-.�i I��t { y':I,��y�S:f�:f,`7'r'.,...�--�• v {i,t�,v 'tf )l���r}i+`�- i 6.� �s w�v ... ,� � . �3 - �.'_
<br /> -r'•; �- �f':':f:`i� "�. 4� •� `',�° � �`/Y 'HNA��r •:� ... �[- '��. :.1;�..�,.� • .. � .:.5'ler�e,�.-M_
<br /> /ii/ i uC` .�. , � ..:.� .�.y r�;,�..Y,--
<br /> yl ` q � y ,�►_ncrl&y�.rhyk,�R'1.�:.�.++�' 8+i4i'.-,"'i:.���'-......:�—a---:. r.-�.-:.-�- . . � —
<br /> iH't` � yf..�,R:��.,r.. .. . � .- _ , ��
<br /> �� , . :i'.•:.. ' . . .:.i4°-:.i�•+ '.�y�y'�#�i.,: . .. ._;r-
<br /> ff-__
<br /> -_.
<br /> .. .. _:.,_,...��'JnSLl.i -, '"_"�_`" " �:
<br /> . { �.�.�.
<br /> �� ��, . . .., _ , - 92 1 �269 9 F�._-.__
<br /> . �.� .� - ¢=-__
<br /> � � ..,� ���;, : �-�_
<br /> 6� � '•�`'�-_L_u._
<br /> �°,•� ,, .�.9y,,•a, .. . �... I. Pwyment oP P�incipwl�Intereatit and L�tc Chorqe. HoRC►wcr�hull pay whcn dur ihc principri o(.u�►d imcrest nn, ��'`'-;t`.'��..-�
<br /> _ �:� the delx evidenced by thc Nwe and Inte chnrgrw duc undcr�hc No�c. ___
<br /> ,� ;,�,., ,s .. 2. Monlhly pAymentr ot 7bxe�,lnr,urance And�)ther Chw��e�+. Borruaer+hal) inrludr in ruch m�mthly puymcni,
<br /> -� ,j•; together with�he pnndpal und Mierest us ,ct fonh in�he Note anJ any lu�r ch:v�t�,, ;�n in.�ullmcn� ��f uny lul tuxe+ nnd �_.,_
<br /> -4 " '• -� �. .,, special u�se�smen�.levi��or w tx I�:vicd�,�uiu,t thc Property,ibl I:a^�chc�t�paytn:ntti�,r grnund ren��on the Pr�qx�ny.und �.-__- -•�_ __--
<br /> � � n� ,l Ic►premiums far insurance myuircd by Purngrnph 4. ���• "°°'�-
<br /> ,� D. � . � Each moMhly in�iullmrn� for it�m. fu6 (bl and (c1 shall cyual �.nr-twellih af thc .mnunl nm�a�n�..a. n•munuhly
<br /> �-=-_---=--_-- _ -
<br /> • estimuted by Lender. plu,nn nmount .rufticient �u muin�uin un udJitiunul i,ulaixc ut' uu� mun than un� .ixtb i�f thc �- _---= �=- -
<br /> �' • "" estimated amount�, The full •rnnual omaunt for euch item xhull t�e ucrumululed hy l.enJer wi�hin u p�:ri�xl ending ane '`�`"�_- _----
<br /> � month before nn itern would i�e�ome delinquent. Lendcr tihull Ix�ld the umnunt�coUcctrd in�ru.t�u pay itemti Iu►, �BI anJ ' '�"""""`
<br /> �__ .-_ _., �:.a- =_-
<br /> (c)befare they become delinquent. .�.�-
<br /> r �y— If at any time the totul of ths paymentti held hy Lendcr for item� la>. (h)and(c),iogc�hcr with th�future munthly .r���--_
<br /> . payments for such items payuble to Lender prior to the duc du�e�uF such ilrm+, exrerd.r• by m��r� thuo onc•+ixth Ilu: G��,_} .:�__,M,.,,____
<br /> extimuted umaunt af Payments�uired w puy such itemx when duc,und if puynicnts un thc N��tc urc currcm. than l.endur _n.-'-_— --
<br /> shull eithe�refund the exce�ti ovcr one-zixth oi thc e�timutcJ paymem.r ur credit thc rxcc,+ovcr one-�ixih uf the c.timuteJ -----::-_---�-� �
<br /> � paymentr:ta subseyuent puyments by BaROwcr,nt the option of Durn�w�r, If thc totul of►h�paymsnts mude by Borrowcr ��'�_i_
<br /> � ' for item lu►,Ib),ar(c)i��nsufficient to pAy the item when Ju�,�hen Borrower tihull puy w Lendar Jny umount nece,rury io ;� i,�,
<br /> ' . mukc up the def ciency on or beforc thc dnte Iha item becomns Jucs. ,'�� s;'�°
<br /> • � As used in thi+Security In:,trument,"Secretury"mrunr the Serre�ury af Hausing und Urtun ikvclopment ur his ur her �:.��'L=-_____--=
<br /> � designee. In uny year in which the Lender must puy u mortgugu insurance pr�mium to thu Srcretury.cuch monthly payment ��;;=,�,_,_.
