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<br /> - �, ��_- , . —
<br /> - �IS � . e�K-1: ...' �.._
<br /> • � ti' d1,�. .�
<br /> .��,��`.`J'�lw' . . .
<br /> - .hS ` � .._ _ ...__ ...�--'�r�. -
<br /> � ��..,...�..
<br /> :.�..:,�.o..;�� 92— � 1 U 2 6 4:� _
<br /> �.. �.,.���:��,� � �— --
<br /> "�"-m--- NUN-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borruwcr uncl Lcndcr funhcr covenuni nnd ugrcc uh fi�Unw�:
<br /> � �r��' =�" '=� l7. Foreclavure Procedure. If Lcnder rcyuire�immediote puymcnl in full under pur��¢ruph y.Lendcr muy invake thc -��,.���.
<br /> � '.�—
<br /> powcr af sulc and uny othcr remedicapermiucd by uppIicaMc law. l.rndcr rhull tx�cntiticd in r�+Uccl ull cx�xn.c+incurrcd _ _
<br /> - `°`°".�,� },�•�, in pursuing Ihe rcmedie.r provided in thi�purugraph 17,including.hut nat limited t�i,reuumuhlr uUorney�'1'ec�und co�lr of �
<br /> --___• _
<br /> _ __,,a,.r.-�
<br /> : :�-:r�y��; {, ..' tiUcevidencc.
<br /> ':_y?�"��rr-;.~� •'ti •� If lhe pawer af Pale is Invaked.7lrustee she0 recurd u notke of dePauU fn ewch county fn which�ny p�rt o t e
<br /> .�� "'"'�"''�'t" � pruperty is Iucaled und shall mail enpieg of euch nntice in the m�nner prescribed by u licu6lr law tu 8orrower and
<br /> "r�yy��`r;'�".
<br /> ,� .�. r. ,� ta the other person.c prescribed by AppIicwble law. Aiter the dtnc required by App ceble I�+w� 'Itru�,t� rhwll givc �;� `-=
<br /> `�••�'����=�' ;+�� public nofke ol�ale to the perw�n�pn�1 fn the manner preccribed by upplicable IAw. 71rustee.withoul demand un
<br /> �": BorrAwer.ehaN sell the PropeMy wl public wucliun tu the hfA he�t bfdder at Ihr time�+nd placr and under the terms
<br /> l�' ;�':� �� . 1.I�A �•_.. �....:__:_�--�.
<br /> �.,� _��,. .����. . deaiQnaled in Ihe notice aP xale in one or more pArcels and in Any order'liruslee determinex. 'IYuytee may p�l ne .�.�.�.-�_,�
<br /> Rale of all or aay parcel of Ihe Pruperly by publlc unnouncement at the time und place oP Any previously sche uled
<br /> � " � �'s,c';,;.; �le. Lender or i�g deslgnee mpy purchase the Property At Aov Aale. -
<br /> � �-��+�•��t n recel t oPpw meM of the rice bid.7Fustee ahalt deliver to Ihe purchaxer 7lruslee's deed cunveyinR Ihe Q._.:,,��..�.�--�
<br /> '^�'�'"�`����r"��• Propert�.y The pecitafs in the 7lrusteep deed shall be prima Pacie evidence oP truth oP lhe stalemenls made ll�erein. ''"'�=°�*-:
<br /> �"'f��' �-; _.�� ,.:..:
<br />-- �q �:• •�.�. 7Yu�tee sh�ll apply the pruceeds uf the Rnle in the foNawing order: la) to all cotits and expen5ec oP ex R Ihe �� _—
<br />_ � s•'u�calc+.:.`iut:,ti�'
<br />--_ ,,.A,.._,�_,�..,.. �. power at sale.and the�ale,including the payment af the 7Fustee's ieeg aclually incurred,aat lo exceed � ' �:.h;.K:l�:�ti�
<br /> °`�. • • ° of the princip�l amount af the note at Ihe time of the declaradon of defeult. and rea�unable attarncys fecw ag � ...,��+
<br /> ' � � permitfcd 6y law:lbl to all�ums secured by thi��ecurity Inetrument:and Icl Any�xces.s to the persun ur�er.sons �.�i.':�1,��_
<br />__�� : legally entitled ta it. ��''�":'_- `
<br /> 18. Recoaveyance. Upun paymunt of v!I sums�ecureJ by thiy Sccurity Insirurncnt,l.endcr.hull rcyucst 7iv+lec lo «,�;,w�,:�,�Y
<br /> _���� � � ° reconvey the Propeny and+hall+urrandor thl�:Securi�y Instrument nnd ull note.evidencing debt secured by thiti Securily �� . __ _
<br />-_°� � ' Insuument ta 'liuxtce. 7tuatcc+hull rcconvey the Property wiihout warrun�y und witixwt churgr tu thc pcnon ur per.ronx ��;_-_.
<br /> ��� °"; ' �� legally entillcd to i�. Such person or penom shull puy any rccardution cu�ts. —i...-:
<br /> ����;���! .',i ��� 19. Subslltute 7Mustee. l.cndcr,a�it,uption,may trom timc toiimc remuvc'Itus�e�und up�wint u,urceswr irutitcc �,- ;
<br />'�'�._ •� ,'F•. , - �u wiy'tiustee appointed hercunder by un inslnimenl recorded in�he counry in which this Se�urily Instrument is recordcd. ����;.T+ti '=—
<br /> �;�i. � , Withaut convcyuncc af thc Property.thc succc,sor trus�ce shull xuccccd �o uU tha�iNc,powcr and Jutics confcrrcd up�m ` -
<br /> Ta � ..� ; 'ltuslec hcrcin nnd by upplicublc luw. ��
<br />_:;'�cc� �.^',:;`���';��:'�,� 20. Reqaest Por Notkcw. Rorrower requests tha� capies of the naices of default and xule be xent to Barrower; ��� _
<br />;�� • . 4.;:,;:.,,:' address which is the Property Addre+s. ,„,�':�: _
<br />.:;;:.rr. , , •. ,�,;; ' `` :
<br /> . ',...;:�.� . ''''�r�'".;.�
<br />�,.,. �, ..,�;, ,., , . , RiderR ta this Securi�y lostrument. 11'onc or murc ridcrx arc exccutcd by Borrower und recurded togcthcr with Ihi�
<br />�.��.T�• ' r.'li�,�i. .,.� -... . ' A' : L J.
