� � �
<br /> �x-`::=,��.. ... _..��
<br /> F r ;,� .. . . �,. I
<br /> v�w�',�' �—
<br /> . :�i..') ' >��-
<br /> • Y ._ ��
<br /> .__ ���+�Y ' —_ . _-.._,
<br /> - � a''b;�iG�t�a�. 9 i.a �V�V V� �.m..
<br /> .- �� ..'.t„ .
<br /> �2 ---�'s•A7''k:G._d.�;�,y.r ---
<br /> �' cuodam�uiiun nr other tuking uinny pun nt'ih� Pn+�ny.ar for enuveyuncc in lieu uf coixt�mnu�iun.��re hrrchy u,si���d uixl «_.._.,_..
<br /> ='�`.� •`�°�'�'�"•"��� ,.` shull Ix:paiJ to l.cndrr.
<br /> � � ° •• �' In Ihe �vclll �d� u I�tlal lukin�!M'Ihe I'n��xny. Ihu pnxead� rhull (x „pru.�i <<� thc sunt� ,rrur�d hy �hi, S«u�ily _-
<br /> �i-• i�.�•" .�,�'.•.• In+lrumcni.whcthcr ur nut�hen Juc. wiih uny cxceti.puiJ a�H��RUwur. In Ihc rvrm�it'u p:�rtiul tuhing i�f thc Pro�xny in
<br /> a • ^ � which Ihc fuir murkc�vidue of�hr Pru�xrly im��tciluurly 1x1'��rc thr�ul,ing i.cyuul to ur gres��rr ih+m�hc unn,un� �►f thc+umx
<br /> �� xccured by ihi�Socurily In+lrumenl imnk�hairly f+cti►rc�hr lul,iug. wil�,� liorr�ncrr imd l.rndcr o�hcrwi.r�igrec in wrilin�. _`-- _�_ _
<br /> . - .,`, ; ,���'•; t _ ihc,unn ucur�d hv Ihi. Scruriry In+trumcm �hull tx�durcd hy thr aimount af thc pr�xcrd�inulliplicd by Ihc li►Ilowing
<br /> s.. ,- • - fructian: lul �hc�uiuf umuum uf thc.um. .ccurcd immcdi;ncl�•txfi,rr ihc Iuliug.cli�idcd by(h11hr 1'u�r murkc� v�duc��f tlx E...w_,,.,,,,,R..
<br /> , � Pm�xny immcdiutely Ix�f��r� tlk tuki�g. Any haluncc shull in pnid �u Barcuwer. In the evrnt ul u purtiul tuking of Ilx� - -
<br /> n � . " Pru�xrty m which the fuir murket vuluc i►t'thr Pm�xny immcJiut�ly lxli�rc�he ta�king i�I�+ti thun�hc s�nuiunt i�i'the ,ums __
<br /> , Mcured immcdiutcly tnfore tlx Iaking.unlc+� Burcc►wcr and l.cndcr �Nhcrwi.c agrcr in writin�! or unlc,. upplicublc Ia�w _J
<br />.��;�� n � . ° . . othcrwisr pri�videx.�he p�ixeed�.hall Ix upplied to the�um.�ccurrd by thi.Srcurity Ins�rumem whelher nr mn the�umx are
<br /> a . then duc.
<br /> If thc Prnpcny i+uhundoncJ hy Bnrcc�wer,ur if,after n��tire by l.�nJ�r�a l3urruw�r thut Ihc rundcmnor��ffcr�lo make
<br /> • ° un uwurd ar sctUc u cluim for dumugcti.Burm�•cr fuih to rc�pund tu Lendcr►vithin�11 dtiy ntier�hc dutc thc ninire is�!iven. _--
<br /> �; . r . , Lender i.au�hnrizeJ to collect und upply the�mceed�.ut il.oplion.ei�her�u rexturution nr n:puir of�he Pn►peny or to tlx; —
<br /> �umti�erurc�by this Sccurity Imtrumcm.�+M�thcr or n��1 lhen Juc.
