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<br /> �. x by owner'e and ope�atore of slmllar propertloe end ee Beneficfary may requlre for Ita protectlon. Truetor wlil comply =
<br /> , : �. with Auch othar requiromenta ea Beneficlery may irom tlme to tlme request for the protectlon by Ineurence of the =-
<br /> . '` Interoat of the respe�tiva pertlea. Ail Insurenea pollcfes melntelned pu�sunnt to thle qeed of Truat shell neme rvuetor
<br /> end Baneflclery aa Insured, ea thelr �oapeative In4eroat mey eppenr end ptovide thet there ehell be no cancellatlon�r �:
<br /> �"�- -```� modiflcetlon without tlfteen (9 6)daya prlor written notificatlon to Truatee end Boneficlary. !N the event ��y pollcy
<br /> " _, _L;; h�ecundcr I�not rcnotivcd on or b�faro tiftc�n(16)doya prlor to it�oxptrotion date,TruM�e or Beneticlory mey proLUre �
<br />._��� euch Uturance In accordsnce with ths proviefons o1 rera�reph 7. irusicor snaii udiivnr iv ^oa��pf�a�a�Y :�e ��u�ne! -
<br />•:�='.....�rr�i� �-
<br /> pollcles of ineurance end renewala theraof or coples of euch poUciss and renawala theraof. Failure ta turnlah auch �
<br /> inaurance by Trustor, or renewala eb required hereunder,shall,et the option of Benelic6ery, constitute e�efeult. All
<br /> .-� uneerned premiuma are hereby esel�ned to Truetee as additionel eecucity, end a sele rnd conveyancA of the Property __
<br /> _ , _� by the Truatee shall operate to corevey to the purchasar the Trustor'e inte�est In and to ell pollcles of Insurence upon
<br /> tho Truct Proporty. �
<br /> _�:��•s��� 6. Tex� aed Asa�sm�nt�. Trustor shall pey all texes end specisl assessmente levled o� egseseed egalnst,or
<br /> �;_'�¢ due upon,tho Property before delinquency end wfll deliver to 8eneficiery copfes of recefpta showing peyment ot such
<br /> y�`'"'�'` texes end epeciel essessments.
<br /> :.;.�.z
<br /> S,•�: 8. Addidone)L[on�. Truator shall make all peymonts of intereat end principal,and peyments of eny ather charges,
<br /> �;�;i0i°�e fees, and expenses coM�ected tn be paid to any exlating lien holders or pripr beneficiarfes under any prtor Deed of
<br />_`i� _'�r,�■_ Trust, Mortgage or other aecurity egreement, before the date they ero delinquent end to pey eny other claim which
<br /> `�i� Jeopbrdlzea the security g�anted i�erefn. �
<br />--����� 7. Prot�cdon ot B�n�fldary'� Securtty. Should Trus4mr fAll to make eny paymen4, tatl to de eny act as heroin
<br /> �'�`�•W� provided or if any action or procee�iinp is commenced whic7�materfall� affecte Beneficiery's Int�rest in the Property,
<br /> `'r�-'�*_� _ incfuding, but no Ilmited to, eminent domefn. Ina�lvency, arrengements or proceedingu involvinQ e bankrupt or �
<br /> '�"'"�� decedent,then Bemeficlary or Trustee,but without obligatlon to do so,and without n�tice to or demand upon Trustor,
<br /> ?�t=';
<br /> end without releASing Trustor irom any obfigation he�eun�ler, may make or do the same, end may pey, purchese,
<br /> - '- contest or campromise endy encumbrenae� charge or Ifen, whlch in the judgement of e(ther appeara to affect seid
<br /> �� Rroperty;In exercising any auch powera,the Beneflctery ar Trustee mey incur a Ilabflity end expe�d whatever emounte,
<br /> '_�� Including disbura�ements of reasoneble attorney's fess, whfah in thefr abaolute discretion m�y lae necesaery. In the
<br /> ,.��� event thet Truator a�all fetl tu procure Insuronce, feil to pay xexea end apecial assessments or fafl to meke any
<br /> ___�_�� payments to exiating or prlor Ilen holders or beneficiarles,t?�s Beneftciery mey procure such Inaurence end meke yuch
<br /> ---`;� paymerois. i�ii euma inaur�nu br oiipni�uou uy oni�niii;iniy vi Tit�eion ii�acwi�o��za::�25�itie pt�i1:.3�siS�!2!:�L���f
<br /> -.-.- - Truat are aecured her�by end,without demand,ahell be Immediately due end payeble by Trustor and ahell bear intereat
<br />---:::�� et the rate provided�or edvencea under the Loen Agreement;provided.P�owever,that et the optJmn of the Beneficiery
<br /> ---= or Trustee,such sums mey be added to thla prbic(pal balance of any Indebtednesa secured hereby and shall bear the
<br /> - same interest as such fndebtedness and shall be payable ratebly over the�emeining term thereof.