<br /> ' ' shall also include either. li) an in:,tullment of the annual mort u � insuruncc rcmium to be uid b Lender to �hc �-�• --- _ �.
<br /> � B P P Y , a•s..ti�,c=.
<br /> � . Secre�ary, or(ii) a manthly chruge in�leud of u monguge intiurunce premium if thi, Security Instrument is helJ by the �`
<br /> "� Secretary. �ach m�nthly instullment of the mortgage insurance premium shull be in un umuunt suffirirnl ta nccumulAte the `��=���.=--.��_
<br /> �• full annual monguge inxurunce premium with Lender ane month prior�o the dute the full unnuul mortgu�e insuruncr ����?�,-�'"�`;z�:•-�
<br /> . premium ia du�to[he Secrelnry;or if thi+Security Instrument i,held b�the Sec�uvy,cuch monthly churge shall t�in un '.�;� '�l"� =�
<br /> • . amount equul to�nc•twelfth of onc•half perrent of the outntundinR principal buluncc due on thc No1c. � y . ._:_ - •
<br /> If Borrower tender�: to Lendnr the full puyment of all rum+secured hy this 5ecuriry Instn�men�.Bc�nower's accuum ��:��
<br /> . . shall be credited wi�b �ha bulunce remnining tor all ins�allments for it�m, (ul, tb► und lcl und :u�y mortgagc insurunce , •,�. .
<br /> � premium instullment thut l.ender hus not hecame obligated to pa�� to the Secrctary,und Lender+hull prumptly refund uny ���'� f `;���
<br /> ° ' ' excess funds ro Borrower. Immediately prior to u foreclosure sale of the Proprrty ar its acyuisilian by Lender,Borrowerk ..., -�',�,!
<br /> � account ghnll be credited wilh uny bAlunce remuining fur ull instullments for i�ems(a1,(b)und(c). :
<br /> . 3. Application uf Payments. All paymcnts under Parngruphs 1 and 2 shull br applicd by l.cnder ax f�llowx: ^` Y '!`�"
<br /> FIRST to the mortguge insurunce premium to be paid by Lender to the Secretury or to the monthly charge by the ���
<br /> ' . '� ' Secretury imtead of the manthly mortguge inxurance premium; '"r'"='"��
<br /> , SECOND,to uny taxes,speci�l aetie,+ment�,leasehold paymcnts or ground rents,und fi►e.Floud suiJ other huzurd '����
<br /> - inaurnnce premiumx.ac cequired: _-'`����� S�
<br /> . ����.�� -
<br /> �''''�' THIRD,tu interezt due under the Nutc; � ���:
<br /> to umoAixnlion of Ihc nnci al of�he N�nc; �'t''�'��;'��
<br /> , FOURTH. P� p �.�...�• .
