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<br /> ""'a �:` F,. " TO(iEfHER WITti ull Ih�improvemcn��nuw un c�rcuticr rrcr�rd un�hc ro n und ull rci�rmrnts.a uncnuncc.r.
<br /> Y�� and fixwrc�nuw an c��c�per u pun ot'�hc pro�ny. All nplucrmcrl+und udditinn�•hull uIM�tx covcrcd hy Ihls S�:curily �� .._,_
<br /> _:� y' � "'°r•�'�.
<br /> a " Inatrumcnt. All af thc furegoing ix r�fenrd u�in thi�Sccurily In�irumrnl av thr"Pru�xny:' —
<br /> "� ���-"�'�'^'!'' c pORROWER CAV�NANTti Ihut R�►rn�wcr is lawfully+ci*rJ of Ihc c�lutc hrrchy runvcycd und hus�hr rigbt�o grunt
<br /> ,:�,� ., .
<br /> a �: und convey the R�perty und thut the Pru�ny i� unencumlxrrd,excrpt tiir encumhrnncr.��f recurd. H�Kruwcr wurrantx an
<br /> wlll detend generally ihe�itie�a�he Pn►perty uguin�t ull cluim�and demunds.huhjec�tu uny cncumb�unrc.af recard. �''��.`.� ,__
<br /> ��: .s.�T.-: "'� �-- TNIC �FrIiRITY INSTRUMENT cumbinc+ unif��mi cavenunts G�r natiunui u�e and non-unifonn cuvenanls wilh T.
<br /> ,.�'—." ^.; - , limited vanuuons by juritidicliun tu cuu�litutc u w�itiirm.cruriry intitrutnrnl rovcring mul pr���xny. �� -_ ..�,._
<br /> ..«�ri; �,.
<br /> _ �• .;•. UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bonuwcr unJ Lendcr a�vcnun�und ugrcr�s fullow+:
<br /> i • - • l. !'�ymenl oi Princlpal And Intere�cli Prepwyment pnd I,ate ChprgeH. H��m�wcr�hull prom�tly puy whcn duc tlx� _
<br /> � ,r"� �• � principul oi and interosi�n the debt evidenced by �he Note uixl any prepayment unJ lu�c chur�rs due under the Note. �;��..
<br /> �.� �`;^� - • 2. F'unds for'Ibxes and Insu�Ance. Subjecl to upplicublr luw��r k�u wriucn wuiver by Lender.B��ROwer xhull puy to _.J
<br /> �� Lender on�he day manthly p�yments urc duc unckr the Nutr,until the Note ix paid in full,u tium 1"Funds"1 ti�r:(u1 yeurly �..,�_
<br /> n- taxes and asses�mentx which muy attnin priariry over�his Sccurf�y In��rument as a lien on the PropcAy:lbl y�u��Y Icatichold
<br /> . ���+`�'°- paytnentg or gtound rentti on thc Prapcny, ft uny; lc) ycurly hur.ard or pnrykrty intiurunce prcmium+; Id1 ycurly fluod
<br /> �_:==^�.._�
<br /> " insurance premiums,if s+ny; (e1 yeurly mongugc insurunce premiumx, if Any; und(t) uny xum+ puyublc by Barrower to _
<br /> ' Lender, in accordance wi�h�he pmvisian+of purugruph 8,in lieu af�he puymern of mangage in+urunrc premiums. The.e � ,_
<br /> V ilenis ore callcd"Escmw Itcros: Lender muy,ut uny lime,a►Ilcct und hold Fundti in un umount not Ni exceed thc muximum °.-;,--
<br /> -. '�'f:;.-�
<br /> umaunl u lender for u federally reluted mortga�c loan muy reyuire for Borcowcr's excrow account wxier Ihe federul Rcul ��
<br /> � �s�ate Settlement t'raccdurcc Act af 1974 u+umendcd fram lime to time.12 U.S.C. �21�t11 rt sey.C'RESPA"l.unlcss unoihcr �F_
<br /> , . ! Inw that Applies lo the Fund.r rety a letiser umount. If so.Lender muy,at any�ime,collect unJ huld Fund;in un amoum not to __- ;r�r`�,�
<br /> ` �� � ezcrrd Ihe lesscr amount. l.ender may estim:itc thc umount of Funds due on thc busis af cument dnto and reasonable ����;-,;; _T �..
<br /> ' estimates of expenditur�z of future Escrow Itemx or otherwixe in uccordnnce wi�h applicable law. � _
<br /> � ' ' ! The FLnds shc�ll be held in un inxtitution who.tie deposits nrc inxur�d by u fedrrul Agcncy, ins�rumentulity. or cntity :�„�.:
<br /> � (including Len�cr,if Lcnder is such un institutionl or in uny Fedcrul Honx� l.oan Bunk. l.cndcr shull upply thc Fund.to puy ..,,*. �._:."
