..���'•"` ..o �'t�t �aa� """ � �,���,v �.. - "_..__.._ .. .. ,c.�...�.�. . �—_' _ ....._.
<br /> � ""~ . +� 4_ Js�w �.� . �� C+��'4 � r W.;T
<br /> , �,t�. dc t v.�a _— �r--- _ �i� �tsti_
<br /> .�. .. J-,�r :.- ;yr . . -- - -.Y —
<br /> jfN • `C�-',`t�.
<br /> t i'- �• -��sE•�afaifM� ` ' � �� . ... .�w1•. . S., -_
<br /> f� r;'M - ��+1i.i�ltil�°'+��-_• ' .
<br /> . • .•:�. ,. — --
<br /> . � :'..1�---
<br /> .d••��i....i..�•_ � --��,.n.wrr+00rltn.__ -_-_ --- ._
<br /> � � : , n 92-_ �02 64 9 ��:�2-_-
<br /> . � �-_
<br /> , �:�.----
<br /> . � � ._., r,. ,r..,.,,:
<br /> �i � payments,which are referred to in Purugr,�ph 2,ar change the ami�unt of�uch puyments. Any ezcess praceeds over un ���_�_:;� __
<br /> , �`.� amount required to pAy ull outtitanding indebtedness under�he Notc and this Security Instrument ghall bc paid to tha entily _ _
<br /> ,� Q,`. ; . ' Ie�ully entiUed thereto. _----
<br /> " .r B. Fetm. l.ender may collect fee�s und charges uu�honzed by thc Scrnlury. d.u�.
<br /> =-� : ,-,,. ' 9. (:rounds for Acceleratlon oP Qebt. ���t-
<br /> ` • ° - IA1 Default. Lender muy,except us limited by regulutions irsucd by llic Surcwry in thc cuse of puyment Jrfaults, ��::;��-- -. � --
<br /> ,w . _ ''.. �:. � require immediate paymont in full of all sum.securcd by�his Secu�i�y Mstniment if: ----
<br /> ° -� , �� � (il Bomuwcr defaults by failing tu pu �n full nny monthly payment reyuirrd hy�lii.Srcurity Instnimcnt prior
<br /> � " to or on the due date of the next mont I u ment.or �
<br /> �Y P.Y �����.-' . _ _—
<br /> , � (ii)Borrower defaull�+by failing.for u pe�od of thiny duys,to p�rfurm uny oth�r obliguticn+containrd in thiti �.,;�., _
<br /> .• Securiry Instnament. . � �� v
<br /> �.A_.�11T__� _
<br /> - Ib)Sale Wlthout Credit A roval. Lendcr sht+ll,if rmitteJ b a licu6la luw und with Ihe nor a rovxl of Ihe ' �`• "'�'��"�
<br /> pp P� Y PP p Pp '`��u�=---
<br /> • � . • • Secretary,reyuire immediate puyment in full af all�he sum+securcd b �hix Securit Inr�trument if: ``�'' ��*§A���-
<br /> y y A�•�-_:.�-.�-_
<br /> ,� (i)All or part of the Propeny,or a beneficial interest in n trust owning ull or purt of the Pruperty,is sold or -. _ `-�?�"� ' _
<br /> . ., •. otherwise truasferred(other then by devi�e�rdesrentl by the Sorrower,und -=�:� ._��
<br /> -.-�.__=_
<br /> (ii)The Propeay iz not occupied by the purchaser or g�unt�r as his or hur principul rexidence,ur tho purchuxer `��w�,.�-•��,.:..'
<br /> . ' or grantee daes �o occupy the Property but hiR cx he� cn:dit hus not been upproved in uccordunce •�•, a•�- .'!��:•�• ,
<br /> � , , witb the mquirements of thc Secrewry. , '�� �
<br /> � ' Ic)No Waive� If circumstunces occur that would pennit I..endcr to reyuim immedia�e puymnnt in full,but Lender ��a'�,���.
