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<br /> �.:- ,�;���:°�� 92- 102651 ��____
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<br /> ,� ,"• -.�xvV•n^r, I _..-_
<br /> �� �� � TOaETF1ER WITH ull 1hc improvcmems now on c�rcnftcr crccled�r�thc prupeny.�nd ull coscmem.,oppunenuncea.
<br /> �•�' '' °' ' '' � � and flxtums now or hereufrer u purt of Ihe property. All replucement.r And Addiliana shall also be cavered by thiK Se�:urity
<br /> ���. . c:
<br /> : ' Inatrument. All of ihe foregoing is rcfermd to M�hi�Security i�x�rumen�us�he"Prupeny."
<br /> •� " � BORROWBR COVENANTS Ihul B��rrowcr ix Inwiully xcised i�f Ihc r.slutc hcreby convcycJ und huti�hc rlght lo g�Ant �.
<br /> � �r � � ��• — snd convey the Pr��ny nnd�ha��he Prnpeny iti unencumbered,eaccpt far•:ncumbruncr�aF record. Borrawer wummts und �-__-
<br /> •° ' � �' � will defend generally�he lide to ihe Property nguinst oll cluimx und demu��dx,�ubject w any encumbrunce,u�rccord �°'-----°- -
<br /> , ,,.;..-., ,
<br /> ___: . _ . .- .. THIS SF.CURITY INSTRUMENT combinex uniform covcnunts for nntionc�l u�e nnd n�n-nnif'orm cuvenants wilh
<br /> ° ''- limited varlations by jurisdiction to consiiwte a uniParm securi�y instrument covering rcal propeny. ��
<br /> ' � • • UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr unJ Lendcr covcnant und ugrec a,fullaws: _�.
<br /> ^ l. Pt�yment of Princfpal And Interesl;Prepayment and I.wte Charges. Borrowcr+hall promptly pay when due the =___
<br /> . � � principal of nnd interert on the debt evidenced by�he Note i�nJ any prepayment und lute churges due under the Note. `�__
<br /> � ' � ° 2. Funds tor 7laxes and Ingurance. Subject to upplicuble luw or to a written wniver by Lender.Borrower sholl pay lo -.,
<br /> . ,,�r��..:'y �� , • Lender on the day monthly puyments ure duc undcr thc Note,until �he Nate ia puid in full,�sum("Fundti")for:(u) yeady �°_
<br /> tuxes unJ ax�:sunemx which may attain priority over this Securiry Insuument us u lien on the Propeny;(b1 yeurly leusehald �.""•---- -
<br /> payments or ground rems on the Propeny, if uny; (c) yeurly huzard ar property insurunce premiums; (d) yearly flcwd �••=� -- --
<br /> • insurance premiunis. if nny; (c) yc�rly mortgugc in+urance prcmiums, if uny: and(Il nny sums puyuble by Bortower to 4�j__ -
<br /> ' Lender,in uccordance wi�h the provisions of parngraph 8,in licu of the payment of monguge insurance premiums. Thesc r==-
<br /> • items�ue cnlled"Escrow Items." Lender may,at any time,coUect u�d hold Funds in un umount not ta exceed the maximum "=�'�-�-
<br /> • � umount a lenekr for a fedcrully related mortguge loun muy reyuire fix Borrower's e.+crow uccount u�der the federul Real �-=''¢-
<br /> }l� Estate Seplement Pracedures Act of 1974 us umended from time to time, 12 U.S.C. $2601 rr sey.("RESPA"),unlezs another ��-'"�'f'�`-- -
<br /> , _ law thut applies lo Ihe Funds sets a letiser umaunt. If so,l.ender muy.ut any time,collect nnd hold Funds in an amount not to �-�• ��� _�_�_�
<br /> exceed Ihe Iesser umount. Lender mny eslimute the amounl of Funds dur on the busis of current data and reasonable c,x:,�-_ _
<br /> " � estimates af expendi�ures of future E�crow Item�or otherwise in uccordunce with upplicable luw. Y-"�" ;_� _
<br /> The Funds shnll be held in un inxtitulion whose deposils urc insurcd by a fcderal agency, instrumenlnlity, or entily r �., '"""=
<br /> ",,r__`iii�z.�.
<br /> ' . (including Lemier,ii Lender is xuch An instiw�ionl or in uny Fedcral Home Loan Bank. Lendcr xhall apply the Funds to puy �- y�d.,z:,
<br /> .. " the Escrow Items. Lender mny nol chargc BoROwer for holding And applying the Fuads,annuully analyzing the escrow ___}��'%'"?°�
<br /> I account, or verifying the Escrow Item�, unle.s l.ender puys Borcower interetii on the Funds und applicable luw permi�s .,, „,�"--—
<br /> � ° , I Lender to muke such U charge. However, Lender may require Borrower la puy u one-time churge for an independent real � . : ' ''��
<br /> eatnte�ax reponing service used by Lender in connectinn with this IoAn,unless upplicable luw pmvides otherwise. Unless un • • � � �—
<br /> � agreement is madc or upplicuble luw rcquireti intcrest to be puid,Lender shall not be r�yuired to pny Borrower any interest or �.�•.