<br /> ' �,tu lutc chur�es due undcr lhe No�e. ':�., ,-
<br /> �• 4. Flre.Flood and Uther Haxard Insurance. Burrcwcr�hall insurc ull improverr�nts on the Propeny.whether now
<br /> . in existence or subseyuenUy erected,uguinnt uny haiards,ca,uaUic:�..•rnJ contingenric.,including f7re, fi�r which Lender n
<br /> reyuires insurunce. 'fhi� inxurunce+hull bc muimnined in Ihe:�mount�unJ for the periods that Lendcr rcyuires. Borrower . . ... :� ,
<br /> shall alsa insure ull improvemems on thn Prupeny,whrthrr nuw in vxixlen�c or xubneyucnUy crected,uguinrt los,by floud+
<br /> tu the extent reyuircJ by the Secretury. All inrurancr+hull Ix carried wi�h compunies uppruvrd hy Lender. The insurance ��
<br /> policies uncf any rencwals shall t►e hrld by Lender und +hull include loy.r puyuble clauxcs in iavor of',and in u fbrm
<br /> • acceptable to,L.etxler. - .-
<br /> In the event of los.. Borrower�huU �ive Lcndcr imnwdia�c notice by mail. l.ender muy mal:e pronf of loss iF not "' :._-
<br /> made prompUy by 8orruwer. Euch insurunce cumpany concrmed is hcreby uuthoriied and directed w m•rke puyment for °'_��='
<br /> � ' xuch loss directly lu Lender,in+teud of to B��rrowcr and to Lrndcr,joindy. AU��r uny pun of Ihe inxuriux:e prixc¢J�muy fk . ':�M�.
<br /> � upplied by Lender,��iis optiun,either(ul to�hr reduc�ion of thu indrbteJnes�undrr tbc Note und this Securi�y Instrumrm. :=i_.=:_
<br /> tirst to any dclinyuent amounts upplicd in the ordcr in Paragra�h 1.anJ then to prepayment of principal. or(b)�o thc �,�,___.
<br /> . restorution or repuir ot'thc dumugcd pru�xrty. Any applicution ot the pnxccd.to the principal �h•rll na extend ar pustpunc � ;,;�;K-.,
<br /> the due date of thc monthly puymrnt.whirh arc rct�rtcJ to in Puragraph?,ur chungr�hc am��un�at'xuch paymcnts. Any � �,:�'«r,+.s'•:
<br /> excess insurunce pnxccds ovcr:u� amount rcyuired u� puy ul)nut,tunJ�ng indeMtedncss under the Nnte und thix Security --_,_
<br /> lnstrument shull bc paiJ to the emiry Icgully entiUcd ther��o. � �_���=°-
<br /> ' In the event of foreclo,ure uf�hi.Scrurity Ins�rumcm or nthrr tramfrr uf titic ta thc Proprrty �hat rxtinguishes �hc • ��—"—'
<br /> indebteJnexs.all right.litlr anJ in1�r�,t uf C3oROwcr in:ind io imurarnr policir.in ti,rcr,hall pu+,w thr purchaser. ' �.-."
<br /> 5. Occupancy, Preservutiun, Maintenance und Prut��ction of the Property: Borrower'ti 4oan Application: � i��=
<br /> I.eASCholds. 8orrower tihall �x:rupy,ctitahlish, anJ u��thr PmFx:ny a� Burmarr�principal rc�i�kncr within sixty Juy. - �-'-•-
<br /> after the execu�ion of thi,Security Instrument anJ,h•rU continuc t��ixcupy �hr Pro�xny a. Burtowcrk prinripal rr.idenr� � '�'�•
<br /> for at least onc ycur uflcr thc dutc of�xcup:mcy,unlr�,thc Sccntary Jcicmiin�.Ihi+rryuirrmrnt will causr undur hurdship � '
<br /> " for Borrower, or unles� exlenuuting circuni.tance, exi.r� w•hirh arc 1►�yand Burrowrr; control. Borriiwer xhall notily
<br /> . Lenden nf•rny rxt�nuutinF circum��ance+. Borcuwrr,hall nut rummit wu�tr or de.truy.damagr ur,uhtiiantially chunge �
<br /> the Properly or ullow thc PruExrly to d��rriora�c.rcu.unuhle wr,ir and�curcerrp�ad. l.rndcr muy m.�xct thr Prapcny if�Ix
<br /> !'roperty is varum ur ubandnneJ or thc I��an i�in Jrt:�ult Lcndrr ma�•take rca�anaMe artiun to pn�tcrl anJ presrrvr such
<br /> vucunt or ubunJoneJ Property. Borr�iwer ,hull uhi�tk in drt�iult i(Ri�Rnw•rr.Jurin� �hr loan applicutiun pr�xr,,.gavr
<br /> � mutcriully falsc or inaccurate infc�rn�uti�►n ur ,tatrmrm. tu l.rnder l„r t:�ilyd to pra�id� LenJcr with uny matcri•rl
<br /> infiirtnationl in cunnec�ion with th� li�an rviJrnred M� �hr Nutr. inrlu�ling. hui nut I�mih•J w.reprr.entations ronceming
<br /> ' Borrower:�xcupanry ot'�he Pro�xny u.a prinrip:A resi<Icncc. If thi,ti�runq�Instnnncn�i.an a ka.chuld.Burtowcr.hall •
<br /> comply with tlx provi.ion+ul'thc Ira.c. 11'Hurruwrr aryuirr,icc tiil�t„ihr I'rupcny.thr Ica+chnlJ and fcc tidc tihall not
<br /> bc mcrged wilcti,Lrndcr:iErrr,lu Ihc mcr�!cr in u rinnr.