<br /> •..��,- ,,,,� Security Instrument, Ihe cuvenunts of cuch wch rider shull be inrorporateJ inta und shull umend und tiupplem�nl the ' �
<br /> ,. � .,,:_ ��. p Y �:..���:
<br /> �,�� •„•. covenants and ogreement+of thi�Security Instrument a+if the rideds)were in a art of�his Securi� Instn�ment. _
<br />_ " � •'� (Check applicable boxles)�. �K
<br /> ., ��`� , �..:ti.,r.
<br /> .�'�� �Condominium Rider �Graduu�cd Poyment Rider �Growing Equity Ridcr �. --
<br /> ,�i..J�41;IKC_i:wk. , '.,�!}-� .
<br /> �e _.'�'_� —___
<br /> 1 .i._ .'_� liHii�n�.Y —' iiut]L!i-�wJ....
<br /> , ��' t �Planncd Unit Dcvclopment Rider ��he��Specify� �1� r.e:
<br /> ., . �
<br /> ';`:�����; -
<br /> ';.`;; . � � r;. , BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower uccepts vixi ugrcc.to the tcrms contuined in p�ges I throu�th 4 ai this Securiry "'�k"��-
<br /> . �ri,;,:.-,.�
<br /> ' �....::::::::. In�trumenl a�d in nny riderlsl exeruted by Borrower and recordcd with il. ps.�_:_.=:�o.
<br /> ,, �;.
<br /> ;�... . %'�:': �' il esses; /,�_ ra-.�r_W_",a
<br /> , '''� ' � � _��"s��21v�t.fJ�' (Scul) � .. � � -__
<br /> . ,}; .. � . ... _-
<br /> ;•,;�;.., LARR V N TRUMP Hom�wcr -___-_
<br /> ���s r�
<br /> . '� .. ,,ti.'y,,,:�,, � � ��J/I7 (Sral► �` ',.,.'',,,
<br /> .. • . , ;; KATHRI E V TRUIP1f� _ ! Hnrmwcr �£:.,�,-••-_
<br /> , . ';; "' � �.'r.---
<br /> , . .,. �Scall e�;�`='>�---...�..
<br /> ,:. .
<br /> ,,. �. , . 8um�wcr ��.�''I.:;�X:�
<br /> ':`,i �+'-�'"_ -
<br /> , � ��.i:.� ..LL Y. -
<br /> ' . IScall .-.' r .
<br /> Bmrowcr _ _ .
<br /> � • d':3!
<br />- , • HALI. �,:::-_„�-�,.
<br />- . ' �,��.. STATE(�NEBRASKA. C��unty+•: ��'rj:wr..w,
<br /> �:;y'� �.• � .,
<br /> '. . On Ihi� 30th �i��.,,t' March. 1992 , �li�rr mr.ihr undcrsigncd.u No�ury
<br /> � Public duly a:ummi.�ioncd and yuulilicJ 1'ur.aid rounl�.�rr�unall•ranu .
<br />. . .. -- . tu mc knuwn to Ix thc
<br /> idcntLCpl p�r.unl�I whu,�namcl+►arc,ub.crih�d w thc I�nr�uing m.lrumcnl und acl.nuwlyd�!cd thc cxcrutiun thcrco(to ix j •
<br /> ' L rtE�i v��luntarv act:md dr� `
<br /> ��
<br /> Wilnc�.my hanJ iuiJ nutarial.r•rl at �RAND I SLAND in +:�id cuunty. the t
<br /> dutc al'oresuiJ. •
<br /> �. . � tl •. c� ti -- — — � , ,
<br /> ' • ���tW35N7 tL��-�� h'�nan t'uhlir
<br /> - .,..-DT � oecn `
<br /> _- .. -- I�Mr co��v.i�r ao,isse_� ' f
<br /> Kli(�l�GS'I'Fc)K ItF:CONVEI'AN('I:
<br /> TU'1'RUS'I�hE:
<br /> , � . Thr unJcr�igncd i�thr haldrr uf ihe nutc ur n��tcs,rrur�d hy thi. IhCd nl l�u�l. ti.�iJ nulr�tt n�N��.iu�c�hrr ��•ith all
<br /> ulhcr in�kt+icJnc.+ .ccurcd hy thiti Drcd ul'TYu+t.havc txrn paid in 1'ull. Yuu arn c�rrh� dircc�rd lu ranr�l ,aid nurc ur
<br /> . nutr,and lhiti lhrd„I Ttu+t.w•hirh are dclivrrrd hrrchy.;md k�rer�H��r).w ilh�nn��:in;�nl}.:ill�hr r.t:dr nu��•hrlJ I,� �uu
<br /> undcr Ihi.Iht�J ul"1}u�t to�hr�xr�un�u�xn��m Icpall�•rnUllcd thrrc�u.
<br /> Ualc: ------- - . . . -
<br /> .' ��aie�•.!��r J��,�r��,� ,
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