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<br /> All Insuranc�pollclas and ronotivala oliall bo acr,optable to l.endor and ehall Include a atandard mortga�e clause.
<br />, Lender shall havo thA rlght to hold the policies and renewals.If l.onder requlres,Dorrower shall promptly glvo tu L.endor
<br /> all recelpts of pald premlums and renewal roticas.In tho event of loss,Borrower shall give prompt notice to tho
<br /> Insurance carrler and Lender.Lerrdae mAy mske proof of losu�f not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lersder and F3orrower othe�wise agree In writing,insurance proceede shall be applled to restaration or repalr
<br /> � of tho Property damaged,K the reetoratlon or repalr Is aconomir.�lly feaelble and Lender's security la not lessc�neci.If the ,�,;
<br /> restorAtlon or repalr Is not economisally feaslble or Lender's securiry would ba lessenod,the inaurance proceeds shall ��
<br /> - ..,;-,..,-,�, t��wR;.:l�!B:!z�atlmo Q�C�re!��+y th�a SQrurlty Instrument.•�rhether or not theri due,wiii�any excss�pald to�orroa�or. �
<br /> �' � � � If Borrower sbandons the Property,or does not answer wfthin 30 daya a nnttce irom Lender that tne maurarsae carrier
<br /> hae offered to sottle a clalm,then Lender may collect the lnsurance proceeds.Lender may use the proceeds to ropalr
<br /> :i�� ar restore the Property or to pay sums secured by this Securlry Inatrument,whether or not then due.The 30-day perlod �;'_
<br /> - - � wlll begln when the notice Is gben. ��
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othervuise agree In writing,any appllcatlon of procoeds to principal shall not extend or �,.
<br /> � postpane the ciue date at the monthty payments r�forred to In paragrapha 1 and 2 or change the amount of the --
<br /> �.'-• payments. I}under patagraph 21 the Property Is scqulred by Lender,6orrower'c right to any Insurance pollcles and
<br /> ��� proceeds rasulting from damage to the Property prlor to the acqulsitlon shail pass ta Lender to the extent of the sums
<br />- secured by ihls Sec�rity Instrument Immedlately prlor to the acqulsitlon. �
<br /> e.Occupartcy,Preservatlon,Melntenance and Protectlon of 1he Property;BoROwer's Loan Appiicetton;
<br /> Leas�hosd�. Borrower ehall occupy,establlsh,and use the Property as Borrower's princlpal resldence within sixty days
<br /> � � aftor the executlon of thla Securtty Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal
<br /> � reside�ce for at Isast orto ycar aiter the date of accupancy,unfess I��nder othonvlse agrees In wifting,whlch consent _
<br /> ,: � shall not be unreasonably wKhheld,or unless extenuating circumstances oxlst whlch are beyond Borrower's control.
<br /> Borrower shatl not destroy,damage or impair the Property,allow the Property to deterlorate,or commlt waste on the
<br /> K Property. Borrowsr shall be(n default If any forioiture actlon or procesding,whether civll or criminal,is begun that In _
<br /> r_,�
<br />��;r�;:�!�"� � Lender's good fafth Judgment couid result In forfelture uf the Property or otherwlse materlally Impair the 1len created by _.
<br /> this Securfty Instrument or l.ender's security Interest.Barrawer may curo suah e detault and relnstate,as provlded In ,_
<br /> r.,_�,.;._�.., • paragrap h 1 8,by ca u s i n g t h e a c t l o n o r pr o ceedin g to be dlsmissed wRh a ruling that,In Lender'c good falth ��
<br /> determinatlon,precludea forfefture of the Borrower's Interest In the Properry or other material Impalrment of the Ilsn
<br /> ::;;��+��. created by this Secur(ty Instrument or Lender's security Interest.Borrower ehall also be In default ff BoROwer,during the
<br />'";,;;:;�;'�, loan appllcatlon pro�ess,gave materialiy false or Inaccurate informatlon or stetemems to Lender(or taAe,d to provkle
<br /> =� Lender wfth any maZarlal Information)In cnnnectian wfth the loan ovidenced by the Note,Inciudinp,but not limfted to,
<br />�`.`,,.•�h representatlmns conceming Borrowor's occu ncy of the Property as a p�incipal resid�nc�.If thls Security Instrument Is
<br /> '!�':::� ,
<br />- on a laasehdd,sorrower shall comply wfth a I the provislons of the lease. If Borrow�r acqulres fee tftle to the Praperty.
