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<br /> 92— 1o266b «.. ... - _
<br /> �.�. ....� ���: , ----
<br /> �
<br /> i '' �'�.'�� � applicable luw muy xpccify foi reins�atementl before snie oi the Propeny pursuant w any puwcr of,alc camoi�rd in �hia --
<br /> ''"�%^"'"�`'�'•':�' ' Security lnstrumem;or Ib)entry oi a Judgment enforciog thisSecurity lostrument. Thosc conditinnx+uc ihut Borruwcr. (u) �<<.:�-
<br /> �''� Y•�� ^ pAys I,ender s�ll sumx which then would be due under�his Security Instrumem und the Note ur: if no acceleru�ion hud
<br /> `��f'.Y` � accuRed;lb)cures any defAUlt of uny ather covenanta or ugreemen4+;lc1 pays all expenses incurred in enforcing thi.r•Secudty _-
<br /> �-.�;'^ �'''"'�'`� Ins[rumenb including, but not flmited to, reusanable anomey3' fees; und ld) takcs �uch uc�ion ux l.endcr may reos�onably �_
<br /> ' ° �" ^ �� require to assure that the lien of dds Security Intitrument.Lender'.s rightw in Ihc Propcny und Burrawcr�obligatian tu pay�he •�*�
<br /> ��-w���`�'?'e3'+�-�+'='� �ums sccured by this Sccurity Inqtrument �hall cnntinue unchanged. Ilpnn reinswtement by Hcxrawcr, �his Security G_ __ ______
<br /> .,�, -
<br /> -; a.,,�;,�,,Y °,,r.�_ Instrumcnt und thc obligations secured hereby shall mmain fully cffective A�if no ucceleratian had occurred. However,thix � _
<br /> �. . right to reinstate chnll not upply in the cuse of acceleration under paragrnph 17.
<br /> �� 19. SAIe of Note:Change of Loan Se�vicer. The Nde or a partial interest in ihc Note (togcther with ihis Security
<br /> ... U� ° ' ' Instrumentl may be wld one or more times without prior notire to Borrower. A xule muy result in a chungc in the cmiry ;�-.
<br /> �_ _,_�
<br />,:.:; .. (Y.nown a�the "Loan Servicer")thut collects monthly pnymems due under the Note und this Sccurity Intitrurnent, There ulso •°—
<br /> '' � �''� " p�^ mny be une or more chunges oP the Loan Servicer unrelated �o u wule of the Note. If there ix u chun�e of ihe l.oun Servicer,
<br /> •� ' • , Borrower will be given written notice of the chAnge in accordance with parngrpph 14 above und applicuble low. The nolice �.:;_{�_
<br /> - will swte the nnme and address af the new Loan Servicer and Ihe add�eQS�o which payment��hould be made. The notice will
<br /> � � also contain any other informntion required by applicuble law. �``--__-
<br /> � ' 20. HA�eardous Substances. Borrower shall not cuusc or F�ertnit the presencc,u+e,Jispotial,storuge,or relensc of any —__--
<br /> � . Huzurdous Substances on or in the Property. Borrawer shs�ll nat do,nor ullow onyone elxe to do. anylhing affecting the �,;,,,,s,,,:_
<br /> � Pro�ny that is in vialAtio�of uny Environmentul Luw. The preceding two sentences shull not apply to the presenca,use,or ���r.;=.._____.
<br /> . ytorage on the Property of'small yuuntitieti of Hazurdous Subsiances thut sue generully recognized to be uppropriate to normal ��---__
<br /> ' residential uses und ta maintenance of the Propeny. �
<br /> � BoROwer shall promptly give Lender written notice of'any inve,tigution,claim,demund,lawsuit or aher uction by any ���„__;
<br /> � ' .,,,;` govemmental or regulatory ugency cx privute pAny involving Ihe Praperty and uny Hazardous Substunce or Envjronmental = _
<br /> ,,. ;,,��;�.;,;,..•�,r. •,,,: ,..,;,�;;�, i Law of which Borrower has octuul knowledgc. If Ba►rowcr Icurns, or is notiPed hy uny govemmcntal or regulatory ,1�,,i � ..
<br /> ;�, • �..•� , I uuthariry.that any remavul ar other remediation af any Huxarcious Substance affecting the Property is necessary, Borrower �,,, "� -
<br /> ,, ��;� • . :,;�:•,`':''��: '� ' :'.,:� shull promptly Iake ull necetisury remediul uctians in accordnnce with Environmentul l.uw. .„:;,.•,:+'!"�r-�_•
<br /> ����';�':;,, , As used in this puruRraph 20,"Huzardnus Substanees" urc those substunces defined us toxic or hazardous substances by �,,.�:. :;�,�,.
