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<br /> • � o TOQBTHBR WITH dl�hc improvements now or hercaflcr erocted an the Property,and nll casemenca.ap�wrtenancea,aid ""_
<br /> " „ 8xturcr m►w or hemARcr u part af thc property. All rcpleccmentx and additianx ahull olrx► Ix: covered by thia Security
<br /> ,�„� . . ' Instnrmcnt. All of thc faregoing iK rc�cRed ta in this Security Instrumem as thc 'Pmpcny.' � �.�_
<br /> ° BORROWBR COVENANTS that Barrower ia luwfully seir�ed��f thc estatc hcrcby comcycJ u�ul has thc right to grant and ��,
<br /> r „ convcy thc Property wul �hsx thc Propcny is unencumbcreii,cxcept iiir cocumbrunccs of nr:arJ. Bormwcr w�mnts and will —
<br /> ' defend genersdly�hc�idc t�i Ihc Pruperty uRuinst all clairns und dcmundx,subjcrt ta uny cncumbr�nres of'rcrurd.
<br /> THIS S�CURITY INSTRUMENT combines unifi�rni covenunta fi�r nutiowl ux umi n�►n-un�tdmi covenunta wi�h limiled �-r ,. _- - —
<br /> � , variations by jurisdiction tn c�mstitute v unifixm security ins�n�ment covering reul propeKy. �_______ _ ______.__
<br /> , UNIFARM COV�NANTS.F3�rrowcr und Lendcr covc�wnt unJ ugr�� ur fi�Uowy: -_ �- =°-----�-�--_�
<br /> . �. � 1. PAyment at Principal and Intcrest; Prepayment And Late Ciwrgcs. &inowcr shs►II promptly pvy wh�n due the o
<br /> . • � p�incipul af and intcrcst on the deht evidenced by the N�te and any prepayment and lotc churg��Jue under the Note. �'
<br />' 2. Funds for Taxes axd lnsurance. Subjcct to applicablc law ar�o a writtcn wuivcr by Lendcr, Borr�►wcr tihull pay to
<br /> Lcndcr on thc du monthl p►yments arc duc under thc NMC.until thc NMC is puid in full, a xum("Funds')ii�r: Ia)ycurly tsuces �'��`_`"-
<br /> Y Y
<br /> .. . arui as.r•esxments which muy attain priority over this Security Ins�rument us u lien on thc Pr�ipeny:(b)ycurly Ieasehold paymcnts .�__�
<br /> " or ground rents an the Property,if�u►y;(rl yearly hawrd or prop�:rty insurunce premiums; (d1 ywrly Il�xxi insurunce premiums,
<br /> if un ; (c)ycurl moA a c inw���c rcmiumti, if un and(� an rums a able h Borrowcr to I.cndcr, in acc�rdnncc with ��
<br /> Y Y B 8 P Y� Y p Y Y , •�,--J;,,�
<br /> •'•:��'';`'�'�� "�5 the pravi4ions of parngruph B, in lieu of'the payment ot morigage insurance premiumx. Th��c itcmti ure c�lled "Exr<iw Itcm.. _ -
<br /> ) - ;,:,•-,;(�...a;�• � � 4��4.-_.
<br /> � �';'<��ti�:::....� Lendc� may, at any timc, collec�t suKl hald Fund, in un amaunt not to exccal /he muximum amc�un� a Iender for u feder+�lly .�y�
<br /> � �'�� '.i related mortguge loun muy reyuire for BoROwer's escrc�w�crnunt under the federul Real Euute Setdement P�oceaiures Act af �I-'�--
<br /> 1974 as amended from time to timc, !2 U.S.C.Sectinn 2601 e�sey. ("RESPA"),unlcss sinothcr law that upplies�o thc Funds � _. ,-;-- -
<br /> � � ,;` ., .� seta u lesser umount. If sa. Lender rtwy, at uny time, callect und hold Funds in un umc�unt nM to eaceal the Iesse�umount. -
<br /> Lcnder may estimate the umount of Funds due on the basis of curnent detu and reuMmable e.r•timatcs of expandiwres oi'Yu�un: f y; -�=n:~�
<br /> �� Escrow Itcros ar otherwisc in accordancc with upplicablc luw. � '��
<br /> � The Funds shall bc held in an in,titution who�c deposits arc insured by a fcden+l ugency, instrumentuliry, or cntity k + -__ _
<br /> (including l.ender,if Lcncler is such un institutioN or in any Fc.�ieral Home Loan Bunk. I.,cnder shall apply thc Funds t�i pay thc • �[;:;(y=
<br /> r=
<br /> Escrow Items. l.ender mny not charge &irrower Por Ix►lding anJ upplying the FunJti, unnually anulyzing the eticmw uccount,or f ,�:,
<br /> ,,,
<br /> verifying thc Escrow Items,unlcss l.enJer pays Borrowcr interest on thc FunJs and applicablc law permits I..cndcr tu make such , _
<br /> a chargc. Hawever,l.cnder moy rcyuire&►rcowcr to pay a onc-timc charge for an indepi:ndent rcal estatc tax rcp�►rting+crvicc �
<br /> usod by Lendcr in conncc�i��n with this loan, unless uppli¢ablc law providcs cNhcrwisc. Unless un ugrcement is mactc or �
<br /> applicablc law requircs intercst to bc puid. I.endcr shall iu►t bc reyuired tn pay Borrowcr any imcrest or es�mings un thc Funds. � ,�.��
<br /> � Banower and Lender muy agret in writing, hnwever, that intercxt shall hc paid on the Funds. L.endcr shull givc to Borrower, � �e
<br /> without chsugc, un annual uccix�nting �if thc Funds,showing crcdits und dcbitti �a thc FunJs uixl thc puqx�+c far which cach �� ��
<br /> debit to the Funds was mudc. The Funds are pl«IgcJ us aidilional securiry tiir nli sumti securcd by 1hi+S�urity I��,tn+oi�nt. f ,
<br /> � If thc Funds hcld by l.cndcr exrccJ thc�m�wnts pcmiittcd to ix:hcld by upplicublc luw. L.endcr tihall a��cuunt tc�&xrowcr � .
