.�r`�..�a�£4� � ., ., t .y,�.e'i �� ,�y'.." .r, .,)+� is�,��'"'�„�niryj-.{..._--�� -- '-
<br /> .-COT ��Ml�.,� .:�'+�V�Y'q4 �Q't ... . .. • .eJ_^_"� .
<br /> ... .rr��,i.'��� ,. , � �� � i�"--—
<br /> ... .�S'°'� " . a.
<br /> � .�, - _ ' jy,,- '".....-_-.
<br /> . . .. """ ' ��_�._....�_. _... 'r .
<br /> ___�4tTr•,_---
<br /> � ;.C•K:{:".-._. --�
<br /> � • 1(�26 5� �:�,w��.=---
<br /> k �. �- . . . � 92- �== �` _
<br /> . _......� :,
<br /> r�- •� • 1. PAymeM uf PrMcipAl.lnlerewl and I.s�te Ch�rge. B��rruwrr,hall puy whcn due the principal af.cmd irncrrzi on. .��._
<br /> ` � �"�.��'. Ihe deM cvidcn�ed by ihc Nu�c unJ lutc chtugeti due under the Note. ��� ~
<br /> ' 2. Monthiy puyments of 71�x�w.ln»uranc�e pnd Ulher('hwrRe�. flurruwrr�hull include in cuch monihly puymcnt. --�---
<br /> ° ` � �� loge�her with the pnnclpal und intemxt u�+et Yonh in the Nute and any lulr charge�,an in.tullmeni i�f any(u) tuxe,und -
<br /> � spcciul uti}cstimcnl+Ievicd nr lu he Ievicd uFuintil thc Pmpeny,lb►Ir►�xh��ld p�ymem�ar�r��wid r�mti un Ihe f'ru�xny.und �'-��'
<br /> �=_-.:_..�---
<br /> • . Ic1 premiums far in�urancc rcyuired hy['urngraph�3. �°'°`
<br /> • - ° �-• - E�srh mon�hly inx�ullmen� fur itcmti (ul, (b) nnd Ic1 .hull cyual unc-lwclRh of thr annual umouMx, a+ rcu+onuhly �,':19�
<br /> i • �r..w_,_�
<br /> erlimw�d by Lender. plu+ un �u�wunt .ufficient to muint•rin cm addnionnl b,�lc�n�r uf nni mare ih+ui uuc•+iath c►f thc � ; ..-,.,...�.�.�--
<br /> � �� , ctitimated emount+. The full annuul umuurn fur cach Uem tihall be arrumulu�ed i+y I.cndcr wi�hin a peri��l cnding onc •- �:;"�'s"'"°""'
<br /> .. .•.,...,•.�-�1�.::'
<br /> �. . „�;, " month before nn item would becume delinyuent. l.cnJer xhull hnW ihe amount.�oll�ctrd in tru.�to pay nems IAI,lbl und 4s__ --
<br /> — � , Icl befom lhey bccomc delinyuem. '�;,'""�i,:,��n-4 w�=�..
<br /> �
<br />'�"`� If s�t any time the totul of th�puymemti hclJ by Lendcr tor i�rms lul. lN)anJ (c1,t��ge�hcr wi�h th� t'uiur�mumhly �,:�_��--�
<br /> • ' puymentc far such items payahle to l.endrr priur t�� �he due du�c, uf such i�em�, exccrds hy m�xe thun nne-six�h�he °w:�;�-�
<br /> estimuted omount af paymems rcyuirrd tu puy wch item►when due,und if puymrm�un the Nrnc urc currcnt,Ihcn�.enJcr �'''�� "'+���
<br /> ° shull either refund thc excess over une-�ixth ot'�he es�imateJ puyments or crrdn the exces�over onr-.ixih c�f�hr eytimaied �__--�,..L_.
<br /> _'r'i'�...,... ��3�.�..:.
<br /> puyments la cubsequen�paymentti by Harrower,ut thc option of Burn�wer. If Ihe lotal i�f thc paymrmx madc by Borruwcr . ,�LL.- : __..
