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<br /> 9• I —�'.K+k��,�!4� �3� 'rl•.;t. .t�`};y,'� �I.•�:'��'��L`y5�'A��''���� J'i��titi' r�_ _—
<br /> .. G�Y.. � ;rrTt"�'�'t�l�lt . _. _'._—
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<br /> -� �� ° � � perirxlx Ihu�I.c�nckr rc��uircs. 11�c Inxu�ance cuRicr prnviding Ihc inKUruncc nhall he ch�sen hy Aormwc�xuhj�w��a l.endcr� �i-V=�_.
<br /> ''�'�.;��'�'.���''} == upprovul wMch�hull not ix�unmuu►nubly withh�ld. li'Nurrow�r fuilx 10 mnlntuin riweruge drscrfhed uhave, Lender may,ut -_
<br /> : ',�- � ._ , . . l.en�kr�nnlinn,nhtufn eoverage to prolec�Lender�ri�hla in ih�Pn►�r1y in uccordunre wilh parugraph 7. —
<br /> '�` =- ' All innurunce�►licicti und renewids shidl i+e acceptable t�l.endrr und nhnll incluM�u slundar�t m�inguge cluuse. Lender � __ ____ _
<br /> '��.it ' :�• ., •o _
<br /> shall have Ihe right lu hold Ihe p�.l+cicx un�l renewulx. IF l.ender requirex,Ruerowrr xhull prom�xly �ive tu l.ender ull n:ceipls �,,.,� _
<br /> � , , uf puid prc.mlums ond rencwul nc�cirex. In Ihc evem of lor�,R�xr��wcr.holl uive pmm�n���irc Ic��lic inxurunre cartier und � -'--�-�
<br /> �. _ -�-- ..
<br /> '' l.endrr. Lenlcr muy mukc pr��nl'�I'I��xx il'no�mude promptly hy Rarc��wer.
<br /> ,., ,
<br /> ,_L W:_..,..�_ ��.. ..•. . —
<br /> , ,; •� a— Unles.r Len�kr und �um�wc��ai�c�wi,.;agrcc in u�iting. in.rurance prciceed��hal! he n�+rli��i �n rev��m�tinn�r rcrnlr��f �_ .. -„ ,�_
<br /> � • ° � �hc Property damuged, if ihc re+�aa��ion or repoir ix economicully 1'euxible und Lendcrk �ecu�i�y ix nrn lesticned. If�hc �- -
<br /> � '�" mxm�utiix� iK repnir iK aM ernnrnnlcully feuxihlc nr Lenderk securily wo:dd ix: IrsxeneJ,Ihe Intiuru�cr p�aceecls shull tu �-�-
<br />_ :�� ` " i��licd In �he �um«,e�und by thi� Srcurity Inxtmmem, wh�lhcr or n�N Ihrn duc, wi�h uny eKCess puid�o Nurrower. If
<br />� • • ^ Rurrower uluindans Ih� Pm�eny.i�r d��ex noi unxwcr within 3U duyti u nt�lice fmm Lender Ihu[ ihe inrumnce caRfer has ��=��—---
<br /> � ul'fered�o seule a cluim,�hen LenJer muy collec��he inxuruncu pnxeedw. Lendcr muy use�he prcKCeds to repoir or reslore '-
<br /> the Prapeny or lo puy ruma xecured by Ihix Securi�y Insln�ment,wheiher ar not Ihen du�. The 311-cfay�rial will begin when =��-:=����--
<br /> � �he nrnicc is given. ��,v •Li•—-------
<br /> ° Unlc�s l.ender und fl�►rrawrr mhrnvi,c ugrec in wri�ing, uny upplirulion oP prnccedx�o princip:d r�h+dl M►1 ex�end or --_�
<br /> ��xl�xine Ux duc dule of�he oM�rnhly puynxntx refurrrJ�o in pun�gr,�phs 1 und 3 or chunuc Ihe urnnum ot'�he puynxrnx. If --
<br /> • umler pamgmph 21 the Propeny ia ucquired by Lender, Bnrruwerk ri�eht �o uny insurance �xdicics und proceeJa resuhing �,_.� �
<br /> � frnm dumuge to�he Prapeny prior�o�h�nrquisilion shull pasx�o l.ender to�he extenl ot'Ihc sWns securcd hy�bis Security �- °�=�
<br /> . . . • bis�niment immedi►uciy prio�io thc ucqui�iiion. � :.���. --
<br /> ' b. (kcupancy, Prer,ervu�ioa. Muinteouoce und Proleclion oP Ihe rro���y; liorrnwer s I.oun Applicutlnn; _ :-
<br /> ° ' I.eucehiild�. BaROwer�hull�cupy.cti�uhli,h.und u�ce Ihr Pr�►�xny+is Borrowc�ti principul resKle�xe wi�hin sixty duys after =- --R =`
<br /> . Ihe execulion ol'ihix Securily In�uwn�nt und shull continuc lu ixcupy Ihe Pn��xny u. HoROwer'ti principul reridence for ut ��;,•.-a;�
<br /> � Icust one year uftcr �he dute i�f'occupancy, unlezz l.enJer rnherwise ugrcex in wriling. which consenl �hull nat he �
