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•�1�•'n ` a;. i7�yi�_� :� _",t __ —— _ <br /> ��.,,..���,���� .., :�.-_ .�_��.'..}._..� --- - - ��;__. <br /> ;' _,,, ' . r.._.. ` ��:.. ; . _ -_� "_ <br /> .. °;ti .. -- <br /> ' Y .. '.��YYr�L"___ <br /> .1 . .w . �aY" ___"_-- <br /> �� 92-.. 10266!'v _ .. -.,.�. <br /> �, . <br /> :.�,r°� .^ ' �xri�Kl�Ihu�I.r�xlcr rcqurr�,, "Il��in,unu�cc runirr pruv�diuµIlk in�ur�ukr.hull hc rh��.rit hy Hurruw�•r,uhjrc�iu Lrndcr', �.;.-v-_� .° <br /> . .n° �' ,.. uppruvul whirh.rhull nol lx unrru,onuhly wi�hhrld. If fiuRO�vcr t uil,w maiatuin rov�r���r dc,crilxd,�i�wr.(.en�kr nwy,u� _ ,._. _---- - <br /> , , • . LrnJcr±optfon.oMuin cuvrrugr���pruic��Lendur;�hc Pru�xrty in uccorduncr wi�h paru�truph 7. �„,_R._ <br /> , �' , All in.unu�cc�xdicic�uud r�nrw+d+ ,hull Ix ucccpwhlc a►LenJrr�xxl.hull inchiJr u.umdurd mort�u�sr rluu,r. LrnJcr � <br /> ` ^�. tihull havc Ilx riRht t��hald thc�x�lirir.und renrwul,. If Lcndcr rcyuirc,,Fi��rmwrr,hull prumptly Eiv��u l.rndrr ull rc�:cipt, <br /> i„ . + .° of paiJ prcmiums unJ rcnewul nuticr.. In ilir evrm ul lu,ti,H�xn�wc� +hall givc prump�nu�icc�u thc in+urunrr carrirr nnd �_.�-�--�- <br /> �r rm Y— <br /> . .•�«= •_ I.e�xier. L�nJcr muy mukr pnKd'uf lus�i t'nu1 maJc prumplly hy Barruwer. <br /> '' I�Inlr.�Lender und Sora�wrr uthcrwi+r a�;rcr in«•riling. in+urunre proceed,,hull tx:upplicJ ta rcti�oratinn o�rrpair of � ------- <br /> ��.„:.. •"... . thc Property dumuged. if the rc�t�►ru�ion ur rcpuir i. crunamicully teatiiMr and l.cnJrr'. ,ecuri�y i, nut Ic,+�iwJ. II'thc �-- _ - �-� <br /> �,,..., <br /> � rc,torulion or�pair is noi econumirully fe�i.ihlc ur l.endcr: ucurity would lk Ictiticned. ihr insurunce pra:redz shull lx �^^_- <br /> � � ,� upplied to the sumx xrcurcd hy �hi� Sccuriry Inyirumcnt, whc�lkr or r��t ihcn duc. with tmy cxce++ puid ta Bc►rrowrr. If _�:.�____ <br />,�. ' :, , Borrower ubanduns the Pro�xny.ur Jix�,not unswer within �11 duy+ a notice tY��m l.ender thut thr in�:uruncc currier huti �::����:-- <br /> offcred to setUe a cluim,thrn Lcixicr muy collcci thc in.urunrc pr�xr�d,. Lcndr�m:i use Ihe r�kceJ+tu rc uir ur re,tore %'N'�"?� <br /> Y P P �__�:��----•- <br /> " the Property or to puy sums srcured by�hi.Sccurily In�trument.��•he�her or n�x�hen duc. Tlx 311•duy prri�x!will hrgin when �__ <br /> �i:'.- <br /> the notice i�givcn. �, -------,�-r- <br /> ��t„ ... Unless Lender and Borr�►wcr otherwi+e u rcc in��riiin un i licati�m of nxredx tu rinci al+hull not exlcnd ur �=�= . .___ <br /> �•��,,y,� � �'• Y�PP r r �'� � <br /> . putitpnne thc duc dute oY thr nxm�hly payment.rcferrcd to in par.�gn�ph. I uMl?or rhungc ihc mm�um�M ihc puymems. 11' �.��%�_�?