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., ... .. " f •�1�7." • _ . , ` _" " —. . <br /> . �-�_ . . ''.v. . . ,.,- <br /> t? � <br /> � '-'s^)wtT 'T►'71(MM"(;:•• -r.� <br /> �,Y <br /> Y— � . - _ _ � "__�f�'i'a—:�"""- _ — <br /> � �(�.AaL.�._,-. <br /> � • �IbT'-'�. <br /> _ � . ... �%�'+..�_rf j' � <br /> �;�; - - 9 - �U26�,� 1� � <br /> . �_. --- <br /> � ', .„...,,,.-.�,�.,.,,, paymenls+,which we �efemed lo in Pumg�upb 2,��r chungc thc um��unt ot wch puymem.. Any caceti.prcxrcds over an Q._-�_��._____ <br /> , , amount reyuired tn puy all ou�s�andmg indebtednex�undcr the Nute und this Security Inxtrument shall be pald lo Ihe entity __. <br /> • kgally entiUed�hem�a. <br /> "���°��ti L' '� �� S, Fe�w. Lender muy callect fee�nndchurgez uuihorieeJ by the Secre[ury. <br /> � ' .. 9. (;raund�tor AcceleraUon ot[lrbt. <br /> ' (a1 De�oull. l.ender moy,except a�limited by regululiun�i��ued by thc Scurctury in ihe cu+w of pu�•mcm defuul�+. �i:-�.��- <br /> � �' -� requirc immediate payment M full of s�ll cum+secured by thi�Securiry In.trumem if: - <br /> - -- - - ti1���wer default,b failin t.► u in full uu munthl- a•mcm rc mrcd h �hi�Seruri� (n+�runkn� n i��r <br /> --_ -� <br /> Y 8 PY Y YP') 4 Y Y I �_-- ==�- _- <br /> , � to or an the duc dnte af Ihe nexl montbly puyment,ur = <br /> , , Iii1 Borrower defaultx by fuiling, for a pcn�xl��I�hiny duys,to{xrl'utm uny othcr obliEutiim+cantaincd in thi. �;.:__ <br />�-.; � Security Inslrument. <br /> : �: 1b►S�k Wilhout Credit Approval. Lender+hall,if�x m�iued hy uppticuhle luw und with ihr prior appruval ol'the <br /> :;.s,;',�:.;;,,,.':,;. Secretary,require immedinte payrnent in full of ull thc�um.s�cured by�hi+Securiry Inytrumcn�if: v <br /> � ,.,. � � iciul inten.� in a tni�i ownin aU or pun of the Property. i,xold or � -- <br /> ,,,.,:;,�•,,..•: - lil All or pan uf�hc Propeny,i r u tx.nef S <br /> , ''"�`'�'��"' othcrwise trunsferced lother than by Jevi+c ordeucntl hy�hr Borc��wer,anJ � . _____ <br /> ' � (iil The Propeny is nat accupied by the or gr•rmer a,hi+ur her principal��+idence,ur the purrhu+er ':'�__= <br /> � or grnnlee dcies sa �kcupy Ih� Propeny but hiz or her cnrJi� hus not bren upproved in urrorduncr �.,,,. <br /> � wilh the rryuirement,of Ihe Secretary. •�'`�-' '-- <br /> � � .. Icl No Wafver. If circum+twxc� �xcur thut would pemnit Lender to reyuire immediate puymcnt in I'ull,bu�Lender -.:�_ <br /> � dneti not myuirc,uch puymcrn�.L.ender d�s nut wuivc it�riFhl�with respect to.ubscyuent cvcn��. '� {� <br /> ' Id1 Regulalions of HUD SeereWry. In many circumrtuncrs regulutium issued by�he Secretury will limit Lender: <br /> _ . � ri hts,in thc cusc of u ment defuul�+, to re uire immediute pu�ment in full und foreclo�c it'nut paid. Thix ��''----�. 