<br /> �u-J�='�` the IeBSehdtl 8rld the iee ti'[ie s�aii no�merge unin�n L'ainivi a��css tc iha marg�s!n::�slting.
<br /> �ei_.
<br /> ��=�-� con elned fn�this Securfty Instr umflnt�o there is�I gal proceretiing that m y slgnHtcant y affect Lender's rightse n the
<br /> � �"�"� Froperty(auch ae a proceeding In bankruptcy,prabate,for condemnatlon or forfeiture or to enforce laws or
<br /> �--n,,,- - repulatlons�,then Lender may do and pay for whatever ia necessary to protect the value of the Prop�tty and I.ender's
<br /> .:'�Ata� rights In the Prope►ty.Lender's actlons may Include paying any sums securbd by a Ilen which has prioriry over thls
<br /> -���'�' Socurity Inatrument,appea�fng In court,paying reasonable atto�neys'fees and entering on the Propeny to make
<br /> _.—�-=�-�-- repalre.Although Lender may take actfon under this paragraph 7,Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> -���`=� Any amnunts dlsbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additlonal debt of Borrower secured by
<br /> "''''�-� this Security Instn�ment.Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amounta shall bear
<br /> ---���� I»terest from the date of disbursement at the Note rate end shall be Rayable,wfth Interest,upon notice from Lender to
<br /> ��=•-�`� BoROwer r�qt�estfng payment.
<br /> -v� e,Moitga��I��unncA. If Lender requlred mortgage fnaurance as a condftlon of making the loan secured by this
<br /> Securfty Instrument,Borrower shail pay the premiums requlred to malntaln the moRgage Insurance In effect.lf,for any
<br /> reason,the mortgsge Insurance coverage requlred by Lender lepses or ceases to be in effect,Borrower shalt pay the
<br /> � premlums requlred to obtaln coverage substantlally equlvalent to the rnortgage Insurance previausly In eitect,at a cost
<br /> y= substeMially equhralent ro the costto Bonower af the mQKgage Insurance previously In etfect,from an alternate
<br /> niartgage Insurer approved by LendQr.If substa,ntlally equtvalent mortgage insurance coverage Is not avaltable,
<br /> -- Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to one•twelfth of the�rearly mortga�e Insurance premium being
<br /> = pald by Sorrower when the(nsurance caverage lapsed or cF�aseci to k,�!n 6��eci.Lsr�sr L:i!!wcac^i,uss arr±s�!�!n the�e
<br /> - paymeMe as a loss reserve In Ileu of mo►tgage Insurance.Loss�eserv0 payments may no longer�i e roquired,at tho
<br /> _„_, optlon o�t Lender,if mortgage Insurance coverage(in the amount and for the perlods that Londer requlres)provided by
<br /> - Am�=�-� an Insurer approE�ed by l.endc�r agaln becomes available and is abtalned. Borrower shali pay the premlums required to
<br /> _�_-�--��_�-:� maimaln mortgage Insurance fn etfect,or to provkie a loss reserve,until the requirem�nt for mortgage insurance ends
<br /> --�=� �- In accordance with any written agreement kx�tween Borrower and Lander or appilcable law.
<br /> ���� �� 9. In��lo�. Londer or fts agent may make reasonabie entrles upon and Inspectlons of the Property. Lender
<br /> .���,�s� shall give onower notice at the time of or prlor to an Inspectlon specffying raasona b l e cause for the tnspecUon.
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