<br /> �' unreuximubly wilhhcld,�ir unless exlenualinK circumslunrcr exis� which ure hryond Burrow�r+ccmtrol. Rorrower shr.11 not •:'=•'=•r �. �T� _
<br /> destro ,Jumu�e or im uir Ihc Pro �rt dluw Ihe Pru r1 lo dclerioriue,ur commil wi�ste on ih� Pm�xny. Horruwrr shull ��-______
<br /> Y b P I'� Y•: I� Y ft::°•
<br /> Ix in defuuli if nny furfcilurc ucti��n or prixeeding,whrlher civil or criminut,i�Ixgun Ihut in l.ender's gcxxi fuith judgmem �;,,.�..:-
<br /> �} .. could result in forfriiu�c oi'Ihe 14o�xny �►r o�herwixe mulcriully impuir �he lien crcaned hy ihis Security Instrumem ar -:_T�Y f „
<br /> I.enJer�ucuri�y interext. Borrower mtry rure+uch u detuuU und rein�lu�e.Uti(1fOVIlII'lI 111(1UR1bf�rll IK.by cs�uxing�he uc�iun .:.•�'.-
<br /> ar pruceeding �o Ix:dismixsed wi�h u nding�hui.i��Lendcr's g�xxl fi�ith dc�crniinution,pmcludes f:,rfeiwre of Un� Bnrcowe�ti • -
<br /> " - imcrex� fn �he ('�npeny or oiher im�teriul impuinnent af �he licn rrcntcd by �hi� Serurny In�irument or Lcnder's securiry "-.:�JS��
<br /> � intere,t. Aorrower ahidl ulsn tx in deftudt it' Hormwer, JurinF the I�mn upplica�ion prcxer.. guve materiully ful+c cx :.y,gy�ar�-s�
<br /> inurrurute infurmntion ur,tmemcnl+�o l.cndcr lor ti�iled lo providc Lcndcr wiih uny matcrinl infornuuionl in ronncc�fon wi�h . �:''•: �._
<br /> - �hr loun cvklcr�ced by thr Na�, including. bui no� limi��d lo. rcpresenu��ionx eon�:eming Q��rrowc�'s �xcupancy oi Ihe ,; ::.W,i�.-°�c
<br /> -- .----= Property us a�rine9ps!residence. II'Ihi.Securi�y In.�rument ir on u IeuseholJ.Borrc►we�xhull c�Mnply wilh uU ihe provisions _'=,"','�`• _'.�:;��
<br /> of�he leatie. It Borrower ucyuirex fce�itle to�he Pn►pcny.�he Icatiehold iind 11�fNe title ahall not merge unletix Lender ugree.r• ` ,t' . - i
<br /> . _. .0
<br /> ° �a the merger io wri�ing. •
<br /> 7. PratectNm oP Ixnder's Ri�hts in Ihe Prnperly. If Horrnwer fail, �o �:rParn� the crnenam�ti und ugrcememx
<br /> • conlained in thi� Security (nslrumcnt. or Ihcrr is �� Icgul prixceding Ihut m;ry .ignitlr,m�ly nt'tecl Lemkr's rightti in Ihc � ,
<br /> . ' Pro�xrty(such u�u pr�eeding in hunkruMry,prnhoie,1'or cnndcmmition or I'urfcilurc or to eni'orce laws or regulanii►m),Ihcn :��..-�:t.-„�,
<br /> . I.cnder muy do und puy 1'or whutcvrr is nrces+nry Io protcc� d�c vulur ol'thc Propcny und 1.��1cr� righ�s in Ihe Property. ..`",^!" ",...' ,
<br /> � l.encier'.s uc�fons may include paying uny+ums suured by a li�n whirh hns prioriry nver thi� Securiry Imlrument,nppearing �•�:�°�::��:'7�� ^
<br /> � ° in courl,paying rci�son:�hlc aaorney�'lecs imd cntcring on the Pr��ehy to mukr rrpnin.AIU�au�h Lrndcr may take ac�ian ,,,,s._.,�,;..,�'
<br /> und�r Ihis prragruph 7,L.ndcr dixs not huvr��i do,i�. . . �. : ..��+:��
<br /> �• Any nmounls dixbursecl by l endcr under�hi� par�igriph 7 xhall Ixrontc udJilionul dent oi' Rurr�►wer secured hy�his ,,. ,.,..,.. _�r- °
<br /> �: , ' Sccurity I nun�men�. Unlesz porrowcr:md Lend�r ugree tu othrr�rrn�+nl�p�rymm�t,�Ixse um��unt+ shall Ixur inleresl frnm the -'''_ _
<br /> . dulc of Jishursement ut thc N�xc:rutc aixl shi�ll Ix ps�yuhlr,w�ith imcrr�t,u�xm nnticc frum (.rndcr to Borrowcr requesting . .j��� _
<br /> ;i. y_
<br /> . . .. puymcm. ^,�:' .,
<br /> . 8. MortguRe Insuruncc. If LciHlcr mquirrd m�irlgngr insunmcc a4 a r�aidili�m uf ms�linE Ihr loun srcured by this ;`..�,�„ .
