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<br /> 4.
<br /> -;..i.iu:-
<br /> i�:ur�r ... ,
<br /> �..���,;��"^�`""'�"�7c:=,.°.'�
<br /> TOaETHER WITH all the impravements n�w or hereafter erected �n the propeny. ond all cascmcm�. righ�•
<br /> �4`�`�i��=� appurtenancex,renu,royulties.mincrol.all and gu.g�igh4s und proflts,watcr rightK unJ stock and ull fiawres now or h�r�ulir� � �
<br /> - ,g.;'fi;rl�":°"--"'t.--- part of ihe property. All rcplucementx and udditions shall alro be rnvered by this Security Inslrument. All of the fore�oin�is
<br /> —'- '. w `."�r refern,d to in thia Socuriry Instrument ar the"Property,••
<br /> ri..,�••e••,;;:,3� :
<br /> ��� ��� BORROWER COVENANTS thal&►ROwcr i5lawfully seiserl of the estatc hereby comeyed a�xl huc the right to grnnt und �-___��
<br /> ��'� convey the Property and thut the Pra�eny is une�xvmbered, except for encumbrances of'reconi. Borrower wurc+,nts and will
<br /> - _ ,;,�'1�. e � °——
<br /> ' {�...;:.`.��,,;�...'`�,t='� defend�enerally tlu title to the�rty a�{uins�aU cluinu and demands.subjeet t��nny encumbrunces of rcxurd. r . -_..�_
<br /> .'(. . �
<br /> ' �"%�`-'` '°�:'` " • 1. Payment of Princlpal.lnterest and late Chs�ry�e.Borrower shall pay when due the principal of,und interest un,the _
<br /> ~�'�'��"~�•�r•V ' debt evidenced by the Note and late charges due under the Note.
<br /> �^: '�.
<br /> -- ' 2. Monthly PAymepls of T�xes. Insuronce s►nd Olher ChaB�. Borrowe� tihall include in each monthly puyment. __
<br /> _ -��,.�, �.:'„. ' , tagether with the p�fncipal and interest u..et fanh fn thc Note and any late chnrges,an imtallnxnt of uny (ul taxes and speciul � y
<br /> _--.,� ., nssessments levied or to be Icvied aguinst the Property. lb) leasehald payments or ground rents on the Property, and (c)
<br /> �`�� " premiums for insurance required by purugrnph 4. __.� `_
<br /> . � "�'Y" ''`� � Each monlhly ins��llment for items(al. (bl, und(c)shall equul one-twclfth�f the annual amounts,as resisonably c+timated _�
<br />����•�'�'�•a�'�"`�'"`. by Lender,plus an amount sufficient to maintuin an addit�onel balence of not more than one-sixth of the estimated amauntr.The --_—�—
<br /> --��� ° full unnuul a�nount for each item +hull be uccumulated by l.ender within a period ending one mornh before un item would 1C�:,;��-_�
<br />_,.`•� • ^• � become delinquent. L.ender shell hold the amounts collected in trust ro pay i�rm+ (u). (b), and (cl before they hecome —_�___
<br /> '� . . , , delinquent. _ ,
<br /> . .._ �::--
<br /> .t'°'�'� If ut Any time the totul of the puyments held by Lender fnr itcros (al. Ib), und (c►, together wilh Ihe future monthly ,. .,.;. _�.
<br /> , � payments for such items puyablc to l.ender prinr to the due dutes of such items,excecds by more than one-sixth the estimuted
<br /> "_._y,..a�.�:�..
<br /> - �. � ,�� • umount of puyments required to pay surh items when duc.and if puyments an the Note ure cuRent,then Lender shall either �°r�;-.:
<br /> ,.�f,;;..��:.
<br /> ' a,"'' •,•�!.,..::.:`;:r refund the excecs over one-�ix�h of�he cstimateci puyments or credit the excess over ane-sixth of the estimated payments to .��.,,�;�
<br /> �us�i--.�
<br /> ••���:'??��.;, ' ����..:..