<br /> does not require such payments.Lender dces not warve ita rightr:with respect to subseyuent events. '"°`��
<br /> ,� • � *'�_
<br /> � (d1 ReguMtinns of HUD Secretary. In m�ny ciraumstunces reguluciom isxued by the Sec�etury will limit Lender+ ^�'='"`
<br /> �.--� ;,::�
<br /> � hts, in �he cuse of a ment defaulte, to re uire immediute uyment in full und foreclose if not uid. Thi� ��-�
<br /> � E P Y � p Qi*�cpr:�
<br /> � , ^ - Security Instrument does not uuthoriae acceleranon or foreclo�ure if na p�:rtnitted by regulutions of the ecn�tury. �.,�;s,-;,;::,y_:T_
<br /> ' le)Mortgege Not Insured. Borrower agrces thut should this Security In.trumcnt and the note secured thereby not ` ►•�+��+��� a,n;.:,x
<br /> � g � e months ...� ��� "�'� —
<br /> ' be eli ible for insurunce under the National Housin Act within from the ',•.� ���-
<br /> date hereof, l.endcr may,ut its option and notwilhstundin�unything in Puragruph 9,reyuire immediatr puyment in ''�''t�•��_�
<br /> full of all xumx secur�d by thi+Security Instrumem. A wriuen s�utement of uny uuthoriccd u�ent o(the Secretary • ��:,, _
<br /> ' dated subsequent to 8 mOnths from�hc date hcrcaP,declinin�to insum�hix Securiry , � -�� �
<br /> ' Instrument i+nd the note�rcurcd thereby,�h�ll be deemed wnclusive pr�f of such ineli�ihiliry. Natwithtitunding • ,t,_
<br /> thc foregoing, thi�option muy not be exercised by Lendcr when the unuvuilubility of insurunrc i,tiolely due w .,,•,.,•,ti;tir;,l. " '
<br /> Lender's fAilure to remit s+monguAe insurnnce premium io the Secretury.
<br /> 10. Reinslatement. Borrower hus a nght to be rein�Inted if Lendrr hus reyuired immediute puymtnl in full hecuu+e • �
<br /> " - of Borrowerx fuilure to puy un umount due under the Note or thi+ Securily Instrument. Thi, righi applic�cven ++fler ���..��
<br /> forecluxure proceedings ure intititu►ed. To reimtute Ihc Securi�y Instrument. Bormwrr shull tendrr in a lump sum all ,�,�,�.tb. 6�
<br /> ---__=-= muuunt��ryuiraJ t..briog iiorrou•er:s account rurnnt including,to lhe extent they ure obGoati!m��f R�R��wer under thiti r�a�.� .
<br /> Security Instrument.foreclosur�cotit,und reusonuble und customury uttomey+'fees und expen.res pr�►perly a�xociuted wilh ;r"+' ' .
<br /> � the foreclosure pra:eeding. Upon rcinswtement by Borrower,lhiti Security Inxtrument und the obhFauons�hat it .ecures ;t}:: ,��r,-�o
<br /> � shall remain in effect as if Lendcr huJ nat re uired immediutc payment in full. However.Lender is not rcyuired w�ermit �� •n
<br /> � ;:.i,.�.:,•:- •:
<br /> reinstAtement if: (i)Lender hv. ucrepted re�ntitutemern ofter�he c��mmencemem of foreclosure proceedingx withm �w��
<br /> • yeurs immediutely preceding �he commencrmen� oi �+ currem ti�reclozurc pnxeeJing, lii) rcin+tutement will precluJc ���•:"�• '
<br /> foreclosure on differcnt grounJ,in the fumre,or liiil rein+latemenl will aJversely ufPecl the prioriry uf the lien crcuted b�- '.�:��,�`,
<br /> this Security Instrument. ':`"�i;.�•'�'�
<br /> : 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance by I.ender Nnt u Wuiver. Extension of the time of pvyment or 7f,yJ;.. ,..