<br /> v „ for rtem(a1,(b1,or(cl i+in,uificicnl to pay the item when due,then Barrnwer shull pay t��l.rnder uny umnunt necessary tn -
<br /> muke up Ih:deficiency on or bcfore Ihe Jutc Ihe item Fxcomc+duc. �'}� �T-
<br /> . Ati used in thiti Securiiy Itntrument."SCl'R:lAly'menns Ihe Secretury of Houtiing and Urbun Developmcnl or hiti or Inr � ��`��,-
<br /> designee. In uny yeur in which Ihe I.ender muti�puy u martguge imurance premium io the SecretAry,cr�h momhly puyment --••�-� "�""
<br /> shnll ulso includc eithcr: (i) un in�tullmcnt ot'the annual mun�u e inzursuice rcmium to Ix aid b l.cndc� tu thc ~�=--
<br /> b R P P' Y .,2._ �—�-„_
<br /> � � Secretary,or(ii)s monthly cho�gc instcud af u mun�uge in,urunce premium if ihis Serurity Ins�rumcm iti held by thc _*�_�_�'_,_
<br /> - Secretury. Euch monthly instullmrm nf the mnnguge insursuice premium shnll he in un umount,ufficient io unumulutc�hr ��,� :^�-�;;-_. ,_
<br /> full unnunl mongugc insuranre premium with Lender une m�mih prior to the d•rtc Ihe full unnuul rnong:ige in+urancc � ,;;�;, , ,, .,;_r
<br /> premium is due to the 5ecretnry:or if thir Security Intitniment is held by the Secretury,ruch monthly ch�uF�shull bc in un '.,;�.;'�xF•, ;y,,;;•,�,,
<br /> , � � umount eyuul to one-twelflh of one-half percent of the oulswndinF princ�pal bulance duc on lhe Note. `��"''• "
<br /> w :-�-�
<br /> ���
<br /> If Bonower tenden ta I.endcr thc full paymenl of ul I�uma u:cured hy thiti Securiry Imtrumrnt, Barcuwrr's account •'�;ti�=
<br /> ., shull I�cmdited with the bul�nce rcmuining for all inti�ullments i'or itemti (a), (bl and (c1 su�d any monguge in�ur•rnrr , ;,,,�;
<br /> " premiurn instullment thut Lcnder hus not t+ccome obliga�ed ta puy la thc Secmtury,und LenJer tihall promptly refund un� '��es!_'
<br /> � excess funds to Borrawer. Immediately prior to u Poreclosure sule of the Propeny�x ilx ucyui+ition by LenJer. Borrc>werz �-�T_„r�,,,,�.�_
<br /> � accoun[shall be crcdiled with any baluncc remaining for all installmcnl+for itemc la).(bl und(rl. "?"x"�"�"� -
<br /> •• 3. Applicalion oi Payments. All puyments undcr Purngruphs I anJ 2 shull be upF►lied by Lendcr us followti: ?,
<br /> F1RST,lo Ihe mort�zage insurunce premium tn lx�puid by Lender�o the Secretury ar to�he monthly charge by ihe . :-��
<br /> Secretury inxteudof'the monthly mortgagc insurance premium: ' " _ -
<br /> .• SECOND,to uny tuxe+,tipeciAl as�e�+mem�,kACCi�ald payments or ground rems,und fire.flood unJ nther huzurd �.
<br /> in�urunce premiumx,a�r�yuircd:
<br /> �-� "� � THIRp,to inlerest due under the Note: • ���
<br /> y.., •
<br /> ,;'_:'� . FOURTH.to amanixution of'thc prinripal��f�he Notr: ?���.��;.
<br /> . ' Fj�j;{,to lutc churgcs due undcr thc Nulc. 'l"-'6�'�''�"-�
<br /> ' 4. Fke.Flaod and OtFier Hazard Insurance. Borruwer,hull in,urc all impr�vements on tlx:Pruperty.whethe�now '�:1;;•:,:��'' �• �
<br /> %y R�„4�•t.ty,•
<br /> in eaistenee or subtiequenlly erected, uguimt uny huiardti, cr.,ualtir+.und coniingencies, including fire,for which LenJer :�,:.•.t .,
<br /> reyuire,insurnnce. Thi� i�xur•rncc shull he muinlamcd in thc amounts�nd ti►r thc pc�ri�xi�thut Lenckr rcyuircs. Bnrrower � "-�"• ' ��
<br /> shall also insure ull impmvemems on the I'roperty,whrthrr now in rxi�tencr or tiuMeyurntly erected,agumst In.,by tluods .
<br /> to the extent required by the Scrrctury. All inwr•rnrr,hall h�rurrirJ with compunics uppmved by LenJcr. The inyurarrne ~
<br /> policieti and uny renewals �hull be hrld by l.ender und �holl include lo.. payablc cluuuu, in tavor of, unJ in a form ��•.
