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�!I� ari�,l„ 1R• .���`��'A'.,.Mi. `y�,�..�iv 1� c mr-is , . ''„'��'..,-. 'f - -°- -- - --•-- .-. <br /> S f.4' <br /> _..�..3i�t � �������� � <br /> Y Y-`�r. :.YG' 4.:7fuLR9Si.'.� <br /> . <br /> • ... <br /> . _�.. . -, " . �u�.i7lN�� .r. ..• <br /> � � ..�r.v:.n �A''`t-/. . . I _ <br /> ' i - <br /> •��."" � _J _. --_ ._.. <br /> """""�.." ._ -._.. _ . . - - -..�`.,.�._..`g2.� 10261 g __. <br /> ,� � <br /> ' 17.T�n�fec of the Nroperly or�Benet7clal lnterest in Rorrower. If ull ur uny pun��f Ihc Pruperty or any interest in it <br /> ^� ' ie Mdd or trunxfcrra!(ur if u t+cncliciol intcrc,t in&�rruwcr iti M�Id ar trunrferrcJ anJ[iorrawcr i, nol u nuturul perr�m)without _.__ <br /> ^ ' � l.cnJcr'r� p�iur writicn can!a:nt, l.cnder muy, u� itz ��ption, rcyuirc imnkdiutr puymcnt in full of ull ,ums uxurcd by thix �,_ <br /> . Sccurily In�ttumcnt. Huwcver. this op�iun xhull n�n f�c excrci�by L.enJcr if cxcrcisc iK prahibil�xl hy fcdcrul law us uf thc ds�tc <br /> • of thi.r S�urity inxtrumcnt. <br /> � If Lender exercir�ex thic option.Len�l�r�hall give Horrower nutice ul'urcelcru�iun. Thc nuticc shall mvide u pericxl uf nut _ _ <br /> B <br /> less thun ?0 duys from �hc datc �hc notk� i, JclivcrcJ ur nwilcd within whirh Bunuwcr mutit pay vl .um,ucurul by this �.__. <br /> .t Sauriry Intitrument. If&�rrowcr fuil�tu p•ry thrx sum�prior to thc capiruti�►n��f�hiti peri��l. L.cudcr muy invokc�ny rcmalic� <br /> � . �. . permittut by this Scrurity Imtru�rknt with��ut funhcr nnticr ur JcmanJ an f�irruwrr. __ __ <br /> .� IS. Borrower's ltiRht lo Keiactate. 11 I�rruwcr nkwl� cciluin cunJ�uun+. W�rruwcr .hall ha��c tlre right tu havc �-.-.."--T <br /> " enforcement of thix Security In�trumen�dixontinucd at any tima prior tu �he wrlicr ol: �u) 5 duys I��r xuch othcr perii�d as � <br /> nppllcublc law tnay specify fi►r reinr�utcnkntl bcfi�rc wlc iil'thc Propcny pursuant t�� uny {x►wcr of rulc contuin�l in this c� <br />- ' Sccurity Instrument;or Ib)cntry�►f u juJgmcnt enG�rcing this Sccuri�y Instrumcnt.Thou:randi�ion�•rrc that Borrower:(u)puys �'; �-- <br /> • Lcn.lcr ull sums which thcn wuuW i+c.luc unJcr ibiti Sccuriry Intitrumcnt anJ thc Notc as if ni►ucrcicrution had �xcurrcd;(b) <br /> �� • � cures uny default of�ny other ruvenantti ��r ugreemen�.; (c1 puys nll ezpcnxti incurrec! in enfiircing this Sccurity Instrument. � <br /> including,but nat limited u�, rcuumable auurn�ys' tce�: und (d)tuke.�uch uctiun as I.ender nwy reusonably rcyuire to�sure _. <br /> that thc licn af this Sccurity Instrumcnt, lAndcr's right. in thc Pro�xrty und Rurrowcr'.obligation�o p•ry ihc sumti s��curcd by • _,1,i. <br /> " this Security Instrument xhull �imtinuc unchanged. Upon reins�a�ement hy &irrawer, thiti S��unty Instrument and the � -_ <br /> obligatiuns xxu��l hcrchy+ha0 rcnwin lully effectivc ati if nu ucccicrution huJ ikcurrcd. Huwcvcr. �his right to rcinstatc shstll <br /> � nut apply in thc cax uf�xcr�crutiun unJcr puragraph 17. -° <br /> 19. Sale oP Nate: Clwn�e af I.�u►n tiervlcer. The N�ite i►r u paniul interest in thc Nntc U�►gcther with this Security E- '=-� <br /> Inatrumcnt)may lx�uld unc or murc times withuut prior naticc t�►&►rrowcr. A sulc nmy result in u changc in thc cntity lknuwn ��. T'', <br /> ti .- <br /> us thc"l.oan Scrviccr")thut coll�wts numthly payments duc unJcr thc Notc unJ this Sccurity Imtrumcnt. Thcrc alu�may hc unc �°+:.r.-;... � <br /> u __. <br /> ur nx►rc changcs nf thc l.onn Scrviccr unrclat��i�o u �ulc of thc Notc.IP�hcrc i��chungc oi'thc l.ciun Scrviccr. Borruwcr will bc ,,;;,:��_ _ <br /> � givcn writtcn noticc of thc chungc in uccorJuncc with pur�gruph 14 ubiwc und upplicAblc law. Thc n�►ticr will +tatc thc natnc and <br /> uddress of thc ncw Iuan Scrviccr and tM:uJdress tci which p•ryments +hould t�c mude. Th�: noticc will als�>rnntuin any othcr . _ <br /> � intorntution rcyuircJ by upplicable luw. + __ <br /> 20. Hazardaus Substwn��. &�rrnwcr �hall not cautic or �xrniit Ihc prcsencc, utic.di.p�►wl, sturagc, ur rcicuk uf any <br /> Huzurduus Subslunces on ur in thc Praperty. Burrowcr shull not do, nur allow nnyunc clx to do, unything affccting thc <br /> Property thnt is in vialution of uny Envirnnmentul La►w. Thc prcccJing two semcnccs shull nut apply tu Ihe prc�enrc. u�c, or <br /> � storagc on thc Property of small yuunti�ics uf Hai.unlouti Subtiwnccs thut um gcncrally rccognixcd t�i bc appr��priutc w narmal <br /> rcsidcntial uu�and t�i niuintcnancc i�f thc Prupcny. �" _ <br /> Borrowcr+hall pmmp�ly givc Lcndcr w�it�cn naticc of uny invcstigation, clnim, JemanJ. lawxuit or uthcr urti�m by:tny �� <br /> gav�mmcnt�l ur regulatory agcnry��r privute puny invulving thc Pn�peny and any Htuurdous Suh,wncc or Environmcntul l.uw <br /> of which Borrowcr hw uctual knowlcdgc. If BaROwcr Icarnx, or is noulicd by any gnvcrnnxnwl ur rcgulatary uuthuriry. thut <br /> eny remavul or ather mmediation of any Hu�.urdoux Substance vflcrting the Pni�xrty i.necesu►ry. &irrower shull promptly take � � �i� <br /> - - a!! necctiw►ry remeJial actions in uccurdunce wieh Fnvironmcntul Law. ��'s <br /> As used in this p•rragruph 20, "Hvurdiius Subuun�es" urc Iho.c,ub+�unces dennccl uti tuxic or hw.ur.luu, ,ub,tnn«� by � --,,:,�, _: <br /> Environmcntal and thc IoU�iwing ,ubstanccx: guz�iiinc, kcro+cnc, adx�r Ilurnmublc or tuxic pctri►Icum pnxluct+. wxic � ..��1 <br /> pcsticidcs und hcrbicidcs,volutilc.olvents,mut�riul,rontuining usbcstus or li�nnaldchydr,und radioartivc matcriuls. As uscd in <br /> this paragruph 20, "Envirunnnntal l.:iw" mcan+fcdcrul luws and luws ot�hc juri,Jiction whcrc dk Pmp.:ny iz I�xatal thAt ( _ <br /> relate to hcalth, cafcty or environmcn�s�l protcctiun. , <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Ri�rrowcr anJ l,cndc� lurthcr covrnam and tigrcc ay liillow.: - <br /> El. Acceleration; Remedi�w.Lender shall�;ivc notice lo Rorrow•cr prinr lo acccleralion following Borroe•er's brcach ° e <br /> of any cnvenent or a�recment in ti�is tiitiu�lly lnstrument lhut rN�t prlor lo acccleralinn under par��raph 17 unles.c �� . <br /> applicable law pravides otherwix). The nolice shall sp�+�iP�: lal the dei'aull;Ib)Ihe actinn reyuirrd t��cure the defaull; :• � <br /> (c) a date,not I�than 30 deyti t'rom t6c date the noticc i��fven lo Borrowcr.b�• which Ihe dePault muu fx curcd;and �1 <br /> (d) thet failure lo cure Ihe default un �rr Ixfare Ihe dalc.p�rif'ied in the n�Nicr may result in acceleralion of the sums <br /> t secured by thix tiecurity Inslrument and �ule uP thc {'n�perty. 7'he not i cc ti ha l l furf hcr in fi►rm B arcnwcr o i't h c r i R h t t o <br /> rein�tpte after accclers�don and thc ri�ht to brinu a cau�h uction to asxrl Ihe non-�xistenre of s� defuult nr anv other <br /> defense of Borrnwer to acrelerntiun and zale.IF Ihe default i� nnt curcd un or before thc dute tipeciti�d in the uotice� <br /> Lender, al its option. may n�ulre immediate paymcnt in i'ull of all �um�ti�tiured b� thiz ticcurity Instrumcnt without <br /> furlher dcmand and may invnkc thr powcr oP tiule und an�� othcr remcdi�y permittcd by applicable law. I.endcr tihall Ix <br /> entitled to collect yll expen+�w incurr��d in punuin�thc rcmedkw provided in this para#raph 21.includinR.but not limited <br /> to� rcasonablc attorneyti fi.�+and rostti oF tide evidenre. <br /> If Ihe power of tiule iti invoked, 'I'rust�Y shall r�rurd a noticc uf def�ult in each count�� in µ•hich uny part of the <br /> Property is I�aatcd and zhull moil ropiiw nP�uch M�ticc in thc munncr prcxriixd b� applicablc law lo Born►wcr and to <br /> the other persons p�c+crilx�d by applicable la��.Af'ler the Ifine rcyuired by uppUcal►Ic law,7'ru+l�r xhs�ll�ive pubtic nuti�e <br /> of sale to the penons and in thc manncr prrxrilx�d b}�uppli��ble I�w�.7'ru►t��a. ��ithnut demund on Born�w•er.shall KII <br /> the Property'at public uuction lo the hikh�yt hldder ut the time und pluce and under the termx d�wiAnated in the notice oP <br /> •� sale in one or more parccls and in am•order 7'rusl��a dclermimy. 'I'ruxtec mu� p�+lpme tiale oP aU or anc parcel uf thr <br /> propertv by public annnuncemenl al the timc uod plurc oY um prc�inuxh scheduk�d tiulc. Lender or itz d�wiRn��r m�y <br /> �� purchase thc Property� ut uny sulc. <br /> � T <br /> � <br /> A <br /> Form 3028 9/90 <br /> ��,,,,• .,.��. . <br /> . � _ _ -- _ _ _ <br />