<br /> unds in uccordancc with�hc re uircmcnts of applicublc luw. If thc rmount uf tlx� FunJs hcld b}�l.cndcr at•rny j , � ,
<br /> f o r t h c c x c e s s F 4 •
<br /> timc is nut sufficicnt to puy thc Esrrow Itcros whcn Juc.Lcndcr muy su notify Borr��wcr in wri�ing.an d, in tiuc h cu+c&xrawcr •
<br /> . shAll pay ro L.ender the amount ncces�ury to mukc up tlx ck:licioncy. e�►rrower shall muke up the deticiency in no murc thun � �
<br /> twclvc manthly puymcnts, ut l.�:ndcr's,�►Ic diurctiun. ;
<br /> • Upon paymcnt in fuU��I'ull .ums .ecurcJ hy�hi,Sccurity Imtrument, L.�:ndcr shull prumpdy rci'unJ to Borrower uny ; _
<br /> Funds hcld by Lcndcr. li', undcr pur•rgraph 21,I.rnJcr shall acquirc nr.cll thc Prn�xny, l.cndcr,prior to�hc acyuisiti�m ur salc �
<br /> of Ihc Property, shnll apply any Fundx held by L.enJcr :�t thc timc of uryui,ition or xulc:�s u crcdit againsl thc sums u:curcd by ; _-
<br /> this Scrurity Instrument. � -
<br /> ' , 3.Appllcation oP Payments.Unlc�s applicahlc law providc+uthcrwi�c,ull p•rymcnts rcccived by Lencicr unJcr paragr•rphs � -+_"_
<br /> I und 2 xhull Ix upplicJ: tirst,tu •rny prcpuymi:nt char�cs duc undcr�hc NiKC: scrunJ, to am�wntx payuhlc wxlcr ps►ragruph 2: . '�
<br /> ' third, to intcrest Juc: timrth. lo principul Juc;imd la�t.�o any latc chargc�duc unJcr thc N��tr. ••
<br /> 4.Chs�rRes: Liens. &�rruw�r shull puy all taxcs, usti�.timcnt,, rhargc+, tinc+anJ imp��itiom attribuwble to thc Property
<br /> which may uttain priority uvcr Ihi+Sccurity Instrumcnt,a�xl Iru+chulJ paynxm.or ground rent,, it'uny. E3��rrowcr tihall pay
<br /> these ubligatiom in�hc munn�r providcJ in paraEraph 3,ur it'n�►�paiJ in�hai munner, B��rruwcr.hall pay�hem�m timc directly
<br /> lo thc�xrum uwed puynxn�. f��rrowcr.hall pr�m�pdy� fum i�h t��1�nJcr all nutir��ut amuunt��u lx paid undcr thiti parugraph.
<br /> If Barrowcr makc+thc.c paynunt,JirecUy. Hnrruwcr ,t�n ��„�»�ay r��,�.n��, I.cnJcr rcr�iptti evidcncing thc p•rymcnh. � .
<br /> [iurcowcr sh;�ll prumptly di�rhargc any lirn whirh I�.priurity uvcr Ihi.ticcuril} Imtrwn�nt unl�ss 8urriiw-cr: (a)•rgrcc�in
<br /> writing to thc paymcnt of thr��I+ligutiun ucurcd by thc licn in:� munncr arrcptublc tu I_cnJcr. �hl run�cxts in gcxxl taith thc licn
<br /> by, or dcfcnJx aEain.t cntiirccm�m ut' Ihc li�n in. Irg•rl pnkr�ding� ��•hirh in ihr l.�nJer'. �►pinion �ryxrutc t�� prcvcnt thc
<br /> . `� cnfi►rccnx:m af thc licn:ur Icl,crur�,I'r��m thc h�ddcr uf th�licn an agrcrment�ati.fartury�tu Lrndcr+uh��rJinatin�thc licn to
<br /> this Sccurity Inxtrumcnt. If LcnJrr dc�crniin�.ih.d am•pa�i uf thc Pru�xrt�� i� +uhjcct i�� •r li�n whirh may uttain prinri��• uvcr
<br /> this Sccuriry In.trumcnt. l.cnder ma� �iv� B��rru��•rr:i nu�ir�iJrmil�inE�h� lirn. li�,rruurr.h;dl ,ati.l� �hr hrn��r takc unc or
<br /> morc ol'thc s�ctiuns�ct tiinh aUovc within I11 Ja��ut thc�wmg ul n�►tirr.
<br /> Fwm 3028 8I90
<br /> V�MI��f.�I 1� .
<br /> ` . �
<br /> 1
<br /> • � � . . -. ..- _ . ... -
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