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<br /> �}�r . .� _ ��r.t.a... ...r. .....,_. .� .,.... _-_ _ _—
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<br /> � t ..ir��� � y p1�R� .b�l�ff���llh�i�' .. ,~.w'r�� �.�r•
<br /> � � hCK'� �
<br /> . .. '
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<br /> .... , .�.�. _ - ._'
<br /> .� NB�IRI�.�".:..�L���._.__ "___ __ . ..._�. . . _.. _.. _
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<br /> � F: � ��.. 92— io2s51
<br /> .L .�,
<br /> ' x...�`•R.� • •' wndemnatfoo or ather tuking uf uny puh of Iha I'n►pctty.ar i'ix conveyame In Ileu��f cundemnr�i��n,arc hcrcby uxqi�neJ ond '
<br /> xhull he puld tu I.cnde�.
<br /> • . In thc event ��f u I�HUI tuking of �hc Pro�xny, �hc pr�xerd� shull he applicd to Ihc .ums �ecurcd by �f�ix Securily
<br /> . . . ' ---�-- In.rtnimcnt,whc�hcr�x nut then�lur,wlth uny excexs puiJ tu DoROwcr. In�hc evem nf u purtiul wkin�of�he I'mpcny io �--- --LL TY
<br /> ° � . whirh�hc G�ir markc� vulur ul'ihr Pn��xny immediulcly fxl'uR ihr�uking ia cyuul�o o�grculcr thun thc unwunt uf Ihc sumK _
<br /> . °•'' '�. secured by lhi� Securfly Ins�nun�m immrdfa�cly Ixli�re�hr �ukinb,unlesx Dorn�wer nnd l.ender odicrwi,c ugree in wrl�ing. .r--f .�-.�-----
<br /> ` ' , .: ' � �he xuma necured by ihis Securi�y In+trumem shull tx:rcdured by dk umoum ni'dk pr�xc�Kls �nul�iplied My tha followins
<br /> ., �_ � ,
<br /> f'ruc�iuo: (ul U�.:1utu1 auu�unt nf thc sums�ccurcd munrdi�urly Ik1oR dm �uk�ng,dividrd by�bl �iK i'iur muri;ci vuluc i�f�hc �-- �--
<br /> _.-. �_ _ � - - -�-
<br /> -�° ' " . Properly immciliu�cly lx:fiKC Ih�: luking. Any huluuce shull he puiJ to B�►RUwcr. In thr cvem of'u puhiul �uking of d�r � �
<br /> , P�rapeny in which �he fuir murke� wdue of�he Pru�ny imimdiu�cly bcfore�hc�uking i�lu�s�h+�n�hc um��unt of Ihe xum�
<br /> ;� � secured immediutaly hef�xe �he tuking,unl�ss Borrowcr anJ Lendrr u�herwi.c ugree in wrlling or unlexx nppUrable law ___
<br />•` ' athenvihe providex,ihc proceeds shull l�applicd w the sumr:�erureJ by�hix Sccurity Ins��urricnt whe�ix:r ar not�he sum�are
<br /> ' . tlun duc. �-
<br /> If�he Pmpeny iK abund�ned by Dorcower,or if,uRer notice by Lender ta sorr��wer tba��he condannor offerx to muk� —
<br /> � un uwurd or settle u cluim for damnge�;,Sunower fuils lo respond tu LenJcr wi�hin 70 duys ul'icr�he dute the ix�tice is given. _
<br /> • . l.ender ix uulho�ized a�culleci un•.I upply the prucerds,u�iiti�►�tion,ei�her�o mxu�ruiion�rr�zpuir�f�I�e Pnyxny ar�o the ----
<br /> xums,ecurcd by Ibiz Securily hi.uwnem,wh�thcr or nul Ihen du�. �;;��_-
<br /> . Unless Lc�xlcr und Ilorrow�r o�hrnvi.c ugrec in wri�ing,uny+�ppliculion of priKecJx in rrincipul xhall mH exlend ar -
<br /> „ � �x�s��me�hc Jue dme ot'Uie m��nthly puymentn retern�d w in purugruphs I und 2 or cl�ung�the un�uunt of such paymentx. —_
<br /> 11. B�rower Not Releatied; Furheurunce By I.ender Nol u Wuivcr. Eztenni�m ��f Ihe �imc fur puymem or �"
<br /> • m�xlificu�ion��f unmhirulion of�h�xomx xecurcd by Ihis Securily In,tnim�nl grunled hy l.endcr io uny�uccex+o�in inlem+� .