<br /> • modifiwtion of amoAir.ation of the sums tiecured hy thi�Securily Imtrwnent grunteJ by Lrnder to uny xucreswr in mterc.t . „ _
<br /> of Borcower shnll nd operutc to re�le•rse the liabilily i�f thc uriginal Burri►wcr or Burrowr�'s wccesior m interest. Lcnder . �'•:r__
<br /> ., shall not be myuired to commence pr�xredings ngum�t uny +ucre,�or in int�re�t or rci'uze w extend time ti�r payment or r .. : �-
<br /> '� otherwise modify umoni�ution of the�ums securcd by ihi. 5cruriry In+trum�nt by reason ot':my demund mudc by the `�j..�_V
<br /> , original Borrower or Borrowcr i wrcc.�ors in interest. Any furi►ruranrr hy L�nder in rxercixing uny right or rcmedy shall • __
<br /> not be a wniver of or preclude the excrri�c of uny ri�ht or rrmcJy. .� ����--
<br /> --,..:
<br /> 12. Successors and AstifRnr Bound;JoiM and tieveral Liability;Co•Si�nery. "('hc c��vcnunls anJ ugrcemen[a uf � �,{,v{�
<br /> •h1`?�a.`-_
<br /> this Security Inswc�ient shull hind und tknefit the wccr,wn and�..i�m i�t Lender•rnd Borrowcr..ubje�:t W the provisiuns :��-
<br /> .. ' of Pnmgruph 9.b. Bc�rroweri rovrnunt+ und ugmements �hall lx jciint und .rveral. Any BoROwrr whu co-s�gn+ thi� �;":;*,y,,,,
<br /> Security Instrument hut dacs not executr the N��te: (u) i+cu-.igning thi.Srcurity In,trumrnt only tu mortguge,g�ant und '_ „�.
<br /> � convey that Bortow�r:imere+t in thc Proprny under th�Icrm.uf thi+Srcurity In.trumrnt:Ihl is not penunally obligaled a� '`�Y:,a��
<br /> , puy the sums sccureJ hy Ihis Secarily Intitrument:unJ 1c1 u�re�.thal Lrndrr:md an� �►�her liurruwcr may agree W extcnJ. � �
<br /> modify,forlxar or makr uny ucc�►mmixi:uionti with rcgarJ 1��Ihc tcnn.uf th�,Srrunty In.lrument or the Notr without Ihat �
<br /> Dormwer's can�ent. ..�',;�'�`�_-
<br /> 13. Notices. Any nu�icc w Bnrmwrr provided t'or in thi, S�curily Ins�rumenl �hall tx�:iven by delivering it or by � - �; _
<br /> mailing it by tint cl•r„mail unlc�.upplirublr Imv Ryuirc. u�r ul'anuthcr mrthai. 1rc nutirr �hall br Jirecled to the � •
<br /> ' , Property Addrexz or nny uthcr aJdres. Burrowcr dcsiEnu�cti by nulirr m LrnJer. Any n��lirr 1��l.endrr .hull tx given by
<br /> first cla+s muil �o LcnJcr: adJrc.. +wtcJ hrrcin or any aJdre., Lrndrr dr,ign�lc+ b�• noticr t�� B��rcuwer. Any notirr �
<br /> � �� Qrovided for in this Serurity In.aumrnt�hull he dremrd a�have Fxen�:i�•en tu Hurrowrr��r l.ender when gi�•rn•r,proviJrd �
<br /> • m thi�paragraph.
<br /> � W. Gove�nin�I.aw; tievrrubility. Thi. S�rurity In�trum�nl ,hall Ix•Eu�•cmrJ hy Frdiral laa• anJ thc I•rw�if Ih�
<br /> jurisdiction in which ihc Pn�perty iti I�xatcJ. In thr cvcm �ha�am proci,i�m ur rlau�c uf thi. Srrurin• In,trumrm or thc
<br /> Nule cunflirts with ap�licuhlr law. yurh ri�ntlirl�hall nul.�Ilrrt uihrr pm�i�iun,ut'Ihi� Securil� In�lrum�nl ur the Note
<br /> which can Fx givrn cftcct without thc runtlirting pro�•i,inn. Tu�hi.rnd�hr pra�•i�i�m,„f ihi.S�rurity Intitrununt and Ihc : .
