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<br /> .1 � ; paymcets may no lungcr t+c rcquired,ut the aptian of'l.endcr,if martZeugc imurancc rovcrAgc 1in Ibe unx►unt und for tFrc periixi
<br /> •°�. � [hat l.cndcr requirexl pravidcd by an in�urcr upprov.•J by l.cnikr uguin inconk.uvuilublc•rnd is ubtaincd, ��rruwcr *hull pay —
<br /> ,�'�"' ' �'�" � ^ the premiumr requircd to maintaim m�rtgagc inxuruncc in cffect,ur tu proviJe u lo+a rer�:rvc,un�il thc rcyuirenknt fi+r mun��e
<br /> � i�ruranec enda in accorJunce with any written ugrecment iktwecn &�rrower unJ l.ender ur upplicuble luw.
<br /> .. � .,:. �� 4. Inapoclloa. L.endcr ur itti ugen�muy mukc reuumoMc rotnc.u{xm an�i in+p��:tion+of thc Pruperty. l.cnJcr slwll gfvc
<br /> ,...,,
<br /> . ''• • Borrowcr notice ut thc�inx��f or priur to un impcctiun ti�x�il'ying rri�w►nublc cauu�li�r thc in,�rtiun.
<br /> � � �� 10.Condemnolion. Thc pnkawl,oF uny uwurd ur claim ii�r alw�wgcw.Jircct or cunxqucnti�l. in runrN:ctiun with s�nY -�--—_
<br /> '�""=-' — ` ° ' condcmnation nr��th��r teking �►f any(►-rrt��I Ihr Prnpeny.or li�r cnnvcyunce in licu�N'amdemnation, urc hereby ux::ign�Kl und
<br /> _ .._ _-- --- - �--- ____
<br /> • �i� .,, slwll bc puid to Lcnder.
<br /> : ; .�" , In thc cvcnt uf•r twal takinB ui�hc Pruperty.thc pr�k�YJ,shull t�cupplicd to thc sums kcured by thi.Scrurity In,Irumcnt,
<br />,� :' • whcthcr or nut then duc, wi�h any cxcc�s paid ta&mowcr. In tlx �vcnt uf u punial wking of thc Prupctly in which thc fuir
<br /> markct vulue of thc Propuny immcdiatcly tx:forc�hc�s►king is cyu�l to�►r grcutcr than thc amuunt ui thc xumy xtiur��J by thi�
<br /> � Security Instrument immeafiatcly bci'orc ihc tuking,unlc+x&►rruwcr uml L.en�k•othcrwinc ugr�w in writing,thc�um+x�ural by
<br /> . „ . this Security lmtrumcnt shull lx r�durcd ny the amount of the praxceJs mul�ipli�xl by �FK fuUowing fraction: lu1�hc towl . `
<br /> • amount of the sums securcd inm�cdiatcly hcf�rc the [aking, dividul by Ib>Ihc iuir markct valuc ul'ihc Prupeny imnkdi•r�cly `,
<br /> �� beforc the taking. Any br�lance �hull tx puid to&�rruwer. In thc evcnt of a puniul tuking ot'the Prupcny in which the fair =_ .
<br /> markec value of thc Property immediutcly beforc thc wking ix Ics,thun tha um�wnt��f thc.um,sccurcd imnu�cliatcly lx�ti�rc thc
<br /> taking, unless 9orrower und Lender othcrwisc ugrcc in writing or unlctis npplicublc luw utlx:rwi.e pruviJe+.lhc pr�►ccccis shall _-
<br /> � bo applied to the sums secured by thi�; Sccuriry Instrument whcthcr or mit thc.ums aee then due. � .,�'
<br /> , lf the Property ix abandoncd by Borrawcr,or if,uftcr noticc by l.endcr lo&�rrowcr thut thc r�mdcmnor��ftcn to makc un ,,_��
<br /> � ' ewa�d or tieltk u claim for danwgc�. Borrwvc� failx to res�nd�o Lcndcr within i0 duy+aticr thc dutc thc noticc is given. �i'`:__
<br /> • I.ender is s►utharized tu c�llect unJ upply the pr�xecJs,•rt i�ti c�ption, cither to reaturntion or repair of the Pmpcny��r ti►the+ums . � '
<br /> ' . secured by this Sccurity Instrumcnt,whethcr or not thcn duc. "":"
<br /> Unlcss Lendcr And Ba�rowcr uthcrwik agrcc in writing, any upplicutiun uF prixecJti to prinripal shull nut ext�nd or ,-
<br /> i �.;_.
