_�. � ,.._ .� —�f� .. �. .. ' � . . �'�•,u.u.�avr _ .
<br /> � 1�r , 'rlti.h r• .+c i'a f.. �' - -- — , . _ . --
<br /> � �:�� 1 . • ' � - �- �+'�f�;�if"�.��� :�—_
<br /> ; . ' _---
<br /> �, r�.. .a;..�.��:�� 92— 10264�'
<br /> •k. a4+#• � IZ. Succexs��ry and A��IRos Ri�und= Jnint ond tievc�l I.i�hllllyi t'��-til{�ncn.. "I hr�v►vc�umt. uiul uKrcemcros of this -
<br /> :�:h" „ Se�:urity lo�trumcnt shall binJ und hrncfi� �hc wccesmn aiul uxtiignti ul I.�i�lcr unJ I��rrowcr. hubj�wt tu�hc pr��ri�.ianz of —
<br /> . .. � purugruph 9.b. &�rrowcr'. r��vcnunt. and o�re�nkntti rhidl hc juinl un�) kverul. A��)� H��rrnwcr whu ra-�igns this Sccu�ity
<br /> • , , Instrunknt bu�J�xr nat execuic the Nule: lal i�cu-,ignin�;�hi.Srcu;ily In+�rumcm anly �u nuKtgugc.grunt unJ canvcy�hat
<br />-- . ' °• . . D��rrowcr's intcrctit in the Pr�i{xrty undrr�hr�.rm��►t'�hi. krurily Im�rumcut:�h�i� nut �xr.��iwlly obligulcJ tu puy thc+umr
<br /> .. � ' n- .. . ._� �.�.._.
<br /> .. , �ured by thi�Srcurity Ins�rwnenr,unJ Ic)ugrcr�thut lAnder uiul uny uiher&�rrnwer may ugr��lu exteriJ.mexlify.Greheur ar
<br /> u .. :. . , make ony acromm�xlutiom wi�h rcgu�J iu tIK tcrm, ��f tht.S�:urie�� ln�trument nr�hr Nsrie wilMmt Ihat Hnrr��wer'�c�+nv�nl.
<br /> - - � � �.-:_ -
<br /> . �- . ,,e�. ._-
<br /> ' d
<br /> w'�•-'•��: 13.Natices.Any n��tirc lo BoRUwer provid��l fi�r in thi.Securily Inytrurocnt ,hall Ix:given by delivering il or hy nmiling --
<br /> � � . it by firtil clus�mnil unless Applkuble law reyuir«uk��f unothcr methcxl.The nu�ice +hull he directcd to the Propeny Addrer�
<br />,°�; or uny �xher adJres+ Borri►wer Je+igrwteti by nutice to I.endcr. Any n��tirc �o L.ender tihall be given hy firti� rlu+s muil to
<br /> ` ' , �� l.rnJer'�aJdress sta�ed herein or uny udJrcr.I..�nJcr d��ibnute�by naticc tu Burrnu•rr. Any nutice providcd far in thls Security
<br /> - -- In4�rumenl shall he deemcd a�huvc l+een given to Bnrrower or L.endcr whcn givcn a�pmvided in�his puragraph. _
<br /> �p � ,n 14. (',overnin� Law•: Severability. This Security Instrument .hall lk guverned hy teJerul luw urxl thc law uf thc _
<br /> ^ jurisdictii►n in which thc Propeny is I�x�teJ. In �hc rvent thut uny pruvi,i�m ur rluuu��f thi+ Security Intitrumem or�hc N��te
<br /> con0ict�with uppticable law, such ean0ict �hall nnt ut'fect o�her pnwi.i�►n+of Ihiti 5ecurity In+t�ument or thc Nu�e whieh can be
<br /> , given efl'ect witixiut the contlicting pruvision.To this end the pruvixian+of this Securi�y Insln�ment unJ tho NWe ure declured
<br /> ' to be severs�ble.
<br /> I5.Borrower•g Copy. &rcrower shall br given one conform�Yi c��py af this Secu�ity Intitrun�ent. - -
<br /> ° 16. A�.si�nment of Rcn�Y. Burrower unc�mJiti�mally utixign; and tr�nsfcrs tu l.cndcr all Ihc rent, unJ revcnucs of the �''°'-•`-
<br /> Propeny. BoROwer uuthorir��ti Lender��r Lender'+ugentx to coUect the rents and revenueti ond hereby direcu eurh tenant oi the o"��-
<br /> � • Property tu puy the rent,to LenJcr or Lender's ugents.Howevcr,pri��r to l.endrr'y n�nicc tu F3urrower af Borruwcr'ti brcACh af ��-��-. .:
<br /> uny covenum or ugrecmcnt in the Security Instrumcnt. B�►rr��wcr+hull collect and rc�eivc all rents und revenue.ol'thc Prupcny �
<br /> as trutitcr P��r thc henefit nf I.cnder and BoROwer. This u�signment of rents constitutes an ub�wlute assignment uad not an -
<br /> " assignment f�r udditionAl�ecuriry only. :�i'L. '
<br /> ±•-.��.
