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<br /> .;p..y.,��,�;�,u,,,�'�..: cimJemnution nr othcr lukfng ui'uny pun ot'thc Pm�xhy.or t'or canvcyancc in liru nl amdemuut��m,ure I�crehy uv�i�{ncd und �': ��.21.ay-
<br /> • � r,hull I�e puiJ a�Lcndrr. �
<br /> ��. '� • In thc evcnt��t'u u,tol luking ul'�hc Pn��ny. Ihc pr�krcd� ,hull Fx upplicd iu tNc ,um+ �ccurcd hy �hi. lcrurity
<br /> Inxtrumrnt.whcthcr or not�hrn due.wi�h uny rxcc.�puid��►Burruwer. In�hc uve�n ut'i�puniul �ukinp ol�hc Prn�xny in
<br /> - -���-.•.� "-._._ . which thc(uir mcukc�valuc of�hr('n►�xny imrncdiu�rly Ikfurr Ihc lid.in�i,c��uul lu��r�rr�it��r thun Ihr untntnU ul ihc+umx
<br /> - r�,�,:,� . ucurcd by Ihiti SMUriry In.rtrumrni immcd�iucly Ixii�re�I�c lulin�:.unlc�ti (ior�u«rr amd l.cndcr ulhrr�vi,c�.��rcr in wriling. �:�.;i3Yi -__--
<br /> '`� •: �' - thc sums,ecu�cd by�hi,Security In+�n�m�r� �hall t►c rrJucrd f+y ihc annront ut�hc pr�xrcd.n►uliipli�d hy thr lidlowing -----
<br /> .- _ � '� " -- fruction: (u�thc totul uuiuun�of Q►c,wu.ticcurcJ imm�di:url� Ik�t„n thc Ial�inE.diviJrd hy Ihl Ihc 1'uir murk�l vuluc��f�hc �_. - . . -
<br /> +°,''�''• .'�•` Pruperty immediutely Ixfore �he whing. Any halanrr rhull Ix puid �o Hurcuwrr. b� �he�vent of a paniad �ut�ing uf the
<br /> � �' pni�xny in which thc fuir murket vuluc��f thc F'm(xny immcdiu�cly Ixli►rc thc �u6ing i. Ic�ti Ibun Ihr unu►um ol'�hc,um+ o�
<br /> " • hecured immediutely bciorr thc tuking. unks. B��rrowcr unJ Lendcr i�lherwi,c u�rrc in wtiling ur unle�� applicuhlc I��w _.
<br />--- •• �Kherwi,e pmvides, the pnxeeJti sh�dl Ix upplicd�o thr tium�Kcured hy thix Srcuriry In.t�umenl wlKther ar not Ihr xumx urc -
<br /> • . � �hen due. �
<br /> ' � .. If the Pro�ny i�uhandonrJ hy BoRUwer.or il'.u8er naticc by l.cndcr to Burruwcr thu��hc condemnor��ffen lu mukc �
<br /> ' un awurd or xetUe u cluim ti►r dumagc..Burrow�r I'uil.lo re�pond to Lendcrµ•ithin�u day+utter thc dutc the n�»ice iti given. _�_ - -
<br /> � � Z ::" ' Lcnder i�amhorizcd�o cullcrt and apply�hc pnxecJ..ul it+optian,cithcr�i�re+toru�ion or rcpuir of the Pru�xrly or�o�he _
<br /> +umti secured by�his S�curiry In,�rument,whether ur nu1�hen du�.