<br /> , „ Unlc.s Lendcr nnd Bnrrowcr othenvi+c ugRr in writing. uny upplicutiun ol'pnx�edx to principul tihull not cxlend or
<br /> po�t�xmc ihe duc Ja�c of thc monthly puyincnis rcfcrred t��in p+►rugraph+ I unJ 2 ur chungc�hc umount of.ruch puymcnt+. _
<br /> , � ll. Borrower NM Releused; Furbewrance By I.ender Not u Wuiver. Exi�mii,n of' tlx timc for puymcnt or
<br /> • --_�`�' modificution of umortiruti�x�uf thc xumx�e�ured by thi� Srcuriry Inz�rumem grunted by Lendcr to uny,uccex.ur in interest �==
<br /> • -.- - = uf Rorr�►wcr+hull not operute�n rekuu the liubili�y of�hc nriFinul Sorrowcr or Borcow•cr�.ucres+on in interesl. Lender � '
<br /> .� xhull not lx rcyuircJ t��commencc pr�kcedin�+uguim� uny .uccc.�or in int�rcxt �x rcl'u+r �u extend timc tiir puyment o� -- ,�^�--
<br /> ' otherwisc mcxlify amnnizution of�h�tiumti+crured by Ihi�Scrurity In+lrumcnt hy r�u+on of uny dem�ind mude by Ihc originul �-��^�=
<br /> � ' Borcower or Bnrrowerti tiuccr.sor+in imcnsi. Any furlxurun«hy LrnJer in rxcrrising uny riFht or remedy shull nat be u �;., _
<br /> ~ wuiver of or preclude thr exercisr of uny right ett rc�iirJy. '"�'~'�-
<br /> ti.� =';,�
<br /> ._'•"_
<br /> � •�:� �� 12. Succe�.surs and Assisas Buund;J��int und Several Liubility:Co-signers. Thc cuvenuniti unci ugreemen�s of this _
<br /> •; nf�?=;�_�
<br /> �;�.. � Security In,trument shall hind unJ lkrKlit the wccr.sar�und u,�igm ol'l.rnder und Burrower.xubject�o thc provisions of '�;�_�_
<br /> parogruph 17. Borrower±covenumx unJ a@rea:ments�hall tx�.joint und.rvcrid. Any Borruwer who ru-tiiEn. this 5ecuri�y t,�,_—_
<br /> • Inxtn�ment hut does rnn exerute tln Note: lal i+co-signing�hi,Sccuri�y In,�runknt unly to mortgugc.g�un�unJ r�mvcy lhut ��;°:�::_
<br /> � Bonower's inicrest in Ihe Pru�xny undcr ihc iern��of ihiz Sccuriry In,�rumcnr. IUl iti not�xnonully obligutrd�i�puy the�ums �.,�.-"�='
<br /> secured by thi.Seruri�y In.trumem:iuiJ Irl+��'ree+thal LcnJer und uny��thcr Bon��wcr nwy agree to extcnd,mixlil'y.farlxar : _ �~;.,
<br /> or muke uny urci�mmcxfa�ions wi�h regurJ te, ihr term. ol'�hir Security Instrument ar �he Nutc wi�hau� �hat Horrower. s'-.M.t;;,=„��_:,`
<br /> � � ,ia�„�
<br /> k.,:���— —_
<br /> consent. *�'�""'�'�-'
<br /> - - 13. l.c�n L'hssrgt�s. !!'�hr M�;�n.ecurcd by thiti Sccuri�y In,lrumcnt i,,uhjcrl to u luw which r�c�s muximum loan �',��;�?:�;�_
<br /> _ �� • rhurge,,and�hut luw iti tinally interpreted+n thut�h�imrre+���r othrr I��an chargeti collecleJ ur to lx coilccicd in conncction — �,..,a; �
<br /> wi�h the loun execed the pcm�itted limii�, Ihen: lul uny,urh li►un chi�rgr.hall ix�reduccd by thc umoum nrce+�ary to reduce . �
<br /> �� � thc churgc to Ihe pemtittcd limil:und (h)uny�um�ulrcudy cullrctrd froni Borr��wcr whirh rxrcrdrd�xm�iucd limi�.r w•ill Ix _
<br /> rcfunJcd to Borrowcr. L�m1cr muy rhan.�lo�iiakc thi�rcl'und by redurinE thc princip.d owcd undcr thc N�ilc i►r hy mukin�!u ::�.:�,���
<br /> " .,'�"i�. � , dirret puyment lu B��rrower. If u reFui�l reduce+princip:d.Ux reduc�ion will t+c�reuted sn a puniul prcpuyment wi�hou�any ,r,.�
<br /> c�.�s-�,r � U'` � y
<br /> .. , prepayment churgc unJ�r tlx Nutr. •.�9 rc••: _.
<br /> . ,., . 14. Nolices. Any nutirc tu Bum�wer�rovidcJ liir in thi. Srcuriry In,lrwnem tihull lx Eivcn by� �klivrrin� it or by .}'`�_'; , . ,
<br /> , muiling it by fint clusx m:�il unlc.+npplic:�hk luw rryuirc,u�c ul'unuthcr mrth�xl.Thr notice,hull tk direc�ed a�thc Pn�xny ; . , ::�
<br /> �� AdJrcxs or any othcr siddre+s Burn�w�r�Ir,ignuir� h�notirr�i�l.rndcr. Any notirc li► L�ndcr+hull ix�iv�n by lir,1 rla.. �:, ..
