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<br /> �y� L ...� . . .���11lwM�.w r�5"�i--.c—.- •..r:-ic,.._—�-- .
<br /> t� �.� y.�.i:wi:� ' -�+.5�.r 1 .
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<br /> .. ,. . � .. -''J'.•.�d:n4:ir: . - .. -
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<br /> '� �,�-.-�; g2- 1�26�.i �::.�,�.�.. _
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<br /> ."n ' (, : applicubM luw muy specifY for reinwtotemenU before sule of�he Property pur�uunl to uny puwer of suk contuined in Ihig �
<br /> " • Sccurity Inslnimenl:or(b)entry af A judgmcnl eufarcMg�his Security InsirumeM. Those conditian+ ure�hut Borrawcr: (n)
<br /> �: .> .,
<br /> , �.� :_��,��',�,�� .<; payc Lcnder all suma which then wauld t+e duc under �biti Sccurily Inslrnmenl und the Notc ax if no accelerudon hac!
<br /> ,r•��-�-u ^ ixcurred;lbl curez uny defuult af uny other covenanl*nr agreementn:lc)pays ull expensex incurred in enforcing this Securfty `
<br /> ; .. � �n,trumcnt, including. but not limi�ed to.rea>onable ut�arneys'feeti:and ld) tukcs+uch uction u, LenJcr may rcasanubly �V•"- -+_ - `
<br /> _:�'w'� r rcquire to Assure thut the lien of lhiti Sccurity Inst�ument,l.cndcr w rights in Ihc F'roperty und Bnrri►wcr:�►bligution to puy Ihe
<br /> � J .. .�� ., r;ums secured by tbi+ SecurEty Instrumeret �hnll rontinue unch�nRed. Upon �einstutement by Borcower, this Securiry `- �`
<br /> _ .. _�.
<br /> Inxtrument onQ the obligutionx r�:ured Ixrcby xhaU remuin fully effrctive a�if no nccelrra�ion hud�xcuRCd. Huwcvcr,t �x � - _�
<br /> � ' ' ° �ight to rcinstale shnll no�apply in thc case af urceleration undcr puragruph 17. °�
<br /> :ti u l9. 3wle oP Note;Change of Loan Servfcer. 'fhe N�te or a purt�ul intcrcxt in�hc Nar Itogethcr w��h Ihi+Securiry
<br /> ^�� Imtrurnentl may �+�►�d��or more times without prior notice ta Borrowcr. A ralc muy rc.ult in a chungc in the entity r�-
<br />� . .. ,� �. ,.'
<br /> (known us the'LoAn S�rvicer")Ihat collects monihly puyments Jur under ihe Note und this 5ecurity Msuument. There ulso �_
<br /> u
<br /> " rouy be one ar more chunges of ihc l.oun Scrviccr unrcluted to u znle of the Note. If Ihcre is u chunge of�hc Laan Scrvicer. � -
<br /> ' " Bormwer will be given wri�ten natice oi the change in accordunce wilh purogruph 14�txwc und upplicuble luw. The no�ice
<br /> ' '' I will statc the name und address of the ncw Loun Scrviccr und the uddres�to which puymc�xs shoulJ t►c mude. The natice will
<br /> �• � •� ul�u camnin any ather informutiun rcquired by upplicuble luw. �.'-' '
<br /> � ' ,� I 29. Hazardous Subslanctw. Borrowcr xhall na1 cuu,c o�perniit thc prc�ence.usc.dixposal,storvge,or reMuse of uny --
<br /> Huxurdous Subxtunces on ar in the Pmpeny Borruwcr shall nat do.ncx ullow uny�►ne else to du,anything uffecting the
<br /> � piroperty thut is in viola�ion of Any Envimnmental Luw. The preceding two scntences+hull oot apply to tlxr prexenre,utie.or ��__-
<br /> ' sloruge on the Prapcny of small yuuntiticx of Hu�ardoua SuMatAnces ihut urc gencrully recognized�o lx uppropriutc�a normal �y..s,•--
<br /> ' re�ide�xinl uscs:�nd�o muintennnce of the Pmpeny ���'-'=--
<br /> : ...
<br /> ,. -.:_�
<br /> • � Barruwer shall promp�ly give Lender w�itten nolice of uny imes�igution,cl:�im.demund,lawsu�:��r othe� uc�icxi y unY .;,`�j_,
<br /> " ' governmentul or regulutory ugency ar privnte puny inv��lving the Property unJ uny tla•r.ardau. Sub+wnce or F.nvironmental , ..-._
<br /> LAw of which Borrower hus uctuul knowledgc, If Borrowcr Icarns, ar is nutilieJ hy uny gov�mmental or regulutory •�44 " i -
<br /> � uuthority,thui uny removal or other remediution oP any H:u-.urdaus Subs�unce nff'rc�ing ihc P�openy is neres.ury. Borrower .. ,;� -
<br /> , ' shull promptly take ull necessury remedial uctions in accordunce witb�nvironmenlul Luw.
