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<br /> APDL11 001-OOQ191*5
<br /> e CCD�i 010045aZ75
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<br /> 4--
<br /> I��ME �El�E�il4L - �RANp 156„14f�D -
<br /> 2x1 sauth l.oau�t st.. W.o. 8ax 'IOOs
<br /> Qrand lel�end, N�bra�ka 8Bp�2-1009
<br /> 3QB•3�2•40t10 . �.. a,�,3"�,�
<br /> •. �
<br /> ACi��IOWLE��IiA�NT v0 DFED OF 7'I�USg
<br /> 7he undsnlaned"Tru�tor"et Identifled In the full�winp Dssd of 7rust,whethsr one or more,underatend thet the
<br /> document thsy ere ahaut to exacute I� �Dsod of Truet end not�mortq�ye,�nd thAt the pawer of�ele provided far
<br /> In the Deed of Tru�t provides oubatantidly dlit�srent►Ipht� end oblipatlon� to the 8or�owen then e mortgaps In the
<br /> ovent of a deteuit or breeoh of obligatlon under ths Oeed of Trs�it�Includinp,but not Ilmitsd to,the Ben�ficlary'a ripht
<br /> to heve 4he Property Identified In the followlnp Deed ot 7ru�t eotd by ths Yru�tee wlthout any judlclai proceedinp,
<br /> Truator repreesnie�nd werrento thet tlila Acknowledpmen4 wa�executed by thom before tho exocutlon of the peed
<br /> of 7ruat hereefter eat forth. �
<br /> �
<br /> CHARLSB 8 gLROD
<br /> ..�'�,�,�'�� �
<br /> CHA��.8N8 A BLROD
<br /> TH13 TRUST DEED made thla 13TH dey of �'R=�+ , i996 between
<br /> pt�►at�sa e st.uon um c��► �ton. xase�wn at�m ►+:vs
<br /> hsrelnafter cell "Trustor",whose msilfnp address Is 3107 Ki�NNBDY CIRCLB� aR�,rm =SLAxn, rts 5eeoa
<br /> ;as"Truetee";and HomA Federal Savin�s end loen AssocleYlon of Grend Island,whose
<br /> melling eddresA t�221 South Locust, P.O. f3ox 10A9,�irand I�lend,NebreakA 88802,es "Beneficiery".
<br /> Fo�valuable consl�eration, Truetor Irrevocebly prants,trAnaters, aonveye and eaalgns to Trustee. in tsust, wlth
<br /> ���v:�!:�!�,t�i.�.}s.n:ti+,�r�RAra�rity of Beneficlent. under and eublect to the torms end cond(tlons of thii Qe�d
<br /> of T�u�t,the followinp defcriberi property loceted in � �� �
<br /> Nebraska,to wit:
<br /> zsr�m, fu�, covrrrsr, rissRnsxA.
<br /> tapethe+�wlth e{I bufldinge,fizturea,impr�vements and appurtanancea thereunto belonylnp,(t being apreed that sll of
<br /> the forspolnQ�hatl�e herelnefter referre�i to aa tne "Froperiy". `
<br /> FOR THE PUiiPOSE b�SECURING performence of aach agreement end covenent a4 Trustor he�eln contained arnd
<br /> the p�yment of the princfpal sum of T�+� asvR a�onsarm oo�a�xs � No/aarrrs
<br /> Doliqrs(S Z5,000.oo )� ae evidenced by a Homa Federaf Home Equity Loen Agreernent betwaen
<br /> 7ru�tor snd Beneficlery(the"Loan Agreament"1,pur�uant to whfch Beneficlary will edvance funds to Trustor fram time
<br /> to tlme At tha Interest rates and upon ttae terma provided ther�i�, t�oyethor witth sroy gum or suma of money with
<br /> intersat thereon which msy hereefter be paid or advenced under the terms Qf this Deed oi Truet, both principal aum
<br /> rnd Interest thereon being peyable according to the terma set fo►th tn the loan Agreement, reference to which la
<br /> hereby made, at the offica of the Benefictery in Grand Islend, Nebreske, or at such other plece�es geneficlery may
<br /> deaiqnate in writinp.
<br /> 1. W�rranty ot Titl�. Truatar ta lawfully seizgd of tha Property; hea�ood ri�ht end lewful authority to sell �nd
<br /> convey the Property; the Property Is free and clear of etl Ilens end encumbrances except Ilens now of record; and
<br /> Truator wilt waE►ent end defend the title to the Property unto the Trustee end tte auccessore end assigns forever
<br /> egeinst the cie(me of eli persona.
<br /> � e_._._.....�oa�a...i....i e..*....r. Tn�grnr shel!nunctunlly ney the princlnsl ot. end interest on,ell advences
<br /> �. ,..._...�. -.�._�___.��__
<br /> under the Loan A9reemen4 and will punctuelly p�srform ell egroements, cond(tions end provistons of eny other security
<br /> instrument given in connection with this trensaction.
<br /> 3. Pns�nration �nd MatntN�anc� of Prop�rty. Truator will not commlt eny waste upon the Property et wili, et
<br /> eii timea, er�aintain the same fn good ordor end condltion and wlll make, tmm time to tlme, eil repafre, ronewats,
<br /> replacements,edditions and Improvamente which ere reasonebly required ta prevent waate,Imaatrment or deterioretion
<br /> o�seid ptoperty. No buildtn�or Improvement now or herenfter erected upon the Property shell be ettere�remuved
<br /> or demollahed without the prior written consent of Beneticla�y.
<br />_= 4. Inwuranct. T�uator,et its expense,will maln4eln with insurers epproved by Beneticiery,Insuvence with respeut
<br /> to tt�e improvemonts and pereonal pruperty constituting the Property agelnst loas b}r flre, Iightninp,to�neda e�nd othar
<br /> psrlls covered by etanderd extended coverage endorsement in en emount squei to at�east one hundr��t�o�he
<br /> full replacemant value thereot, snd Insurence ageinst euch other hazardt end in suah emount ae Is cu' m tly�a ried
<br />= s�sa aoe-�
<br />