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......r,.._,�..�..�.. � <br /> ` --- ---- <br /> _�� , , ,. �-- y1 - -,,��,, .� <br /> __— . � :.�. `.'�l'�Q1 ��`f_ �. �:.,,',•,�',=�;f�. <br /> � <br /> � � � .., �.�: • _. -–- _ _t• .. <br /> :� <br /> � 92- . <br /> �� _ ..�. .��„� �l o2s 5� <br /> -- NON•UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Sorrowcr und Lrnd►:r funhcr cavcnunt und agrcc ati fc►Iluw�: <br /> ,,...,.��„�,o.� 11, Forecla.►ure Pracedurc. If Lcndcr re�uinti iromcdfalc puymcnt in full undcr paragruph 9,l.��ndcr muy imokc�hc <br /> ' pc►wcr af xule and any�Nher mmedlecpermittcd hy uppNr+�hic I�w. l.cndcr xhull tx:emfticd io coltcc�ull cxp�nus incuned <br /> _� in�ursuing thc remediex pravided in tbi.�pu�agruph 17,inrluding,bul n�n limilcd�a,rcuu�nuMc uuorn�:y�'�CCf: YIII)C1� Ot� <br /> __,-�..� ti�k evidence. <br /> __ _q� � �'�;s If the power ot xAle is invoked.71'ualee shall rccord p nolice of defaull io each cuunty in whkh Any pwrl of Ih@ <br /> -°��"'--� . � Property Is locatcd and ahall rtwU copie4 of Auch noiice in Ihe mannrr preacrii�f by vpplic�ble luw to Borcawer and `� <br /> — to Iha other p ercons presc�'Ibed by appIkable law. Af�er Ihe time required by Applkable IAw.7'rugtee sholl givc <br /> ,�,��_�_:'� puMk nntice of sale to the persoas an d in the manner prescr i b e d by App l ico b l e l a w. 7 l r u s l c e�w i t h a u t d e m and on <br /> -.,�„�,�.;�„� iiorruwer,shs�ll sell the Property at pubNc auclion to the hi�hesl biddcr rl tlie time and pl�ce und undc�tlse term.r <br /> deai�nnted in Ihe notice ot�ale in one or more pArcels s�nd in Any order Trustee determineq. 'llructee mpy p�tpone <br /> ;��Y �le of all or Any d�f�n��r�ha.s�e t6pe Propeiy s►t any�Rale.t the time wnd p1A��e of any previously cclieduled — <br /> ;,�,�,�„� �L �;-.; sAk. 4eader or iUc R Y� _ <br /> �--�-��- Upon recelpt af payment o the Price bW.'I�uti�ee shpll delirer to the purchoser 71ruRtec'.r deed cunveytng Ihe <br /> �us��-w�*� .;: Property. The recitala in the 7lrustee s deed shall be primo tacie evidence ot trulh of the sl�temenl�made Iherein. <br /> '�_+�,�r�i-��'_ ; 7lrustec lshAll apply the proceeds of' the xAle in the followiaR order: lul to all c�wts and expens�w of exercisinQ !he _ <br /> ����. '�' power af sale,and the xale.inciudin�the poyment oP the 7�uatee's fees actuAlly incurred.not to exceed fi ve `�� <br /> ; �;'°"�«"'�"`31�' of the principal amaunt oi'the note At Ihe limr of ihe declaraUon of defaul� and reasonnble altarneys'fees as <br /> . 'r�.; permitted by law: (bl to all sumv secured by Ihis SecurNy Inalrumenh and Icl any excess to the pereon or perROns �'�`- <br /> ` '"'�•' �" , legwlly enlilled to(� <br /> 1 XA. .. <br /> _� ���° . -, ' 16. ReconveyAnce. Upon payment of all sum�,ecun�l by thi+Security Imuument,L�nder shull reyucst 71utit��e io <br /> ���-���. :, reconvey the Propeny uod shull surrcnder this Securit Inytru.ment and all n�des evidencing debt secured hy �hiti �curi�y �yYV�: <br /> •���"`� � , Instrument to 7tuslce. 'ii'uciee+hull reconvcy �he Property wuhout wurrunly und without churRe io the per+on or personx i"_'� <br /> p:.. �° ,�s IeguQy entitled to it. Such person or persons shnll pay any n.