<br /> �.��(�.� Unles,l.cndcr and B��rr��we�o�hcrwisc upmc in writing.uny applicuiion��f pr�werd, lo principal ,hull nul exlrnd ur _
<br /> • � ��'�""' poxtpone thc Juc Juu of tlx�monthly puymem+ refcrmJ u�in purugraph�I unJ Z or rhungc U�c umount��f�uch puymentti. _
<br /> . 11. Borrower Not Releu.ged; Mnrbearaace By l.ender Nut u Waiver. E!ctcn�i�m of Ihc timc for payment or _
<br /> mc�dification of umonir.uiion af the�umti securcd by this Scruriry Inxtrument grant�d hy Lemkr to uny sucress�ir in intereti� __
<br /> ' � ,:�.'{�:".' of Borrowcr shall not operutc�o relcusr the Iiuhiliry of�he uriginal Borru��cr�,r B��rco�.�er'x xucreszors in in�cres�. Lcnder —
<br /> .'ti?1;.? shall not be�requireJ to commence prikceding.aFuin.� uny.urrr�sar in imcrc,� ur r�f�� •to rx��,�d �imr fu� paymem or -=� -
<br /> •�``��' otherwise mcxlify umoniia�ion of the sum.r,cr urcd hy Ihi�Srrurity Ins�rument by rc:�.un ol'�ny demanJ madr by �I�c o�i�inal
<br /> • �- � Borcower��r BoROwer's xuccc.son in imcreti�. Any ti�rt►�urunrc hy l.rndcr in�xrrcisin�any right or remedy�hull not be u ?�,'' =^i"`���(
<br /> ',!'`. : ' wuiver of nr preclude Ihe excrci�r of any right orremedy. v`� ��'���--
<br /> • •''��``° l2. Successors and Asvisnti Sound;Jaint and Severul I.iability;Co•SlRners. The covenunts und ugrccments af Ihi+ �;;�j;;;;_
<br /> � � S.:"i' .�- :i�:�,:f..,
<br /> ' •' Security Imtrument�hall bind and tkn�fit �h� wrce.snn anJ utisi�!n�of Lender unJ Horrnwer, subject to Ihe provizionti oi � .:
<br /> . . ; ,�.,•';;�:� ' purugruph 17. BaROwerti rovenuntw •rnd agr�:ement� tihull Ix joint und srverul.Any Bomnver wlw c��-�ignti this ScruritY :�!,};ti�;;.;>,;;,',;,�,
<br /> �rant und convc that �%•?..u�:'
<br /> ' ' Imirument bu�does not rxecutc Ihe Note: Ia1 i+co-xigning thi+Security Ins�rumen�only to m�►nguge.�. )' ;.;•.
<br /> ' ,• BoROwer ti imcrest in�he Pro�xny undcr thc icrm+of thi�Sccuriry Instrumen�; lbl i+not pertioniilly obliputed io puy thc+um+ � �_��
<br /> f;.:. . -
<br /> '�'��,' `, -f �;ecured by ihis Securhy Im�rumenl:and Ic 1 a�rec.thut Lender nnd any olher Burtower muy�igree to rxtend,moJify,forheur � .�,
<br /> � � , or muke uny accumm�xlutiuns with regurd Ici ihr term+ �f ihi� Securi�y In.�rumrni ar the Nate witirout thut Borrower: o ���.�
<br /> con�ent. '�
<br /> - ,— !3. l.o�n Char�es. II'th�• I�ian kcur�J by thir Securiry Instrumrnt i, +uhjrct to ai law ���hirh �el� muximum loun �����
<br /> � � char�c,.unJ Ihul luw i,iinully intrrpretcJ ,o tha�tlx iMcrc,t or��thcr loun churgc�coUcctcd or�o bc coiicc�cJ in�onncciicm j _
<br /> wilh thc loun cxcced ihr perniiurd limi��.thcn: w1 any.uch loun churg�+hall Ix rrduccd by ih�umuunt ncrc.,ury a►r�ducr ..x.,:-. . � - .
<br /> , ., �hc rhurFe�o thc permiucd IimiC unJ Ibl any ,unt.:drc+idy rullrrlcd 1'riim Borruwrr which cxccc�kd�x:nniltrJ limil,will Ix _
<br /> rcl'undcJ�o Burtowee �.rndrr muy rh�x�,r lo makc thi.rel'und hy rcduring ihr princip:d uwrJ unJrr thc Noic ur by mukin�a
<br /> „ .. . �;��� �;,y„�n���� Rormwrr. II'u rcl'und reJurc,prinripal.thc rrJur�ion will i+r trcutcd a.u puninl prcpuymcn� wi�h��w��ny
<br /> ` piLpaymrnl charEc undcr 1hr Nutr. .'_ ,. .
<br /> Id. Notictw. Any nutirr Io Hurruw•er pmvidrd li�r in Ihi, tirruril� In.lrumrnt �hall Ik givrn by d�liccrin� i1 ur hJ ,, `..,u.