1����Y,. <br /> ' Sccuriiy Imtrument dc�e not uuthonzr ecccleru[ion��r foreclo.ure it not pertniucd by rcFulations of thc Secn tury. -�.._ _ _ <br /> �� . ' lel Mortgwge Not Insured. Burrawcr ugrces th•rt rhauld thi,Security Inmtrumcm unJ�hc notr xecurrd thereby not � �•____.— <br /> be eligible fnr insuranee uncier the Nutional Housing Act wiihin 8 months from thr '=� s;° ���� <br /> �in Pars ��_'— <br /> " datc hereof,LenJer muy,at ilti option:uid notwithstandin�anythin�, gruph y, reyuirc immrdiatc puymcnt in ��v= �_ <br /> T�.. <br /> � full o(ull sums secured by this SMUrily In.trument. A written stutement�if uny uu�hori�ed ugent of Ihe Srcretury . . <= <br /> " dated subseyucnt to 8 IAOriths from thc d;HC lten�oi',declining ta insure Ihis Scrurity '•.' �,� <br /> Instrument und the note,eeured thereby. ,hall be deemed conclusive proot'nF xuch ineligibility. Ncitwithstunding °— <br /> the fore�oing, thiti option may nat tx:exercitied by Lendcr whrn Ihe unavuflubiliry of insuroncr i� xnlely dur t�► _ '� <br /> '� Lender i fuilurc to remit a monF�ge insurance premium io�he Secretury. � �� �•.��� �+�r!ye:= <br /> 10. Relnstalement. Borrower hati a nght to he rein.wteJ if l.endcr hu+requireJ immediute puymem in i'ull txcuuxc -A;;-,.^. :;,•,� <br /> ' of Borrower's fnilure lo puy un umount due under thr Note or thi.Sccurity In+tn�ment. T hi, n�h� app lics eve n �f t e r � �=. <br /> ,, ,�.'p,'.�.'�..T <br /> • foreclosure proccedinF+ ure mtitiwted. To reinstate thc Security In.trumrn�, Borrowcr xhull tenJcr in u lump sum �II � :,� <br /> —�� - arnounts reyuired«�bnng Burrowe�i accou+ii curr.:nt inclvding,io the extent they :ue oh!'sgatii�n���f R�R��w�r unJer this _��_ <br /> • . Seeuriry Instrumenl,fbrecloxure roxtx und rcusonuhle unJ cuztomury auomeyti'ferti and expcmeti properly u�uxiuled with (� <br /> the foreclosure proceeding. U�wn reintitutement by Borrower,this Srcuriry Ins�nimen�and the ohh�uu�ms thut i� secure� C r <br /> shnll remain in effect us if LenJer hud nrn n:c�uired immrdiatc puyment in full. Huwcver,LenJer is aot required w Qem�it .��;' <br /> reinslatement if: (i) Lender hu+uccept�d remrtu�emenl ufter the commcncement of iiireclasurc prceeeJinFx withm two � � <br /> � ycars immediately preceJing the c�anmenrement of u cuRCn� foreclu.ure pr�xeedin�. 