�cordulion casts. _- <br /> �'� k�'� — <br /> ,;�s„���� _ 19. Sub�tNute 7Fustee. Lender,ut its opiinn,muy from timc lo time remove'li�ustee nnd uppoint u wccessor trustee _ <br /> ----��:�;��;-� -,,• ta any'I�uslee a�inted hereunder by un in+trument recorded in the cnunty in which thi5 Security Imtrument is recorded. _ <br /> Without convcya+ncc of the Propcny, �hc�uccc��or�rustcc.hull wccccd to ull thc�iUc. �wcr And dutics confcrrcd upon _ <br /> --_ : -� ;,ti'•+•,�, � 'Itustee hcrein und by app�licuble luw. -'�" <br /> �, '' ,;'�i',�.::,. 20. Request for Notices. Bortower reyuestx thut copies ot the notices of default and sale bc !icn� cn Burrow�r s � ^ <br />���.'�n�.�`,. � address wBich is Ihe Property Addrcss. <br /> :-..- <br /> ����"!`:. --- <br />=:'•s�-��:�� • Riders to this Securily Inslrument. If onc or morc riden urc ezccutcd by Borrowcr and recordcd together with thi� ' <br />=''_ . .•��".... "„ Security In�trument. the coveoonts of each such riJcr shull be incorporated into and �hull umend and supplemcrn the �.• = <br /> '�s covenants and agrcemcnts of'lhis Secunty Instrument as if�he rider(a)were in a pan of this Security Inslrument. -- <br /> � .�':�. -.�• •• o_ <br /> (Check upplicable boz(es)�. �� <br />�� M .� ' .,' ' <br /> �� ' ,•:c,�,�.,,,. ._� Candominium Rider �Gruduuicd P.�ymcnt Ridcr �Growing Equity Rider �`�'- <br /> .� �aa„a�t:.�,:�::r � <br /> ���:�-._-_^-.�n'`'� <br /> ,•� � ,: � � �Planned Unit Devclopment Rider �X Oihcr�Specify� MORT(iAOE ADDENDUM — <br /> d�:-.�"'.j��~` � BY SIGNING BELOW, Bonowcr acccpts •rnJ agn�es ta Ihe term�comain�d in page, 1 through 4 of �his Security <br /> �• •• Instrument and in any ridert�+)executed by Borruwer und rscurded with it. ___ <br />_- i • -V , � <br /> ; , . ..a i es�s: �`� � � / ,. —__ <br /> � e fr�.��z��w� �/�:-�-�� �S��u � <br /> .'` ., , -- -- - C LES W PRO D irowcr <br /> ., � � oh . <br /> � Bormwcr �� <br /> _ . • RUTH PHYLLIS OUD - _ <br /> � a d ! <br />• . lScul) �. <br />- , � " BOIION'Cf =- <br /> " b <br /> • �f .r <br /> ... . ($l'A�) t - <br /> ,i! . <br /> Bnrtowet � <br /> � ' . � STATE OF NEBRASKA. C'uum��.�: NALL � <br /> .. .. ° On thi. 27th ��'�'"t' Ma rch, 1992 .�liirr�undcrsigncd.a Natury ,: ' <br /> • Public duly rommi,sioned and yuulificJ li�r.aid ruun�y.�xn�►nrll� rame <br /> �� <br /> �� CHARLE3 W PROUD AND RUTH PHYLLIS PROUD HUSBAND AND WIFE �i�����;���,wn 10 Ix thc � <br /> , � identiral penoMsl wh��.e namcl+�arc wh.crihrd la thr Ii�ngu�nE in+trumrnl and ackrn�aleJged the czeruiinn Ihereof'tn t+e ' <br /> �. �, . • their vuluntary ac�anJ drrd. <br /> ; Witness my hund unJ noturiul.rnl at GRAND I SGAND in�aid rounty. �hc <br /> ,.' dutc uforcsuid. 1 <br /> •.�`,, . � <br /> . . J f <br /> � � -- _�C}Cc�.1� �<<�. - — --- ` <br /> � NO ot Il�ssk�i � ,;,�.�r r�hi�. <br /> _ � G��}_��, ____ ROB TA L REED �__ <br />_��- . nVOCniw�.nccv � �-- <br /> . J I.�Mh Wmm.E�p.July 30,1994' R EQl II:SI'H()R ii Ei('()M1V Eil'Ah('1: • <br /> ., , TO'I'RUS'I'EE: � <br /> ', Thc undcrxigncd i��hr holdcr ul�hr nu1�ur notr�.rcurcd h� ��J�,t'IFu.t. 5aid natr ur nut�,.t�igclhcr��ith all � <br /> othcr indeMcdne„ wrurcJ Ny thi. ik�J uf'I'ru.t.ha�r tkcn p;u�f m full. Y�,u arr hrrrh� dir�rtrJ t„ canr�l.:nd nu��ar � <br /> � , nutr�und�hi+Dr�d of'Ihi+�.which arc dclivrrcd hrrrhy.:�ml ttr r�c�m�e). �+ilhuu� ��:�rranl�.:dl th<<�I:tli n����hrld h� �au <br /> . undcr thi�[k�J��f'liv.t ta�hr 4xroun��r�xr.�m.kgall�•ruuU�d ihrrc�u. , <br /> . . Uatc: —-- -- - - - - - -- -� <br /> ., ����e��.���i•.�u�� ' <br /> �. ' ! <br /> � <br /> � <br />