<br /> , � "' acceptabk to,I.ender. , �4 ��
<br /> In Ihe event of lu.., Bonower shall give Lendcr im�mdiutc nMicc hy muil. Lendcr may muke pra�f of los. if not :�.-- -
<br /> ' made prompUy by Burruwer. Eurh inwrancr company rnncrmeJ i,hemby uuth�xind and dirrcted tci muke puymrnt for ? ._ _
<br /> � such loss dimctly to Lcndcr,imlruJ of to liorcuwcr und lu Lendrr juintly. All or tmy pan of�hc in�uruncc pr�c�ds muy Ix -,-F �
<br /> • npplied by l.ender,at it,opli�m.cithcr la►�o the rrJurtion ol'�hr inJeh�cdne.�un�cr thc N��tc and this Sccurity In,trument. ."�.�__
<br /> first to any dclinyuent Amounts upplicJ in thc ordcr in Parrgrupb �. tmd then tn�repayment of pri�cipal,or (b) to the -` .',;,�,,t
<br /> � restoration or rcpuir of Ihe dumaged proprrty. Any applircdinn ul Ihc pnxccd,�u �hc prineipal�hall not extend or postp�mc . • ,, .
<br /> �• the due dute of Ux nwnthly puymcnt�whirh urc r�tcrrcJ to in Par.�gruph 2.i�r changc�hc umount of such paymrnt+. Any -. _
<br /> excess insurunce prcxecdti uver an umount reyuircJ w pay all �ut�tanding indchtedne.+undrr thr No�e anJ lhis Security � ,•, . _�'__
<br /> . Instrument shull be puid to the entity Ir�ully enliticJ�hrrctu. ` .' � "*`:--`
<br /> � In�he evem of luroclo�ure of�hiti Securiry In,irumrnt or othcr tr•rn.Frr ut' titlr lo Ihe 1'roperty lhat rxlin�;ui.he�Ihe , � �''�''''�
<br /> .� ' indebtedne.ti.ull right,titlr unJ intrr�sl of Horruwer in an�l to in,urancc policic�in lurre.hull pa.,tu thc purchu+rr. :.«'
<br /> S. Occupanc�•, Preser���tiun, Muinlenance und Proteclion oi the Propert}•: HurroNer's Loan AppUcation: ,��:;,t,:,,
<br /> . ' . Leasehdds. Borruwcr �hull arupy.etiwnli.h. anJ u�c the Pro�xny :�.B��rn»�rr'+ prinrip:�l rr.icknrc within +ixty day. �.�'�'..
<br /> ' uRer the execution of Ihis Sccuriry Intilrumrnt anJ�hull cuntinur�o�krupy tlx Prnrrny a�NurruHCr:�rin�ipal rrsiJencr � " �"".'.'"`'
<br /> for nt Icasl one ye•rr ufler the Jiuc u(ixcupanry.unl�.,thc ticrrc�ury Jrtemiine+thi.rcyuirrment will rau�r undur hard�hip f . -,rs;�,:•;�
<br /> for Bormwer, or unkss extenuntinE rircuni+tancr, rxi+t uhirh :�re ix��uncl Bnrtu��er: contrul. Hurtuwrr �hall notify �
<br /> , � Lenclen of uny extenuuting circurntitanrr+. HurcuH•rr+hall nut cummit w•:i,tr��r dr.u��y�.Jamu�c ��r �uhtituntially rhan�:c ,
<br /> � thc Propcny or ullow ihc Proprny�u dctrri�xut�.rca�iaiablr��iar anJ trar exrrp�rJ. L�ndrr tnay m��ct�h�I'ra�x`rt)•if�hr :
<br /> Rtiperty is vucunt or uhunJonrJ ur thr luan i,in drfaul�. Len.l�r ma� tahe rea.unabl�:rctiun lo prutecl and prc�rn•e+urh
<br /> vucant ur ubundoncd Property. Bonowcr .hull al.0 tk in J�•I:�ull il�liurru��cr. during Ih� luan anplicaiian pr�xc+.,g:�vc �
<br /> mutcri�lly fulu or inuccur:�tr mlircr�atiim ur ,�a�rmcnt. d� l.rnJer �ur f:iilr�l lo pm��idr LcnJcr with any malcnul
<br /> infonnatiun) in conncctiun with thc luan c��iJrncrd hy thr Nutr.i�irludin�. hut n�a IimitrJ to, rc�xc.�nlaUun.�onrcming .