1 iil reinstntement will prccludc , <br /> foreclaxure on different Fround�in tlx fulure,nr(iiil rcin�tulrmem will advenrly u(fec�thr prioriry of the lien crenteJ by . ' <br /> this Securiry In.rtrument. I�``'� <br /> 11. Borrower Not ReleAtied; Forbeurance by I.ender Not u Wuiver. Extemion of the timc of puyment or �. ....�,.. <br /> madification uf um��niz;ui�n of thr�umti+erunJ hy thi�S�curity(n+trument grameJ by Lender to any ru��etiaor m mterest � .,,. ,�# <br /> ' of Borrower,hull not operatc to rclra.r Ihe liahility��f�hc ixi�intd Burrowcr ur Bittruwer's+uccc++ur in intere�t. LenJer � <br /> shull not br.reyuired to commrnce pnxrecding+ugum.�any wcrr..or in intcre,t e►r rol'u�r to extenJ time f��r payment or ,, ��_ <br /> , othcrwi,e modify umortizution uf th� wm. �erureJ hy Ih�+ Serurity Irotrumcnt hy rcu��n of ;my drmuixl mudc by thc � . <br /> ori@inal Borrowcr or Bortiiwcr.wccc.+un in intcrest. Mty li►rtxxaruncc hy LcnJrr m excrci�ing any righ�nr rcmedy+hull ,.,, _,�' <br /> not bc a wt�iver uf or prccludc Ihc rxcrri.c of an}• n@ht nr rcmrdy. �� �` <br /> �Yr :-;:..•. <br /> l2. Saccessors and As.siRns Buund;J��int and tieverai Liabllitw Co•Sil�ncrs. ilu rovrnant.unJ ugrcemems of , _ <br /> this Security Inxtrumenl shall hinJ unJ t�nefit�h� �urcc��ur+and a,�ign,at LenJrr and Borrowrr..ubjert to the pruvisi�m. , <br /> ' of Paragruph 9.b. B��rn�wer: cov�n•rnt,anJ �iFreemenl+ �hall ix r,inl anJ xv�ral. Any Bormwer whu co-�ign� this � .. <br /> Sccurity Inxtrument hul J��e+noi executc Ihr Notc: lal i+ro-,igning thi�Serurily In+trumrnt unly to muneage,�runt and �-, <br /> � convey thut&n'rower'ti intem�t in Ihr Pru�rty under the Irmi�ui thi�Srcurit}•Im�rumenC�hl i�nut�xnunully obbguted lo ;��._:= <br /> ,�: .�.�� puy thc sum.�ecurLd hy thi,Srcurity In,UUment: anJ Irl agree�thin Lcn�l.r anJ:uq•�,ther Rorrow�r muy•r�,rer lo cxtend. �` <br /> m�xlify.Forbear ur mukc any arromm�xiuliun.with rc��rJ�o th�Ierni.i�f�hi�Srcurny In+trumenl��r�he Nutc wilhuut Ihat , � <br /> Borrowcr's con�cm. ` .� <br /> � li. Nutices. Any n�Hirr N� Fiorru�ver pm�•iJeJ ti►r in thi,Serurity In.trwnum .hall Ix givcn by dclivrring it or hy l -..•�•�. . <br /> mailin�it hy Fir�t cl:��� mail unlr.,applicablc law rcyuirc, u+r uf:moihrr mcih�xl. llu nutice�I1:III (lr t�IRI'1ClI (O llll` <br /> Property AddRti+nr;ui�• ��Iher addre�. Hun•ciwrr de.i�nalr.b�• notice a,Len�kr. ,1m n���ire a,Lender,huU tx�given by , <br /> first cla+s mail tu Lrnder;adJrc,�.�atcJ h�rcin ur am• :idJres. Lrndcr dr.i�nutr, h� n�iurc tu Borcaw�r. Any nwirc <br /> �rovidcd ti�r in thi.Srcurit� In.�nmirnt tihall ix�kcmcJ lo havc txrn�i�cn u,Nurrn��rr ur Lrndrr ahrn givcn a�pniaidrd � <br /> '� in ihi+par.