<br /> ' muil to Lendcr:midmtiti.�:�ICd hrrcin��r any��thcr uddre,.Lcndrr dr.ignatr.liy nutirc Io 13urn�wcr. Any nuticr pruvid�J lix � v._..x�
<br /> .� in this Securily In.Irumenl tihull Ik dcrnxd 1��h:rve Ix�rn �ivcn lo Norruwer��r l.rndcr whrn �iv�n u. pruvidcJ in Il�ix ':.;,_ . . �-
<br /> • 1�__:'
<br /> , parugruph. :�"':'r^
<br /> I5. (:overninR 1.bN•: tie�•erabillty. Thi+5ccurily (n.lrwurnl ,hall hr Euvrrned by tiderul luw and �hr lau• uf thr :;.;,�:°:W.,
<br /> . . .. ' juri�diction in which Ihe Pn►�xny i�IcxateJ. In Ihc rvent that uny pnwi+ion or rluuu ui'Ihi+Securi�y In,lrumrnl or Ihe Notr . � - - .-
<br />' . conflic�s with upplicablr law.such r�m�lirt,Itall nul affccl��thrr pravi.iam ul�Ihiti Seruri�y In.Inm�em or thc Nutr which c+�n i . —
<br /> ' lx givrn rt'lect wilhout �hr cuntlictinE pravi�i�xi. Ti�thi.cnd Ihc pruvi.i�m,af thi� Srcuriry In.lrument and ihc Naic urc ;:_._—. f
<br /> -,��,�.�.�
<br /> • , � " declurcJ�o fx,rvrr:�hlc. =---.
<br /> • � „ 16. Borrowcr's Cnpy. Hurrowrr,hall Ix givrn unr runfumicd rup� �d'th�Nulr und i�t'thi,Scrurity In,trumcnt. �..----
<br /> 17. 'frnmfer��f the praperl��or a Hcneliciul Interetit in Horroa•er. II'all�rr nny pun uf thr Pro�xny or any intcrest in ,,.�_�-<
<br /> il ix.o1J ur Iran.fcrrcJ lor if a Ixnrfiriul int�Rtit in Rurro«•cr i, ,i�ld��r trumfrrrcd ;�nd Burruwrr i,nul i�nulurul�xr.onl ' ::xL�,�
<br /> withuut L�nJcr±prior wriltcn r�Ni.rnl.l.rnd.-r m:iy.al it+optiun.requirc in�nudiule paymcm in fuU��I'ull.unn�ccuRJ hy i K.:'�.;i`°•
<br /> �hi,Sccurity Imirument. Hu��•rvrr.lhi�i.�xiun tihnll nrn Ix�tcrrixJ hy l.rndcr it'rxrni,c„i��•��i,�n�<<�ny�.�i«i iaw a�ol' ; �:-:�t:-•.
<br /> '' thr dulc of thi+Sccurity In+lrumcnt. �
<br /> • � s', .••: " If Lender exrrcitir.thi,i�+tion. Lcncler.hall gice I���rr����•cr nolicr ul�;Krrl�ratinn. l'hr nulirr+hull pru�•i�k:1�kfltKl O� r
<br /> ' :';�� , • � � not Irs,Ihan�(1 Jiry�from thr Ja�e the no�ice i+deliveR.l or m:�il�d wilhin���hirl►I;urru��rr mu,t pay:dl�tun..rcurcd b�•thi� :
<br /> ... " 4 � ' Scruriry Imtrument. If Bi�rtowrr t:iil� to p:�y Ihe�e,um, pri��r ii�th�r�piraliun �,(thi. �xriud. Lendrr ma}• inv��kc nny k
<br /> .� ' rcmcJic.�xnniurd by Ihi�Srcuril�•Irnirum�nt��ithum 1'tuth.r nutirr„r drm:uxl�,n H��rru��rr. f�
<br /> 18. Borroerr'� Ri�;ht lo Itcin�lute 11 8urru��rr mrrt. rrnain rundili�,n,. Buir����rr ,hall h:n•c �hc righi ►u ha�•c
<br /> entiirccmcnt ot'thi.Sccuri�y In.trumcm�liu�mlinurd at an) tim� priur lu Ihr rarlirr ul: I:u S J:q••lor,uch othrr�xri�xl t►. �
<br /> ,'
<br /> � tiin�:t.ha�nd.� FannM \Iue�F'reMlfe�lucl\IfI1N\II\�1RI\Ih:\1 1 ud��rmt'���.n.m�. V.WI ip.�era��I np•�a•��
<br /> � �
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br />