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<br /> 90.CQOSiICf�Yit�lglfifl. Tho pror,�cdo oi�ny award nr clalrn(or darnupos,diract or consoquontlal,in cannectlon with
<br /> any condamnatlan�r othar 4akin4 of eny patf of the Praperty,or for conveyance In Ileu of cor�dornnutlon,aro horeby
<br /> - .,��. �sslgnecl and ahall be pald to Lender.
<br /> � " 4 In the event af a total taking oi the Properry,the proceeds shall be applled to tY�e suma secured by thia Securfty -_
<br /> ' Instrument, �hather or not then due,w{th any oxcess pafd to Borrower.In the event o}A partlal Raking of the Proporty In
<br /> � � � which the t�ir m$rket value of the Prope�y Immediately be foro t he ta k ing la es�ua l to or grea ter t han the arnount of the
<br /> • sums secured by this 3ecurlty Inatrument Immediately betore the tnklnQ,unlosa 8orrower and Londer otherwise agrae in
<br /> _ -��° w�klnno�t}�a+n�u�a apr_.i�rari hv thla Security Instrument eh811 be�etluCed py eF�e arnount oi fi�e uroceecla mu(41pll�d loy thc� .
<br /> �.a.1�ii�-� o,:..
<br /> - _ following iraction,(a)the total amount of the sums secured Immedlately before the taklnp,dlvkled by(b)t�e tair market _
<br /> value of the Properry Immedlately before tha taking.Any halance ehall be paid to Borrower.In the event of a partlgl
<br /> _____ . taking of tha Prc�petty In whlah the falr market value of the PropeRy Immediately betore the taking Is tess than the
<br /> - � amount of theaums seaured Immedlat�ly hefore the taking, unless Bortower and L.ender other��ise sgree In wrking or '-,
<br /> �-�� unless appl[caWe IAw otherwlse provkies,the proc�eds ehall be applled to the�ums securod by this 5ecurity �,
<br /> � " . �t Instrument whethor or not the sums�re then due. -.
<br /> �--
<br /> If the Pnoparty Is abandoned by�orrower, or If,aftar notice by Lander to Borrower that the condemnor ofters to
<br /> ':±•�:� �� make an sward or settle a clalm for damapes, Borrower falls to respond to Lender wtthin 30 days after the date the __.
<br />- � ,�� , notice Is given,Lender Is authorized to collect and apply the proc�eds,at fta optian,Qfthor to��storatlon or repair of the
<br />- "��:�����► . Property or tothe suma secured by thls Securfty Instrument,whether or not then due. _
<br /> y;"�_;;; `'� Unless Lender end Borrower otherwise agree In writing,any applicatlon of proceeds to Wrinclpal�hall not oMend or
<br /> r• ppstpone tF�edue dato of the monthly paymenta referred to in paragraphe 1 and 2 or change the amount of such
<br /> :'� paymente. �
<br /> •,.�;:�'
<br /> ��_.�;;=�.;� ' 19.BoROwer�lot Raleaaed;Forbe�r�nce By Lender Nct s Welver. Extenslon ofi the tlme for paymc�nt or
<br /> modtNcatlon ol amortization of the sums secu�ed by thls Securfry Instrument granted by Lenrler to any successor ln
<br /> ,:k_�:e' Interest of Bortower shall not operate to refeasethe Ilabiliry oithe orlgInal Borrawer or Borrower's succassors In
<br /> - Interest.Lender shall not be requtred to commence proceedings agalnat any successor In Interest or refuse to extend
<br />, ttmo far payment or otherwise modffy amortizatlnn of the suma secured by thls Seeurity Inst►ument by reason of eny
<br /> -,�;;� .�x. �� demand made by the origlnal Borrower or Borrower's successors In Interest.Any forbearance by Lender in exercising
<br />:`'``��y'y`� any rlght or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy.
<br />_.,,.�
<br /> -�"lY-;�.w�{
<br />-" �'� �� 12.Successora and Ass ns Bound;Jo1M snd Several LI�biIKy;Co-algners. The covonants c�nd agreements of
<br />._;t,�tr�,����.
