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<br /> � ` � TOCiETHER WITH all the imprnvcmems now ar hereafter crectcd un thc prc�peny,und all cu�cmcnl+,uppurtenuncc,, r.���,: '_'-�--�
<br /> '� ' ..�._R;..ti.. ..'AI n.:; , r��...s'.
<br /> ^. ond fixwrea now on c�rcafter a pur�af the propeay. All repluccmentx und uddi�iona shull ulso 6c covcreJ by thiw Secu�ity
<br /> ,, ,.:,�•� . , �„-
<br /> . Inbtrument. All of thc foregoing i�rcfcrred tu fn thix Security Inslrument ux the"Prnpeny," �
<br /> ° pOI2ROVJBR COVENANTS that Borrowcr ic Inwfully.r•citied ol'ihc estntc h�rchy convcycd und huti Ihc righ� to gr�nt ��^,_..
<br /> . ' nnd convcy the Property und thut the Propeny iti unencumbered,except for encumbrunces of record. Burrower wuRUnts und -° ._ _
<br /> , wN!defend genemlly the title ta the Property ugainst all claims nnd demunds,su6ject io uny encumbrunceti of recorJ. �-�':__
<br /> .. �� i �I H(S SECURITY [NSTRUMENT combincs uniform covenunts tor nationul u�c :md non•unifortn covcnants wilh �,�,._,__ _
<br /> • . _
<br /> .. .
<br /> limited vu�iutions by jurisdiction tu constitutc u uniiorm secunry inntrument awerin�reul pruperty. e --- °�-�3
<br /> ' "' UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowerund Lendercovenant und agree as follows: o_
<br /> ' L Payment of Principal And Interesh Prepayment a�d Late Charges. B�xrowcr shull promptly puy when due the =;-.r____
<br /> -. =■� �+ , � "„ � �� ' prfncipal of and interetit on�he debt evidenced by the Nate and uny prepuyment ond late churges due under ihe Nutr. ::. ,�--_.�,e:-
<br /> �!; ` 2. Funds tor Taxeis and Insurance. Subject to upplicuble law or to u wriltcn wuiver by Lcnder.Bortowcr shull pay to '.I"._'=''`--
<br /> ; Lender on the duy momhly paymcnts urc due undcr the Notc,umil the No�e is paid in full,a�um 1"Funds"►fi�r:b►)yeurly '''y:`;�;��G,.,,,o.;;
<br /> '� taxes and ussecsments which may auuin priority over�his Security Instrument �+x u lien on�he Propeny: lb1 ye•rrly Ien+ehnld q___.�-t-.
<br /> �' a menls or round rent� on the Pra rt if an (c) yearl huu�Ard or ro n inxurancc remiums; (dl curl Ilood �_=-�°�`W'"•"°
<br /> ' ' P Y S Pe Y, Y� Y P P� Y P Y Y �4'��!�,t��"'°�",m'.:f�sr,,_.
<br /> ° - � insurunce premiums, if uny; (e)ycurly mongugc insumnce premiumn, if uny: und(f1 uny sumx puyabk by Barrower to '°'
<br /> " Lender,ia accordancc with�he provisions of puragraph 8,in licu of thc pAyment of mongAgc insu�unce premium.. Thc�c c•.,:;,L__..._
<br /> . items are called"�scrow Items.' Lender muy,at any pme.collecl und hold Fundx in un umuun�noi to exceed the m:�ximum �,��,'�-
<br /> v " nmaunt u lender far u federully related m�rtgage loan muy reyu�re for Borrower's escraw uccaun� under tlx fe�k:rul Re�l T.,�,,�,
<br /> ,. „ Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as ernended from lime to time. 12 U.S.C. 8 2l�(11 er sey.("RESPA").unless unother �-��.;ti��_
<br /> law thut applies to the Funds sets u Iesser umount. If so.Lender may.At uny cime,collect and hold Funds in un umount no�to .
<br /> " cxceed Ihe lesscr nmount. Lendc�muy rs�irnate the umount of Funds due on the 6asis of run�ent darn nnd rensonublc -r�- '�*
<br /> ' , estimatea af expendiwres of future Escrow hems or othenvise in uccordance with applicuble luw. `�``— �__—
<br /> The Funds shull be held in nn institution who�e depasits nre insu�ed by u federal ugency, instrumcntnliry,or entity -_---
<br /> • � � (including Lender,it'Lender is such un inti�ilutionl or in uny Federal Home Loun BAnk. Lender shnll upply Ihe Funds�o puy •d;���=m,��—
<br /> � � the Escmw Items. Lender muy noi churge Borrower for holding und applying the Funds,unnually annlyzing the excrow �' '•� �="�'�`
<br /> ,r:..: ' �:.�:`•,. ; .=�►n. '
<br /> � �� uccount, or verifying the Escrow Uems, unless Lender puyx Borrawer inrerest on the Fund, and upplicuble luw pemiits .f;Y-„�-,,,,.__
<br /> ���'„ ����� Lender to make such a chnrge. However.Lender muy require Horrower to puy u one-�ime charge for un indcpendent reul •l;A+.����° -
<br /> • ' � � estute tnz reporting service used by Lender in connectian with this loun,unless upplicuhle luw provides otherwisc. Unle+s un ��r�,�TY;.'
