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<br /> 3.NpzASd or['roperty Insuronce. Borrowcr ehaU kecp tho improvemcnts noiv cxlsdng on c�reaftc:r erectcd on thc Pruperty `
<br /> insured against Inss by �ro,ht�zerds included wii�in th� term "cxtended coveruge" and any other haznMs, includlnE floods or
<br /> tlaocting,for whlch Lender require9 insurartco.'Ilils insurance shn11 ba mainu+lned in tho amounts and for tho periods thnt Lender
<br /> �ulres.Th:ins�..nc:cr.rriCi�^OV�!l�rig fhs lr.susence stm11�chor�n by B�m,���u�ab;xt ta Len�;r's apprav�l Nhf.ch�hal1 nat �
<br /> 6o unrcasqnably withhcld. If 8orrowcr fnil9 to m�intain covcrage describcd abovc, L.cndcr muy, ut I.ender's opdon, obtatn
<br /> Z�ynrnow en��twr_t 1 wntin►'o�}�htw°.3S3�!�pYC�!'���,^.".;.'L`^:�...".°.ti::'iL�:j?.°..�y.'3+^.�:�.
<br /> All�nsuiance policics and rencwpls shall bc acccptablo to I.cndcr and shaA includc a standtud mortgagc clause.Lcndcr shiiq
<br /> havo tha right to hold tho poUcics and renewals. If Lender rcyuires,Honower shall prompdy give to Lcnder all rcccipts of paid
<br /> premiums end renewal nadces.In the cvent af loss,Bo�rower shtdl give prampt nodce to the lnsurance cnrrier and Lender.Lender
<br /> may malco proof of loss if not made prompdy by Horrowu. -
<br /> LJ�less I.cnder and Aorrowcr otherwi.ss agree in wrlting, insurance praczeds shall bc appllcd to restoration or repair of the
<br /> Propaty damagod,if the restaradon or respair is economically fet�iblo end I.cnder's securIty is not lessened.If the rastorstion or
<br /> n�sir is not ocono�nkally feaatblo or Lender's socur[ty would be Iessened,the insuranco proceeds shall be app7Ied to the sums
<br /> secnred by thL9 Secud�y Inswment, whetl►er or not then due, with c�ny oxcess paid to Borrower.If Borrower sbandons the
<br /> Proputy.or does not ar,swer within 30 days a nodce frorn Lender that tho insurance cciarier has affcred to setde a cleim,thcn
<br /> Lender may collect the ir�surence proceuls.Lender may uso tha proceeds to repa9r or restoro the Propecty or to pay aums s�ece�red
<br /> by this Sxuriry Insuument,whcth�r or not then duo.'ihe 30-day perlod wlll begin when the notke is given.
<br /> Unlass Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wdting,eny applicaHpn af prc�cecd.s u►princi�Al sh�11 not oatend or pnsu,xxma .
<br /> the due dato of the monthly payments rcfecred w in p=uagraphs 1�nd 2 or cha�go ihe amount of the payments.If under paragraph
<br /> 21 the Propeny is ecquircd by I.ender.Borrowu's right w eny ins�uazice pollcies and proceeds resulting frum damage to thc
<br /> Property prtor to iho acc�uisidaR shall pass to Lender to the oxt�ent of the aums seci�red by this SecurIry Iastrumeat Immediately
<br /> prIor to thc ncqulsidon.
<br /> 6.Oocup�uacy.Preservatbn�Maintenance and Protectbn ot t4e Property; Borrower's Lonn Appllrxtbn;Leaseholds.