<br /> '' � 1he Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding und applying the Fund�,unnually anulyr.ing the curow . •,�
<br /> ' ' uccount, or verifying the Escrow Items, unletis Lender pays Borrower in�erest on the Fund� :u�d �pplicuble law {x:rmit+ ��:��.;.yr�., _
<br /> Lender ta muke such u chargc. Howcver.Lcndcr may reyuirc Borcawcr to pay a onc-limc churgc far un indcpcndent rcsd . ;�,��
<br /> � eslate tax reponing service used by l.ender in connectian with thir�laan,unless upplicable luw prrniJes othenvitie. Unlexti un . _
<br /> • ugreement is made or applicublc luw reyuircs interest to be puid,Lendcr xhull not bc reyuired to puy Burrower uny intcresl or . .. ., _;_
<br /> ^ carnings on the Funds. Bonower und Lender muy ugree in writing,however,�hnt intcrest�hull bc pnid on�he Fundx. Lcndcr � . � - '
<br /> sha11 give to Bnrrower, without charge,an annuul uccounling of the Funds,showing credits und dcbit+to Ihc Funds und Ihc •:,,_•..�,._.,�-
<br /> purpose for which each debit ta the Funds wa�rnude. The Funds are pledged us udditionul�urity fiir+�II sums secured by �o Fk
<br /> - this Securiry lns�rument. . ��
<br /> � . �• -"—- If the hunds held by Lrndc� e�ceed the amouni: permitted to be held hy npplicahle luw. Lender+hull uccount to _ ___
<br /> Borrower for tBe excess Funds in nccordunce wilh the requirements of upplicnbM luw. If the amoun�uf the Funds held by t��..,�.1},::_;.
<br /> , l.ender at any time is not xufficicnt to puy thc Escrow hems when duc,Lender moy so notify Borrowcr in writing,und,in � �
<br /> such case Borrower shall pay to Lender Ihe umount necessury to muke up the deficiency. Borrower xh�+ll muke up the ,�.", �,� .,
<br /> ' -� deficiency in no more thun�wclvc monthly puyments,ut Lcnder+sole discretion. �-, , •
<br /> Upon puyment in full of ull sums xecured by thix Security Instrument, Lender shnll promptly rcfund to Borruwer uny i
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If',under par�graph 21, LenJer shull ucyuire or,cll the Property.Lender,prior to the acquisitian or
<br /> sale of the Prc►perty,zhall upply any Funds held by Lender al the iime of ncquisilion or sale ax u credit against Ihe�ums
<br /> secured by this Security Instniment. �
<br /> � ° 3. Applkation of Payments. Unlc.s s�ppliruhlr luw proviJes olherwi�e. ull payments received by LenJer under _�
<br /> .. paragruphx I und 2 shull be�pplied: fi�st,to uny prcpayment churges due under Ihe Note:second,to umounts p•ryable under y�.�,,_
<br /> � puragraph 2;third,to intcrest due;founh,to principul due;;md lust,to any latc chnrges due under the Nutc. , ,;,;._,._
<br /> 4. Charges; I.iens. Borrower shull puy �II �ux�s, u�+c+timentx, ch�rges, fnex and impc�sitions attribuluble to the '-M . •
<br /> � � Piroperty which may uttuin prioriry avcr this Sccuriry In,trument,und Icasrhold puymrntx or ground rents,if•rny. Borrowcr � _
<br /> shull puy ihese obligutions in thc munncr providcd in puragrnph 2,ur if not paid in thu�m�nncr.Borrower shull puy�hem on
<br /> • �ime directly to Ihr person uwcJ puyment. Borrowcr shall promptly furni,h to Lcnder all noticez of umounts to be paid under � _ _
<br /> � � � j this parugruph. If 8orrower mukes thesc paymcnts direclly. BoROwer shull pri.mp�ly fumish to l.ender reccipts evidencing � ,�. ���
<br /> " ° � the paymrnts. � , � µ�-�
<br /> W�..—
<br /> ( Bortower xhull promptly dixchurEc any lirn whirh hu�prioriry over lhix Security In+trument unless Borrower:(u)ugrce� �.,,,�„�
<br /> • in writing to the payment of Ihc obligution+ecurcJ hy thr lien m a mannrr ucceptuble t�i Lcnder:lh)contc+ls i�good faiih the �
<br /> •=�`�?:
<br /> i lien by,or defcnd�aguinst cnforcrment of thc licn in,kgul prckcrding�whirh in tlx Lcndrr:opinion oper.►te to prevent the ��.,�
<br /> ' " enforcement of the lien:or(c)sccurrz i'rom Ihc holder of►he lien an agrecmrnt sa�i.Fuctory to Lender subordinating the lien
<br /> ,., I to this Security Instrumen�. If L�nJcr dricrn�inc�that uny part of thr P�ro�xny i.�uhject to u licn which muy uttuin priority i •.�.
<br /> � over this 5ecurity lnstrument.Lcnder muy givc Borrawrr a notirr idcntify in�;�hc licn. Borrowcr shull sutisfy the lien or tukc `
<br /> � one or more of Ihe actions,et forth ulwvr within 10 day+of the giving of nutice. 1
<br /> . 5. Hazard ar Properly Insurance. Bar�owrr�hall krep�hr impruvcment+now rxisting or hereufter erecled an thr •.,
<br /> „4 property in�ured uguin,i los+hy t'irc,hu�urd.includrJ wilhin thc lrrni"cx�enJrJ rrn•rragr"and any olhrr hazards,including
<br /> flaxis or flooding,for which Le.idrr requirc� in.urimrr. Thi. insuranr� �hall Ix nwintaincd in the u�m�unts und tor the �
<br /> . i
<br /> �
<br /> . , Form J02!{ 9N0 �p��xr:�•���uxe�.��
<br /> � • .
<br /> i
<br /> 1
<br /> �
<br /> �l - - __ _ _
<br />