��?'6'��•"'`" <br /> �,,.:`,',;'. under parugraph 21 �he Pro{xny i. ucquircd hy Lrndrr. B��rrower: ri�ht a�any in.urance�x�licics unJ pr�xceJs resuUing -- <br /> ,d�i=;- _°--°- <br /> . „ i'rom dumuge io the Propeny prior�o�he� acqui�nion xhall p:►,s�o I.encier�o �he extem ol'thr sums+ecurcd hy thiti Security �, .,.. -_°�°°-° <br /> r,,�+ <br /> .. „ Instrumcnt immedia�cly priar�u thc uryui�itian. �`�r• <br /> ' ;, •,,: , ., 6. Occupancy. P�eservadun. Malntenunce und Protectlun uP the Property: Borrower•!t I.oun Application; i[id�._�;,;:__ <br /> , �-��.. <br /> ' . . Leaseholds. Burruwer,hull cxcupy.e,tabli,h,unJ u+e the Pru�xny a�&xrotvrr;principul re,idencr within rixry duyti uftcr �F.;,�- <br /> .. .. �.::;.,:,. ��. , �°'` '.. _ ___.__-- <br /> the cxc�utiun u(thi.Sccuri[y Instrumcnt and tihall ron►inur tu�wcupy ihr F'ropeny a�+ Rorrowcr:principul rc,iJcncc 1'nr at `c: �",`. <br /> ' . Ieust one yeur afler ihr dute of uccupancy. unlcs, LenJer otherwi,e ngrcc, in writinE. which can.ent .hull no� he �F,:�:_-_ <br /> , .�, unrru,onahly unles.cxtenu:umg rircumstunce.cxist whirh ivc beyonJ B�m��wcr:rnntrol. B��rrower�hull nut �- _ <br /> ., • destruy.damugc or imp+iir Ihr F'ru�x ny, ulli�w thc Property to Jct�rioraic. ur comntit on thc Pru�ny. Borniwcr+hull ��.,,�� <br /> .. lx in�kfuul�if uny �i►riciture acti��n or pnx:eeding,wl�thcr rivil ar rriminul,is Ixgun Ihat in l.cnder's guixl iuith judgment �,,,-.,�,�: <br /> • coulJ resuU in fortciwre oi' �hr Pruperty��r othcrwi,c m�ncrially impuir the licn crculyd By this Srcurity In,lromem ur .,,_;- <br /> I.cnder:uucuriry intcrc��. Burruwcr nwy rure such u dct'uult and reio, providcd in pi�ra�ruph I8.hy ruu+ing thc acliun �•' �": _ <br /> .. , i�r pnxerding to lx di�mi+.�d wilh u rulin@ that,in l.cndcr±g�xx1 Iliith�klcnninu��r(citurc of thr Borrowcr± �?;':.;�'``�- <br /> ��:r:.. <br /> • ' intercst in the Propeny ur othcr mutcriul impuinnrm i�f'ihc licn crratecl hy ihi. Sr�uriry Imlrument ur Lendcr: .ccurity ,.�Y�:.7s��;,:;,�__ <br /> � interrst. Bunciwcr �hull cil,o tx in Jrf�ult il B��rn�wcr. during Ihc i��,�„ �nri��►�u�,�, pr�xr+.. guvc mutrriuliy f:ihr or •,,t <br /> • inucrurute informution ur tiiutcm�nt+to LunJcr p�r ii�il�d ti�providc LrnJcr wiih uny m:ncriul inti�rniatiun)in cumkctiun with <br /> thc loun evidenced h thc Notc, inclu�iin�!. hul not limitcd to. rcprc+ent:uion, ronrcming Borrowcr; �krupancy oi'Ihc .;},t%�;,;`„ <br /> Y ` <br /> Pruperly us u prirnipul re�idrmr. If thi� Scruriry In.trumcm iti�m•r Ic.�+chuld.Rorrnwrr shull rumply wiih uU thr pmvi�ionti , t�, <br /> ��. �-- --'--��-- of thc Ieu.e. It�Borrrnver aryuire,tec mir io the Pru�xny,ihe icu�cln�IJ nud iik 1'c�tiU�,hall n<tit mcr�c unlc:::l.ender agme; • '��-:: -- -_ <br /> �--- — tu tlk mcrgcr in writing. .�F�:k��• •` <br /> 7. Prutection of Lender's Ri�hts in the Properlv. If Nnrru«cr lail. tu �xrli►rni thr ruvrnant. and ugrc�mrnt� .,;.�: «:'�: :. <br /> cuntuiikd in Ihis Sccuri�y Intitrumrm. ��r Ihcre i. i� Ir�:d pr�x:crJing ihat m+iy ,iEnitiruntly al'tcct l.cnd�r'� ri�ht� in IFx ��•..::. . <br /> Prci�xny l,uch a�a pr�x:e�ding in h:mhruplcy. pr��hul�.li�r cundcnmu�i��n ur t'��rl'riturr ur I��rntiircr luw�ur n�uli�tiuml.ihcn , <br /> . Lrndcr muy du nnd pa�• lirr wh:u�rrr i, ikrr„ary a�pru�cr� thc v:dur�►f thc I'ru�xrry und Lendrr'� riEhl,in ihr Pru�xity. . , , <br /> IxnJrrl uc�iam ntuy inrludc puying imy •um,,rcurrd I,y;i li.n ��hirh ha. �xwrity�uvcr Ihi,Security In.trum�nt.ap�xarinE � . , <br /> in roun. ptiying�hl� :dlorncy,'Ir.