<br /> uf Surruwcr ahull �x�t operm�N► relcusc ihc liuhiliiy ul'�hc uriginul B�wruwrr i�r l3arrowcrx xuccrxxa� in imcrcs�.Lendcr .•--
<br /> shnll not be rcquireJ �o c�xnmcrxxc pracecdingx aguinst uny surceasur in inlerest or r�t'ua: io extcnd timc for puyment or � -
<br /> o�herwise malify umimiaulion of�he sums secured by thix Secu�ity Instrument hy reusun cif uny clemunJ mude by�be ariginul , +��'
<br /> , ,; � �� Borrawer or BoROwe�+succcxu�rY in imcr�st. Any fortxuruncc hy LcnJ�r in excrcising uny righl or mmedy shull not lx u .�"���
<br /> waiver uf ur prerlude the exercise of uny righ�ur mmcdy. ,��x,��-
<br /> 12. Successors und AsslBns fluund:Joint and Severul I.iabllity;(:a-signers. Thc covenants unJ ngreements of this ��
<br /> � , Securily Instrument shull bind unJ I�nefil Ihe successon unJ u,�signy of l.ender und I3oROwer, xubject to�he provisianx of ^����- a
<br /> . pnrngruph 17. Borrower+cnven:m�.r• und ugreemema shull tx.joint i�nd,evcrid. Any Borrower wl�o co-signx �his Security ;:;,��. '"`
<br /> , Inx�rumem hut cN�rs n�N�xccutc Ihr No�c: (ul i�co-.igning Uiis Srruri�y In,�rumcn�unly to mnrtgngc,grunt imd c�mvcy�hu� .' �—
<br /> �� Borrower�imerest in U�e Pro�xny undcr U�c�emr�►F�his Securily In�trumem: (b)is noi persunully oblig�ucd to puy�lie sum+ ._`,� ,_.�;�ti _ -.__
<br /> • •� „ � • secumJ hy this Secu�iry Inxlrumenl;und(c)ugrees thiu Lcndcr und uny olhrr BoROwer muy agr�e to extend,mixlify,l'orbea� � .
<br /> ,. or muke ony uccommc►dutions wi�h regurd to the tertnti of Ihix Security Imtrument or Ihr N��ie wiihom �h,n Borrawer's
<br /> , . consent. ,.°�`� ��`
<br /> ' " IJ. l.oun Churgea. IP ihe loun secured by Ihis Sccurity Ins�rumcm is,uBjcci to u luw whirh sc�x muximum loun !".�� -
<br /> �����
<br /> . r"-.,I^,-—"-` churges,unJ Ihul luw is tinully inlerprcled ro�hul the interesl nr�►Ih�r 1�►un churges aiilected nr to Ix:a►llected in connec�ion .�.-:- _
<br /> with thc laun exeeed the�xr►nillecl limi�s,lhcn: (cU uny sucl� Inun ch:�rge shull he redured hy�he umount nrce�sury to reducc �+�?��=��`��
<br /> tl��cl�urge ta Ihc permiucd limil; uix)lhl uny xutns ulreudy cidlerled from Burrowrr which ezceeded�xmtiued limils will he ,�''='�`"�'"
<br /> �..... .... ....�
<br /> ., refandrd to Horrower. LenJc�r moy ch�xize ki nwkc this rr�fund by reducing Ihc principul owed under Ihe Nole or by muking u ^`•,'���° �
<br /> ,� direc�puyment to Borrowcr. 1(u refund reduce,princip:d,tlx reJuction will hr tn:u�ed us u puniul prcpuyment withuut uny ; ��.i:..,y,•-�::�.,
<br /> i_�� prepuyment chnrgc undcr�hc Notc. ., . "•
<br /> (d. Nollees. Any nniice tu Rorrowcr pruvidcd tiir in ihi, Sccurity In��rumem xh�dl ix given hy delivering it or by ..