<br /> Nole:irr drrlar�d tu Ix.rvrrahlr.
<br /> 15. Burrower's('op��. H��m�N�r.h��ll Ix�ivrn�mc runG,mird rup���t Ihi,ti�rurity�Im�rumrnl.
<br /> 16. Assi�nment uf Itents. B�xruwrr wxondition:dh u.+iEn,anJ tran.t�n to I.cnJrr:dl�hr rcnt.unJ r�vcnur+ut'ih�
<br /> Propeny. Barcowcr uuthuriir�LcnJcr��r I.rndcr'+a�riit�i��c��llrcl ihr rcnh anJ rrccnuc.anJ hrrchy Jirrrl+�arh trnant��f .
<br /> the Propeny to puy Ihr rcnts 1�i Lenckr ur LrnJrr'� a�!cnl+. Ho��ev�r, prinr to LenJrr'.nolire tu B�ttn�wer of B��rrou•cr:
<br /> . brcurh of uny c�rvenant nr uErcrmrnt in thr Srrurit�� In.lrumrnl.R��rru��rr.hall�ullrcl anJ rcr�i�•.all rcnt�anJ rc�•rnur��►1
<br /> the Prc�peny u�tru.tec t'or�he hrnetit��f Lrndrr and H�.rtnwrr. Thi.a,.iEnmrnt��f rrnh ron,liwte,;m uh,��lu�c a,tiignment
<br /> und not un as+ignment tiir udJitiun:d.crunt�unly.
<br /> . _. . .. _ u•�__a__..:..... .....:......r�..,.....w..,o............. �..� ..11.....�.....•..�v...l hv Il.im.iu.•r.h:Jl Fu•lu•Id hv Hnnn�cel':��tnl�li•i• .
<br /> - �� a.��w�� ��.�....�...�...
<br /> 1'or benefil uF Lender imly. I��Ix upplicJ tu the+um,�+ecurrJ hy thr Securit} In�trumenl: �hi Lendcr�hall Ix rnliticd a,
<br /> colleCl unJ rcrcive all uf thr rcnt�uf thr Proptrl)':anJ Irl earh 1�nant ��f lhc Nn�p�rt�• +h:�ll pay all rrnt. Jue anJ unpuiJ tu
<br /> Lrndcr or l.¢nJcrti a�:cnt�m Lendrr',wrinrn drmancl t�,thc trnant. _
<br /> gorcawer hu+ not rxcrutrd uny prio�a�tii�:nmrnt uf thc rcnt.and h;�. nnt anJ will not prrtiim� any ar� that wuuW
<br /> prevenl LenJer I'rorn cxcrri�ing it�right.undrr ihi�ParaEr:�rh In.
<br /> LenJcr.hall nut Ix nyuircJ w rmrr upan.tak� rumrul nf ur mainlam ihc Pr�rykny ixti,n ur aftrr�:ivin�nolicr uf
<br /> brcach to Borruwcr. liowevcr. LrnJer ur a juJiriull>' appuiMC�f rccriver ma� Ju���a� am lint� Ih�r� i.a hrcarh. An�
<br /> upplicatiun nf rcnts�hull not curc ur uaivc any ikfault lN IIlY:1I1tIU1C:�ny o�hrr ri�:h�ur rcm�J�•af Lrndcr. Thi.a,.��:nmrnt
<br /> � ��f rcnt.of ihc Prnpeny,hall trrminatc whrn�hr dcht�ecurcd h�•�hr Scruri!r In,�rumm�t��r:iid in tull
<br /> ���„��•r„i���,,.�,�
<br /> • - � -- -- — -- � _ _
<br />