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<br /> � • . Q��_��a�c��i; LOAN N0. t 5 3 s z i 5 o s t
<br /> It Lender exercise�this optlon,Lendor shall give Borrower notice of acceleration.Tho notice shall provlde a perlod ,
<br /> of not less tha�30 days trom the date the notice Is dellvered or malled withln which Borrower must pay all sums secured , :
<br /> by thls Securlty Instrument.If Borrower talls to pay theso sums prior to tho expIretion oi thls perlod,Lender may Invoke
<br /> � any remedles permltied by thls Securlty Instrument wlthout further notice or demand on Borrower. .
<br /> 1�,F���rower'e Ric�ht to Relnetate. If Borrower meets certsin condttlona,Borrowor shall have the rl�ht to have
<br /> - _ �n}�zc�ment of thla Spauriry Instrument dlscontfnued st sny 41me prlor to tho eadlor of:(a),5 ciAysg Qf��9°An�alned i�n __-,-_-�_--•��
<br /> as appticaWe law may apoctty for relnstatement)betare sale of ihe FroNa�►�t�,uruart��^n f�0-- , . �; ..+�i,
<br /> .. ��°�^` thle Security Instrument;or�b)entry o}a Judgment enfarcing thls Securfty Instrument.Those conditlons are that .
<br /> >- - �� Borrower. (a)pays Lender a I aums whlch than wauld be due under thls Security I nstrumont an gtall ex�onsesr Incurrad _�����
<br /> acceleration had oGCUrred; (b)cures any defaul b`o�f not I�mlted to,ereast nable�ttor eys'teesp and(d)takes such action ^ -=-
<br /> in enforcing thls Security Instrumen4,Including, I� � -
<br /> �. as Londer ma reasonahty requlre to asaure t ha t t h e I l e n o f t h i s S e c u r i ty I n strument,�eue unchan tecin uPonroperty and _
<br /> � Borrawer's obllgatlon to pay the sums secured by this S9curity Instrument shall contin 9 y : .��,,__
<br /> ' reinscceloratian had occurred!Howevetr this rlght toae nsta4e shelltnot app�y Inthe�se of acce esatioUn�undert�ve as it —
<br /> no a � �
<br /> . paragraph 17. �" ,-'~-
<br /> } :.I•R.
<br /> ��!-"_
<br /> 1.� 19.S�le of Note;Change of Luan Servlcer. The Note or a parttal interest In the Note(together with thls Secur ty '_V
<br /> " t'� I nst►ument)may be sold one or more times wfthout prlor notice to Borrower.A sale may result In a chan�e in the entlty ,�—_ -�
<br /> '� (known as the"Loan Servlcer')that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrurnent.There �- ir 1
<br /> �� ' also may be one or mdre changes of the Loan Se►vlcer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there Is a change of the Loan .: ��;,,��;
<br /> � � Servlcer, Borr�wer will be glven written notice of the change In accordance w(th ragraph 14 abovA and applicable law. .�;,:+� :��___
<br /> The notice wlll state the name and address of the new Loan 3ervtc9r and the ad ress to whlch payments should be ,,�,.,�
<br /> ` made. The notice wlll also contain any other informatlon requlred by appllcable law. �.�-:='�'�
<br /> � � 20.Hazerdous Subatancea. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence,use,disposal,storage,or rc�lease of _ •-
<br /> �� any Hazardous Substances on or In the Properry.Borrower shail nat do,nor aliow anyone else to do,anything affecting �
<br /> � the Prop�rty that!s in vlolation of any Environmental Law.The preceding 1wo sentences shall not apply to the presence, ;,: r
<br /> '� use,or storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Subatances that are generally recogniz�d to be �
<br /> . � approprlate to normal resldentiai uses and to malntenance of the Property. i`',, �i� fT
<br />" eorrower shall promptiy give Lender written notice of any investigation,clalm,demand,Iswsuit or other actlon by �r���..�
<br /> any governmentai or regulatory agency or private party Involving the Property and any Hazerdoua Substance or � t,,;� , `
<br /> _�' Env�ronmental Law of whlch Borrower has actual knowledge.If Borrowe��eaq Substancet�affe tng h P operry jgtal or
<br /> '� ' regulatory authortry,t hat any remova i u�o t h�r r s i r�lu!!o n o f$n,H� ___
<br />?; „ necessary�Borrower shall promptly take all nacessary remedlal aatlons in accordance wfth Ernironmental Law. �.
<br />�`' Aa used In thls para�raph 20,"Hazerdous Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous
<br />�..