<br /> : ,�" ��" Securily Inslrwncnl, I�urrowcr �fu•II p:�y Ihc prcmiinnx rcqoircd lo inainh�in Ihr nwrlE��gc in,m•imrr in rffrrl. If, ti�r+u►y , �' x�x�L,
<br /> rcusun. ihc nuNlgugc inwnuue co��cruEr r«�uired hy I.cnJrr lap�r. ��r rensrz w hr in clfecl. B��rrowcr shull puy Ihe '�?;�.=_i':=..
<br /> ,;r' � p�emium� reyuired lo ohtain rcwers�Ee suhslnnli�dly cyuivalem w Ihc murlgagc insuramrc prcviuu+ly in uffcct, ut u cuzl --_-=.
<br /> . • subslunliully ryuivulcnt io the ru,t w fiarcowcr ul'Ihr mun�;agc insuranrr previ��uxly in cl'1'rrl.t'n�m un uUrmsue mongugc ;
<br /> insurcr vpproved by l.rnder. II'�uhs�:�nlinlly cyuiv;drnt mon�agr in+uranc�rovcr.�gc i�n�N :�vuilable. H�xrower shnll pay �u �"��'.-�
<br /> � ' l.ender ei+ch momh u sum eyunl lu�►ne-�wcllih of Ihe ycc�rly martEaEr in.��runrc premium Ix ing pnid by B�irrower when thc "'.`,,� .,
<br /> �. , inxw'imce covciugc lapxcd ur cr:�xd u�Ix in r(Icrl. I.rn�lcnv�ll ur.•cpl.uu and rewin thr,c�u��•m�nt.us n lu.,rcscrvc in licu .f"::-'�Y�_
<br /> uf mongugc inzurimrc. Loxx rcurvc paymcn�, mny na I�n►Err Ix rrquircJ.a� U�r �q�tiun ul'I.endcr. it'murlgngc insuranre :•r. '�"`"'`'�
<br /> covcruge lin�Ik amuunt nnd for Ihc�x.ruNl�hul I.endcr rcquirc��pruvi�kd hy an in,wrr a��ruvcii by Lcixlcr uguin hecrnnes , ' ��•
<br /> uvuiluhk :md is ob�ninrd.Bcircowri tihall puy�he prrmium,rr��uired�o m;iinuiin mort�;�ge in�ur,uire in cl'fret.or tci providc u i,. . ,,., •. �
<br /> • loss rescrve,unlil thc mquir�menl li�r nuxlgugr insur�uxr end,in urrurdancr wiih uny wriurn n�recmrnt Ixiwecn liorrnwer ;. . •
<br /> und l.ciKl�ror a�ryilir:ihlc I�nv,
<br /> 9. lexpcction. LrnJcr��r iis agrnl m:q•m:iAr n;i.unahlr rnu�ir,upan and in+�xriion,nf �Ik I'r��rty. I.cndcr�hall
<br /> give Rixr�iwer nolire:it Ihe tim. uf or��riur tu,ui in.�urli�m ti�,rcilyin�r.+�,�mc►hk caux titt Ihe in��xrti„n.
<br /> , 10. CnndcntmlUon. TIw ��rocecd.ul:iny :a�:uJ ur il:iim t��r�I,m�a�!r,.�lirrrl ur ron.rapknlial, in connrc�icm wilh cmy
<br /> tiingkl�anol,:-•Fw�nlc�luc�P'nrldle�lwl'ti1P/1R�11'�iSl'Rl��1h:N'1'•-I�ndnrmCovcnanh 9/911 qn�e�•.t„fr��a�q��u ' "
<br /> �a r.n I,J��xuwM.a��uma.�a ■ �
<br /> 1'n��d��'atl I IMMIS:NId1:t11:1 1 I VAS IIIIL77611:1) -
<br /> �
<br /> w ,
<br /> • �t'� �
<br /> � �l. ._ __— _ __ . . __ -_
<br />