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<br /> 92- 1U261� �_--._-� - -
<br /> � �n . i S, Hyw�'d or Pmperty I�urrnce. &�nower �h•rll k��ep thc impmvemcn�s naw exi�ting un c�rcaflcr crecled on the
<br /> �'----
<br /> Propctty inwr�d•rguin�t luti,hy firc, huiurJ� inrlud��f within�hc temi'rx�cnJ��l c��vcrage" uml any�Nhcr hu�ania, includin�
<br /> �:-__:-:----
<br /> � � � flc�ocls ar fl�wding, ti�r whirh l.cndrr r.�yuirer inwrun�c.7'hi�imurrn�c shall t+c n�ain�aincd in thc Arruwnts�nd for the periadc
<br /> .. � • that l,cnJc� rcyuir�c�,. Thc in+uruncr rurricr prirviding thc i��wr�nrc�h•rll tx chnscn by Borruwcr subj�tit to L.enJcr'+appruval _ -
<br /> ' � which shutl nuc hc unnaw�n•rt+l� withhcld. Ii' &�rruwcr fail+ta nwintain cuvcrugc dcuritx�l ulwvc, Lcrukr may, at Lender's
<br /> option. ��bwln���vcruQc ta pr�Nrct LcnJrr'.right.in thc Pr�i�xrty in u�curdw�re with p�rugruph 7. ��_��_�_
<br /> � ,; All in,uruncc Ex�lirir. •rnJ rcncw•rlc ,hall t+c ucccptahlc��� I.cnJcr imJ ,h•rll inrludc a titunJ�rd mortgugc cluusc. I..cnder
<br /> ' � ° shull hrve ttx r ighi iu hol.l tli�EH�lici�.and rencuai,.l t LenJcr rcywrc..ki��rrower.hall promptly givr t�i L.enJcr aU rcccipts of c- - _=�r—„��,-
<br /> paid premium� :�nJ renewul nnticeti. In the ev�nt ul'In.+.&muwer shull give prompt notice to t h e insuruncr ca r r ier a n d L e n d er. --
<br /> , l.cndcr muy mukc pr�w�f ul'lu..il'nut nw�lc prumpdy by R�muwcr. -
<br /> . ° Unlc�x I.�ndcr aiul Burcuwer uthenvi.c Lgr�Y in writing,insuruncc pnx���Jti,hall be upplied to re,turatiun ar repair of the
<br /> - . Property Jum���d.it'thc rc,turatiun ur rop•rir iti ccun��mirally fcatiihlc und Lcndcr's sccuriry ix not Icsticnecl.If thc restorution or �=-
<br /> , repai�ix nut�tun��mic•rlly icu.ihle ur Lsnder's kYUnty waulJ bc Ic+.cn��d, ihc inxunmcc pr�xcrds sh:�ll lx appli�xl to thc sums —._
<br /> � securcd by thiti Scrurity� In�trununt, whcthcr nr nat thcn duc, with uny cxress paid tu Bnrrowcr. If Burrowcr abanJuns thc � _
<br /> Pniperty. ��r Jcx�.n�d;m+wcr within 30 duy. u nut icc IY�x�� I.cndcr thut�hc insunwrc rarricr hu.+o('frred to�ctdc a cluim,then
<br /> ' Lencicr muy a�Ilc�t the intiuruncr pr�xccJti. I.cnJct nuiy ux thc pnH:cecis w repair nr resturc the Pruperty or to pay sums
<br /> secured by thi� S��urity In,trunknt, wheth�r ur not then duc. Thc 30-d•ry periixl will tx:gin when�hc noti��c is givcn. `,____
<br /> Unlctis l�nJer und Qurn►wcr a�hcnvi.c ugr��in writing. any upplirution of pnxccJs to princips�l shall not extend or
<br /> post�rc th�duc datc uf�hc m�mthly paymcntx rctcrr��d tu in paragr:�phti I anJ 3 or chungc thc urnount of thc payments. If ��-_
<br /> undcr p•rru�raph 21 thc Pro�xrty i�nryuiral hy I.cnJcr.&►rruwcr's ri�ht tu any insurancc p��licics und prcxccds rcaulting from ��+". -__
<br /> dnmagr lu th� 1'rop�rly pri�ir ro�hc acyuixiti��n shuil pa..tu l.�nJ�r tu th��xl�nt uf thc rums scwrcd by this Sccurity lnstrument = --.-- -- -
<br /> imm�tiliutcly prinr tu thc acyui+itiun. ���--
<br /> 6, (kcup�ncy. Pn�rvs�tlon.Mafntrn�nce ond Protcctiun of thr Property;Bormwer's Loan ApplicAtion; Lea�eholds. — "f�..