<br /> '� substances by F.nvironmental Law and tho tollowin�substances:gasollne,kerosene,other flammable or toxic
<br /> �. qetroleum products,toxic pesticides and herbicides,volattle sotvents,materlals contafning asbestos or tormaldehyde,
<br /> :���,_ and radioactive materlals.As used in thls paragraph 20,"Environmental Lew"means federal I�wa and laws af the
<br /> �,�,_,�� Kzn jurlsdlctlon where the Prope►ty Is located that relate to health,safery or envlronmental protectlon.
<br />;�,,. �� : NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agrae as follows:
<br /> � �-,;� � 21.Accelar�tion;Remedtes,Lender shall gtve notice to 8orrower prlor to eccele�ratton tollowing Borrowef'e
<br /> lxeach ot�ny covsnant or agreement in thls Securtty Instrument(but not pPlor to acceleratfon under ptragraPh
<br /> -�'�:. . 17 urJess eppll�able I�w providas otherwise).The notice sh�ll�pecNy:(�)tho defauit;(b)the sction r uired to
<br /> ;l�A-S� . . . ".'r
<br /> b whtc the
<br /> �_--'�= 's�•�� � curo t he do tau R;(c)s d a t e,not la�s th�n 30 d�ys irom th�date the notice is�Iven to 8orrowsr, y �
<br /> -�"��'="—�� dshult must bo cured;�nd(d)that taUure to curo ths dsUalt on or betore the d�te spec i fl e�In t h e n o t l c e m�Y
<br /> -:;. ��.:•:;:_�+�
<br /> - ,� �R � resuh In eccetsration of the sums�ecured by this SecurRy Instrumer►t end sa�e of the Property.Ths notice�hali
<br /> -��' �``°`�� turther in4orm Borrow�r of the ripM to rein�tats�fter accelention and the ri�ht to brtng a couR�ctlon to���rt
<br /> --=-�_.�:���� ths non-exlstence of�detauR or�ny other detense of Bortower to�cceteratlon and eale.if the dshutt Is not
<br /> `:� � � ��• cured on or petore ths date specHied In the notice,Lender e�t its optlon m�y r utre Immedlate p�yment in iWl of
<br /> --�_;s�`�;;� ell surns�acur�d by thls Sacu�ity Innrument w3thout tunher dnt���to colloct a I expenso�lncur�red In�Pursu�A
<br /> --_.�;,,.�u . other remedles permitted by appllcable lew,Lender shall be e
<br /> °=��,�1,� the��m�i(e�r p��vi��f�s thlo�s'a�reph 21,Inaluding,but not Ilmited to,reasonable ettomeys'teee�nd costs of �
<br /> �;���-:;� titts�vWmce.
<br /> �j.��''-�' If the pov�er of sate b invoked,Tru�toe ehall record e notice of detauit In each couMy�n Wcable law to�of
<br /> -=„_,.;r;;�,;..� ths Prop�rty Is laceted and sh�ll m�ll coples ot such notice in the manner prea�cribed by epp
<br /> — gorrpwsr tnd to the ather penons preacribed by appllcsble taw. After the time required by'���l�tl��w�T����
<br /> _ ��4'"'�"�;";•`�_ Trunee shall plve pubUc notice of s�te to the persons�nd In the mannar pre=cribed by app �
<br /> w i t h o u t d�m a n d o n B o r r o w e r,s i u i f t�s l l t h e P r op e r t y at public�uctfon to ths hbhad btdder et the time Mnd pt�cs
<br /> and unde+°ths terms desIpnated In tho nottce ot eata!n ons or moreparceis an d In any o r d e r 7 r u s t e e d e t e r m�n e s.
<br /> � T r u�t e e m a ypo:tpone sale of�II or�ny parcel of the Property by public�nnouncement at the tl�no and p��c�of
<br /> eny prevlousiy scheduled als. Lender or its des i gn�e may pur c h a s e t h e P r o p e r t y a t��y s a l A.
<br /> . �� � U p o n r a c e l p t o f p a y m e n t o f t h e prtce bld,Trustee shall dullver toe�h e Je n c e o f t h e t r e s t h o f,t h ee a t�t o m e n t s m e d e =—_ -
<br /> 's� the Property. The rec[tals in tho Trustea s deed ehall be prime facle d_—�—W-,__
<br /> � therain. Trustae ah�ll apply tha proceeds of the eede in the tollowing order.(e)to�II cost�and expenaes of i^��Y --
<br /> � FORM 3028 9/90 ��"%`�'--
<br /> � ISC/CMDTNE//0792/3028(8�90)•�- FAGE b OF 8 _ `y��-Y"�--
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