<br /> '�:,:,1�,,,,,..tr���;'��' subsequent paymenGS by Borrower, ut the option of Borrower. If�he iotul of the pAymenls made by Borrower for itcm lu). Ibl. ���,S,t_•,
<br /> ��'�•r>>' '`" or Ic) is insufficient to pay the item when due. �hen BoROwer chall pay to l.ender any amount necessary tu make up the -�-4-�;•
<br /> d+ti..:: ..�r,, a,a.�__ -
<br /> '� �•�+'•. deficiency on ar before the dute the item becomes due. �-�
<br />. ��', �- ��r.-a
<br /> . . � . _-.i 1 ._r_L..==---- �P�'--
<br /> - � " As used in this Security Instrument. "Secretary" meun, tiir Sc�reiary af liousing and L�tban Development n� hic�r her �'"`"�� �t ,
<br /> ',, ; designee. In uny year in which the Lencl�r must pay n mortguge insurence premium tn the Secretary. cuch monthly p�yment
<br /> .�'_'--
<br /> ' �� � .r•haU�Iso include either. (il un ins�ullmcnt of ihe annual mongugc in�urunce premium to be pAid by Lender to the Secretary,or .a.,,.,— - _
<br /> ' ' liil u monthly churge instead of u mongoge insurance premium if this Securiry ln�trument is held by the Secretary. �uch �a,
<br />� '�•1�"�.i. � monthly in�lullment of Ihe mungugr insurunce premium shull lk in un umount sufficient to accumulate the full unnual mortgage �-=-'_ �
<br /> insumnre premium with Lcndcr onc mon�h prior ro the Jutc thc full unnuvl mortgugc imurance premium is due to the Secretary.
<br /> " � or if this S�.�urity Instrument i� held by thr S�cretury. cuch monthly churge shall be in u� amount equnl to one-twelfth of __ ____ _-
<br /> •. �• one-hulf percent ��f the outstunding prinripal hulunce duc im thc Notc. [�-a.=.�n.
<br /> � � . If&irrawcr ienden tu Lendrr thr full payment uY ull tium+�ecured by thix Security Instrument,Borrowcr'+uccount shull �..-��',"°
<br /> r:�.�s- .
<br /> " lx: rredileJ with Ihe bulancr remaining li�r all in�iullments ti�r itcm.(ul. Ibl, and Ic1 und any mnnguge insurancc prcmium •.�u.�;i<;=;:r,
<br /> installment thut lxndcr has not hccomc i�bliguted tn puy tu thc Snretury.unJ LenJ�r shall promptly refund�ny exress funds to �' � ;-
<br /> &xrowcr. Immediutcly prior to a tiircclowre.ral¢uf thc ProFxny ��r it. acyui�ition by Lender. &�rr��wer's uccount shall be -..-__
<br /> .. credited with any buluncc remuining tiir ull �n��allments ti�r item+lu).Ihl.und Icl. �''=y".-:°`°
<br /> .?��---
<br /> s .,.i;��;;
<br /> ., ' 3.Applicatlon of PAymentc.All puymem� wxler purograph.r 1 unJ 2 shnll br upplieJ By LenJer us 1'ollows: ..::�.;.;
<br /> First,to thc m�mgugr inwrancc premium tu Ix paiJ hy l.�n�lcr�o the S�wrewry or ta the nwnthly rharge hy thc Secrctury
<br /> . .. . ' �r� inxtcaci ul'thc monthly mortFagc insuranrc prcmium: �'�� ' .r�'� --
<br /> � S�tio�xl,ti�any taxes.�(1Cl'I:II 8»t�51111'MS. leasehald puymcnt�ur�!ruund rent.,unJ tirr. O�x�l und othcr h:v:rcd in�urance �+ .`._r�__
<br /> ' „ • � ..i�� . premiumx.us reyuir�d: ^�.;: � -..
<br /> _�:-_
<br /> • ';:;�; , � Third,ti�intcre+l duc undcr tlu Nutc:
<br /> . ' " • ,. . Fourth.t��umn:�tii�tian nl thr prinripul uf thc Nutr:
<br /> , ' r ' Fitth.tn I�tc rhargcs duc undrr thr Notc. �
<br /> �, ��4RINE) ��.�,���,,,�„ �
<br /> L.
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