•+anJ rnlcrinp an Ihr Pr�qu��� Ia nmkc rcp:urti. AIINuu�h Lcnder muy u�l�r acliun ,,, . <br /> unikr�hi�para�;ruph 7.Lrndrr d�k��nui h:nr lu du,u. <br /> Any anwunl, di�hur,rd b� L�nd.•r undrr Ihi. p;�r.igr;q,h 1 ,hall Ixr��nK u�IJniunid deM ul liurru��cr,rrurrd I,�• thi. . .:=3�• <br /> tircuril�• In.lninun�. Unlr,.Burru��rr.uiJ Lrndrr;i�rr.w uihrr �si�mrnt.ihe.c anmuni,,hiill Ixar imerr�l Uom tlx � .;_,,__ <br /> " da�r ��f di�hur,rn►rnt a� thc N�ar rtuc a��d,h:�ll Ik ��;q:�hlc. �vnh Illl�fCH.U�MNI IlU11C� Iran►Lend�r��,13�n�n���cr rcyurtitinE <br /> '1•. ' payo,.nl. � , -_ <br /> S. MortQu�c Insuruncc. II Lrnde� rryuurd iuuit�;i�:r m,uranu� :. a i�mdqi„n��I'�Ihr lo:�n�rrureJ hy thi, i � ,�- <br /> Srcurity In,inunent. liurcu��rr ,h+dl p:�� dir prrmium. i.•yuiird iu maini�iin ihc mun�;i�.c ui,uranrc in rtlrrl. II: li�r any � <br /> rr:i�on. tln mungagr in,uranrr r��a.rngr rcyuirrJ h� Lcn�hr I:ip�r.�,r �•ca.�, tu hc in rftcrl. IiuRO��er tihaU pay Ilx <br /> prrmium� reyuircd lo uMain ro�rru�r ,uh,laoti:dl� e�µu�;ilrm In Uu �nuriEa�r in.ur:u�rr pr��•iuu,lp in rltcc�. a� :� r��•l <br /> aubstanli:dly ryuiv:drnl tu thr cu.� w Itun�u�«r ul ilx nwn�agr in�urancc � in rlli�t.I�rnm :m allrmalc mur�gagc � . .;:,-- <br /> 1i���..r:'" <br /> in.uru a, rovrd h Lrnder. II',ub.�an�i;dl� r�ui�:Jrnt mnrtg:iE�in,urancr rm rragr i,nu�a�•uilahlc. lion���wcr�h,dl pay lu `, .....�,�T, <br /> 1 P Y I .��r�..• <br /> Lrndrr earh m�mlh a,um ri�uul a��,nr-t��cltih ul�hr��rarl� mur�Ea�:r in,w•an��r prcmium Ixing paid hy I�urrowcr«•hrn thc ; '.•_ '" ,_ <br /> in�urunr�rova�a�e lap.rd��r rru,eJ lo hr m rt trcl. Len.lrr«ill acrrpl.n,e.mJ rriain Ihr,c pa�mrnl.u+a lu.,rr,er�•r in licu ' - . . ' <br /> ol'nx�rt�i�gr in,urunre. Lu,.rr,ervc pu}mrm.m:i� n�� lun�:rr l,r Ihr��pti�,n ul I.endrr. il nwnga�� in, ! . <br /> ,. cuvcragc lin Ihc umoun�and I���•ihr �xri�kl�hal Lrndcr rryuirc,i pn��idcd 1,�;m in,urrr upprovcd h� l.rndrr upuin Ikrumcti � <br /> :n�ailahlc anJ i�ubluinrd.liurr����er.h;d I pa� Ihe pr.•mium.roiµiircd I�,mainlam �norl�a�r m,tu:mcc in rllrcl.��r k�pru��dc a ; <br /> la,+r..crve.�nuil thr rryuircnunt tiir inurtg:�gr in.uranre cnJ.ii�acrord:uirc��i�h am wriurn:i�reemrnt Ixl��ecn liurruwer <br /> und LrnJrr or:���i��ahlr I:���. <br /> ' 9. Inxpecfion. Lcnd�r ur i�� agrm in:i� m:iV.r rra.un:ddr rntnr.up�,n anJ in.�xruun,ul�hc 1'ru�xn�•. Lrndcr,hall <br /> pive Horro��rr nnlirr al Ihr lint.•n(��r pri�,r t„:m im�x•rli�m.��eri f�ini rca,�m;ihlr cau.r t�,r ihr m,�xr�iun. <br /> III. l'undemnutiun. 11x•prnrrrd,��i am .���:uJ�,r rl,uiu I��r J.�n,at�r,.dnr.i�n run,ryurnual. in rnnnrrii�m���nh any <br /> tim41r I.nuil� FnnNe\lue tYeddle�Inc 1�I FIIR�I I��1 NI�IF.�I I m1�nm l���.•n.m�. 4 411 ���.�c� �•�/���+�er�i , <br /> �,�.�.n I.�►��14�.inr..��mR.bx � <br /> In�4.ei�dll IIU������'�i'�1 -1\\b1��7'�I-1111 � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> I 1 <br /> . 1 � <br />