<br /> w "" -
<br /> postpone thc due date uf the monthly payments referred w in puragraphs I und 2 ur chunge thc umuunt of.urh paynxnts. —
<br /> I1.Borrower Not Released;Forbcan�nce By I.ender Not e �Yaiver.Ex�ension��f thc timc tiir puymcnt or mixlitication j =_�
<br /> '• ' . of amonization of thc surns sccured by thi�Security Instrunxnt gronteJ by LcnJcr to any succcs�ir in iMcrest of Bon•owcr shaU j
<br /> � ' not aperate to relca+e thc liability of thc n�iginal Borrowcr or Burrowcr's xucreswrs in intcrc,t. l.cndcr tihall nut bc rcyuircd w � �._y,
<br /> commencc proc��dings aguinst any suc�r�sor in intcrctit or rcl'utic���cztcnd timc tiir paynxnt or�nhcrwisc m�xii'ty unwrtii;►tion { ,
<br /> of thc sums sccured by this Sccurity Instrumcnt by rcuson of any dcm•rixl mudc by thc original &�rr�iwcr ar Bcirri�wcr's
<br /> successors in interest. Any fixbeur�nce hy l.ender in cxercising�ny rigM��r remedy xhull n�K t+e a wuiver�f�r precluJe the :L
<br /> - --=--_- exercisc ot'any� right or remedy. �`. ..,�_._��T�
<br /> 12. Succcssors nnd As.iign.s Bound;Joint and Scveral LiablUly: �o-si�nc�s. Thc cuvcnunts und ugrcemcm. of ti�i. �-- ;
<br /> Security Inntrumcnt shall biod unJ Ixnctit thc .ucrc�k�rx anJ assign� nt�Lcndcr anJ Dorrowcr, subjcct to �hc pnwisi��n+ of � •- _
<br /> paragraph 17. Borcowcr's covenantti und ugreemcnts xhull h.: joint and xvcr�l. Any Borrowcr who co-riEm thi. 5ccurity � _��
<br /> InatrumcM but docs not excrutc thc Nutc: la1 i.co-,iEning this 5ccuriry Inti[rumcm �mly tu mungaFc• grant unJ c�mvcy that � ` ;
<br /> BoROwer's intcretit in thc Pru�xrty unJer ttir temn of thi+Scrurity Instrwm:nt: Ibl i.not�rsanally uNliguted u►pay thc.ums , � .
<br /> securcJ by thix Sccurity Imtrumone and Ir►agnc.that l.endcr unJ uny othcr Borrowcr may ugrcr w extcnd, m�xlify,li�rhuwr or l. ,� _
<br /> makc any accommcxlnticros with rcgurd�o thc tcm»of this Scrurity Instrunknt ur thc Notc without th;N&irr�►wcr's cununt. � }�. '
<br /> • ' 13. Loan Chargev.If thc loan .ccurcJ hy�hix Sccurity Intiirunknt i�suhjccl ti�a law which ktti muximum lurn chargcs, ` , �g
<br /> � �[
<br /> ., und that luw i, tinally imerpretcJ+u thut the intcrc,t ur�Nhcr Inan chargc�c�,llec�ed or u►Ix collert�J in a�nnectiun wi�h the , . -
<br /> I�an excecJ thc pemiitted limit..thrn:(al any+uch loan rhurg�,hall hc reJuced h�• �hc amuunt necessary a�reJuce�hc churge
<br /> � to Ihe penniued limit: uixl Ih►an}•�unt� ulrcaJy cullcctrd I�rum B�xrower whinc�xceedcJ pcmiiaed limin will hc rcfunJed to
<br /> . Borrower. Lender muy ch�w,e ta �nakc thi, r�lund by reJucinE the prinripal o�vrJ unJcr thc Nate or hy muking a direct � ;-,v_
<br /> paymcnt to Borri�wcr. If a rclunJ rcJucc� principul. thc reduclN�n will Ix trcatcd ati a purtial propuyn�nt with��ut any � •�;r�,•
<br /> prepayment chur�c undcr thc Notc. � '�` �T
<br /> 14. Nodc�.s.Any nulicc w&irruwcr pruvidcd liir in�hi, Sirurih•Im�rum.nl,hall hc Eivcn by dclivering it i�r b�� nwiling
<br /> it by tint cla�s mail unlc.+ applirablc luw rcyuir�,u+r ul anuther nklhnd.Thc nuucr.hull txe dircct�d to Ihc Prapcny Address
<br /> ar uny uthcr aJJrc.+ &�rzuN�cr Jc.ignutr, h�• nutirc a� Lcndcr. Any n�nic� tu l.cnJrr .hall h� givcn by tir,t cl•r,s mail w
<br /> Lendcr's addres,+tatcd h�rrin ur any�►thcr aJdre., Lcndcr dc.i�c��H�.h�•n�itic� t„ No►r���vcr. Any naticc providcJ for in this � ��; ;.�,_.�,_
<br /> Security In,trument.hall b�Jecnu�l tu havc hcen gi�•cn tu Burnnv�r or L�nJcr whcn gi��n as pn,riJ�tl in thi+puragr�ph. , ' •
<br /> h;d �����crncd hy fcd�rul lu«• and the law of thc
<br /> - I5. Governing I.uw; ticvcrwbillh•. Thi+Scrw•ity In.trwn�nl + I hc
<br /> jurisdictiim in which the Prupen�� i,I�xated. In the cv�nt that an�pru�•i,iun ur duwr ul'thi�Scruriry Imtrument nr the Nae
<br /> canilic�s with applirabl�law.�uch cuntliri.hall nut uttcrt uthrr pruvitii�►ny ul'thi.ti�cui•it� In.trumcnt��r thc Nntr whirh run bc
<br /> givcn cl'1'ect withnul the conflirlinE pruvi.inn. Tu thi.cnJ th� pnn•irian,��t thi,tirrurily Im�runknt and thc N�,t�•rre dcclarcd
<br /> to tk uv�rublc.
<br /> 16. Borrnwer's�npy.Burru�v�r.hall h�Erv�n�mc c„nlann�d cup) ��I thr Nntc anJ��t thi,ti�runty In.trumcnt.
<br /> �aose e��o
<br /> P�Nel..Ip �
<br /> 1
<br /> � ' i
<br /> . �� _� - -
<br />