<br /> Bc�m►wcr.lull �kcupy,c,tubli,h,aixl uk thr Prop�ny :�ti Borcawcr',principal residenrr within sixry days uftcr thc cxccution uf ' -_--
<br /> this Security Inurument nnJ.h•rll runtinuc tu�KCUpy the Pmpeny u+ &�rrowcr's prinripal residencc Wr at Icast one year aficr -Y-=';'�-:
<br /> . thc Jutc uf acup•rnc}•, unl�.. L.cndcr othcrwiK a�n¢� in writing, which comcnt�hull not 6c unrcutiun•rbly withhcld, or unlcs� � `_
<br /> • . extenuuting ci rcumslanrrs eci.� whirh ure txyunJ Burn�wer'ti contrul. &�rrow�r +hall noi detitruy, damage or imprir thc r�.''.`•' ,
<br /> P�openy, ullnw Ihc Property to dctcrior.�tc, ��r cummi�wa.�c un thc Prupcny. Burcowcr zhull bc in drfuult if any forl'citurc • --, ,..,,;�,,.
<br /> urtiim ur pnk�cding,whcthcr rivil ur crimin•rl, i�h�gun that in l.cndcr'+�axl f�ith juJgmcnt cauld rerult in fari'citurc of'thc _
<br /> �� Pro�x:ny urnthcnvix mutcriully imp•rir�hr li¢n crca�rd hy thix Security In�trumcnt ur Lcndcr's kcurity intcrest.Borcowc�may ,
<br /> ;�~r.
<br /> • curc zurh a�ktuult unJ rcin.mtr.a.pruvidcd in par�graph IR,hy cau�ing thc uction ur pr�xc�ding tu tx:Jismi„cJ with a ruling ..�■��
<br /> �k
<br /> _ -, _ - th•r�. Itl L.�:nl�t+�u�Kl Iaiill �I�iifitlltidii.iti. pr�.ln�c� larieitut� cif thc Hc�rso�»er's intcress in thc Prn�ny „r„thcr rrw�crial - - .-�?��
<br /> impairnient uf'�he licn rrcutcd h�• thiti Security In�trunkrn ur Lendrr', .��urity intcrc.t. &�rrowcr shull ulsu he in defuult if � � � -
<br /> � �: ..
<br /> ' &�rci�wer, during the I�+an uppliratiun pnxe�..guve mu�erially falk ur inuccuratc inti�rn�aiiun�ir,rrtcmcnt+to Lendcr lur I'aiI�K1 �
<br /> to providr Lcndcr wi�h any m•rt�riul inli�rni�tionl in runn�ctiun with thc lu:u���iJrnccd by thc Nutc.incluJing.but not Iimit��J ;
<br /> to.rcpn�u:nlrt inm canrcrning&►rn�w�r',�xcupancy ut Ih�Pri�xrly a+a prinripal residcncc.If this 5ccurity Instrumcnt i�un u �
<br /> , Icukh�►Id, &irmwcr +huU comply with •rll thc provi�ions oi' th� Icak. It' &�rcuwcr :xyuir�� fcc tiNc to thc Pri�pcny. the . �A�
<br /> Ic.�schold unJ thc t�ti tidr.hall nut mrrEr unlc+, L�ndcr�grcc.to�h�mrrgcr in writing. �,�•
<br /> � 7,PrMectbn�Lender'ti Ri�htx In the Prnpert�.I1'Burrowrr t'aily tu�xrti�rni thc«+vcnant,anJ:�greemcntti rontaincd in � �,
<br /> � this S�turilf•Inurunknt, or thcrc i.a Icgal pnkrcJing�ha�may .ignitirantl� uffcrt Lrndcr'.riEht� in thc Pri�rt�• Isuch us a t'�
<br /> prcxccJing in Nankruptcy,prubate, ti►r cun�icmnatinn ��r f i►rfciturc ur�u�nlixce laa�.or rcbulntiun�l.then LcnJcr nwy do •rnd •
<br /> . puy fi,r wh�evcr i�ncr�.wry to protcct Ihc valu�af thr Pro{xrrty�nd Lcndrr'. right� in thc Prupert�•. I.endcr'y artiuns may
<br /> .' includc puying any sumti .crur�J hy u lirn ���bich ha, priurity urcr thi, Serurit�• lmtrumcnt, up{►�uring in court, payinF �1•.
