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(�. yJ.,b',v;4'��!�f:- :�y���. LJ'. 'h+-i`�r ��1''°l��t�;S{ �T I "1,` - '�jt rr 4r-�i. �:����Yir-.i;,Lc`�- _. . <br /> �14 ' � � i f'i � .21 ilif� IF:�:. �� - <br /> - <br /> �ira� �;;.�; ,,... _ -_ <br /> , <br /> .. __ <br /> Il� . � .. - .wf.r "1� `• ----�-- — <br /> �i'" <br /> ' �.�.. _.�.. , - ------- ---- --- .. <br /> ti� <br /> 4f�ia�__�a�a�811oui� . _ __. _ .. <br /> . ' _ _ , . . _. _ _---_--_ _, . -. __ ...___._'_ <br /> , ' <br /> V , <br /> --�°{ � °.:.;� �:T.�'�����:, 92 � 1u264:, .� � - <br /> - .� , , : <br /> "�H:�a{7.h ;",�iL,�'" � <br /> ,.�-�� . � 4.F'Irc� Mluud pnd(�her Hou�rd Inxurs�nce.&�rrawcr�hell insurc ull impro�•cmcrn,r�m thc Pr��xrly, whether nnw in <br /> ----- -� existence or suhxcyuenUy ercct�jd,oguinyt uny hw.urdv,cuwultiec. und cun�ingei�cic�, inrluding tirc, lirr whicli l.eikler���yui�cs <br /> -'��'� T"""��" Insurunca Thi, insuruncc .hull hc maimoinal in thc urnuunt�unJ ti�r �hr �xrf�xls Ihut l.cndcr rryuirc�. &�rruwcr shull ulx► _,... <br /> �-'�a. j,bkb•i.; '� <br /> °`� � � �^ insure all im rovementti on�he Pn► n whe�hrr nuw in exi.�encc ur,ubu urnU crecteJ,u aintit lor�b il�Hxl.tu�heextcnt <br /> _� ;.�h::,.:��;:,��o p Ik y. 4 Y ' 8 Y � <br /> rcyuircd hy �he Cecrctnry. All insuranre shull lx rurticd with carop:mic�upprnvrJ by Lrndcr. Thr in�m•uncr�x�licic� u�xl uny <br /> ''� '`�" - `�'-��r� renewul�Rhull be hetd by l.enter wKl xhall inrluJr lu�c payablc clAU+c�in t�uvor�►i',und fn u ti�rm u�cepiublc tu,L.endcr. ` <br /> �'a�r�;:�,, <br /> = - '�. ' �__ _ _� <br /> _ �.. ..:-" . �--. - ..-.— _— <br /> ,- . .=�:, . In the evcnt ol'I��ss. Borc��wer .rhull give Lc�xlcr imnk�iiWe n�iticc hy mail. l.eixlrr muy n�rlc pau�f of loss if nc��m�ulc � <br /> :�r, �.,;.:.... .,. � <br /> _� ,� ;*�-'�.. promptly by &,ROwer. Euch in,uranrr c�+mpuny con�eroed i,herehy aulhari�eJ aiK!Jirec�ed �a mukc paynx:nt for tiuch loss _ <br /> _..,_,:;.,�.. <br /> —rr��+��-*�` �� Jir�titly ta Lcndcr, instead af ta sc►rrawcr und w Lrn�fer j�iinUy. All or uny pun uf thc in+urancc pnKC��I, may he appliMl by ___ <br /> � - ,��;;�;;�;.� I.cnJer, at its �ip�ion, cilhcr(ul to thc reduclion uf�hc indch�ednc�� unJcr�hc Nut� und thi+ Security Inr�rument. fint u► uny _v <br /> . -�, dclinqucnt amuunts upplieci in�hr ordcr in purugruph 3, unJ thcn to prep•rynum ui'prinrip:�L ur�b1 t��thc re+lorution��r rcpair <br /> , : � uf the dumugcd Froperty. Any Lpplira�iun of thc prn�ecJ, t��thc prinripul sh�ll not extend ar po�tpone thr duc dut�ul� thr _ <br /> " ri •. munthly puyment+which are referred t��in parugruph?, cir change the