�graph. ' <br /> '� • 14. (:o�•ernln�l.a���:tie�crubility. '1'hi. �eruri��• In.trumcnt�h:dl hr gm�rnrd h� Fcdrral la�� anJ thc luw uf the <br /> jun,Jicti��n in �rhirh tfk Pro�xny i.lura�cd. In thc c�rnt iha� any pr�,�i.i��n��r clau.c ut thi. tieruri��• In.trumcnt��r Ihr <br /> Natc rontlici. .�•i�h appGr�Mr la�v. �urh rnntlirt ,hull nut;d'tirt uth�r pr���i.iun� ul thi. ticrurity Imlrumcnt ur thc Notr <br /> which can tx�iven rftcrt �►ithou�thc�•unllic�in�, pro�i.i�,n. 'I���hi,��nd th¢ pnn��,wn.�,I thi+tirrurin• In.trumrn�und�hr , <br /> N�NC urt d�clarcd tu hc u vrr;�hl.. <br /> I5. Borrower'�('op}. liurtu��tr .hall Ix���rn une c�mli�rnnJ:��p� ut ihi�S..urit� In.trument. <br /> 16. A�siRnment uf Rent.. Hurru��er uncundiuunall� .i..ign.and Ir.�n�lrr�h.LrnJrr:dl Ihr rc�u�:mJ rr��nur.uf�hr <br /> Pro�xrty. Hittn►wcr awhuriir.Lcmkr��r l.rndcr'.ag.•nt,tu c��llr.•t th�•r�ntti;wd rr�cnuc,:�nd h�rrh�dircrl,rach Irn:ml��I <br /> elx('ru�xny w pay thc rrm.ta l.cnJcr ur(.�nJ�r;a�cm.. Huurvcr. priur w L�ixlrr'.nuucr tu F3urTOwir of 8t�rruuer'+ <br /> hrcarh u(any ru�rnant or aErcrntrnt�n thc ti�.unl�In.truuirnl.I�urrm�rr,h.dl r��Urrt:mJ rccci��all,anJ rcvrnur.uf <br /> ehc F'n��xny a,w+��r lur lhr Fxnrtii�►t'Lcndcr and liun����cr. I'hi..i..iFimirni��t rcn�.cun.tnu� ah,��lute a.�iEnnxnt <br /> und not an a.�i�nmem lur aJJitiunul urunh „nl�•. <br /> .�_.. .�.. _u.._...... ..0.. ..1 1.. Il...r .L•�I1 h.•h.•I�1 hv Hnrrnurr:�,tn��trc _. <br /> ii i.c�iuii �na=.iiviiii.:� �. u..�.:.�... .�...:: ::: .....::� C:':::....: .....:..._.. ..._.. .. ..._ , � <br /> titt tknrfit uf l.rndrr unly.w Ix ;y,�,hrJ�i.�ihr .um.�.crurcd h���hc ��•.unn In,uunknr. ih� I.rndrr .hall t+r rnutlrJ tn <br /> collect•rnd rcr�i�c all ut th�rcnt.uf Ih�It�,�xm:an.l ir►.a�h Irnanl�N �hr Ihn�.��m •h:►�1 pa� :iU rcnt.Jur and unp:uJ tu <br /> Lendrr or Lcndrr',a�;cnt un l.rndrr:��nnrn d�ii�:md tu th�trn.m� <br /> B��m�N.r ha, nul curuteJ an�• rnur a+.i�nment ul th� rrnt..wd ha� nat and ��dl nnt �krli,mti at►p aet Ihat uuulJ <br /> prcvcnt Lrndcr t'rom«rni+ing i�,ri�ht.un�lrr Ih�.P:��al:r.�plr �t� <br /> Lend�r.hall n��t tx rcywrcJ tu cnlcr u, �n. ta{.c:untral�,� u� m.unt.un th� Ifiq,rrt� i+rt��rc ur:Utrr�.���n�, nuu�•r ul <br /> hnurh tu Hunuwcr. U�,Hr�cr, l.rnJer ur ��ud�cially ap�Hnnl�d �rrr��rr rn.i� d��.�, ,u .�m lunr Ih�re i. .�hrca�h. :\m <br /> :���i��•����,�,��r nm..nadl nnt�•urr��r w ai�e�n���i�laul�i�r im ahd;�lr,m}��thri�ii�:t�t rn �rinril� ��1 Lrndrr. I�hi.a,.i�nmrin <br /> ul mnhul 11x�F'nqxrt�.h;dl t�no�nulr��hcn 1hr�trhl.rrurrJ hy ihr ti��.un1� In,tr►mir��l i�pcud in tull. <br /> ��ti,r, +„��r�,,.,,. <br /> • �� � , - <br /> � _ <br />