<br /> Horrowa shall accopy,estaUlfsh�and use the l�roperty as Borrowu's prIncipal residence wlthin ei�ty daya efter the execudon of
<br /> this Security Insnument and shall contim►e w occupy tha Pro�ecty as Borrower's pdncipal residence for at least one year sftei thd
<br /> date of oc,�upsncy. unless Lender otherwisa egrees L� wrldng, which consent ahall not bo unrea.conably withheld, or unless
<br /> eatenuadng circumstances exIst which are beyond Borrower's conbcol.Borrowa shall not destroy,danwge or�npxir the Propixty,
<br /> aUow the Proputy to detertoratE,or commit waste on the Pro�ecty. Borrower shall be in default if arry forfeiwre acdon or
<br /> , procadinA,whethu civil or crIminal.is bcgun that in Lendrr's good feilh judgmeat could result in forfeit�u�e of the Pro_oerty or ,
<br /> atherwise matcrielly impair the lien crcated by this Sxurtty Instrument or I.ender's security interesG Borrower may ciue such a
<br /> dcfault end ntnstate,as provlded in paragr�h 18.by causing thc aceon or proceeding to be c1lsmissed with a nilic�g that,in
<br /> Lender's good faith detexrrdnatIon,prccludes forfeit�ne of the Borrower's intcrest in the Property or other matcr3al impairment of
<br /> , the!iu►crcaced by thiv Securi�y Instniment or Lender's security�nteiesG Horrower shall also bo in dcfeult if Borrower,during the
<br /> loan applicatk►n process,gave materlally falso or inaccuratc information or statemenis to I.ender(or failed to pmvide Lender with
<br /> any mat�erial informatlon) in connect[on with the loani evidencod by the Note, tncluding, but not llmital to, npre.9entations
<br /> conoaning Bom�wa's occupancy of the Piopaty n��principal residence.If this Security Instrumer�t is on e tea�ehold,Sounwer
<br /> •� shall comply with ell the provLaions of the tease.If Samwer acquires fee titlo to the�+operty,the leasehald and the fee dtle shall
<br /> not mugo unless Lcnder agcas to the merger in wrldng.
<br /> 9.I'rot�ctbe ot I.ender's Ridhts in the Property. If Borrower feils w perfoan the cnvonants and agretments contelnod in
<br /> • th)s Socority Insuument,or the,res is a legal procading thet may significantly affi,�ct I..ender's dghta in tho Property(such�a
<br />. procooding in b�uilcmptcy,probate,for condemnaaon or forfeiwro Ar to enfone laws or reguladons),Nkn Lender may do and pny
<br /> for whauva is neces.sary to protect the value of the Pcolxlty and I.�ender's rights in the Pcopecty.Lender's acdons may include
<br /> paying any suma secured by a llen which 6as prIodty over this Security Instrument, eppearing in court, paying reasonsble
<br /> uttomeys' fi�es end eritering on the Praperty to ma.ka repairs.Although Lender rtiay takc action�ndcr this paragraph 7,Lendex
<br /> docs not have W do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additlonal debt of Bomower secured by this Securi¢y
<br /> Tnstnim;.a� U�:eas Ba.�rawcr:si3 Lcr►drr�grcc to aihcr tc�;ns af paymen�utiese ar�iouAt�c5all i�csae 1�.�.�t f�o„� C►n dain u[
<br /> �� disbursemcnt at ihe Noto ratc end shall be payable,with interest,uppn nodce from Lender to Borrower requesdng payment
<br /> a.lViortgaqe Iesurance. If I.ender required mortgage insurance av a condidon of making the loan secured by this Security
<br /> Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums requ�Ced to maintaln tho mortgage insurance in effecG If, for any reason. thc
<br /> mortgage tnsurence covcrage req�ired by Lcn�er lapses or ceitses to bo in cffect,aarrower shall pny the prcmiums reqairod to
<br /> obtain cav�ga substantiatly equival�nt to the mortgega insurancti previously in effect,at a cost substandally equivalent to the
<br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgago insurance�mviously in effect, fmm nn Nternate mortgage insurer approved by Lender.If
<br /> sabstantially equivelent mortgago insurance coverage is not available.Borrower shnll pay to L.endcr�uch morith a sum equal to
<br /> on�twelfth of the yearly mongage{nsur�tnw premium being paid by Boaower when the insurance coverage l�psed or ccascd to
<br /> bc in effect Lender will accept, use and retain thesc paymentv as a loss reserve in llcu of mortgadc insurAnce.I.ass reservo
<br /> Form 3028 �100 �
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