amoum��f tiuch p•ryment.. Any excess intiuruncc pnxecJt �,. <br />�+, „ over un umount reyuirt�l t��puy ull cwtyta�xling ind�bteclne�s uncler�he Note und this Serurity Instrument shall be puid�o the <br />,., entity legully emitled there�a. <br /> r .,, <br />�. <br /> ° ° In the evcnt of fbre�la�ure ��I' thia Serurity Inurument��r othcr trunsfcr of tiUe tu �he Pro�xny thut extinp�ishes the � <br />",.�, �. �_. indebtednes�,ull righl, title uml i�lere�t ol'&�rrower in�nJ a�insurance p��liciex in fi�rce.hull pu�s to�he purrhuxer. <br />..:�• --- <br /> y 5. OccupAncy, Prescrvation. Mafntenance and Proteclion of the Property; Borroaer's L,aan Applicwtion; "`"�,'r'-��-- - <br /> • ° I.e�.seholds. &xrower sh�ll�xrupy, estuhliyh, und uk thc Pmperty a� Bnrrowcr'r prinrip•rl rexidencc within sixty duys after � ,,,,'��i, �` <br /> �, thc rxcrution of this Securiry Instn�ment unJ rhull cuntinue tc�ocrupy the Propeny as&irr�iwcr's prinripal residencc for rt Icatit -s-��;_ - <br /> • one yenr ofter the date of occupuncy, unletis the Secretury determines this requirement will cuuse undue hurdship fi�r Borrower. • _= <br /> ar unles+ extenuuting circumztances exi,t which nrc heyond &�nower'� conuul. Burrower �hall notify L.eixlers of uny �?''�y�����- <br /> � , • extenuAting circumstances. Borrower shull nrn c�immit wastr: or destroy,dama�!e o�substWntially rhangr the Pmperty c�r allnw �'-��=�•�'�"�'` <br /> ' .. • the Pnipcny to detedoratc, reuuwnuble wcur unJ �eur cxrepted. I.ender muy inspect Ihe Pr�►perty it'thr Property is vac•rnt or �'�--� <br /> �• ubandoncd or thc loan i� in dcfault. LenJer muy takc reusc�wble ucti�m a� pr�ncrt and prescrvc +uch vucunt or abanduned ' `,;;F <br /> �._'"�� -_ <br /> � •� Pmperty. &�rrowcr.hall alxo be in dei'uult if Bormwcr,during�hc lo•rn upplirutinn prncc.+.gavc mutcriully falsc or inuaurutc T =���=�--.,-- <br /> information or stutemernr ta Lender lor tuiled to providc Lcader with uny n�a�criul inti�rniationl in rnnnection with the loan r ,�};,,s,-- <br /> . <<'.�,...:,;. <br /> - evidenced by the !dote, inrluding, but not limited 1��, reprc•cmF�ti��n��nncrrninn Fi�irrower's �xcupancy of Ihe Properly ati a �Es,�c.-_ __ <br /> � .��.,.:.._, <br /> a , M1 � prineipul re+idence. If this 5ecurity In.rtrunknt is cin u IeaselxdJ, BoRrnver xhull comply with �he provision+ of the le•r.tic. It' �,,.. <br /> . HoROwcr ucquires 1'ee tiUc to the Pmpeny,Ihc leuschnld unJ fee lidc shull not be nxrged unlcss L.ender agrees to the merger in �"�`,�`'— <br /> • writing. �=' <br /> .. .:..:..;�. .�. •�:�.� .�-. <br /> '��t• �� 6. Char�es to Borrow•er and ProtectMn of I.endcr'ti Rishts in the Properly. Borr��wcr�hall pay all govcrnm�ntal ur .