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<br /> paymcnts may no lon�cr ba rcquleed,�t tfio opd�n af L,cndcr,if mortRagc i��surnnca cavcmdc(i�i thc arnaunt nnd for the period �_
<br /> that Lendee requires)provlded by An insurer approved by Lender t�gnIn becomes uvAitc►ble und is obminc�i.Bunower shtill pay the =_
<br /> prcmiums requircd ta msintain mortgege insurencc in effcct, nr to provido u loss reservc, undl Ihe rcquiccmcnt for mactguge =
<br /> insurance e�ds in accardanco with any wdtten agreement ioctwccn Dorrowcr and Lcndcr or applicahlo law.
<br /> 9.Ir�pection. Lcnder or its agent mny maka rcascmablo cnulcs upon und inspccdone of tho Propetty. l,cndor shull givo –
<br /> Burrowu notice at the time of or prior to nn inspe�cuon spocifying rexsonablo cause for[ho inspectiore. �
<br /> �6.Cer.tle►nnat�r►n. 'Itie proceeda of any awtud�r claim for dtunages,direct or conscquential, ln c`o�►necrion wlth uny �
<br /> wndemnati�n or d�ner�uicing ui ar�y }uui ui u�C F�u�iK+iy,Ut fvi i;uuvbyiu�w{��L'8i�vf i,BiidVl�t1IR�NG�i�alV IINVtSy w3��Tiv�i.ili�
<br /> shall bo paid eo I.ender.
<br /> T��tho evont of a total taking of the Property,�hc proceeds s6all bo spplied to the sums socured by Ibts Securiry Insm+mcnt,
<br /> whether or not then due,wlth any exces.9 paid to Horrower.In thc evcnt of a pardal t�icing of tho Property in which tho fair merket
<br /> valuc of the Froperty immediately boforo tha taking is equal to or grcat�r than thc amount of tho sums sec�red by this Securiry
<br /> inswmcnt im�mediatcly beforc the taking, nnless Iiorrowcr and Lcnder otherwisa agree in wridnq. the sume secured by thls
<br /> Security Instrument sha)l bo reduced by the amount of the proceeds muldplled by the following fraction: (a)the wtN emount of
<br /> the sums seaued immediately befom the teking,divided by (b) the fair mazkct value of tha Property immediately b�fore thc
<br /> W�ing.Any balance shall be paid to Borrower.L�the event of a partial taking of the Property!n whlch the fair market value of the
<br /> Propexly immediately before the taking is less than the amonnt of the sums secumd Lnmc�dIately be.fora tha taking, unless
<br /> Bonower and I.e.nder otheawiso agree in writing or un2ess appllcablc law Qthuwisc provic�es,the proceeds ahall be applied ro tho
<br /> sums secured by tt�s Security Inswment whethcr or not thc eums arc then due.
<br /> If tiie Fio�,�y is abandancd by Eorcower,or if�ati�r not�ce by Lencler w Boiro�•rer that the condomnor offers w make an -
<br /> a��ard or settle a cleim for damages,Borrower fails w respond to I.ender with�n 30 days Rfter the date the nodce is given,I.ender
<br /> is authari�.ed to collect end apply the proceeds,at its oprion,either w reswradon or repair of the Property or to the sums secund
<br /> by this Sec�uity Inatrument,wl�ciher or not then due.
<br /> Unless Lender end Bonower otheiwise agree�n wridng,any appllcadan of procceds to principal shall not eatcnd or postponc
<br /> the duc date of the monttily paymcnts refened w in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> 11.Bo�rower Not Reks�sedi Farbeasance By Lender Net a Waive�. Extension of the time fur payment or modificadan
<br /> of amordzatlon of the sums secured by this Sa:urtty Instr�mcnt granted by Lender to nny successor in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> not operate to release the liabillry of tt►e orlginal Horrower or Barrower's successore in interest Lender shall not be requlred to
<br /> commence proceulings Against eny s�ecessor in interest or refuse ta eactend dme far payment or otharwlse modify amorttzation of
<br /> the sums securod by this Sesurity Inst:ument by reason of any demand made by the original Bocrowu or Bocrowea's successors
<br /> ia i��'W-i..c.ny�.,�:.ass�e b�L�sss�s in c.:srci�no sr.;�ioh►.w*rt�l;sh.�!!s�si M a�s?����f nr��u+��t��*�*r��f�;
<br /> dght or remedy.
<br /> . 12.Succe�eora aad Aeatgins Hound{Joint and SeverAl LiabWty; Castgnere. 11�e covenants and agresments of tlds
<br /> Securi.ly InsUnur►ent shall bind end benefit the successors and esslgns of L.ender and Borrowa, subject to the pravisions of
<br /> pare�raph 17. Bormwer's covenants and agreements shall be joint ond soveral. Any Borcower who co-signs thi� Security
<br /> Instrument but does not axccute tho Note: (a) is co-sig�ring thls Securlry L�smrment only to mortgage. grant end convey that
<br /> Borrower's lnte�est in the Property under the te,�ms of this Sccurity Instrument;(b}is not personally obllgeud to pay tho sums
<br /> secured by this Secudty Instrumenx and(c)egroes that Lender end any other Bomower may agra to extra�d,modify.forbeac or
<br /> � make aay s�cccommaladons with regard to the terms of this 5ecurity Inscn�ment or the Nou wIthout that Borrower'e cansen�
<br /> 13.LOAA CIIAf�!$. If the laen secured by this Security Instrumcnt is sabject u�a law which sets maximum loan charges,
<br /> . and that l�w!s Cu�ally intexpreted sa that the inte�+cst or Qther loan chargcs co�tod or to ba collectod in connocdon with tho lnan
<br /> exceed tho pamiued limits,then:(a)any such loan cbarge shall Ue reduced by the wnount nocessary to reduce the charge t�tt►e
<br /> � permiued limit;and(b)any suMe alceady collcctecl from Borrower which eacadal permiued llmits will ba refundal to Borrowu.
<br /> Lender may choosa to make this refund by redueing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment w
<br /> . Borrower. If a rofund reduce.g principal,tha reduction wiil6e treated ss a pazdal prepayment without any prepayment charge
<br /> under the Notc.
<br /> 14.Notfues. Any nodce to Boaowcr providcd for in this Socurity Instrument ahall be give��by deIivering it or by mailing it
<br />` by first claas mni!unless applicabk law requires usa of another method.11�e noHce shall be directed to tha Pnnpecty Addnss or
<br /> any other address Horrc�wer designates by nolice to Lender.Any notice to Lender shall be;given 5y tirst CL9s.a mall tn I.ender's --
<br /> • eddress stated htsein ur eny other address Lender designates by natiw to Dotrower. Any nodce prnvidrd for in this Securlty
<br /> Instrument shall bc deemed to have boen given to Sorrower or Lcnder when given as prov)ded in this paragreph.
<br /> 15.Govereing Luw=SeverAbility. 'Ihis SecuriYy Inshument shall be govemcd by federal law end the law of thc
<br /> jurlsdiction in which the Property is lacated.In the event that any provision or clause of tlds 5ecuriry Instniment or the Noto
<br /> conflicts with e�ppfitablc 1aw,such conflict st�all not sffect other provisions uf this Security Instrument or the Nota wiiich can be
<br /> given effcct without the conflicdng Rmviston.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and tha Note ene dxlaned W
<br /> be severnble. �
<br /> Form 30�0 O/o0
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