<br /> "" - 8. Asal�nm�nt ot R�nU. Benaflclary ahell have the rlght,power and authority during the continuance of thls Deed
<br /> = of Trust to collect the rente,issues end profits of the Properry and of eny personel prope�ty loanted thereon with or
<br /> wfthout teking posaeaslon of the Prnperty affected hereby, and Trustor hereby ebsolutely end uncondittonally essigns
<br /> ell such rente,issues und profits to Beneficiary. Benefictery, however,hereby conaents to tho Truator's coliec3ion end
<br /> retentlon of such renta,lasuea and profits as they eccrve end become payeble so long es Trustor fa not,at such time,
<br /> In detault with respect to payme�t of eny indebtedneaa secured hereby or In the pe�formence oi any agrsement
<br /> hereund�r. Upon any such dsiauit, Beneficieryv may at eny ttme, elther in peraon, by agent or by e raceivar to be
<br /> eppointed by e court,without notic�end without reQerd to the adequecy of any security for the indebtedneae hereby
<br /> - sacurad: (a) enter upon end tako posaesslon pf the Property or eny part thereof and fn its own nema eue for or
<br /> - otherwise colleat euch rente, iaeues end profita, Inciuding those past due end unpeld, en apply the seme, less coats
<br /> - end expensea of operetion end collection,Inctuding reasonuble et4orney feea,upon any Indebtedness secured hereby
<br /> � end in such order as Beneflciary may determine: (b) periorm such acts af repair or protectlon aa mey be necessary or
<br /> proper to conserve the value of the Prop9rty:(c)lease tho same or any�ert hereof for auch rentet torm end upon auch _
<br /> - conditfons es Ite judgment may dlctate. Unldsa Trusto�end Beneflclery agree otherwise in wr�tlne, eny epplication of
<br /> � renta,isaues or profits to eny indebtedneea secured hereby shall not extend or postpone the ciue dete oi the inate!Iment
<br /> _-�T��_�; peyments es provided In the Loan Agreement, end the applicatlon thoreof as eforesatd sheil not woive or cure any
<br /> .__ _ detault or notice of default hereunder or Invelidate ony ont done purauant to such notfce. Trustor elao asaigns to
<br /> ,,,�_; Beneficlery, ea further aecurity for the perform�nce of the obligetions secured hereby,all prepeld rente end ell monies
<br /> which mey heve been or may hereefter be deposited with seid Tru�tor by eny lessne of th0 Property. to secure the
<br /> - : payment of eny rent,and upon defeult In the performance oi any of tNe provislon�hereof, Truator egrees to dellver
<br /> .�=; such rents and deposite to the Beneficiery. Delivery of written notice of Benefiatary's exereise of•the righta grented
<br />_���;� horein to eny tenent occupying sald premfoes ehell be sufficfent to require seld tenent to pay said rent to the
<br />_������ Beneficiary untll turther notico.
<br /> :-_:___- 9. Cond�mn�tion. If title to eny part of the Property shall be teken in condemnetfon procecdinpa, by right of
<br /> -���'r�v"�' eminent domeln or simllar ectin�, or shalt be eold under threet of condemnation, ell ewerdd, damages and proceeda
<br />_�'•�������' ere herAby easipned end shail bn paid to Beneflclery who shell apply such eward,demegey end proceeda to the sums
<br /> " "'"`` � seGUrad by the Deed of Truat, with the excess, ff eny, pnid to the Trustor.
<br /> I�;`� � 10. Futur�Advanc�s. The Loen Agreement provtdes tor edvancea from tlme to time to 7rustor by Beneffcfary
<br />�="'�""�-�1 es provided therein. In edd(tion,upan requost oi Truator, Benefiaiery, et Benaficfary's option, prlor to raconvoyance
<br /> �-- . .. � ' _ �• . �." .' . • . •��.• . . . . _ �•._ �_.._�__ I�.._L t_.r"__ �J'.����� ...LL
<br /> _.�.��,�� oT me rroperry tv sne �ruaior, may meRe aaa�c�one� iuture eavences to ina �rutiwr, ouan �uw�o auvattoaa� o�...
<br /> u:;q���• ... ,t � fnterest thereon,shall be secured by this Deed of Trust when 9videnced by promissory not�s steting that said notes
<br /> , , .•� are oecured hereby; provided that at no time shell the secured principnl end future edvencea, not Including suma -
<br />'�^�a� -� .; ndvanced to protect the sacurlty, exceed one hundred percont (10096) ot the origlnei prfncipal amounts secured
<br /> :;�,+.�: hereby.
<br /> •�' ��'� �. .� 11. Rs�m�di�s Cumulative. All remedfes provided in this Deed of 7rust are distinct end cu ul��'�1�+�Y 0thor
<br /> � ��!� right or remedy under thia Dead of Truet ar eftorded by law or equity, end may be ex�rcts�d�cbncurrently,
<br /> independently or sucCessfvely.
<br />-:,. ; �•�' 72. AccN�ration; Ran�diu; S�I�. A default shall oxist in the ovont of:
<br /> ,t� `�' (A) Any fraud or misropresenta4lon hy t�ie Trustor in connoctlon wlth the Hne of credit which thio Deed of Trust
<br /> "�"+ � aeGSlrea•
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