<br /> eaming+on the Funds. Borrowcr and Lender muy ugrec in wriling,however,thut intcrest tihull be paid on�hc Funds. Lender ,w���'��!
<br /> .. �.+r•.s+
<br /> � r„h:
<br /> . shall give to Borrower,withoul churge,un �nnuul uccaunting of Ihe Funds,showin�credits und debits to the Funds und the 'n••�,.� ,:,. .
<br /> purpose for which each debit to the Fundx wus made. The h�nds are pledged us udditiona{security for•rll sums secured by -
<br /> _ . _ :;����� • — thic SPCUrity Inclrument. � �_., _ .
<br /> ._7^�_ _
<br /> If the Funds held by Lender excced Ihe amounls permitted to be held by applicuble luw, Lender shull account lo
<br /> Borrower for the excetis Funds in accordance with the rcyuirements of applicabk luw. If the umount of Ihe Funds held by � ,5,
<br /> � . '''":.��'�� i.ender nt any time is not sufficient to puy �he Excrow Items whcn due, Lender may so notify Barrower in writing,and.in ;������•• �
<br /> " ' such case Borrower ahull pay to L.ender the umount necessury io make up the deficiency. Borrower.hull make up the .. ��.:' •
<br /> . deficiency in no more than twelve monthly puyments,ut Lender's sole diuretion. r �
<br /> Upon puymenl in full of ull sums secured by this Security Instrumenl, L.ender tihull promptly rrfund to Borrower any ''��
<br /> ' '� Funds held by LenJer. If,undcr purngraph?I, Lender shull ucquirc ix xcll�hc Propeny,Lender,prior to the acquisitian or � . ''' , .
<br /> sale oF the Property,shnll upply uny Funds held by Lender ut the time of ucquixition or sale us u crcJit uguinst the sums � - "" •�
<br /> �ecwed by this Security Instrument. , _
<br /> 3. Appltcation aP Pt�ymentv. Unless upplicuble luw providez olherwi+e, �II puyments received by Lender under ,..�--`
<br /> • , , puragrAphs 1 nnd 2 shall Ix:upplied:firxt,tu uny prrpuyment chargcs dur undcr Ihc Notc;second,to umounts puyuble under � ." ' -�1
<br /> " parngruph 2;Ihird.to intcrest duc;fourth.tii principal duc:and luti�,to any lote rhurge�duc unJcr Ihe Notc. `�� °"^�
<br /> �i+,:.-
<br /> 4. Charges; l.iens. Borrower shull puy ull tuxes, us�c�xmenlx, churgc�, �ncs and impoxitionx uttributuble to the : _
<br /> " Property which may uttain prinrily ovcr this Serurity In+trument,and Ieuschold puymcnts or ground rents,if uny. Borrower ► . '� -
<br /> , .�.•_-�-
<br /> ,1_�-�F__
<br /> shvll pny thesc obligations in thc manncr praviJed in puragruph 2,or if not puid in that manner,Borrowcr.hull pay�hem on - �; '-._
<br /> • ' timc directly�o the person owed puyment. Borrowcr shall promptty fumitih to Lendcr all notices of umuunts to t►c paid under „ .•-..%''' -`
<br /> ' , j this parugruph. If Bonower mukes these payments dimcdy, B�irn►wer shull pr�Hnptly fumi+h In l.ender receipts evidencin� ••
<br /> the payments. •��:w:r;,�,
<br /> Borrower xh�ll promptly discharge any licn whirh hu.priuriry over�hiti Sccurity Imtrument unless Borrower:lul agree� '
<br />! I in writing to thr paymeni nf the��bligAtion securrJ by�hr licn in a munner uccrptable�o L.cnder:lb)romests in good faith the f , .•.
<br /> � licn by,or defendti ugninst enforcemem o f t hr lien in.Icgu l pnx�e Jings w hir h in�he Lrn Jcr�opinion operute to prevent t he � ,
<br /> , � rnforcement of the lien;or Ic)securc+from Ihr holJrr of thr lien un agrermrnt wti+fartury to Lcnder�ubordinnting the lien ; ,.
<br /> ta lhis Serurity Instrument. If Lender dcicrmmrti�ha�any pun of�hc Pr�i�ny i�.uh,jeci to a licn whirh m�y attain prioriiy
<br /> ovcr this Securi�y Instrument.LenJer muy givc Borrowcr:►noticc idrntifying the lirn. Borrowcr shall satisfy thc licn or lakc �
<br /> , :, I onr or more of the xiions sct forlh atxivc wi�hin 10 Juy���f thc�ivin�;of noticr.
<br /> • � 5. Hazard or Property Insuruncr. Borrowcr tihall kcrp ihr impmvrment. nuw existing on c�rcafler crected on the
<br /> . Propeny insured uguinst loss by fin,huzard.included within thr Ierm°cxtended cuverage"and an��other huiards,including
<br /> i ,
<br /> � floods or fl�mdin�;,for which LcnJcr rcyuircti insur•rncr. '1'hi. intiuranc� shall be muintuinrd in thr umount� and f'or thc
<br /> , • F'orm N127{ 9�911 i�w��r�u/4�wR��s� � .
<br /> � I '
<br /> , i�
<br /> 1'
<br /> � -
<br /> I
<br /> . �H 1
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<br />