<br /> x.!r:y�
<br /> '. lf LenJer give�notice of breach to Borrnwcr.lu)uU rent+ received by Bnrr��wer shull he IMId by Borrowcr us tn�stee for „�!�
<br /> �-.:�.�%:*.�rc���
<br /> < - - --; bcnctti c�f l.c:nder orly'. te,Fr applied ta the�:us11ti stt:umtl hy th�Scrurily Imtn�mro�: ih► IxnJcr�hall he enliikd t��mllect unJ ' �r.,,.._.�i�,__,_ _
<br /> � rcrcivc ull ��f thr rcm, uf the Pru{kny: und Ir) cach �enant uf�hc Pn�pcny �hull puy all rent+due und unpuid to I.ender ar .• �
<br /> �� l.endcr',u�ecm�m Lender'x written deman�l to�he tenam. �', � ;� -
<br /> �� • .
<br /> . ;
<br /> Borrowcr hux nnt excrwcd uny prior us.ignmcnt of thc rent,unJ hu.n��t nnd will n�x perti�rm uny+Kt�hut wi�u1J prevent .�r��,;�.�- �.__
<br /> • I..:ndcr 1'rom exercising its right.undcr this paragr•rph Ib. , . ' '��-
<br /> . .:,��.
<br /> ' ' .. ' l.cndcr shull not bc rcyuir�d tu rntcr upon. takc r�mlrul ol'or mainlain thr Pr� r� hcfure or al'tcr ivin noticc of hrcurh ���'
<br /> �P�' Y F E .�.... ..;..,
<br /> to &�rrower. Howevcr. LrnJcr��r u juJirially up��inted ruci�•rr may J�>>��at any timr thcrr i+� hrexh. Any uppliralion of ��
<br /> � reniti shull n�►1 curc ur wuivr any Jcl'ault ur invalidut�aiiy ulhcr righl or rcnkdy al' Lrndcr. This as�ignrnem of rentx of the ' �---
<br /> Pro�xrty,hull t�rminutc when�hr dcnt.crured hy ih� 5ecurily In+trumrnt i,paiJ in lull. t'.'`°
<br /> 'r. 1:-
<br /> • NON-UNIFORM CQVF:NANTS. Burrowrr anJ l.endcr iunhrr c��vrnanl and agrcr r+ IidluN.: ' `--
<br /> . '1,K...=_
<br /> 17.Funrlosurc Procedurc. If I.endcr rcyuin�+ immcdiutc pu�mcnt in full undcr puru�raph 9.I.endcr moy inv��ke the ,
<br /> ' pnNCr ot sale und um• uthcr remedf�w permiucd b� upplicaMc lu��. Lcndcr +hull bc entiticd tn collect all crpenuy ' ° .
<br /> • , incurr��d in pursuinK tlx renudies undrr tbiz puru};roph 17. iixludinu, but nut liinited to. rcusonablr attorneys'fees and � ' �_!�, ° s
<br /> : rnwti of dNc evidence. �'.' ':'�
<br /> �.�.�=
<br /> . . If the pm�er of' sule is h��uked, "I'ru+tee ,I�ull r�rord u notice of'dePuult in eunc�ount� in ahich uny pnrt nP the ' �---
<br /> •- Propert}•is I�KUted und shull muil copie�oP.urh nolice in thc roaooer pr��crihed I►� up��liculile lu�� to Borruxer and to � _-'�""�'.::'
<br /> a"{. . ..
<br /> • the other personx prcwrriBrd B� upplicuble lu��.��fter the tBne reyuirecl b� upplicuhle lu��. Tru�t�Y,hall uive pu�lie notice � , �
<br /> , . ,, of�ule to the�r�on,and in Ihe manncr pr�wcrilKd b� s�pplici�blc lu��.7'ru�lcc.��ilhow dcmund un fi�irro���er,shull sell �
<br /> the Propert��ul public uuctiun to the hikl��ht I�idder ut the tinu und pluce und uiider the term�d��iunuled in the nutice uf ' "
<br /> ' sulc in onc�►r murc purrcls und fn um ordcr 'I'ru.tm detcrmin��. 'I'ru.tce mu} �H�+t�roe �ulc of ull or um•parecl of the
<br /> Propert� 1�� public annuunecment at the tf�ne uod plure uf'um pre�iuutil} ,chedukd wle Lender ��r its drsi�n�may � '
<br /> purchax thc Prnperty ut am�sule.
<br /> �-4RINE1 "�.��•�..����
<br /> � - -.. -.. . "
<br /> i
<br /> ,
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