<br /> •:.:
<br /> " �: Enviranmental l.aw und thc fnllowing substunces: gasaline.kerasene,other flummuble or toxic petroleum productx, toxic ��;,;;;��,Y.,,-,�.
<br /> � � • �'I pesticide�And herbicides, valutile snlventr,muteriul� contuining asbestos ur fonnnldehyde,und r�dioactive muteriniti. As t _ __
<br /> �� � �� used in lhic parngraph 20."Environmemul Law"mrans federnl luws und Inws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located �T �
<br /> • ' ` � that relute to heulth.sufety or envimnmentul protection. �°n"=�=�`"-"`
<br /> � � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und Lenderfurther covcnunt and ugrce us follows: �'T----
<br /> ' . 21. Acrekretiun; Remedkw. Lender s6a11 give notke to Borrower prior to accele�ation fnllowin�Borrower's ��;
<br /> breach oP any covenant or ugreement in this Security Inslrument(but not prior to acceleration under pwragraph l7 ��==u=
<br /> — onles.c applics�ble law pruvldcw otherwisel. The n�Aice shull specify: lal the default;lb►the action requlred to cure Ihe �;;,�,.�;=�,
<br /> -' dePault;Ic1 a dete.not lear thon all day�Prom the dute tbe notice Ic�iven to Borrower,by whicb ihr drtruii must be �;_;;;��;.-
<br /> cured;and idl thut failure to cu�e the defuult on or beforethe dute xpecified In the notice mAy resull in ucceleration oP ���:s�__
<br /> . the sum.r secured b� lhiti tiecurity Inxlrument und sule��f Ihe Properlv. The notice�hall further inform Rn�rower of ___
<br /> the rlQht t��reinstute une�arceleration�nd thc right lo brinu u courl action to u�.�ert Ihe non•exixtence ot u dePuup or ,,.,,. ��
<br /> un,v other drtenu of Rorrower lo uccelerulion und tiule. If the deFuull ix not rured on or befi�re the dule xpedlied in �.� _
<br /> the nolire.l.endcr ul ilr oplio�muy nquire immcdiulc puymcnt in Pull�iP ull rums sccured liv Ihix Serurity Inslrumrnt -
<br /> ' wUhout further demund s�nd mo,r in�•oke Ihe pnwer nf sulc und uny olhrr remedi�w prrmitted b}• wpplicable luw•. �v__
<br /> �� Lender xhull br entiUed In cullecl ull crpenu+ Incurred in purtiuinR thr remediex provided in Ihir p�ruKraph 21. � ^�_
<br /> fncludlnR.but not limiled lo.reu�nnuMe ullornevx'Pecz und corlr oi'tille e�•idence. � �-
<br /> , IP thr power��P sale iK invuked.7'ru�tee.rhull rrcard u notice��f defuult in euch caunty in whicb un,v ps�rt of the ;. .:_
<br /> ' Property ix I�kwt��d and sMull muit rnpi�w of such nolire in Ihe munncr pr�xribed by upplic�ubk luw lu dorrower und to �F�:.:. _
<br /> tbe other per4uns prezrribed bv upplicublr luw. Af�er the time reyuired b�•appflruble law.Tru.r•tre tihull�ive public , -
<br /> notice oP sule lu the persnnti und in the munner preticribed by upplicable luw. Tru+tee,wfthout demand on Bnrruwer. � _
<br /> shall sell the Property at public aucliun lo the highest bidder ut the time und plucr and under the terrm desianuted in -
<br /> the notice of sale In one��r more punels and in an�•order 11rus�ee determine+. Trustee may pustpone rwle of all or uny
<br /> ' parcel of the P�operty by public unnuuncement ut the ti�pe und place of any pre�inuslv xheduled wle. Lender or itc _,.,... , _
<br /> ' i desi�nee may purchase thr Properl�•at anp cale.
<br /> Upur�receipl of payment uf Ihe prfce bid.Trustee shull delicrr to the purchuser Trustee's deed cunveyin�thr
<br /> � Property. The recilals in the 7'rustee'�dced�hull br prirna Pucic ecidcmr of the truth of thc stalemenls mude therein.
<br /> i 'ill�uslee shall apply the prareeds nf Ihe tiule in Ihe Pollowing order: lu I N�ull ca�tti�nd exprnses oi e�erclsinu lhe puK�er _
<br /> „
<br /> �
<br /> � �
<br /> Fi�rm i1121{ 4�40 ��4�er���I r�/M�cr+� ,
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> � +
<br /> . .
<br />