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���}�t•'' .,r .. , . .�,,� `.�:.; ,r. . ..,. � �� .;�„-�..�,ri�T 'y'ilV�._°��_ . . ' --.`'r" --_- <br /> ! � t.'�1 ` � � � .yrlryr•��ti'�' -- <br /> �; `.�� r 4�S Y � <br /> �!�.a• c�:.;��--�„ - ,. . . " ' <br /> I�' '4 - . r''S�'��M�,�iMt';• . -- <br /> . l�4y <br /> ,�',r�y.�:�.-.,,i�.:.'H�e+ ' , V i�+q. ��"_�'�',� �----- <br /> . f..�*' , � :.Ce�. h,, "� ° �.. <br /> H - " ►r�".•, riodc tha�Lender require�. 'I'he in�uruncc cuRicr providing�he insurunce,h+dl Ix rhu+en hy B�xruwcr+ul�jer��o I.cnder� �- <br /> ' ���,�� --� �� � pprovul which bhull not bc unn�usunubly withhcld. IF Borcuwcr 1'uil,t��mnin�uin ruvcri�gr Jc�crilx�d uM�vc,l.cncier may,u� -._. �.d.:_••• <br /> wiM.. '1L' ' <br /> �``���° l.ender!�option,ubtuin coverogc w protect L.ender:righ�s in�he Pro�xny in uccordunce with p:�ruKruph 7. ---- <br /> -;��..•_.,�`.. •�. <br /> � �"4r`�.''�'' '����� All insurance pnlicles und renewuls shall be ucceptublr tu Le�der und+hull inrludr n,tun�lurd monEugc cluutie. Lendrr — <br /> - - xhall huvc�he right to huiJ thc pnliciex unJ renewulw. If l.endcr rcyuir¢+.Hi�rrowcr�hull prumpUy Rivr u►Lcnder ull rcccipt+ <br /> � ;,z;.;.�,•.�.•,r,�a of puid premium+and renewul naiccs. In thc evem ol'lu+,, Burruwcr+I�ull�tivc p«,�»n►o��►�« �o Ihc insuruncc cunier und �.:;u:_ �._ _ _� <br /> •.�,._ �. `�"'''"��' Lender. Lcnder muy mnke prcx�f ai'lo.x if nrn mude pmmplly by Borrowcr. <br /> ,,-�t,�r+� .� —. <br /> -�.,-�-> � ::°. Unless Lcnder und liorrowcr othcrwi�c ugrec in writmE,insuruncr puwc�J.,hull Ik :ytipli�:d to retitonuinn ur rrpidr of =„-_ __ <br /> . �.::--- <br /> � °�,�, ,'.: the Property dumaged, if the rctitoruti�m c�r mpuir is ecanomicully Icu�ible und l.endrr'� sccun�y i. na� Ic+sciwd. 11 ihu L�_ -- <br /> , ' �• " rcstarution or repair is not ecannmicully 1'euhiblc ar Lender: security w��uld tie Iex�rncd, �hr in�uruncr prikrrds�hull bc� <br /> �—"� ' upplied to thc sums ticcurcd by �his Sccuriry Intitrument, whether �+r nol�h�n duc, wi�h uny exceti.puid to Borrowrr. If =�-- <br /> � ' � Borrower uhundons the Property,or dnes not unswcr wi�hin 311 duy+ u notice t'riMi Lender thui the in�uruncr c�arcier hux E t_��-= <br />� . , , . �� offered to�eule u claim.�hen Lendcr muy collect�hc in+urance pnxeed., Lrnder may use Uie pnxeed+to repuir iK re,tore �``��'�.-r <br /> the!'rapeny or to pay sum.,ecured by this Security Inslrumcnt,whether ar not�hen Jue. Thc 30-dny�xrial will t�gin whcn � _ <br /> : ��„ the notice is given. "°"� _ _-- <br /> o Unles+ Lender und BoROwer otherwi,c ug�ee in w�i�ing, any applicu�iun of pnxeed,to principul.hull ncit extrnd or �:y1- <br /> „ pustpone�hc duc dutc af the munthly paymen�+reierced to in puragruphx I und?or changc thc umuunt of the puynknts. If ` . <br /> '� . . ., under parugruph 21 thc Pmpeny i�ucyuired by Lendcr, Borcower'.right to uny in�uruncc�x�licicx and prcxeeds rcxulting �-�.