��':�'"��i`': • nan-exlnance of a def�ult or eny othe� detense of Bo►rower 4�acceleret�on and a�le. If the deiault la
<br />� '__t� � nolt cured on or betors ths dets �peclfled In the notice, Lender at tb optlon m�y requlr� Immedl�ts
<br /> _;-_,.;;�� � psyment In �ull af ell auma secured by thla Securtty Instrurr�ent wltQwut turth�r dem�nd and m�y
<br /> �.;,��.�� Invoke the power of sale and any other remedtea perm(ttea! by appliceible law. l.ender NMII be
<br /> — _.,::;�;u;� entlUed to coliect ell exp�nses incurred In puraulnq the remedles provided !n thia pert�yr�ph 21�
<br /> --��.:�.� includin�. but not Ilmited to, reasonebte attorneya'feei and co�b of tlUe evldenca. —
<br /> :.-_-� Ii thm powe� ot sale Ia Invoked� T�uatea �haQ record � noUce of dofault In e�ch countye In vrhlch —
<br /> —
<br />