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<br /> {(�!�/) �M� .��11�fr4\l)�'�ii.�-. _
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<br /> Y ;'' "�' : �." • rcfcrrrc!tu in purugraph 2, ur changc ihc umaurn ol ruch puym�nt�. Any cacc,� pr�kc��J��wcr un amount required to puy all
<br /> _ �s, outctanJinQ indebtedncas unJer the Nute und Ihia S��curity instrumcnt yhall ix puiJ tu ihe cntity Icgully entitic�l theretu.
<br /> • .,+,�. � .r..»:
<br /> ,,,,' : ,;��,�,��w g�pec�.IA�ulcr nwy collcct f��unJ churges uuliuttixecl by thc S�tiretury.
<br /> h
<br /> ..._. .
<br /> a y.GnwndK tor AccelerAtlon at Ilebt. �� -
<br /> 4 . ,-_ _ _
<br /> :-�._ � .n c_ _.
<br /> . ..• G�, .:.,., (s�► pePAUlI. l.enJcr nwy. cxcept us limitcd by rcgulali�cn. i++urJ bY thc S��r�taq• in thc casc of p►ryment e au tc, —rs�___..r
<br /> • ' �„ � ' rec�uirc imm�.�Jiutc puymcnt in full of ull+ums xcur�xi hy thi.Sccurity In+trument it':
<br /> =•�+ . . . . li)&�rruwcr defi►ult�by fuiling io puy in full uny monthly puyment requirrd by thic Security Instrument priur�o or —
<br /> —` '� � �m Ihc duc date of thc next momhly payment,or
<br />�F . • � —
<br /> liil &irrowcr defuuh+ hy PUiling, for e perial uf thirty duy+, t�� perti►rm any uther ohligutions comaincd in this _
<br />. ° " Sccurity In�trumcnt. --
<br /> . � fti..c.—� _
<br /> � ' (b)Sale Without Credlt Approval. l.cnder shull, if pc:rmitt��1 hy upPlirublc law onJ with �he p�ior upprovul af the �_
<br /> Secretury,rcquire immeJia�e paymcnt in full of ull sums.c�urcYl by this Securi�y In+trunxnt iL• �,
<br /> • . . .�* (i1 All o� part uf the Pn►pcny, or a beneticial interesl in a trust owning ull ur purl al'the Propeny, is sald nr _,_
<br /> �' � . rnhenvixe transfcrred lothcr thun by Jcvisc or de�centl by the&�rrower,und �;--,
<br /> ' 1ii► The Property is nat �xcupied by the purchuser or gruntee us hiy on c�r prirnipal residence. or the ` s.�
<br /> . .-..� � . urcl�eser or grantee d�xs so cxcupy the Propetty but his ar her credit ha.ti rwt been uppruveJ in nccordancc with the �y_..�.�' —
<br /> P
<br /> ;: ^' requirements of the Secretary. ` �'
<br /> 1•. � '—
<br /> , • (c)No Walver. If rircum.tuncc,ucrur thut wouW permit Lcnder to reyuire immeJiu�c puyment in full. but l.ender dixti ,.,�}���
<br /> � not rcyuire such p•rymentx, I.endcr dces not waive its right.with m+pect to suhseyucnt events. +. N __
<br /> ` (d1 Re�ul�Nons ai' HUD Secretary. In muny rircumstuuce. regulu�ianti istiued by the Scer¢lury will limil l.encier', M, 4,:.=-`
<br /> � ° . rights in the cusc ul' paymem defauhti h� require immrdiate payment in 1'ull unJ furcrlinr il'not puiJ. Thi+ Security r;�...z.
<br /> Ins�rument dc►es not uwhorirx accelerution or ti�reclosure if not{krmia�l by rc@ulutHms of the Serretary. ��";�,:;'-
<br /> • „ �::
<br /> , :��`_
<br /> (e) 111ortgnRe Nat Insured.Burrowcr agrec+thut shauW this Security Instrumenl unJ �he Nute .crured therehy not be .` ,�-.
<br /> __ __.____,____ _ _ cligiM� for in.ur•rnce unJcr thc Nutinnul HausinE Act within 60 duys from the Jatc hcrc��E. I.cndcr nwy, at its opta►n �,Jt�is�;�
<br /> .ao��m.�
<br /> ' utxi notwithstanJing unything in puragruph 9. rcquire imm�tiliute payment in iuil ui uil,uma+cww�tii hy ihiti Sccunty ;- ,'• .,.��,_.