��. ±:ki��,►: <:'.'_�' <br /> ' municipal churgc., tinc.xnd imp�►,itiun, that urc nnt inrlu�ied i�i p•rrugruph L Bi�rrnwcr .hall puy thc�c �►hligutium i�n tinx� _- <br /> directly tn the enlity which i���w�d the puymcnl. li'failure to pay would udversely uffrc� L�nder's intenst in the Property,upun _ __ _ . • <br /> ;;., ' L.ender's requ�st&irrower shall prompdy furni,h u�Lender receipl.r evidcncing these paymems. r�.�-��;:; ,�_ <br /> . ��;�:.�_; - <br /> .,-,. . -T--� <br /> � . !f&irrnwcr fuils to makc thcsr payments or�he paymcnts rcyuired hy paragruph?, or failti to�:rform any nther ravenants •��-, <br /> . . , • � ' � linJ uKreements cantuin�d in thiti Scrurity Inxtrumcn�,ar tlxrc i+u Ir�al pr�xr��ling thut muy yigniticuntly at'I'ect l.endcr's ri�hl� <br /> ,�!•�: <br /> - in 1hc Propeny Isuch uc u pr�xr�dinE in bankruptry.ti�r r„ndcmnati�m„r t��enli�rcc I:�w. or rrEulutiun.l, thcn LcnJcr may do ,:,.s• <br /> •,±��h� , t�„�`�..,._=s__ <br /> ��,� und puy wh•rtevcr is ncce�tiary tu pratect the��alue of thr Pr���xrty mxi LenJcr'ti righ�� in thc Property. incluJing puyment of <br /> ' ';� ��� � tuxes, hazard insurunce und other item.mentiuned in purugmph 2. �x���' � � =;_�- <br /> - -�1•. h11 , v�".._ <br /> ' ,. Any amuunt� Ji�hurticJ h�• LcnJcr undcr �hi. paragra�+h,hall ixromr an u�ditiunal Jrhi �,i Borraa�cr anJ Ix ,ccurcil by , ., _ <br /> . . thi.r Srrurit�� In+trunxnt.Tl�e��um��unt.,hall hrur imerc+t from tlx dalr��f Jishuruntcnt. at thc Nutr rate.unJ at the uption of _ _, <br /> I.enJcr,shull he imnxdialcly Juc und payoblc. � "�"'"''<=�— <br /> �,'F+7,'�'"�--- <br /> 7. Condemnatlnn. The pr�xeeJti ��f any awunl iir claim ti�r Juma�rs, Jirort or r��n,ryu�ntial, in runnectiun with any °.� <br /> • � condemnatian nr i��her taking cif uny pan of the Pru�rty. or li�r c�m�•eyance in pl�r�ul'runJrmnatiun. arr hereby u+signed und • <br /> ,, �hull he puiJ to Lender to the exlent uf thc full amoum uf th�iixichtcJnr»thut rcmuin,unpaiJ unJrr thr Note urnl thi� Sccurity �, . <br /> In,irument. LenJcr .hall applJ• wch prurrcJ+tu thc rrdurlian nl'Ilk indchtrJn�.,wul�r ihr N�,�c anJ thi�Scrurity In.trumrnl. . <br /> lirst tu any dclinyucnt umuunt. upplicJ in Ihc urdcr provi�kJ m par:i�r;irh s. :md Ih�n ��, ���r:�y�n��,� of prinripal. Any i � <br /> upplicatiun ol'thr �ruccr�l+ �„ thc ����,.���i .h:dl nui cx��nd�rr ��„ip�mr �hr Jur �1:u� �,t ihr m�,nlhl� pci��mrnt+. �.•hirh are <br /> ��4RINE1 v.�a.i���i, I .. <br /> i • ' <br /> I <br /> r � <br /> _.. . , , ` . <br /> i <br /> I <br /> ., ,. � <br /> � �_ <br /> ' - - <br />