<br /> � muiling it By 1'ir�t�I+�„m:��i u��i�,,:�r�r�ahlr lu�v nyuirr.u+r�d anudxr nuth�Kl.'1'hc nulirc tiludl ix dirrrtrd lu Ihc I'ru�xny _;;� �,u _
<br /> AJdrr„i�r any�nikr;�ddrr.. Nurrawrr dr,i�nair,h� nuiirc lu I.cnd�r. Any nntice lu l.rndrr,hid) Ix givrn hy I�r,l rlu,� . �`
<br /> mail tu Lcndcr:�i�fdrr.�,I:u.d hrrroi ur any•�Ihcr addre.,I.cnd�r de.i�nulc,by n��ticr u,Hurrowcr. �\m nutirr providrd li�r ���'� �
<br /> .. in Ihi� Srcurily I�i,trumrm ,hull Ix drernc�l u� ha�•e Ixrn �!i�•cn a� H��rn��vcr ur Lrndrr whrn givcn u� providc�l in ihi, .,,�.... ::,, _ ''"
<br /> par•rgruph. '. ,.•�,�-
<br /> � IS. l�o�•erninp I.uw: tirverubility. 1'hi�Srrurit� In,�rimirnt ,hull Ix guvrmcd hy Ird�rul luw and ihe lu« ol ih� _,�.:,--
<br /> . juriuliclion in which Ihr Pro�xiiy i.I�Ka�cJ. In ihr cvcni that uny pruvi,iun or clau,x uf thi,Sccuriry In,lrument�K th�Nutr `. -., .•- �
<br /> cantlicl+with:ipplicaM�law..uch rontliri,hall nut:U'frc�othrr prnvi+inn.nl thi, ticcuri�y In•trumcnt ur Ihc N��Ir��hirh run �:.,.__;:—
<br /> �=e�.
<br /> , bc giv��n cl'1'ccl wiihuut �h�r�mtliclin�pravi.inn. 'lii Ihi+rnd �hc pro��i,iun� ol thi. ti�curiry In.irumrnt anJ thc Notc urc ,.,.,•;_.. -- .
<br /> dcclurrJ�o Ix ti�v�rablr. ��=`�±i�
<br /> J'�.t��."
<br /> 16. Norraw•er's Copy. Hurruw�r,hall t,e givrn une cunli,rmed rupr ol'the Nute und ul ihi,Srrurity ln+trununt. ,
<br /> '� 17. 'IY�unsPer uf the Property or a Henclkiul Intensl in Bi�r�o���cr 11'all ur nm•p�irt of dtr Pro�xrly ar:uty intcrcst in � _ , .
<br /> , i�i. ,uIJ or tran+tcrrcd �or it'a Ixn�licial intcre.t in 13orc�,��rr i.u►Id ur Iran�lrrred ;�nd Rrnru��•rr iy nul a n:�turul �xr+onl
<br /> � . wiihuut Lcndrr: pri�x u�rilten r�m+cnl.l.�ixlcr ma�.at il.npliun.rryuirc inuncdiulc pa�•mcnt in full ul'all.um+,ccurcJ By •
<br /> ' �hi�Sccuriry Ins�rument. Ho�vrvrr.thi�i�pliun�hull niN Ix cxerci�rd by l.endcr if exei'Clse iti prohihileJ hy I'edrrul luw a���f � :�.�•.�?�
<br /> tlte dulc uf thi�Scrurily In�trum�nt. , :.
<br /> 11'Lcndcrexerci,cs thi�upti�m.(.cnd.r .hall �ive Born,��rr nutir.ul acrrlcruliun. Tln nulirr,hall pruviJe u�xriixl uf l
<br /> n�H Ie�.ihan ill Jay�from thc d.uc Ux nuurr i,drlivcrcd ur mailyd��•i►hin��hirh I��Krm�er mu,�pay:dl tium+•ccured h�•�hi. k
<br /> 5rrurity I�ititrument. II' Burruwrr t'aih �u�r.i�� thc.�.wn� priur t�� ihc r�pirali�m ul' thi�prri�xl. Lrndrr may invukr anY .
<br /> ' rcmcdir��miiltcJ h�•Ihi,ti�curit� In,inuncrn«i�hu�n tluyhrr nuurc„r dcmand„n 13urru��cr. !
<br /> 18. Borro�►•er's Ri};ht to Rein.rlute. II liun•„a�r mrc�, crrt:�in cundi�i��n,. B��rn�a�r ,hall havr thr right w lurvr F
<br /> cnt'orcrment uf thi,Scrurily In.trumein di��•ominur�l at am umr��riur���thr rarlirr��I: i:u� Ja"wr.urh utlur �xriiKl a. �
<br /> tim�lr Famd� F�mnic�1nc 1i'eddh�\1uc 1\IFI►R�)1\1 fNIIIF:\T 1 ml�xw('.ncn.ml. 4.411 �p��cr J..l r�P��c�'•i �
<br /> , �
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> � . � - - --
<br />