<br /> 6. Chgr�Ges tn Nurrower and Prutcclion ol'Lender's Itifihts in the Propert}�. liurrrn��r�hall pay all�avrrnmcnlal
<br /> or munic;ipul�hur�c..lin�,cuid impo,itionti Ihat arr n�u inrludrd in ParaNruph ?. Nurru��rr,hall pa�•thc,c uhliEaliun.un
<br /> timc dinrQy to thr rniiq•which i, oweJ thr paynxnt. If failurr tu ra� ��uuld ad��rruly al'tcr� LcnJrr'.intrrr.� m �hr
<br /> Pro�x:rty,upun Lcndcr's rcyuc,t Rurru�ccr.hall promp�ly lumi.h tu Lrn�lrr rrrript,cvidenrin�:�hc.x pa�nunt..
<br /> If Bomowcr fail�li► mul.� thru paymrntti „r Ihr pa�mrm. reyun•ed h� Para�r:�ph �.ur fail. tu prrti�rni am ��tlxr
<br /> . _ enven:►nt�anJ:�ercemenh cuntuincd in Ihi�Srrurit�• In�tromrnL ur Ihrr�i,;i Iry:al pnxredin�: �h:u m:�� .��:niticunUy al'icct
<br /> � - l.ender+ riEhl� in ttw 1'rupeny�tiuch a.a ��nx•rrdiii�!in hanF,rup�r�. fnr conJemn:mun ur tu rnli�nr la�,ur rcEulatiun,l.
<br /> then Lender muy du an�l pay whatrver i,ncrc,.ary lu pru�rr��hr�alur �,1 thr PruExrt� anJ LrnJ�r'. ri�:ht,in thc F'ro�x�iy.
<br /> including paymcnt cit'taxc�,h:�iard in,uranrc:ind uthcr itrm,mm��iunrd in I'arapraph 2-
<br /> Any umount�di�hurxJ Ny l.cnJcr unJcr U�i. ParaEraph+hall Ikr�mk an.�ddniunal dcM uf liurru��rr anJ tx ,ccurcd
<br /> by Ihis Securily Intitrum�ni. 'llx+r �unount.�hall tkar intrrr�t Tram ihr d:u.uf ditihur.cmrnt.at�hc Nutr mtr.and:u ihr
<br /> option iif Lendcr.�hall t►�immeJiut�ly du�amd pin•�hle.
<br /> 7. (;undemnation. Thc pnxcrd,of any a��•ard or claim liir.lam;►�:r�.Jircrt ur am,eyurnual.�n run�xr�iun wiih anv
<br /> condemnation ur�►thrr�ukin�,of any pan uf ihr PruExn�.ur t�,r rum��•:ux�r in plarc uf rundrnmaU�,n.:irc hrrchr a..ignrJ
<br /> . tutd shull he p:iid tu LencJcr to the extrm nl'Ihr'ull:�moum�,f Ihr ind�htrdnr��thal rrntain�unl�,uJ undrr thr N�ite:md thi.
<br /> Sccurity Imtrumcnl. LcnJer,hall apply tiuch prixreJ+tu thr rrJuruun ul ihr inJehirJnr.+undrr ihr Nale anJ thir tierunl)
<br /> In�:trumrnl. fir.� lo any delinyurnt am�►unt+ appGrd in thr �m1rr pro�•idrd m Paragraph ?. :mJ thru �u prrpu}•rnent uf
<br /> principul. Any upplicatian uf the pmcecJs tu thr principul .huU nut e�t�nd ur �x�.tpimr thr Jur d;ue uf the munthl�
<br /> ��a�cr,.��d p,ierv
<br /> Fr
<br /> !
<br />