<br /> rca�onablc aitair►ky:fcr�anJ�ntcrin�;�m thc Pm�xrty k� mukc rcpairn. Ahh��ugh l.endrr ma�� takc uction unJcr this paragruph ,_
<br /> 7.Lrndcr J�w.nut huvr la du+o.
<br /> Any m�ount. Jishur,cd b� Lcndcr unJ�r thi. �arugr.�ph 7 .hall txrunk adJitiunal Jcht �►t &►rrow�r xrurcd hy thi.
<br /> Sccuriry In�lrumrnt. Unlc., Burr��wrr anJ LcnJrr agr�t eu„thcr cer�n,ul pa�m�nt. thr,c amuuntr ,hall tkar intcrest t'rum thc
<br /> dute uf Ji+hu rum�nt at thc Nutr rrte anJ .hall i+c pa�ahle. w•it.` intcr��t. upou n�uirc irum Lendcr ta Bc�rmwcr reyue+ting . '
<br /> paymcnt.
<br /> . 8. Rtat��c Intiuruncc. 11'Lrndrr rryuucd nMmga�c in,uran.e a,u rundition�,I'making thr luan s«urcd hy thiti Scrurity -
<br /> Instrumrnt.Bormwcr �hall pa� th� prcmiumti rcyuircJ tu nwintain thc nwn�a�r in�uranr� in cffc�t. If, fur any rc•ruwn, the .
<br /> • �ming•rgr in,uranr�c�wcragc r�yuired hy LrnJ�r I�p�r,��r cca,�,tu tk in cfl�wt. Hurrowrr.hall p�y thc prrmium>rcyuir�Kl tu
<br /> ' iibtain ruvcragc+uh,rrntially ryui�•alcni tu thc mun�agc in.uranrc prceiuu,h in r���r�. ai a ru.t.uh,tanti•rlly cyuivalcnt w�hc
<br /> ; �( ro�t t�► B�xn�Wcr ui�hc m„n�a�c im�ra�kc prcvu,u,l� �n rllect. frum an altrrna�� mungaEr in,urcr apprin•cJ h}• l.cndcr. U
<br /> �' substantiully�yui.•alcnt murtg�gc inwranc� ru+�ragr i,nut avail.�hlr.N��rra�.•rr.hall pa�Ia Lrndcr.ach numth u ,um cyual to
<br /> unc-t�+•�Ifth��f ihr �•early nwn�!a�c imur:�iku prcrniun�hring p•riJ h� Hurr���►rr ahrn th�in,ur�nc�cavrr�ge lapxd ur cr•rxd tu �
<br /> , bc in cffect.LenJcr will urrrpt,u.e uixl ret:tin th�,c pa�mcnl.a, a lu.. rr,cne in liru „t m�,hga�� in.ur:mcc. la�+, rc,�rve
<br /> . Form 3028 8/90
<br /> V.iye 3 0�U
<br />, ,
<br /> �
<br /> 1
<br /> �
<br /> . � �
<br />