� <br /> �.:�_ <br /> ^ . ° .. Gom dumuge lu the Propeny priur lo thc ucyuizi[ion shall pu++lo Lcixirr�o the ez�cnt of the sum�sccured by this Srcurity �:,�.0� <br /> . lostniment immcdiutely prior�a�he•rcyui,itinn. �"` <br /> � • n b. Occupaocy. Preservaliun, Maintenunce and Protection oP Ihe Praperly: Barrower's Loan AppUralion: �'"�'�'�' <br /> ,27f�..:,•�' � � �:v� <br /> , l.easeholds. Barmwer�hull cx:cupy,es�ubli,h,und use thc Prupeny ux Borrower's principul retiidenrc wi�hin sixty duys ufter __ <br /> , b� • � Ihr execuliun of this Security Imtrumem and shall conti�ue w ixcupy the Pf���ny t�s Bo�TOwer's principal recidenee for ut .{__. _.....-_ <br /> "" Ieasi one year ul'ter �he datc of cxcupuncy, unks. Lende� uthenvixe a�rce, in writinF, which cansem xhull not be •3-"y <br /> C :..�.F4L.- <br /> � . � • unreasonubly withheld,nr unlesx extenuuting cir�umstuncc.exiz�whirh arc lxyund Born�wcr;contml. Borrowcr+hull not = <br /> derlroy,dumuge or impuir the Pro�xny,ullow�he Pru�xny�o dcteriorutr.��r rommii im Ux Pru�xny. Borrowrr tihull �"�';,,_ <br /> � „ . be in defuult if uny fa�fei�urc ac�iun or prcxceding,wMether rivil or rriminul, is Ixgun thut in Lender;g�xxl I'ui�h jud�ment �,`;�-�=- <br /> � could rexul� in forPeiturc ��f�hc Pro�xny or nthenvi.e mulcriully impuir thc lirn crculed by Ihix Securi�y In��rument or ;::,�; <br /> �� LenJer;.ecurity iatereti�. Borruw��muy cure such u dci'uult und reimtatr.u�provi�kd in puragraph I cuusin�Ihc uction ..���''_'.= <br /> ° or prcxeeding�o lx�Ji�mizticd wi�h u rulin�thn�. in l.cndcr:��xxl 1'ailh dcicmiinutinn,preclu�k,tixTciturc of�hc Borrower: _ _, <br /> ., � ,, intcrest in Ux Propcny ��r ahcr muicriul impairnunt of Ihr licn crcutrd by Ihis Scrurily Intitrumrnl or Lcndcr:.cruriry ��k:«_` <br /> intere.t. Borrowcr tihull al�o hr in dcluuU if Bonowcr, during �h� loan upplicution prcxcs,, gtrvr mutcriully fulu or ';` �_ <br /> inuccurate informution or.tutemrnt+�o Lendrr(or f��ileJ�o provide Lendc�wi�h uny mu�eriul infomiu�ionl in connecuon with :"i�;��=_ __ <br /> � '` n the k�an evidenced by the Note, incluJing, hut nnt limi�ed �o, r�pre.rnlutii�ns rnncerning Burrowcr: ucrupuncy of �he • •^x���=�� <br /> Proprny u+a prinriptd rc�idrncr. U'thi,Scrurily In.trument i,on a Ir,i.rhold.Burn►wcr shull comply with iill Uic pruvisicm. _i <br /> ----- oT the leu,e. If Horrnwcr aryuire�tee tide�o�hc i'r���xny,ihr lr,i.rhold unJ�in�cc titir.iiull u.�i n�r�:�uni�ti�L�ndcr agrccs <br />