<br /> Ax u+ed in this pnrnBrnPh 2n•"Huzurdou�Substances"are Ihosc tiubs�unce+defined as loxic or hururdouti�ubstuncex by
<br /> ' ; 6nvironmental Luw �nd�he following sub.tunce+: gas��line.kere�sene, othcr flummuble or toxic{+�trulcum produc�x,loxic ":,,�-
<br /> � � pesticiJe. nnd herbicides, volulile solvent�,mu�eriul�containing usbe�toti ur formaWehydc,und rudiouctive muteriuls. As _
<br /> � ; uxed in ihiti parugraph 20."Enviranmental Luw"mcuns fcderul luwx ar►d luw+oi'thc jurixdiction wherc the Property is loceled , _ � .
<br /> i Ihat relotc to heuUh.sufcty or cnviranmeniul protcction. , ��'�
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. BoROwcr und L.cndcr fuhhcr covcnunt and ugrcc ati follow.:
<br /> 21. Acceleration;Remedies. l.ender sball give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration PoUnwing Barrower's �..�-�
<br /> breach of any covenant or agreemenl in this Security loslrument lbut not prior to acceleratioa under paragraph l? _-�_L
<br /> _—_ __- s d�nlherwlse)• The notice shall specify: Inl tl�e deiault;lbl lhe actiun reyuired to cure the �._ _° �:
<br /> unir�x rppikabie!au•pra i `��'��°
<br /> dePauN; Ic)a date.not less than 30 dwys i'rom the date Ihe notice is given to liurrower,by whic8 ihe defauli ts�ux!be -,�
<br /> cured;and Id1 that fAilure to cure the defaull on or bePure the date ypecified in the n�tice may result in accele�ation of .
<br /> • �•,';'• the sums secured by thix Securily Instrument and sale of the Properly. The notice sBall further inform Borrower of .
<br /> • • � � the right lo reinstate aiter ucceleration and the riRht to brinR a courl action to acce�t Ihe nun•exislence oP a dePault or '•;�-
<br /> . . any olher defense of Borrower to accelerotion and sale. If Ihe default is not cured o�or betore Ihe date specified in , „�
<br /> I h e n M l c e.l.ender at ils o ption muv reyuire immediale payment in full of all sums secured by thls Security Inslrument • ,�
<br /> wilhaut furlher demand and may im•o ke t he power o P s a�e a n d a n y o t h e r r e m e d i e s p e r m i t t e d b y u p plicable law.
<br /> • � I.ender shall be entitled tu collect ull expenres incurred in pursuinR the remedies provided in thic paruRruph 21. .e��
<br /> including.but nnt limlted tn.reasonubk�utlorneys'Pee�un d cnsts o i't i t le e�•i d e n c e. ..,w.�
<br /> � It the pow•er uf yule is invuked.Trutilee ahall record a notice of default in euch caunt�in�vhich unv purt nf the `}y"Y
<br /> Property is lucated und shall muil copies oi'such nMice in the munner prescrilxd by applicuble low lo Burrower und to
<br /> . . the ulher persons prescribed by upplirablc luw. APter Ihe timr rryuirrd by upplicable law.'Ll�ustee shall Ri�•e public .;;���
<br /> nutice of sale to the persons und in thr munner prescribed b�•upplirohle lu«•. 7Yuuee,wflhout demand un Borru��er. ; �;�;_„
<br /> �:_
<br />� shall sell the PropeMy at public uuclh►n t��tlx hi�hest bidder ut the Ifine and pluce and u�c�r Ih�e trrms designuled in ;_
<br /> the notice oi'sale in one or m��re purcel.r•und in un}•order'IYustec determines. 'fruztee ma �I one sule of all or un,r• n�+' �+
<br /> • parcel of the Pro perty b� public unM►uncement at the time and pluce oP any p�e�•iously srheduled sale. l.ender ur its +.f,.._-
<br /> � • desi�nee may purchuse tl�e Propert}�u t uny su le. �'�""';�-
<br /> „ .' l.'pon receipt of puyment ci the price bid.'IY�ustee shull delher to the purchuser '1'rustee's deed come�in�the .��f�._..
<br /> � Prc►perty. The recilals in the'IYustec'+deed shull 1►e primu fs�cie e�•idenec oP lhe truth nf the ztutements made therein. .:�-F�-�
<br /> 'IYuske shall apply Ihe proceeds ot'the sulr in the fo0u���in�order: lal lo all roxls and expense+of exerciYing the power �_ _,
<br /> i`
<br /> s..;�.:1r::.
<br /> �
<br /> ti�rm�2K 4/q11 I�hltP���/��kJCf�l
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> . '
<br /> . , �L. _ -. _ . _ __._ . _. _ .
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