<br /> � muiling il hy firsl cl�itis nmil unkss upplicuhlc I:�w rcyuirc,uxc ol'imo�hcr mclhixl.Thc nnticc+hull ix:dirccicJ to Ihc Pro�ny y��,'....�� •,�
<br /> Address or any ��thrr address Rorrowcr d�.igncucs hy nutic�tu l.�ndcr. Any nulice lo Lrnder �hull Ix given by tint cluss
<br /> •' o o • J I •,a •iJc des'� utes n no�irc to liurn�wcr. An notice rovided fo� ���
<br /> mu�l to I.enJcr's udJrc��srrled hcrun r uny �h�r a� �r� Lu r ibn y y p � ,�,
<br /> ' in�hin Security Inxtrumem shnll Ik dernkJ �o hcrvc bern �iven to Borrowcr or l.ender when givcn us pmviJed in this v�"'--
<br /> pnrugruph. � -
<br /> I5. Gmerning Law; ticverahNity. Tliir Security In,irumm�l shull Ix govrrncd hy Icdcail It��v und Ihe luw af the k. -�=�-
<br /> jurisdic�ian in which tlx Proprny is I�wmed. In Ihr evrnt Ihul nny pruvisiun or cluutic ol'Ihis Securily Inztrument or Ihc Note � -��_•�°_.-
<br /> conflicts wilh upplkuble luw�wrh rnntlict shull no�ut'Irct oUier provi,ion,ut'�hi,Security Inylrunknt or the Note which cun �
<br /> Ne given cffec� wi�haui �hc cimtliriing pnwisian. Tii ihix rnd thc pruvi�iuns ot'ihis 5eruriiy Instrument unJ Ilx Not�are k ' - ---
<br /> declured to l�srverihle. ` -�_`�-_�
<br /> Ib. Borro�ver's Copy. R�,rruwcr xhidl Ix�givrn nnc r�mti�rmcd rupy ol'Ihc Nulc:ind of ihi�Sccurily Inxtnimcnt. E � "` --
<br /> � 17. 'Iruntiier��P Ibe I'rnperly or u BeneBrial lnleresl in Bnrroa•c�: If c�U ur rmy part of ihc Pr���x ny or uny interest in . � .�1:'i?�°`.'
<br /> , it is sold or Irunsferrcd(or if�i Ikncfii:inl inlrrc�l in Rurro�vrr i�tiold ur Iran+lcrrcd und 13orrowrr is no1 u naw�ul person) ', ac�..,�r,:+.:
<br /> . wUhoul l.enJer's prior written c�mrcnt.Lcndcr muy,al its npii�►n.rcquirc immediutc paymenl in full uC ull sums securcd by ; :: ..`�;.:
<br /> �. Ihis Securily Inslrwnenl. Iluwcvcr.ihis npii�m shnll mN Ik�xcrcised hy Lcod�r il'cxercise ix pn�hibitrJ by feJcrul luw ns of � ��,M. ,`•
<br /> U�e clule ol'�hiz Sc�curiiy In,lrument. . . .
<br /> If Lcixkr�xcrcises Ihis iiption.Lendcr shs�ll�ivc Burr�nrcr nnlicc ul':KCrlcralion. 'flie iN�l icc tihsdl providc u perial of
<br /> ' . not Irss Ih+in ip dayx from Ihr�4�Ic Ihc nolirc i+dclivrrcJ��r�n;�ilrJ��ilhin which li�irn►wrr i�m,l pay:�II swns xcrurcd by this �
<br /> Scrurily h�tilruro�rn. (I' liorrowcr fail�t�i piiy dkx �uro, priur �o �hr r�piraiiun ul'thi� �xriud. Lciidcr nury invokc nny .
<br /> ,i remrJics�knniu�il by thi.ticrurily In.lirmum��iihuin lunhrr nulirr ur drnr,ind�m Barr���arr. •
<br /> 18. Rorrowcr's Right lo Rcin�tute. II Burruwrr mrrt, c�riain cundi�ium. liorru«•rr,liall h:ivc Ihc right tu huv�
<br /> cnli�rcemcnt ot'Ihi�Scruriiy hi.trumrn�di,cuminucd at any Iimc priur Io Il�r rarlier ul': Ia1 S day+(or�u�h uthcr�riixl us
<br /> t Singlc F,miilY--Frnnle Mae/hYe�ldle Muc ONIPtlltllt INti"fNl�!11kN'f--l�mii,nn('u�eiumi. 9/40 ip,�1r��Jn�w�«sl
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br /> 1
<br /> ' � � ' __ _ _ .. .....
<br />