<br /> � In.trumcnt. A wrinen stutement of uny auth��riicJ •rgent ut'th� Secretury datcd �uh.cyucnt ta 60 duy+I'riim tlk dulc
<br /> i hrreot', declining ti�intiurc Ihi� Security Imtrument and the Note tiecured tliereby. shull he deemeJ cunclu.ivc pr�mf of
<br /> _� �,��a
<br /> ' surh incliFibility. Noiwith,tunding the forc�uing. thi,optiun muy nu�hr cxcrri.ed by I.cndcr when the unuvailubility �i:.__
<br /> of imuranec is,olrly due to LenJer'x 1'ailure tu rrmit u nNmguge insurunce premium to the Secretury. 4:�� -
<br /> I �":.'f 4
<br /> 1 ...����':1.
<br /> � I 10. Reinstaten�ent. Horrowrr hu� u righl tu ix rrin.tu�cd if l.ender hu+ rcyuircJ imnxdimc payment in full lx:cauxc of .
<br /> f &�rro«•�r'� fuilurc tu pay un ami►unt duc unJcr thc N�itr ur thi�S�rurity In�trument. This ri�ht applies even aftcr G�rcclotiure �' �""� . "'
<br /> . ' � pr�kccrling�arc instiwt�J. T�,r�in+rrtr thr Srruriq• In.lrument. Barrawcr�hall trnd�r in a Iwnp .um all amuunts r�quir��l�u ~ y,,r,*,,,r:�;_'
<br /> brin� Bormwcr's urcuunl rurrcnt inrluJing, to �hc rxtcn� ihc�• ure „hliguti��n. uf Borrowcr undcr thiti Sccurity In+trument. :.;,. �-_
<br /> . ii�rcrlotiure «�tit� and rea+onaMc :�nJ custi�ntury aUonuy�' f�e� anJ cxpen+�� pn�(x�rly a�su�iutcJ with Ihc forerlo.ure "":'�;
<br /> pr�kec�ling. U�x,n rcinstatement by eurruwcr. �hi. Serurity In.trunxm aixl thc��bliEati�ms thut it,ecurc+.h•rll remuin in efl'cct . .. : '
<br /> us if l.�ndcr haJ nnt rcyuircd immeJiatc paym�nt in I'ull. Huwrvcr. L�nJcr i.nu� rcyuircd to permit rein�tatemcnt if: lil Lrndrr
<br /> . . � h�s uccepteJ rcimtutement utler thc c��mmencemcnt of ti�recl�nurr pnx�wJin�. within two years immeJiatcly prereding Ihc �
<br /> . I
<br /> ' • � rumnuncemcn� of a rurrcnt ti,rcrl��,ur� prixreding. liil r�in+UUcmcm will prerluilc li�rcrl��wrc un Jiffcrent ground, in thc ., .
<br /> fuwre,ar Iiii1 reinstalcmcnl will advcrticly ufl'�ct�he priariry uf the lien�r�uteJ hy thi�Sccurity Instrument.
<br /> , , te�,r•
<br /> � 11. IM�rroµ•er Not Rcicuu�d:Mnrt►runmcc K�•I.rudcr tiot u�1'oivcr. E�i�n.i��n��f thc timc��f paymcnt ur moJiticati�m�if -�-•.-�-.•
<br /> +% . I umunir�ti�m uf thr+um+�rcurcd by thiti Scrurity In��rumrnl �:ranlcJ hy Lcixl�r tu any +uac�,ur in intcrc+l uf B�xrowcr�hull . . . ia+�w�-.:
<br /> not ��peratc�o rcica,e thr liahiliry uf thr uri�inul Burruw�r„r Borraacr'+,urcc��ur in intcrc,l. Lcixler �hull nut i+c rcyuireJ to
<br /> a::x�a•.,..
<br /> i r,�mnkncc pmrc��ling.a�:ainsl.u�)•�u��c,+ur in int�r�+l ar r�lu�r lu r�l�nJ timr I„r p;ryment ur othcrw•i�c mixlify anwrtiratinn ' •
<br /> � I uf thc +um. tircurcJ hy thi� Sccurily Intitrumcnt b� rc•r,un ��I um drmand iir.nlr b? thc uriEinal B�►rrua•cr �,r Borruwcr.
<br /> � wrrc�.or+ in intcrc+�. An� Ibnc�:ir:mcr h} LrnJcr in cr�r�i�ing an� nLht ur rrmrJ� ,h,�ll nut hr a a•ai�•�r ��f or prccludc th�
<br /> � rzrrri�r uf any right or remrJ}�. �
<br /> '. � �-0RINEI ���.'. ' �� j
<br /> 0
<br /> , . � � .
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<br /> ' �
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