<br /> '' • • agreement is mude or upplicuble luw requircti i ntcrest to be paid,Lender xhull not bc mqufred ta p�y Borrawer uny intcrest or ';��t�;,__--�-
<br /> �` �" � " . earnings on the Fundx. Borrower und Lender rnuy agree in writing,however,thut inlerest shull be paiJ on Ihc Funds. Lendcr �;,,
<br /> shnll give to Borrower,without charge,un unnu•rl acrnunting oP thc Funds,showing credits und debils tu the Funds and thc ,r� .•
<br /> . purpose far which eai:h d�bit to the Fund,wus mude. The Funds ure pledged us udd�tional xecurity for ull sums secured by ::f_ ',"t''",:"i1 `�
<br /> — —_- this Security Inslrument. �_.,,,-.__.-,. ' ��
<br /> � If the Funds held by Lendcr exceed�he umounts permit[eJ u�lx heid by apNln:abt� iaw. Lendcr shalf acconm to °��=— -
<br /> Borrower for the exccss Funds in acwrdunce with thc rcyuirements of applicublc law. If the amount of the Funds hcld by `�,..,r.
<br /> l.cnder at Any timc is not sufficicnt to pay ihe E.crow Item+�vhen due. I.ender muy so notify Borrower in writing,anJ, in ,��!h.�ri:�7.'
<br /> � such cuse Borruwer shull puy to Lender Ihe umowu necersury �o muke up the dc�cicncy. Borrower xhull mukc up thr �•:-'�•'•��� - �
<br /> deticiency in no mim than twclve monthly puymcntti,a�Lendcrk solc di+creiian. � r.•
<br /> �• Upun puymcnt in full u1'ull.umz securcJ by thi+Srrurity Imtrum�nt,LenJcr.hall prompUy nnfund to Borrower any �• ,.a��'-• -
<br /> �• - � Funds hclJ by LcnJcr. If,undcr puruEruph 31, Lcncicr.hull a�cyuirc or xll Ihc Prnp�:ny.Lendcr,prior to Ihc ucyuisilion or �,a;,�,;
<br /> � wle �iF Ihc Pruperty, sNull upplp uny Fund.held My Lendcr a� thc time uf ucyui�ilion or ,ule Lx u crcdit uauin.t the sums
<br /> securcJ by ihis Security Instrument. . �,�. �� •�a� +� '
<br /> 3. Applicntion of PAymen�v. Unk.+ upplicablr luw pruviJc, utlxrwixc, all payment. rrcriv�d by Lrncla r undcr -�
<br /> �� poragr+iphs I und 2 shull tx uppli�d:iir+t, io any prrpuymrm chorgc�dur undcr th�Nutc: �cumJ,w umounl+puyahlr undcr , , -- '
<br /> paragruph 2;thirJ,to inlcre�t dur:founh,lo prinr�p:tl duc;und lu.t,w uny lu�c churgc,duc undrr thc Notc. r���T
<br /> � 4. Charges; Lien�t. Borrowcr ,hull pay ull tuzr,,a..c..mem., rhar�c.. finc+anJ imp�►.i�iuny uttributublc to the . :�__
<br /> „ �� Property which muy uu�in prioriry ovrr�hiti Sccurity In.numrm,unJ Icu,ch��ld paymcnl.ur grounJ rcnt.,if any. B�xrowcr ''"�'-••
<br /> shull puy�hexe obli�utiuns in the m•rnner providcJ in parugruph 3,ur if nut paiJ in ihut munner,Bon�iwer shall puy them on i ,;,, �. -
<br /> time dirccdy to thc person owcd puyment. 9orrower shull promptly S'umi.h tu l.cnckr�II noticrti ol'umountti to be paid undcr , ;.,_�_"
<br /> this p�rugraph. If Borrowcr mukc�thcxc paymcntx diRCUy,Horrowcr shuU promptly fumi+h to l.crnkr reccipt�cvidencing 4 „�;y-R=,�-
<br /> the puyment�. E � --
<br /> .. Barrower shall promptly dixchargr any li�n which hu,priurity uver thi+Srrurily Intilrumrn�unlesti Burrowrr:l:�l agrees i ;�+#;:�A:
<br /> . . in writing to the paymcnt of�he��ligiuion�crurrd by�hc licn in•r manncr rcccpiaMc to l.rnJrr:lh►runtc+ix in g�xxi failh thc
<br /> ^ licn hy,or defend�uguintit enforeemenl uf thr lien in.Ic�ul pnxceding,whirh in tix LenJcr;upiniun uperatc tu prevent the � '.
<br /> enfixc�ment of the lien;or lcl scrurex I'rom�hc holder�it'�hr lien an agreemrnt.uti�l'aciory lo Lender sulx►rdinating ihe lien
<br /> to thix Srcurily Instrumcnt. If Lendcr�ktcm�in�s Ihut any part i�l thr 1'rn�xny i,,uhjrri tu a lirn whirh muy uttuin priariry � '�'"" '
<br /> . ovcr this Sccurity In.r•trumem.Lendcr muy givr BorruN�cr a ninicc idemil'yinE thc licn. N��rrawrr,hull xuti,fy thc licn cx take k
<br /> ° onc or more of thc action�,ct fonh atxrvr within 10 day.uf�hr Eiving of no�irc. ,
<br /> 5. Haza�d or Property Insurunre. Burrowcr+hull krrp 1hr improvrment,nu�v rxi.iing ur h�rcuftcr crertcd on the
<br /> Property inrured aEuinst loxs by fire.hururd. included wi�hin thr tenn"e�trn�kJ ruvcra�:r"anJ miy u�hrr haiard�.includinF
<br /> floods or flaoding. for whirh Lcndcr rcywrc, in.uranrr. Thi. in+urunrr�F1:1II NL'II1JIIllilllll'lI 10 �Fll' :unauntx and liir the
<br /> Mi�rmJ02N 4�W1 �p��.e�•:.qnp��r.0
<br /> 1
<br /> • J _
<br />