<br /> Eorrower+ixcup•rncy ot'the Pruped� a.a princip:d rc,idrnre. II�hi�Srruru�In.inimrnt i.un•r Ira,ehuld. Nurrnw•cr tihall
<br /> comply wilh thr pruvi.ium ot'thr Ie:�.r. If H�,rru��•rr urywre. t«tide tu thr I'r�,�ny.th�Ira.rh��IJ uixl fr�titlr.hall nrn ,
<br /> he merged unle.+Lrndrr agrrr+i���hr m�•rgrr m��nting.
<br /> 6. Cha��es to Borrowcr und ProtertMm oP Lcnder'�Ri�;hh in the 1'rop�rl�. N��rTUUrr.h:III��:15 ull E��vemmrntal
<br /> or municipul chargr..tinr+and im�xniti�,n.that ur�not inrludrd in I'ara�ra��h?. B�,rr��wcr.hall pa} tli�,�uhlig•rtiun,un
<br /> timc JiRCtly tu Ihc entuy wliich i,uwcJ �hr paymcnt. If lailurr tu �,a} ��uul�f a.1�rr,rly al'f'�rt Lendcr'.in�rm�t in thc
<br /> ' 1'roperty,upim l.enJrr:rcyurtit kium►urr.haU pn,mptl�•t'umi.h lu L.nder rc�ei�t�r�idenrmg th�.r pu�mrrn+.
<br /> If'Bnrc��wcr tail+ to mal.r thc.r p:►�ment.ur thr p:��mcm, rcyuircJ h�• Para�_raph 2. ur fuil.lu�rti�mi any �xhrr
<br /> rovcnam�and agrcrmen�.cumaineJ in thi,tirruri�� Imirumcnt.or 11��r i.:i Ir�.:d rr�x•crdmg that m:i� •iEndiranlh al'I'rrt
<br /> .r.
<br /> _ _: . Lendcr±right�in thc F'ru�xm•I+uch a� :1 (�(�K'CCdltl�! 111 h:lOAR�rIC).Iir�i'unticmnaii�m u� i��cni�n.� ia::. .�;;.�:u�...�a�,,;.
<br /> thcn Lrndrr may da and pay ��hatc�rr i,nrcc..ary ia pn�t..l thc�alur uf�hr Nn�xrn und Lendrr:righi. in�hr F'ru�xm.
<br /> including payrtknt uf�uxr..haiarJ m.ur��uc and�ahrr ilrm,mcnliunrd m Par.i�:raph�.
<br /> Any unwunh di.hur,rd hr Lcndrr under thi.ParaEruph.hall Ixrum� :m:�aldiUunal Jchl ul 13urruur� anJ Ix.�.wrJ
<br /> by thi.5erurity In.trumrm. Thr,e amuunt•�hall tkur intcn�t Imm IhC Jatr uf Ji,hunement.:U th� fvul� ratr.JINI Jl llll•
<br /> option u(L�ndrr..hall tx immcJiatcly dur:md pa�.ihle.
<br /> 7. Cundemnatiun. Thr pr�xrrJti ul'am auurJ or rlaim lur damuEc�..1ur�1 ur con.ryurntial.m cunnrrtiun��ilh anv
<br /> cundrrnnation�tt uther�akinE uF am part uf�hr Pru�xrty. ur I„r r„mc�;mrr in�+lar���t'«,ndcinn.uiun. ,�n hcrrh�a.�ignrd
<br />� anJ.hall I+r paiJ w l.endcr t���hc rttrm uf'thc full amuunt��I thc indrhtcJnr•,thai rrmain.unp:u�i un.l�r thc Nu�c:�nd�hi�
<br /> Scrurity In.tnimcnt. Lrndcr,hall appl� .uch pnwerd.�u Ihc rrJurlwn�,t Ihr mdrh�eJnr..undrr Ihr Nuic:uid th�.tircunl�
<br /> Imlrurnenl. tir,t to an� drlinyurm amuunt. upphrd m thr �,rJ.r pm�idrd m 1'ara�:rarh ;. :u�d th�•n i�, prrpa�mrm ��I
<br /> prinripal. Any applicatinn uC thr pnkerJ. to thc prmripal ,hall n��l r��rihl ur �H,•tp�mr thc.iuc dat. ot U:r m�,mh!}
<br /> ,,,.., .,��.,...„ ,
<br /> .
<br /> �
<br /> . ��.
<br /> � - _
<br />