<br /> thls Security Instrument shall b nd and benefit the successors snd asa igns of Lender and Borrower,eubJect to the
<br />=�"�$� provislons ofparagraph 17.Borrower's covenante and agreements shall be Jolnt and several.Any Borrower who
<br /> � — -�. - co•signs this Security Instrument but does not execute tho Note: (a)Is co-�Igning this Security Instrument only to
<br /> ��'`�`�':�� i�i0fi�$g,��R:�ti�t�ii`iC`;2h�f 9Oi�n::�8t's lSlt£l83t!t1 IhB P�^�?►!v�i�rla�t�a tarmc�f thln Sarurity Instrument;(b1 Is ,
<br /> �����-=Z��'�' ''�� not pereonally obllgated to pay the sums secured by thls Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lerder and any other
<br /> ;`.A�i'��j,�;: � Borrower rrtay agree to Axtend,modiiy,forbear or make any accommodatt�ns w(th regard to the terms of this Security
<br /> ----�'.�'.�' � Instrument orthe Note without that 8orrower's consent.
<br />__--�"`''� i3.Loan Ctuirp��. N the Ioan secured by this Securiry Instrument Is subJect to a law whtch sets maximum loan
<br /> ---�4�=�� cl�arges,snd that law la finally irnerpreted so that the fnterast or other loan chsrges cdlected or to be cdlected In
<br /> -_= connectlon wrth the loan exceed the permftted Ilmlts,then: (a)any such loan�harge ahall be reduced by the amount
<br /> -- necessary to reduce the charge 3o the permitted Ilmft;and(b)any sums already collected iram Bortower which
<br /> exceeded permittod Ilmtts wiil be refunded to Borrowor.Lerder may choose to make thts refund by reciucing the
<br /> �----� principal owal under the Note or by making a dlrect payment to 6orrower.If a refund reduces princlpal,the reductlon
<br /> 4-'�""� wAI be treatec!as a partlal prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> --- 14.Nollc�s. Any notice to Borrower provided tor In this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering ft or by
<br /> malling ft by flrst cla�s maH unless applicable law requlros use ot anott�or method.The noilce shall be dlrected to the
<br /> Property Address or any other address Borrower deslgnates by noitce to Lend�r.Any notice ro Lender shall be glven
<br /> - �by iirst class mall to Lender's addross stated hereln or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower.Any
<br /> -------- notico provldeci for In this Securlty Instrument shall be deemed to have been glven to Borrower or Ler+der when given
<br /> as provkied In thls para�raph.
<br /> 16.Cc�vemtrp l.�w;8sv�bility. Thls 5ecurity Instrumont shall be governed by federal law snd the law Qf the
<br />.- ---.-- lurlsdiction Inwhicfv the PropeKy Is located.In the event that eny provislon or clause ot thls�ecur[ty Instrument or the
<br /> --- iVotd i:u�n�ie;lewitii a�pilcsble taw,such canfllet shall rtat affect aih�r provlslon�of this Secur::y!r�:r�mant or L.".�N�!e
<br /> whi�h can begtven eftect wfthout tha conflicting provislon.To this end the provislona of thls Securtry Instrument and the
<br /> Note are dedared to ho sevorable.
<br /> --� 1lf. Bortower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one coniormed copy of the Note and of this Security Instruman4.
<br /> --- 1"l. Tr�ensTer oi the Property or a 8eneficl�l Interef�t In Bonower. If alt or any part of the Property or any
<br /> interes4 In it Is sdd or transferred(or ff a beneficlal interest In Borrower Is sold or transferred and Borrower Is not a
<br /> — naturt�l person) wlthout Lender's prior written consont,Lender may,at its option,require fmmecilato payment In full of all
<br /> —' — sums secured by thts Securfty Instrument. Howevor,thls optlon shall not be oxercised by Lender if exercise Is
<br /> °= - - prohibfted byfederal la�n+a3 of the dato of this Securlty Instrument.
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